Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Oh, meant to say that I asked the HV if its normal that I haven't had a visit from AF yet and she said it is a bit unusual, however, as I'm BF (a lot) and on the mini pill that is probably why. She said she'd ask one of the doctors for me though and give me a phone.

I'm gonner have to make an appointment for me and the monkey at docs this week, so I'll ask them then too! I think it probably is at 13 months, but I'll be a bit more worried at 18 months I think! x
:hi: I keep forgetting about this thread! Naughty Flora!!!!

How's everyone doing? We're good here. harry's still on a min of 4 feeds a day, but sometimes more, depending on where we are, what we're doing & if he's ill, teething or anything. :thumbup:

Congrats on the great milestones everyone! :happydance: We will hit our 17 month BFing milestone on sunday, which I'm pleased about as i never thought we'd make it past that first week, lol!

Ummm, what else...
Cleckner, it's of my opinion if you start saying no or refusing her breast time, it could technically be seen that you're starting a weaning process rather than her self weaning, but tbh, you gotta do whatever you and emma are comfortable & happy to do. At home, i let harry feed however, whenever... but I must admit, when we're out n about or at other people's, i come laden with multiple types of snacks and drinks to kinda put him off needing/wanting boobie when we're out so that other people dont think we're freaks. She's your daughter, so screw what other people think, would be the easiest answer, but the hardest to do! :dohh: You never know, a lot may change in the meantime. Harry will literally scream 'boooooobbbbiiiieeee!' and pull my top & try to get my boobs out at home sometimes, but thankfully he's never done it in public yet.

Umm, oh yeah, about partners. My hubby has been very supportive of our Bfing, but he has admitted he would fine it weird if harry was still BFing after his 2nd birthday. In my own head I'd find it odd after 3, but sthen, 17 months ago, I thought anyone who wanted to BF at all was weird and after 6 months was just plain crazy, so i guess attitudes & opinions change as our LOs get older, so i will never say never I guess.

Anyways, better get going. Need a cuppa!
I haven't refused Emma yet. I just don't have the heart to do it. :haha: She is the same yanking at my top and saying "booby,booby" Well lately it's been 'boo boo' instead. :haha:

I have the same feeling like 3 would be my cutoff point. So if she doesn't wean by 2 1/2 I'll probably start encouraging her to wean. Although that could change tomorrow even. I think about it often but change my mind quite a bit. :blush:
Well we have reached two years :happydance: and successfully survived the second birthday party!

Cleckner we are the same I would like her to be have weaned by Christmas just before she is 3 but I dont want to push her. I have a feeling if I tried we would end up having the same end date as if I left her to it but with a lot more tears and drama and I want her to make the decision. Thankfully we have cut down again after being ill and she only asks at home now which I dont mind - its the public feeds and asking that I find stressful.

As for OH yes he is supportive but I do think now we have reached two years he would like it to stop. He did mention last night what the plan was but he also mentioned potty training so we focussed on that!
Well done with 2 years!!! :dance: That's amazing! You need to post an updated piccie of her. :haha: Your avatar picture is a bit outdated. ;)

Well, I'm not really sure if emma breastfeeds in public because we are rarely in public anymore since DH left. :haha::shy: We walk to the park or walk to the grocery store and things like that but I'm never out at the zoo all day or anything like that. I have a feeling she wouldn't ask for it if she was distracted by other stuff though. But since we are home most days, she wants it when she gets bored.
Kira isn't interested in booby in public as long as she's happy and busy. If we're visiting someone new, then she'll ask for it alot. But when I offer her the boob in public, she'll just latch on for a second- I guess to make sure its still there, LOL.

When Kira asks for booby and I am busy (cooking, making the bed, etc) I'll ask her to let mommy finish and then she'll get booby. Sometimes she'll forget, but sometimes she'll throw a fit until I'm done and give her some. If I'm feeling too much like a cow and she's asking for MORE booby, I will take her to the fridge to let her pick out a snack or try to distract her with something fun, like going outside. I figure that she will slowly want less boob as she gets older and more independent. She's a mommy's girl right now and stuck up my butt most days, but I'm sure one day that will change and she won't need me as much and will slowly wean herself.
I think our breast feeding journey might be coming to an end. :cry:
Thomas has been down to only his bedtime feed for probably a couple of months now but was still really enjoying it and would go upstairs all excited doing the sign for milk. But last night he only latched on and sucked for 10 seconds or so each boob and then wanted to do his teeth. And tonight he still asked for boobie but wouldn't even latch on, just took the nipple in his mouth and then wanted me to put it away straight away and then asked to do his teeth. So he's gone off to sleep now without a feed.

He has a snotty nose and a cough at the moment and I think feeding is awkward for him because of his nose. So maybe he will be interested again when his cold is gone? I hope so, I would really like to get to 18 months at least. I'm going to keep offering but I won't push it if he's not interested. I do feel very emotional about it though.
Hey Guys...Ollie is still as much a booby baby as always haha! My nan told me he was too old for it yesterday :cry:I didn't know what to say back!
Thanks...I just ignored the comment, as she said it to Ollie "you're too old for this, you're a big boy!" SO I pretended I didn't hear!
polaris- :hugs: I hope it's just because he's sick and he comes back to it. But if not, you should be super proud that he stopped on his own!! :hugs:

JellyBeann- I wouldn't have known what to say either. I'm crap at witty comebacks in the moment like that. :hugs:
I think of loads to say afterwards lol...I am terrible in the moment. I fed LO on a bench today, he got tired and wanted booby...loads of people were glaring, I was ready with "do you want some?" / "Thirsty?" But nobody said a word lol!
I often talk thru Kira to insult people, so if your nan said to Kira "you're too old for this you're a big girl" I would have said "oh Kira, nan doesn't have a rotten old brain! Try to be nice to her!" :haha:
JellyBeann maybe they were waiting for u to flash lol
it really bugs me when people stare or say silly things about bf grr
haha. my FIL said to me the other day when are you going to stop? I think he has forgotten that his wife fed all their babies at least to 14mo...

I have decided I'm not going to cut back on day feeds until a year old. I'm really enjoying it, he's enjoying it, hubby has no problems and I'm enjoying the weight loss haha. As much as we want to TTC #2 ... I don't want to have another baby till we are back in NZ and that's seeming like a while off so I'm happy to wait. More time with baba to myself haha.
Yay, after three nights of not having a feed, Thomas had a feed at bedtime tonight! :cloud9:

I was sure he wasn't going to and at first when I offered he just looked at the boob as though he wasn't sure what to do with it. But then he took it in his mouth and latched on and then went on to have a proper long feed from both boobs! I'm so happy. He still has a cold and blocked nose so I'm not really sure what was different about tonight. Anyway it's made me realize that I should enjoy every feed as if it was the last because you never really know when your last feed is going to be.

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