Traskey, glad the bigger brekkie helped hun and well done on saving your points
! Dieting does get harder as you progress - I have a book by Judith Wills called the Diet Bible and it explains lots of questions about why it's harder to shift weight. I'll have a proper look at that section/question and let you know if there is anything that might help you chick. I think what you're doing is a good thing though. And why have you had such a horrible day hun? Anything we can do to help?
Emmy, as Traskey says you must take your temp first thing in the morning before you get out of bed. No idea why
, but consistency is important as you must compare like-for-like. The baby names you've chosen are lovely and go nicely with your surname. I try not to think about names that much and feel it's not right to talk to DH about it until we've got the BFP, but that's just funny ol' me! I did love the name Madeline until that poor little girl went missing, and Chloe before I met my DH - his sister is called Chloe! I guess I'm like Lisa84 having thought of names before trying, and even before I met my DH!!!!!!
Zowiey, 41 cycles is a bloody long time. No-one should have to wait that long, but I really do believe the best things come to those who wait. Glad your AF symptoms are nicer than they were before, must be the HSG if that is the only thing that has changed. Never giv eup though, but if you feel you need to then take some time out. Only you will know if it's right to do that (sorry, not much help at all). I saw a post for Emmy on another thread saying 'Give up/have a break, that's how I got pregnant" but it's different for everyone. I wish my DH would sit still for 5 mins, let alone 2 hours to watch a film. I just wish we could have 'relaxy' time together but he's always wanting to do something that's not sitting still or moping in bed
. Infertility is a black hole - but let's not get sucked into it - we're stronger than that!!!
Lovie, your cycles sound a little crazy, and I completely understand about OH being away. That's happened to me for a few months after DH started back at uni. That's why I was so positive about this month, because it was his birthday, he's been taking wellman conception and valentine's day is coming up. what a present that would be! Better than the box of Guylian I've bought him (which does have a heart case around it). 2lbs a week is achievable - go for it!!! And yay for the ice skating - I think Emmy's right about it being good for your tummy (centre of balance and all that). You made me LOL when I read your pee story
I think you'll like it on here - everyone is sooooo supportive and it's nice to be able to talk when you can't/don't want to in the 'real world'! Our bodies are funny things - I like mine, but it's a bit big. My worst bit is the tops of my legs - I have chicken drumsticks for thighs! But the annoying thing is that our bodies do settle at a weight, which is why we find it hard to lose weight (Judith Wills - Diet Bible). No matter what we do it's more difficult to shift it and when it's the only thing that appears to stand in your way of getting that BFP it's heartbreaking. It was never a problem before, but now it's all that matters. It's so unfair.
Phew, what a post and I'm not even finished. Saw MIL today and she was fine. Only one metion of pregnancy and that was for her niece-in-law who is 40 and had her first babe a year ago. She said her biological clock was ticking so it wouldn't be long before she and her partner had another baby. It was a little hurtful as she did direct it right at me, but I guess I'm more prepared now than I was on boxing day when it seemed like she was dropping hints every few mins!
Still having twinges down there, but am even more worried as I ate peanuts and more pate today! If I was trying to read between the lines I'm thinking she was hoping I might say 'Oh, I can't/won't eat pate' and have to explain why, so I made sure she could see I was eating it.
The way she is about baby stuff I don't even want to tell her until we have a scan but DH said that wsan't fair (true, but she winds me up so much sometimes that I feel it should be her 'punishment'!!!). Anyway, it's getting late and I've been typing away for ages. Going to snuggle up to DH and talk about log cabins/summer-houses for our garden.
Night night, sleep tight, and here's to a REALLY successful week!