Breastfeeding & pregnant Mammas

With my first epidural I was one of those unlucky few who got bad headaches for months afterwards :(
My second epidural went fine although it hurt so bad to get it put in.
I was in labour with my first epi and I wasnt in labour at all with my second epi so I wonder if that is why it hurt more going in.
I made hubby cry lol

I really like the epidural but the last one I had was embarrassing because I had a curry the night before and I had very bad gas and I couldnt control it! And hubby just laughed at me while I sat farting loudly with nurses in the room.
I could feel it about to happen but couldn't stop it. So I was literally head in my hands going "omg I'm so sorry for this. ......." before each one. Lmao
I loved the gas and air! It didn't make me feel high or lightheaded or anything, it just took the edge off and gave me something to focus on. I had been so sick with labour that I'd had a lot of antiemetics before getting the gas and air so I had no sickness with it. OH liked it too- I had to take it off him when he said it was making his fingers giggle! He was delighted when he realised me going for VBAC meant he'd get to try the gas and air again. :dohh:

I can't wait until we're all labour watching! Though I know I'll be really grumpy as I'll almost certainly be the last of the November due dates here to deliver.

I've been really stressed lately about getting my maternity leave sorted. It's complicated, but because I'm technically self employed, I have to arrange my own maternity covet, and I can't find anyone! I'll get there in the end, but it's likely to mean going through an agency which will cost more. I hate it not being sorted!
Omigosh! I had to come let you ladies know my neighbour just phoned me and she had a baby boy yesterday.
they transferred because the midwife was worried the baby was going to be too big.
he was 10lb12!!!
She did it without drugs so was able to go home again right afterwards. Im so happy for her!
Zephyr, that's great news about your neighbor! And wow, that was a big baby! My biggest so far has been 6lbs 11oz, so I can't even imagine!

Like Mo2P said, we have very limited options for pain relief here in the US, so I feel like that's part of the reason that epidurals are so widely used here. (M2C, I watch the One Born Every Minute sometimes and the sound of the G&A annoys me too! :haha:)

Cangaroo, I love labor watching and symptom spotting, so I can't wait for us to get to that point. It's like the TWW all over again, except this time you know the outcome will be good. :winkwink: I'm mentally preparing myself for a 36/37 weeker, so I think if I hit 38 weeks I'm going to feel like I've gone overdue. :dohh:
I'm with mommyof2peas, I like the mini break at the hospital. I'm actually the only one of all my sisters and sisters in law on my side that does hospital. They all do home births! But my first was a scary experience that if done at home I don't think he would've made it. So since then I feel it's best for me to do the hospital.

Zephyr, your neighbor is super woman! That is a big baby. My last was 8 12 and that was plenty big for me. I don't want that big again.

My other sis in law on DH side is being induced tomorrow. She thought she had hand foot mouth but come to find out she had cholestasis (I had to Google it) but apparently it can harm the baby so they'll take him tomorrow. Thankfully only 10 days early.

All these babies. So much fun! I've been reading a bunch of birth stories but I need to stop because I still have a trimester to go. :)
Which one do you like best?


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Ooh i had lots to catch up on today! I was randomly pretty sick again today...even threw up in the store :( lol!!!!

I was told at my very first appointment with ds "you are NOT a candidate for home birth!" Lol!!!! So funny to me. I get the appeal of being at home :) So nice to get right into your own bed... but one question.... what about the smell???? You know...that distinctive, horrible smell after birth??? I would not know how it would get out of my house. It really bothered me last time, even thinking about it kind of upsets me...I'm crazy!

Spiffy, my son had to pass the carseat test before he was discharged from the nicu :) We have the cutest picture of him doing it! :) That was hands down the best day of my life so far... bringing him home :)

Last time i didn't have a headache from my epidural, but to this day, my back aches right where it went in. I didn't want one, but was stuck having to be extremely still in bed with magnesium sulfate. I'm like spiffy...felt way more at the end than i wanted! I'd rather avoid one this time, but will probably end up with one because if i hemorrhage and need a procedure I'll want it!

Mo2p! Great doubling time :) Mine was about 29 hours with this one, so totally possible to have only one in there :) Although I'd much rather see spiffy sending you matching twinnie outfits :)

Zephyr, glad to hear your neighbor is ok. What a big baby!!!!

Canga, i feel kind of lucky i know i will have this one early. I'd get so grumpy going over! Hope you don't have to wait too long :)

Ladies, i can NOT stand the smell of soap. It's killing me!!!!

Also found out my rl bump buddy from last time is prego again with me! We were due 6 weeks apart last time, but babies were born 2 weeks apart. This time is about the same but I'm ahead of her instead of her ahead of me this time :)
I know! I couldnt believe it, it is so huge. She used to ring me a lot freaking out about how big her baby was getting and with good reason wowee.

ttc that's really funny my friend who was at one of my births commented on the distinctive birth smell but I've never smelt it! And I have a very sensitive sense of smell.
Guess I may find out :haha:
We will have warmer weather round then so ill keep some windows open?
I know the mw brings lots of protective sheeting etc that gets taken away with her when she leaves. Maybe if there's a smell it will go with her? Lol

Spiffy I cant wait to start labour watch :p I did want to go over but now im getting impatient and I think around my due date would be perfect :p

mo2p I like the second one :)
Zephyr congratulTions to your friend! Big bubba! I was a big baby at 10lb 9oz! I always worried mine would be big but they were 8lb2oz & 8lb 9oz. Bleeding after deliveries was normal I think it's just a thought popping into my head!

Ttc yuk to being sick! I'm now just randomly sick! The comment about the smell made giggle! To be honest I can't really remember the smell! Hehe!

Mo2p I like the heart one! Very cute!

