breast pumping?

Im "debating" with some other special police officers!!! Im getting mad!!! If you read maybe give me some pointers to make to these idiots!!

Just catching up and I actually have a dropped jaw at this forum! Do you think that jerk was a guy? I suspect so. Whatever she might think about breastfeeding personally I can't imagine any woman talking that way about it. I can just picture that guy in his swanky restaurant. I bet he goes home after his 2 bottles of expensive red wine and wanks alone to some porn. No wonder he feels uncomfortable with women feeding in public, no wonder he is disgusted, women are sexual objects to him especially their breasts.

Are these all officers then? I am stunned that the people who are supposed to be protecting us are walking around with such nonsensical ideas. I hope he leaves them at home when he goes to work...

I don't see anything wrong with a baby being fed in public, we don't hide our children away in restaurants when they're eating. Though I'd not be confident enough to flash my boobs in the process I would have no problem with another woman doing so. She is feeding her child. There is nothing indecent about that. This just totally represents how sexualised women are. I'm so angry right now!!!!! :hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy:

(Sorry Ryder, I know this has deviated from your thread - maybe you should change the title to "Multiple rants linked to breastfeeding! lol)
lol I started another thread about the forum to rant about it... but hey!!

He was obviously a man!!! I really could of got into a full blown arguement especially when he said "we obviously visit different restaurants"!!! Like looking down at me or something! But I was already being accused of being OTT and stressed!!!

They are indeed all special pcs.... like me.... so they do the job as a volunteer!! I think its disgusting too!! :hissy:
lol I started another thread about the forum to rant about it... but hey!!

He was obviously a man!!! I really could of got into a full blown arguement especially when he said "we obviously visit different restaurants"!!! Like looking down at me or something! But I was already being accused of being OTT and stressed!!!

They are indeed all special pcs.... like me.... so they do the job as a volunteer!! I think its disgusting too!! :hissy:

Where's the thread (I'm still catching up today)? I'll post again, I'm still so angry about it! :hissy:
I said it was selfish TO NOT TRY and breastfeed. Even if she did it for a week and decided against it, fine. Atleast she tried.

why should she try something which she knows that she is not going to be comfortable with? why put herself through an extra week of discomfort? a happy mum = a happy baby.

Uh b/c it's best for not only herself but her baby too. I plan on being selfless in regards to my child, and breastfeeding is no different. Even if I feel uncomfortable at first I'll stick with it in hopes that I'll soon get used to it.
I'm not going to try BF'ing (could change mind) I don't consider myself to be selfish & I don't take to kindly to being informed even if it was indirectly that I am - I hope your child doesn't grow up ignorant to other peoples right to choice as you are.

My baby is loved more than I have ever loved anyone, she is fed, clean & cared for - theres nothing she is deprived of & my second baby will be the same.

You really don't have the right to come on here & call any mother who has not breastfed or any mum to be who does not plan on breastfeeding selfish! Like one of your other posts suggested you obviously think you have the right to come on here & be ignorant to other peoples feeling & life choices (in short) I'm not going to tolerate it much more from you on this subject.

You want to breastfeed ...good for you, well done! Go & do that then and stop throwing nasty comments around.
lol I started another thread about the forum to rant about it... but hey!!

He was obviously a man!!! I really could of got into a full blown arguement especially when he said "we obviously visit different restaurants"!!! Like looking down at me or something! But I was already being accused of being OTT and stressed!!!

They are indeed all special pcs.... like me.... so they do the job as a volunteer!! I think its disgusting too!! :hissy:

Where's the thread (I'm still catching up today)? I'll post again, I'm still so angry about it! :hissy:
I said it was selfish TO NOT TRY and breastfeed. Even if she did it for a week and decided against it, fine. Atleast she tried.

why should she try something which she knows that she is not going to be comfortable with? why put herself through an extra week of discomfort? a happy mum = a happy baby.

Uh b/c it's best for not only herself but her baby too. I plan on being selfless in regards to my child, and breastfeeding is no different. Even if I feel uncomfortable at first I'll stick with it in hopes that I'll soon get used to it.

I'd like to know how you could possibly say that one is best for one person. You don't know someone's circumstances, how they feel, etc.

You are a first time mom right?

