Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

It's so hard getting the right balance of sleep! Despite having a good night I'm feeling groggy today, sometimes I think when you've not had enough sleep you function better on adrenaline all day and then when you catch up you feel worse!!
I'm having lots of bh again today which I'm guessing is a result of being less tired. I've also had a good tidy up of the hundreds (or so it seems) of toys that dd had for her birthday. I think we are now at capacity with just under two months til Xmas *facepalm* lol time for a bigger house.
I've tried doing a tidy of toys... Charity shop and some in the loft as with corbans birthday and Christmas coming and baby stuff I'm not sure were it's gonna go! Hehe! Still getting bh?

Bump looks super! I really can't believe I'll have a new baby soon!

Great bump!

So... My mother in law has just announced they're going away 13th-15th November, when I'll be 39 weeks! It's not a vital trip and could easily have been arranged for December. They were supposed to be our childcare for DD when I go into hospital! It's a good job DD will be at the childminder's on the 13th and 14th and we have very good friends who would look after her for the nights or on the Saturday if needed. If this baby is breech, it's entirely possible she'll be born by elective section on the 13th or 14th!
Cangaroo that's a bit rubbish! I guess you find out Wednesday if you'll need a section. Will they give you a date at your scan if she's breech?

I think so. It sounds like I'll see the consultant straight afterwards if she is breech. I'll push for a slightly later section date, though. I'd rather it was closer to 40 weeks.
Still some bh but nothing painful :( just backache all the time.

Canga -Sometimes I wonder how people make these decisions?! Do they just work out the least helpful thing they could do? Of course once the baby arrives they will expect to be a priority! would they change their plans if you were booked for a c then?
Wow, I feel like I've been gone for a while.

Cangaroo, that's awful that your in-laws chose a time so close to your due date to leave! :growlmad: I would have been so upset if my in-laws had done that, because they were our childcare also.

Zephyr, your landlords sound horrible! My DH and I own a fourplex so we're landlords as well, and we would never dream of puling crap like that! In fact, we tend to err on the side of being too lenient. We have a lady in one of our units who hasn't paid her full rent in over a year and we haven't even evicted her. :dohh:

Veronicaco, I was hoping to pop on here and see that you were in labor. I really hope these false starts lead to something real, soon! :hugs:

Jess, I can't believe you're so close to your section date! Can't wait to see pictures of Sammy Jo! :flower:

TTC, how have your contractions been lately? Are you still feeling any pre-E symptoms?

VJean, I hope Keegan is back home and you're enjoying settling into your new routine.

Luvymom, I was just thinking about how long of a drive you'll have to get to IMC, and was wondering, how fast have your previous labors been?

Not much going on here. Asher is still doing well, and we're just trying to work of getting him to go right back to sleep at night, because he'll still usually have one longer wake-up each night. And of course having the daylight savings time change yesterday didn't help, because now we have to get our older kids to get used to going to bed an hour later and waking up an hour later on top of everything else. I grew up in Arizona where they don't do daylight savings, and it was so nice!
Oh canga, sorry they did that! No fun to have last minute stresses. I hope baby isn't breech.
My next appt is on Wednesday too.
Though I don't expect anything. I've almost resigned myself to going over. I don't even get bh. And she still feels high most days. Oh well. This week is a busy week for me anyway. But I would love for her to come next week! It just feels like time is dragging!

So it looks like Jess will be next unless someone goes into labor! Fingers crossed the full moon this week will get us all going. ;)
Spiffynoodles, it's about an hour and half drive. But I do tend to have longer labors so I'm not worried. My last couple of babies I've started labor then stopped. So once I know it won't be stopping we'll head down. If I'm not progressed enough to be admitted then dh and I will drop the kids at my mom's and either go walking or if it's at night well get a hotel so I can labor without the kids distracting. Of course this is all in theory. Things could always go totally different than I expect but long labors are in my family genes and I seemed to have the same.
Luvymom, sorry you have long labors, but I bet it's nice in the sense that you know you won't be having a baby on the side of the road. :winkwink:

Yes, I'm crossing my fingers that we get another full moon crop of babies this week! :flower:
Oh that would be exciting. I'll have my fingers crossed for more babies soon ;)

I love my longer labors. But the longest Ive had was 8 hours. I had one that was so fast I nearly didn't get my epi. By the time they were done getting it placed I was ready to push lol. I gave birth in the shirt I came in lol I love the longer relaxed labors.
No baby for me this week I hope! I'm not ready and haven't even finished work yet! Just 3 more work days left.

No idea whether my in laws would change their plans. I can't believe they didn't think the dates through! She only mentioned it as a by the way thing, not something I really might have needed to know about to plan around asap! My main back up childcare option is away that Saturday... Waiting to hear from a few more people to see if we can cope. OH is going to talk to his mum this evening so we'll see...

Glad everyone else is well. :)
Hi everyone!

I've been reading and thinking of everyone, but just been very bad about posting!

I had my appointment today and got sent to l&d for monitoring again. My pre e labs look ok right now but they sent me to do a 24 hour urine collection.

I'm sure everything is ok I'm just so exhausted! I'll come back later and reply to everything going on with you all :)
M2C, the next full moon is November 6th, so this Thursday. :flower:

TTC, did they send you down for monitoring again because of the contractions? Have they checked to see if you're dilating at all? I hope the 24 hour urine collection comes back okay. Keep us updated!
Fingers crossed all is well TTC. Thinking of you!

I have managed to line some friends up to be on call for DD while the in laws are away so I'm feeling better!
Cangaroo maybe they don't think you will have baby on those dates? I would be upset too. Hopefully you don't have baby then and it all works out :)

Spiffy aw I really can't wait to leave. Hopefully we find the perfect house. I cant stress enough how over the top these people are I just hope we get good, honest, real people next time.
We had daylight savings start a few weeks back and it took some getting used to but they settle quick, hopefully yours do too!

I sat down to reply to more but I've run out of time! Hope everyone else is well.
Cx 4mins not v strong but have been bleeding a bit of bright red blood so off to hospital now. Will update ASAP x
Veronicaco, sounds promising! Keep us updated if you can! So exciting!

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