Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

I could have written that! I am in the process of applying to become a breastfeeding counsellor, and m and another friend are going to organise a BF photoshoot and send the pictures to clinics, maternity wards etc to try and raise awareness of BF in our area!!
Yep we cosleep to and it tends to be something I dont actually mention - I dont hide it I just dont advertise it.
I wish we were still bfing :(
18 months is awesome!
The negative attitudes drive me bonkers!
I could have written that! I am in the process of applying to become a breastfeeding counsellor, and m and another friend are going to organise a BF photoshoot and send the pictures to clinics, maternity wards etc to try and raise awareness of BF in our area!!

Good for you JellyBeann, let me know how it all goes. Love the photoshoot idea. I dont think many people really realised that I was BF right in front of them so not sure how that could offend.

I hope your campaign works well and if it only changes a few people's perceptions of bf it can only be for the better.

I will be stalking this site now to find out how you get on xxx
I wish we were still bfing :(
18 months is awesome!
The negative attitudes drive me bonkers!

I wouldn't feel bad about stopping we all have to at some point. You have given your bubba the very best start and 13 months is really fantastic so give your self a pat on the back. :thumbup: xx
Ollie just had his first booby since yesterday, and he threw it all up over me, like 5 minutes after having it...eeks!
Thankfully I don't deal with TOO much of a negative attitude because I"m far from home but I'm really nervous about going home in July. I just know Emma will still be feeding than. If not it'll be a complete shock bc she's still very dependent on the booby. And the problem is that she still feeds through the day so people are going to notice and say something. :( I need to get myself worked up with good witty come backs just in case. :haha: Maybe she'll finally start cutting down by than. How do you tell them no? Emma goes nuts if I don't give her 'boo boos'. She will just keep yanking at my top saying 'boo boo boo boo'. :lol: If I refuse her, isn't that kind of me starting to wean her?
Mine will just continue to say mummymilk mummymilk. We had a family do on Saturday that I was really nervous about as my aunt in particular has very different parenting views to me. It was quite funny though she came to the toilet with me (as a prelude to potty training) and when we were there she asked for mummymilk so I thought why not. Then later on when she had knocked herself she looked at me and went mummy go wee wee rather than mummymilk as she got it the last time we went to the loo!
Funnily enough I do wonder sometimes whether I just assume that everyone is going to be negative about it. I had a friend visit on Sunday and I had to feed S when she was here and I was quite nervous but she said that she would feed until the child weaned and that she could not see why you wouldn't so that was nice
Thankfully I don't deal with TOO much of a negative attitude because I"m far from home but I'm really nervous about going home in July. I just know Emma will still be feeding than. If not it'll be a complete shock bc she's still very dependent on the booby. And the problem is that she still feeds through the day so people are going to notice and say something. :( I need to get myself worked up with good witty come backs just in case. :haha: Maybe she'll finally start cutting down by than. How do you tell them no? Emma goes nuts if I don't give her 'boo boos'. She will just keep yanking at my top saying 'boo boo boo boo'. :lol: If I refuse her, isn't that kind of me starting to wean her?

Hi Cleckner & Quartz,

I know it is easy to say but don't let people's ignorance affect your BF. When it stops its a phase that neither of you will not repeat again with each other.
It's kind of like letting go of the baby years to a degree. It can be so difficult for both mother and child. With my DS it was the only comfort he had, I never allowed a dummy, bottles were not an issue and he has never had a blanky so was traumatic for him to have his only comfort taken away and for me was horrific looking at his pitiful face wondering why Mummy wouldn't feed him. My advice is stop when you feel the time is right as it will not be easy on you both so make sure it is for the right reasons and not negative ones.

My DS used to refer to mummy milk as MUCK always has, he still talks about when he used to have his MUCK bless him.

I still produce milk despite not having fed my DS for over 18 months.
My body was obviously willing to carry on but I got caught up in what others thought was right and wrong and not what was best for my son. ( I had a breast enlargement and still the milk flows) don't think it will ever dry up completely lol. xxx
Thanks Tamarah I had the realisation last night that I care sometimes too much what other people think and that I should do what I feel is best and I am now feeling much happier about it. Also very excited that I reach 2 years on Saturday!
Kira is still very dependent on the booby too. She'll tug at my top if I ignore her and say "boo boo boo" and then "bee bee bee". She doesn't put the 2 sounds together yet, LOL.