Let me tell you, breastfeeding, although yeah, good for baby, has it's disadvantages too. What if you only have enough milk to feed your baby but cannot express any extra? I've been there with my first child. So, what happens is that instead of having daddy be able to bond and feed the baby or anyone else, you are the only person who can feed that baby. Meaning, that baby needs to be in your care at all times.

Do you know how hard it is to wean a baby off of breastfeeding to bottle feeding? Not easy at times. With my first, it took me over a month for her to finally take a bottle and even then, when she wanted nap time, she turned to my breast as that was all that would soothe her.

What about for those that absolutely need to return to work right away? Not every country has a lengthy maternity leave. USA actually has a very short maternity leave, or it used to a number of years ago when it was only 6 weeks. Isn't it better to have your baby on the bottle and be ready to have someone take care of that child then to stress the baby out and yourself out a few weeks prior to going back to work?

Hmm, I've breastfed all my babies too and here's another thing. They get the flu, they get colds, etc. They get sick too just like babies who are bottle fed.

Everyone has a choice and just because it's the good choice for you, doesn't mean it is for anyone else. Don't force your opinion on people who chose differently. Don't belittle them for it.

The way I see it, as long as that baby is fed, loved and taken care of wonderfully, who cares what choice is made for feeding? God, there is so many other things to be opinionated about in terms of neglect of babies and children. Now that is a different story.
Wow this has taken me ages to read so many different subjects.

The first most important is too answer Ryder (I think thats who started this thread sorry if wrong it seems so long a go I read your post lol). I personally started expressing after six days, I was too doing the booby business but wanted to make sure my supply was huge so just freezed it as I didnt want nipple bottle confusion. My mw was amazed even though I was feeding Kaysie and expressing I was getting 3-4 0zs in thirty mins. Thats quite a lot that early on. Within a week Kaysie was just having expressed milk, and it was fine for us we got plenty, didnt hurt etc. I did have a manual pump at first add for me was a nightmare such hard work. Brought the Advent one and that was fantastic.

Breast feeding in public IMO is good, and am actually tired of people saying feed them in the changing room, would they eat there dinner in the toilet, no? Then why expect babies too? (BTW thats not aimed at anything anyone has said but rather what I have heard in general life).

As for the girls in Canada (or some of the provinces) OMG!!! I have learnt such a lot from this thread, I really had no idea things were like this.
I live in London and there are hundreds of mw's (although still not enough). I can honestly say in four pregnancies I have NEVER seen a mw for more than ONE appointment.
I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone. I don't care what you do. Do what you want. I find people who don't want to try to breastfeed b/c they feel uncomfortable selfish, end of. I'm not going to take it back or say sorry b/c I'm not. It's how I feel and that's that.

+ I didn't say anything about your babys being deprived or uncared for. I never once and would never say any of you were bad mothers because you chose to use formula... or for any other reason unless you were putting your kid in danger.

I am a first time mother but I don't really see what the difference makes. If I for some reason can't breastfeed or express then I'll have to use formula won't I? Atleast I would have tried. I plan on expressing everyday so my OH can do the midnight feed (atleast when he's on paternity leave, and after if he still wants to feed him/her).

Personally, I think that even if it's only for 6 weeks, you should still feed the baby breastmilk. + yes, I obviously know all babys get sick at some point, I'm not stupid. However, there is no point in denying that BF babys are sick LESS often, b/c the stats speak for themselves.. + before anyone jumps in and says 'my bottle fed baby hasnt been sick once' I'm talking about the average baby; there's always an exception to the rule.
My friend had a premie so couldn't breastfeed and she told me today that she had to express her milk for the first week or so using a tiny syringe and it took AGES. So don't expect it to come out like a cow :|
I have decided to try and breastfeed this time wasnt going to but wanted to with my first just didnt get a chance. I am 50/50 on this one and feel whatever is right for u go for it but maybe we shouldnt have threads like this anymore as its causing so much s**t!
I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone. I don't care what you do. Do what you want. I find people who don't want to try to breastfeed b/c they feel uncomfortable selfish, end of. I'm not going to take it back or say sorry b/c I'm not. It's how I feel and that's that.

Way I see it, you are selfish to even suggest that people who don't breastfeed are selfsih.

+ I didn't say anything about your babys being deprived or uncared for. I never once and would never say any of you were bad mothers because you chose to use formula... or for any other reason unless you were putting your kid in danger.

