Ladies, I have been a part of this forum for a year now, TTC for 7 years. Finally decided to persue medical help, and BAM! I'm pregnant before I can begin my meds! I am thrilled beyond compare and I just want to say, IT IS POSSIBLE! I was told numerous times I could not concieve naturally, but I got my at noon on September 5th! Today's is the blue test, I'm 15dpo.
I also wanted to say that without the help of a few supplements I'm on, I wouldn't be in this position today. I am so happy......
The biggest one is called Immunocal Platinum. I took 2 packs a day most of the time, and I've been on it for a year. It has improved my health notably! I wouldn't be preg now if it wasn't for that.
I also took the typical things with that, Folic acid, Prenatals, B vits, fish oils, and another product called PNT 200 from the same company that makes Immunocal. Used preseed too, and didn't BD like monkies this time.
I am pregnant because of Immunocal Platinum. No doubt about it.
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