Well, I'll be honest and say I don't think it is wise to give formula to a 5 week old when there are alternatives ;-)
I'll be honest, in this entire thread, i haven't found one single BF mom that i felt was acting superior or rude until this post.
I think there is some confusion over how readily available and quickly sourced donor milk can be in certain places.
Theres nothing wrong with formula. Breast is breast. Breastfeeding isn't always and if a woman chooses to then FF over donor milk that's her decision and there's not a damn thing wrong with it.
Were all feeding our kids, we are all having the same issues and struggles. I quite like that breastfeeding has a slogan, i think its good and its getting more women educated on breastfeeding!
But it is okay to tell a Mum she was wrong for sticking with breastfeeding?
Sorry, I don't want to offend you, but I honestly don't think continuing BF'ing to the point where your child is admitted to hospital for dehydration is the correct thing to do. I would rather my child had formula and was well than be dehydrated.
Sorry, I don't want to offend you, but I honestly don't think continuing BF'ing to the point where your child is admitted to hospital for dehydration is the correct thing to do. I would rather my child had formula and was well than be dehydrated.
This was the post I was referring to. I know there have since been discussions about donor milk, expressed milk etc, but you do say that you think what a mother did isn't the correct thing to do. I'm sorry I find that offensive. I'm very sorry you find it so frustrating that I feel that way. I don't think telling a mother they should have done x, y or z is an acceptable thing to do (unless in a debrief or problem solving capacity, when requested).
Sorry, I don't want to offend you, but I honestly don't think continuing BF'ing to the point where your child is admitted to hospital for dehydration is the correct thing to do. I would rather my child had formula and was well than be dehydrated.
This was the post I was referring to. I know there have since been discussions about donor milk, expressed milk etc, but you do say that you think what a mother did isn't the correct thing to do. I'm sorry I find that offensive. I'm very sorry you find it so frustrating that I feel that way. I don't think telling a mother they should have done x, y or z is an acceptable thing to do (unless in a debrief or problem solving capacity, when requested).
And I explained further on what I meant. In fact, the OP of that post thanked me when I explained what I meant. You are the only one that is continuing to bring it up and try and make it out to be something it isn't. I am not explaining myself again.
My issue with people using the excuse that donor milk isn't readily available is that if more women breastfed, and knew the importance of breastfeeding, and demanded it as a service, then milk banks would be invested in, doctors would know it was a safe option (there's still confusion over that in some people's minds) and the availability of human milk would increase.
If instead of 'breast is best' formula cans said 'breastmilk is the normal way to feed a human infant', would that be enough to start to change perceptions?
I also think that some women want to formula feed, regardless of the facts. Trying to reach those women is, initially at least, pointless. The women who want to BF but were let down and left believing that they couldn't continue are surely the ones to focus on first?
I also agree about the 'nazi' type phrases. Because wanting babies to have their natural source of food is so akin to genocideit's a shame godwin's law isn't an actual law-whoever first mentions the nazis, loses the argument by default.
I've never understood why people assume someone defending a choice means they must be feeling guilt. I can only imagine like anything if your choice is taken away you don't accept it easily but parenting is challenging the whole way ...
Vintage, instead of the truth, would you prefer that everyone said 'there there, no need to worry, formula is as good as breastmilk' or would you prefer to have the facts and be able to make an informed decision?
As is said all the time on these threads. Formula is not poison. It is a perfectly acceptable breastmilk substitute. So if you have no choice but to use it, or even if you have a choice but prefer to use it anyway, what's the problem exactly?
All the percieved 'breastfeeders looking down their noses are women who FF' is just that. Percieved. There may be a tiny minority of women who do that, just as there are a tiny minority of women who disapprove of Bf, but these people are idiots and not representative of how the majority think.
You can say that but the fact remains that I was given no help when I switched. The mw told me they were not allowed to advise me, If a women decides not to bf at all she should still be given advice as well
You can say that but the fact remains that I was given no help when I switched. The mw told me they were not allowed to advise me, If a women decides not to bf at all she should still be given advice as well
The baby friendly initiative has specific guidance on how women should be shown (in small groups or individually) how to prepare formula safely. There are some fab leaflets (I like the Unicef one) about the safe preperation of formula milk.
There are failings, I agree, just like with breastfeeding support. Unfortunately, Midwives don't have to undergo enough training (IMO) about infant feeding, and so while many feel qualified, they do offer poor support and education, to parents who are feeding in every method.
I recieved horrible breastfeeding support with my first, it shouldn't happen, but it does. Luckily there are groups campaigning for better care for all Mothers' and Babies.
I just remembered a group that came to see me at home when I was struggling bf Rhys
They were called Little angels, I think I may give them a ring and see if they can offer me any advice on bf before I have Liam
I just remembered a group that came to see me at home when I was struggling bf Rhys
They were called Little angels, I think I may give them a ring and see if they can offer me any advice on bf before I have Liam
You'd be very welcome at any La leche league meetings before Bany arrives Roo, they are a great source of support and information![]()