I can't wait for labour watch too! Even though like cangaroo I'll probably be one of the last! Got a feeling I'll be late again! Which I'm ok about but you know how much you wanna meet baby by the end!

So what were your signs of labour for your previous labours?

For me my 1st I lost my plug then started contracting but labour didn't progress.
2nd I again lost my plug and started contracting. Labour was mild and irregular so want sure if was real till my waters broke.
3rd my waters broke and nothing happened :/
4th I was induced so nothing happened.

M2c those are still pretty decent sized babies!!
I got severely dizzy and could barely walk. Then my vision started getting fuzzy and like dark dark tunnel vision. So dh said "We're going to the hospital. Would you like to change or wear pajamas?" I changed lol!!!! By the time i got there i started throwing up uncontrollably like every few minutes and bp was like 210/114. So they induced me right then. Not really labor signs :)
210/114? Yikes! That's crazy, TTC! I'm sure you've said before, but how far along were you when that happened? Also, that's awesome that you have a rl bump buddy again! I was bump buddy with one of my friends for the first two pregnancies, but I guess she wasn't as crazy as me the third time around. :haha: I am 5 weeks further along than my SIL, though, and last time around she was 7 weeks ahead of me. And yesterday I found out that a friend of mine is 6 weeks along, so that was exciting. :flower:

Mo2P, I like the one with the hearts, too. That's a clever announcement. :flower:

My labor signs with my first were increased discharge, way more Braxton hicks (though it retrospect I wonder if it was the beginning of my Irritable Uterus, because at one point I recorded 13 in one hour), a clear out, and a slight bloody show.
With my second, I had a bloody show, then later that day I had contractions that were slightly painful, but went away, and then next day they came back and progressed into full-on labor. Both times, I was 5cm dilated by the time I got to the hospital, which was pretty nice. I also had internal exams on both of the days I went into labor, so I happen to know that it doesn't start getting painful until I'm 2cm into labor (so with my daughter I was 4cm at my appointment, and it didn't start hurting until I was 6cm. With my son I was "a stretchy 3cm" at my appointment and it didn't start hurting really until I was 5cm) so this time I hope I dilate to a 6 before I go into labor. :haha:
I was 36 weeks spiffy :) Really glad me and ds are ok, but hoping for no preeclampsia and no nicu this time :)

Oooh so you ladies want to know how horrid my dr was last time? At 32 weeks my bp was much higher than it had ever been. I'd been having headaches and started throwing up at random times. When i saw my bp was higher than usual i said to my ob "i think i have preeclampsia." He said "no. First time mom's worry about everything. You're just fine." Bp never went back down to normal. On the day i was induced i saw him and he said see you next week. When i went to make my appt the front desk girl said "Are you having twins or something?" I said no. She said "well i don't know why he's wanting to see you next week. Anyway you'll have to see the nurse practitioner he's going to be gone."

Then the next am at the hospital he came in to see me as I'd been induced by the on call ob. He told all the nurses, "well i don't know what happened! We were going to see her later this week for preeclampsia bloodwork but i guess she couldn't wait!" A flat out lie! They had overdosed my magnesium at that point and i wasn't on my a-game to respond because my bp dipped to 80/40 and i passed out!
Oh my gosh, TTC, that's horrible! :growlmad: I had issues with my first OB too. She didn't catch the fact that my LO was too small for her gestation, even though I told her that I felt like my tummy hadn't grown much and was worried that my baby wasn't growing. And then when I asked her afterwards why my daughter was so small, and why she had characteristics of a baby that had baked too long, even though she was 10 days early, she just smiled and said, "Oh, it's just one of those things." Umm, no. It's not normal for a baby to LOSE weight in the womb. It's called Intrauterine Growth Restriction, stupid woman, and could have been much worse than it was! :growlmad: I promptly switched to a new doctor.

So why did your son need NICU time? I just ask because my boy was born at 36 weeks as well, but was perfectly fine, and I always wondered whether we got lucky, or he came because he was ready, and if we'll be that lucky again if this one comes early, too.
Sounds horrible TTC! I'm glad you and Spiffy both have doctors youbtrust this time!

Last time, I had a sweep on the Friday at 40+3/40, and then had no signs until I woke with contractions at around 1am on the Sunday morning. I then had contractions 2 in 10 fairly regularly and was throwing up and having heavy bloody show until I finally caved and went in on monday evening, though I was still only 3cm! DD wasn't born until late Tuesday night! Fingers crossed things progress faster this time...
Oh! On the subject of iugr.... I guess some of you may remember my friend who I was talking about that we thought had iugr and an under 6lb 41 week baby with baggy skin and long fingernails etc. I think I told you she was prego again and three months ahead of me. Well her baby girl arrived safe and sound last Friday afternoon at a whopping 9lb9 completely natural birth although baby did get quite stuck and it was quite distressing as she was pushing for a very long time. But hooray to healthy baby girl and wow what a difference!! Shows something wasn't right last time!!!
Veronicaco, I'm glad your friend had a much better outcome this time! And yes, that definitely makes me think her first should have been diagnosed as IUGR. The fact that my DS was born at 36+6 and weighed 6lbs 11oz, makes me think he would have been 8-9lbs if he had made it to my due date, so I don't think little babies are necessarily normal for me, either. It's just happened to be that way both times.
You just never know with labour do you. So different for every lady and for different labours.

Corban I had slight pink tinged cm at 40+5 then contractions started the next evening with my waters rupturing.
Indigo I had a sweep 40+4 lost lotsa plug but nothing! Second sweep 40+8 and contractions started that night and she came 40+9.
I've always felt totally normal before just start with contractions that just build! Hoping this one does the same and no pissing about!


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