Calling someone selfish for not breastfeeding is in fact putting down a mother.

I am a first time mother but I don't really see what the difference makes.

Damn well does make a difference. I've had two babies now and will soon have my third. Until you actually experience things the way I or someone else has once your baby comes, you can make all these wonderful plans of breastfeeding and expressing but you don't know how it will all turn out. I was telling you my experience and all that I said was true and it is tough. I gave you the disadvantages - take them or leave them.

Personally, I think that even if it's only for 6 weeks, you should still feed the baby breastmilk.

I also gave you other examples of how that may not be a right thing to do, if someone had to go back to work, to avoid stressing out your own baby, etc. You obviously didn't read in full.
I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone. I don't care what you do. Do what you want. I find people who don't want to try to breastfeed b/c they feel uncomfortable selfish, end of. I'm not going to take it back or say sorry b/c I'm not. It's how I feel and that's that.

Way I see it, you are selfish to even suggest that people who don't breastfeed are selfsih.

+ I didn't say anything about your babys being deprived or uncared for. I never once and would never say any of you were bad mothers because you chose to use formula... or for any other reason unless you were putting your kid in danger.

Calling someone selfish for not breastfeeding is in fact putting down a mother.

I am a first time mother but I don't really see what the difference makes.

Damn well does make a difference. I've had two babies now and will soon have my third. Until you actually experience things the way I or someone else has once your baby comes, you can make all these wonderful plans of breastfeeding and expressing but you don't know how it will all turn out. I was telling you my experience and all that I said was true and it is tough. I gave you the disadvantages - take them or leave them.

Personally, I think that even if it's only for 6 weeks, you should still feed the baby breastmilk.

I also gave you other examples of how that may not be a right thing to do, if someone had to go back to work, to avoid stressing out your own baby, etc. You obviously didn't read in full.

Why would that stress the baby out anymore?

+ so what are you saying? i should have less of an opinion on parenting b/c I'm not a mother yet? + yes, I do have plans, I don't expect BFing to be easy, I'm not deluded or naive but millions of women do it. and no, I don't know how it will all turn out but I am going to TRY. That's what I've been saying all along.

+ being selfish in regards to breastfeeding doesn't make you a bad mother or mean that your kid is deprived.
I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone. I don't care what you do. Do what you want. I find people who don't want to try to breastfeed b/c they feel uncomfortable selfish, end of. I'm not going to take it back or say sorry b/c I'm not. It's how I feel and that's that.

*Takes admin hat off now coz I'm getting pissed off*

Explain to me how it is selfish?

Is the mothers feelings not important?

Screw you, yes they are and you have no right under any circumstances to call women who don't feel comfortable selfish. I felt uncomfortable with it (although did try in the hospital) and I have my reasons that may sound silly for some unless they can relate yet I refuse to explain myself to likes of arrogant bitchy stuck up people like you.

You have no right to make other womens choices for them like your trying to your going to be a typical ram down your throat YOUR WAYS type of person ignorant to all but ones self.

Cheeky girl!
I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone. I don't care what you do. Do what you want. I find people who don't want to try to breastfeed b/c they feel uncomfortable selfish, end of. I'm not going to take it back or say sorry b/c I'm not. It's how I feel and that's that.

Way I see it, you are selfish to even suggest that people who don't breastfeed are selfsih.

+ I didn't say anything about your babys being deprived or uncared for. I never once and would never say any of you were bad mothers because you chose to use formula... or for any other reason unless you were putting your kid in danger.

Calling someone selfish for not breastfeeding is in fact putting down a mother.

I am a first time mother but I don't really see what the difference makes.

Damn well does make a difference. I've had two babies now and will soon have my third. Until you actually experience things the way I or someone else has once your baby comes, you can make all these wonderful plans of breastfeeding and expressing but you don't know how it will all turn out. I was telling you my experience and all that I said was true and it is tough. I gave you the disadvantages - take them or leave them.

Personally, I think that even if it's only for 6 weeks, you should still feed the baby breastmilk.

I also gave you other examples of how that may not be a right thing to do, if someone had to go back to work, to avoid stressing out your own baby, etc. You obviously didn't read in full.

Why would that stress the baby out anymore?

