Hi ladies....well just came home from E.R. because I started bleeding. The doctor ran a blood test and my HCG Quant was 5.3, to early for sonogram and also he didnt want to go poking and proding in there without a higher number so he doesnt disturb something. He said I am definitely pregnant but he doesnt really care what my numbers are right now he cares what they do so I am supposed to go back in 2 or 3 days (or following up with another doctor) to run my blood again and see what my numbers are. I am not in any pain or anything but since leaving I have started bleeding more like a period then spotting so I'm thinking things arent good.
What confuses me is the discharge nurse told me not to loose hope that it could just be implantation bleeding. She told me that even though I used OPK's I dont know 100% when I ovulated or when I implanted so this bleeding could just be the implanting. i told her I have been getting definite positives on home tests for a few days now and even a Positive on a digital yesterday. She said your body starts producing HCG as soon as the egg is fertilized before it implants. I was always under the impression that you didnt produce hcg til u implant but she said nope once the egg is fertilized your body knows.
I am preparing myself for the worst but cant help hope she is right but doubtful about it. i always heard implantation bleeding was a lil bit when you wipe or something not where you need a pad...
whatever will be will be I can only pray and wait but just wanted you guys to know whats going on