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Bellys to Bumps

As long as you kept with the plan then you will have lost weight. Thats ths beauty of SW you can eat loads and as long as its the right food then its all good :)

Good luck with WI xxx
I highly doubt that you won't have lost anything hun. Good luck with wi, let us know how it's gone

1lb on for me today and having a day off too as Chris is home and he's decided that he wants to make homemade pizzas. I'm going to try and rein everything else in during the day but will be 100% back on it tomorrow :D

We've decided on nandos for lunch on saturday I think. Really not sure what to have, but I will have salad and corn on the cob as my sides rather than chips :thumbup:

Hope everyone has a lovely bank holiday xxx
Things aren't going well for me!. I have weigh in at the FS on the 16th I've lost 1/2 a pound and I need to loose at least 4! and I have a tub of ben and Jerrys Phish food in the freezer that is calling to me! :(
Step away from the freezer MZ!!

The ice cream will still be there after your appt. massive hugs Hun, it's so hard and I think having a deadline is just added pressure :hugs:

I lost 4lb at my first WI this week, I'm really pleased but in the back of my mind I keep thinking I gained 12lb since feb so I'm still up 8lb :dohh: I really really wanted a post WI takeaway but instead I had ANOTHER pasta n sauce. They're so yummy though!! I've had no syns at all today either - must find a treat before I explode!
:happydance: Pix that's brilliant.

It doesn't matter what you were up by before sw, you started with a clean slate and a 4lb loss is fantastic :hugs:
Well done pix thats fab!!!

I have been to the seaside today and its been a shocker!! I had chips for dinner and its just taken us 3 n half hours to get back because of the traffic so we are getting a pizza :blush: xx
As long as it was a nice day Lisa :D Hope you had lovely weather xx
Had fat girl birthday yesterday, am back to being good today! (6 egg whites consumes as part of breakfast and two snacks...) 1 apple, lettuce, half cup of rice, two cherry tomatoes, raspberry vinegar, and some tinned tuna, and a banana make the rest! :) one meal and a possible snack left. :)
Mrs Ovey I thougt I'd commented before but obv not - that is AMAZING!! Congratulations - you must be very proud of yourself :)

Awifey I'm so sorry about the sa results :hugs: how does your dh feel about donor sperm? Getting as healthy as you can in preparation is a great idea :hugs:

Thank You, it's been very yo-yoey the past few months tho! Stress, upset, worry etc!xx
I've been doing SW since June 20011, i think i am proof that it will work, having lost 8 stone! I do have struggles here and there, gained 2lb over 2 weeks but lost 1.5 this week (monday weigh in for me too!) It's like i'm stuck and have been for a while. But...i'm thinking positive, can only look forward at what i want to achieve xx
MrsOvey that's amazing and you're living proof that sw definitely works :D

I'm trying to pull myself back into it. Not a brilliant start to the day, but I'm determined to make a healthy sw dinner tonight (think it's going to be homemade minted lamb burgers yum) :D
I've been doing SW since June 20011, i think i am proof that it will work, having lost 8 stone! I do have struggles here and there, gained 2lb over 2 weeks but lost 1.5 this week (monday weigh in for me too!) It's like i'm stuck and have been for a while. But...i'm thinking positive, can only look forward at what i want to achieve xx

You've done an amazing job!
I still feel like there must be some secret to it that I'm not getting. How can I possibly eat as much pasta and potatoes etc as I want and still lose weight? Maybe the people who do well actually live on dry salad. I know that's not the case of course but I just can't trust it yet - it seems too good to be true!!

What did you have for brekkie and lunch em? I'm sorry you're struggling :hugs: it's so hard to get your head in the game to have that starting point :hugs: all you need is one good meal an them one good day and you'll be back in the swing of things.
I don't know if I can afford to continue sw :cry:

Let's just say thanks to a mess up at the tax office, we're now paying back an underpayment and it's taking a hell of alot from wages, which means we're barely scraping by now :cry:

Really not sure what to do, but Chris says we have to wait until he's had his pay slips through before we can get in touch with the tax office :grr:
SW is very expensive to do, as people have said, good for you always costs more than the rubbish you can eat and eat and eat!!x
Yep, it's crazy how expensive it is. Surely it should be the other way around :wacko:

I think what I may have to do is go down to calorie counting for a while and take it from there :nope:
Yep, it's crazy how expensive it is. Surely it should be the other way around :wacko:

I think what I may have to do is go down to calorie counting for a while and take it from there :nope:
My Fitness Pal is a free app that does a great job of managing to count the calories. It has many preprogrammed foods and restaurant foods.

I'm following a specific eating plan, but am inputting my food intake just for giggles...
Thanks awifey, I'll have a look at downloading that onto my phone ready for tomorrow xx
Hi, it's been awhile since I posted. Last time I was here I weighed between 330-345. I have since decided to lose weight to improve my chances of getting pregnant. I am now 293 and have started using opks. I finally got a positive opk which never happened before. Me and my husband bd'd the day I got a positive opk and the day after. Will the weight loss and the days we bd'd help chances of conception
Welcome back BB :hugs: fxed for a bfp for you - weightloss can only help and you've done really well!

So sorry em :-( I've been in that situation a few times and its horrible :hugs: you could do things like mug shots, tesco value bananas are only £1.15 for a big bunch, frozen value broccoli and cauliflower £1 each. I eat a lot of tesco value stuff because we don't have much money and I can honestly say I like it all except the corn flakes!

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