Everyone in my immediate family is okay with me BF, but recently I had some experiences with extended family and it was much better than I expected. The first was a visit to my great Uncles house. I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable so I took Kira in a different room to feed her. There were no comments at all. I also had my Grandmother's funeral and I BF Kira at the funeral home. I found a chair away from the crowd and nobody even seemed to notice. I was all ready with "it was good enough for baby Jesus", but I didn't have to use that one :haha: Some of my extended family is very religious, so that would have been perfect :thumbup: When I'm around younger people (non-parents), I try to take Kira into another room to bf her so I don't make anyone uncomfortable. But when I'm around older people who have kids, I'm less modest. My brother visited me the other day and asked how long babies get bf, and I told him all about the different recommendations from the WHO, etc. So far the only person who said "are you STILL doing that?" was DH's aunt, and my answer was "yep" :haha: It didn't bother me either because I'm confident that I'm doing the right thing for Kira.
do you all have supportive partners?
sorry for the sort of rant but i know you will all understand :)
my hubby really wanted me to bf i wasnt sure but the moment my lo was born i knew i wanted to bf. i've now completely fallen in love with bf and want to feed for as long as my lo wants to. however i go back to work in june so will have to express as i'll be working 13hr shifts 3 days a week my hubby keeps saying i need to stop before i go back to work as it will be hard on me bf and working but i want to do whats best for my lo! my hubby and in-laws also thinks its weird to bf after a year but i dont want to be pressured to stop if me and my lo arent ready
thanks for reading :flower:
Ollie hasn't had booby since 8am this morning, and oh my gosh, are my boobs hurting...all up by my collarbone! Owwwieeessss!!

how is everyone else today? I skimmed so haven't read everything lol! x
do you all have supportive partners?
sorry for the sort of rant but i know you will all understand :)
my hubby really wanted me to bf i wasnt sure but the moment my lo was born i knew i wanted to bf. i've now completely fallen in love with bf and want to feed for as long as my lo wants to. however i go back to work in june so will have to express as i'll be working 13hr shifts 3 days a week my hubby keeps saying i need to stop before i go back to work as it will be hard on me bf and working but i want to do whats best for my lo! my hubby and in-laws also thinks its weird to bf after a year but i dont want to be pressured to stop if me and my lo arent ready
thanks for reading :flower:

My partner is supportive...we were both 100% BF from day one, and I have had a lot of negative comments the past few days, and DH has been great!

However I am not sure how supportive he is going to be if LO feeds past we were at a friends LOs 2nd birthday, and she is still on booby, my DH and her DP are really good friends, and they were talking about it, saying that really, she was doing it mainly for her...he still understood that the child needed it, but not as much as LO (he was 11 months at the time!) I am hoping he changes his attitude if LO feeds pat 2, if he self weans, it's fair enough!!
staceyg- you might only have to pump once during your 13 hour shift since your lo will be a little older by then. When I pumped at work, it was always a nice time to sit down and relax, and to think about my baby so it didn't feel like a hassle. The hardest part was the extra work to clean the pumping parts in the evening, so I ordered an extra set of parts for my pump so I only had to clean them every other day.

In regards to supportive partners- mine is very supportive.

JellyBean- perhaps when your LO is 2, your partner will realize that its not so weird. When I see older children I always have a hard time imagining Kira at that age, if that makes sense?? My friends daughter is 4 months older than Kira, and 4 months ago I remember thinking "that might be a little weird to BF an 18 month old who is walking around and starting to talk!", but now that Kira is 18 months it doesn't seem weird at all since she's still such a baby.
do you all have supportive partners?
sorry for the sort of rant but i know you will all understand :)
my hubby really wanted me to bf i wasnt sure but the moment my lo was born i knew i wanted to bf. i've now completely fallen in love with bf and want to feed for as long as my lo wants to. however i go back to work in june so will have to express as i'll be working 13hr shifts 3 days a week my hubby keeps saying i need to stop before i go back to work as it will be hard on me bf and working but i want to do whats best for my lo! my hubby and in-laws also thinks its weird to bf after a year but i dont want to be pressured to stop if me and my lo arent ready
thanks for reading :flower:

Un fortunately my EX Husband was not supportive of my bf at all. My DS was born prematurely at 33 weeks. I was determined from way before that we concieved that I would BF, he was not totally happy with the idea. Anyways as DS was so early he tried to convince me that a Dummy would be a great pacifier for him, I think this was so when he came to bf he would like the difference and go for a bottle. I nettoed that idea and at 34 weeks argued with docs til I was blue in the face to remove his feeding tube and let me at least let me try and BF. My son took to it immediately and we never stopped going until his 2nd birthday. Some of the worst comments I recieved were from my EX husband and his family. My mother in law returned to work when her child was 7 weeks so think she felt I should follow suit.

Glad to read that you LL have supportive partners.

Well ladies I met our new HV today and she is lovely :happydance:

It came up that we BF and she said 'good for you, that's wonderful'. I guess I have been really lucky with support for BF. My previous HV was supportive too. It was actually my DH that kind of pushed for me to BF. When I was pregnant I wasn't sure that I would BF but he kept saying 'its best for baby' (I'm sure it was probably more so he wouldn't have to get up for night feeds :haha:) and like you stacey as soon as K was born I just had this urge to BF him :cloud9:

tamarah :hugs: that must of been hard for you coping with your DS being born early and the lack of support for doing something so natural and wonderful like BF. Good that he took to it so well.

Quartz 2 years is amazing. Have you got anything planned?
Kira is still very dependent on the booby too. She'll tug at my top if I ignore her and say "boo boo boo" and then "bee bee bee". She doesn't put the 2 sounds together yet, LOL.

:haha: aww, how cute
Oh, meant to say that I asked the HV if its normal that I haven't had a visit from AF yet and she said it is a bit unusual, however, as I'm BF (a lot) and on the mini pill that is probably why. She said she'd ask one of the doctors for me though and give me a phone.

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