YES! This is the same thing that happened to me! give it a couple more weeks. The baby is probably just fine, you just might not be able to see him/her yet! I bet thats all it is! *HUGS* I would suggest not letting them convince you to do a D&C until at least a couple more weeks. If you ovulated late, that will throw your times off. Just hang in there! You ovulated about five days behind me. So give it til the 15th and you should see a bean!
Asib- I'm sorry you were not able to see the baby during the scan. When I went 2 weeks ago my HCG was 2926 and they were unable to see it either. Nerve recking
I'm keeping you in my prayers and hope the baby is just playing hide and seek!!
Caite- Wow!!! Sorry you went through so much yesterday. I'm so happy that it finished on a great note and you were able to see the baby.
For me- I have been going through some hard times in my life. My father in law is battling level 4 brain cancer. My grandmother is very ill on life support.
I've just been taking it one day at a time and trying to care for myself as much as possible by not getting emotional and stressed, for the baby.
I doubt it very seriously!!!! Asib, you ovulated after I did. last week I didn't see a bean either!!! This week I have a bean with a heartbeat! Give it a little more time. Becca, I am sure you will see a bean soon too
Asib: don't let yourself lose hope, as Caite says give it some weeks more and see what they say. Am sure your bean is sticking on to you
Caite: I was going through the posts and felt terrified when I read that things were safely returning to normal for you. The prayers worked! Am so happy for you.Waiting for the scan fotos
Becca: sweetheart, welcome back.. so lovely to see you again. And am so happy that your nauseated So tomorrow's your scan and am so excited and thrilled for you.Post some pics...
Me, yet to Ovulate am so mad myself fedup of maybe I ovulated yday or might O today am not sure till FF tells me so...
Asib, I hope your doing better, read you went to the hospital and your hcg level is strong. I know you are worried about your lack of symptoms, but just to let you know mine on a scale of 1 to 10 have been a 1. (Just tired and a moment of naseau once in a blue moon) I mentioned it to my dr and she said not to worry and that it's not uncommon... my boobs seem so small, not full and totally not sore???
Skav, hey sweetie, I love hearing from you.
Glad to see on your chart that you finally Od, Time for a BIG BD break!!
Im so happy to say that my drs appt went well on Friday. I got to see the baby on the scan !! Photo for you skav !!!
Hi all..thanks for encouraging me and wishing me the best! Becca, GORGEOUS SCAN! AWE! PRECIOUS! CONGRATS! As for me, I went to the hospital Sunday night (told them I had uncomfortable aches) and asked for an HCG..They would not do a scan since I had one 3 days earlier but they did an HCG and 25862... is this good? I was told also by the date of my late ovulation I am only a little under 5 weeks pregs so...IDK..I go to a new doctor on Wednesday the 8th hopefully for new bloods to compare to and for a second scan to be set up.. I just dont feel preg..
frustrating news..have to keep my scan date of June 15th..the new place wants too much money down for a new patient..than expects me to get reimbursed through insurance..ugh..I hate THE MED BILLING SYSTEM HERE!
wow Asib, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I couldnt imagine what I would do if I was in your siutation, maybe call one of those ultrasound places and drop my own $50.
Becca: so happy to the little one on your profile pic... Such an amazing thing for the eyes. I was coming back and forth to see updates with you all..I missed all of u a lot Yes, I ovulated finally and now for the waiting game Its always a waiting..
Asib: I know how frustrated you must be. Love what your tickers says. I am sure the little beany is hiding... Be strong, everything is fine
Hi everyone. Been away a bit. Really tired. I was put on Zofran for nausea and I became SO constipated. SORRY! Tmi. lol. It's been a long couple days. I came off the Zofran (i'd rather deal with nausea than constipation..) my boobs have stopped hurting for the most part.. the only big symptom I have now is just being tired all the time. When I got my ultrasound on Friday, we saw the heartbeat and everything. Which was great considering the week before we saw nothing.
Asib, hang in there. I bet you by the 15th your little bean will be there dancing! and yes, your hcg is nice and high If you can't get an ultrasound any sooner and you really really want one, you could always go to the hospital and tell them you are cramping, (yes, very dishonest..). Chances are they will give you one. I was having pain on my right side and that's why I got one.
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