+ so what are you saying? i should have less of an opinion on parenting b/c I'm not a mother yet? + yes, I do have plans, I don't expect BFing to be easy, I'm not deluded or naive but millions of women do it. and no, I don't know how it will all turn out but I am going to TRY. That's what I've been saying all along.

+ being selfish in regards to breastfeeding doesn't make you a bad mother or mean that your kid is deprived.

I'm done! You obviously are reading things the way you want to. No use even debating it anymore as you seem to be very one sided.
I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone. I don't care what you do. Do what you want. I find people who don't want to try to breastfeed b/c they feel uncomfortable selfish, end of. I'm not going to take it back or say sorry b/c I'm not. It's how I feel and that's that.

*Takes admin hat off now coz I'm getting pissed off*

Explain to me how it is selfish?

Is the mothers feelings not important?

Screw you, yes they are and you have no right under any circumstances to call women who don't feel comfortable selfish. I felt uncomfortable with it (although did try in the hospital) and I have my reasons that may sound silly for some unless they can relate yet I refuse to explain myself to likes of arrogant bitchy stuck up people like you.

You have no right to make other womens choices for them like your trying to your going to be a typical ram down your throat YOUR WAYS type of person ignorant to all but ones self.

Cheeky girl!

I am sorry Wobbles and others are getting upset and feeling judge hugs all round I think (((( )))) :hugs:
I know people are upset by such comments which makes it worse. I have no opinion on a woman who breastfeeds, I'm comfortable with a woman breastfeeding in public why do I get judged (& others of course) for not taking this option - in fact other than child abuse & neglect I don't have many opinions on anyones parenting decisions & I don't believe anyone else should either.

Starting to give cooling periods - I'm gonna take one myself from this thread.

I know people are upset by such comments which makes it worse. I have no opinion on a woman who breastfeeds, I'm comfortable with a woman breastfeeding in public why do I get judged (& others of course) for not taking this option - in fact other than child abuse & neglect I don't have many opinions on anyones parenting decisions & I don't believe anyone else should either.

Starting to give cooling periods - I'm gonna take one myself from this thread.


Agreed its not of my business what others choices are, as long as they are not harming there child. Hope the cooling down period helps you (( ))
In answer to the original question - I don't know which one is more painful because I haven't tried either yet :) so in all fairness - as I haven't even tried it I shouldn't even be commenting on this thread (as it is aimed at people who have tried it).

I am going to attempt breastfeeding but I have no idea how I will feel when he is born... I might find the whole idea of breastfeeding absolutely terrifying when LO comes along - in which case, I wont do it, so I cannot comment on those who don't attempt it - I don't believe in judging others on things I have never even tried myself - each to their own.

I know plenty of people who were bottle fed as babies and they are fit and healthy - as someone earlier said - in my opinion it's more important for the mum to be happy.

Again - back to the original Q, I bet when they get their little teeth coming through pumping is easier lol.
I am done and finished explaining myself or justifying my choices.


Yep... me too... And quite frankly, it no ones damn business what choice we make, so never let yourself feel bad about it.


This is a discussion forum. People WILL ask questions long after you've finished "justifying" yourselves and if you don't want it to be anyone's business, don't bring it up!:winkwink:

If you can't breastfeed for whatever reason, then so be it, but I think other mums and mums-to-be find it hard to understand why someone just wouldn't want to give their baby the best start in life. And it's not just for baby, it's beneficial for the mother too.

Just wondering, what do health professionals in America/Canada recommend? Well I assume they recommend breastfeeding but do they really try and persuade you and tell you the benefits etc etc?

No, most Canadian healthcare professionals DO NOT FORCE or guilt trip women into doing something they are not comfortable with.

Canada is a freechoice type of place, and it is always promoted as such. That goes for breastfeeding, as i've explained in earlier posts, our formulas are extremely developed, and while they are not 100% the same as breastmilk, they are very similiar and are developed to be easily digested by infants.

Of course the doctors explain the benefits of breastfeeding, but in reality there are not very many extreme differences to point out.

I think perhaps the high numbers of adoptions in Canada/US may have something to do with the push for such good formulas etc. Because I know both countries do have high rates of adoptions and there is a definate need for proper nutrition for all the newborns.

We also have free choice in the hospitals as to our complete birthplan, and many of the hospitals offer the choice of birthing pools etc also.

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