I keep forgetting about this thread! Naughty Flora!!!!
How's everyone doing? We're good here. harry's still on a min of 4 feeds a day, but sometimes more, depending on where we are, what we're doing & if he's ill, teething or anything.
Congrats on the great milestones everyone!

We will hit our 17 month BFing milestone on sunday, which I'm pleased about as i never thought we'd make it past that first week, lol!
Ummm, what else...
Cleckner, it's of my opinion if you start saying no or refusing her breast time, it could technically be seen that you're starting a weaning process rather than her self weaning, but tbh, you gotta do whatever you and emma are comfortable & happy to do. At home, i let harry feed however, whenever... but I must admit, when we're out n about or at other people's, i come laden with multiple types of snacks and drinks to kinda put him off needing/wanting boobie when we're out so that other people dont think we're freaks. She's your daughter, so screw what other people think, would be the easiest answer, but the hardest to do!

You never know, a lot may change in the meantime. Harry will literally scream 'boooooobbbbiiiieeee!' and pull my top & try to get my boobs out at home sometimes, but thankfully he's never done it in public yet.
Umm, oh yeah, about partners. My hubby has been very supportive of our Bfing, but he has admitted he would fine it weird if harry was still BFing after his 2nd birthday. In my own head I'd find it odd after 3, but sthen, 17 months ago, I thought anyone who wanted to BF at all was weird and after 6 months was just plain crazy, so i guess attitudes & opinions change as our LOs get older, so i will never say never I guess.
Anyways, better get going. Need a cuppa!