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^^ He already got his canines?! Weird. Those are usually one of the last ones to come in. :haha: Usually closer to 2 years old from what I've read. So that's good that he has them already! I think they are tough ones to come in.

Popped through about 5 days ago, he needs his canines, 4 molars and the bottom canines (are they called canines?)
how do u cope bf with all those teeth!! 2 teeth are bad enough for me lol
stacey, i dunno, but for me, the more teeth harry got, the less i felt them? Miles looks so happy in your avatar pic :)
:) he love his food! lol well the biting has started all over again :( my poor nipples!
i feel for you hun. i hope he stops again soon for you. harry's only got his canines to get (and another set of molars once he's older), but i've been lucky that he's only bitten me twice ever. Maybe some kids arer just more into it than others? My nephew caleb was a biter- he seemed utterly compelled to bite everything, everyone, all the time. he didnt laugh or anything, so i dont think he thought it was funny, just something he felt the need to do.... until my bitch of a mum bit him back one day & he screamed the place down & never did it again; she's old school!
thanks :) my lo just laughs if i make a sound but its really hard to ignore it :( its strange as it was 3 weeks ago today when he first started biting so hopefully he will only do it for a few days like before i just really dont want to give up bf but the biting is really upsetting me :cry:
thats horrible your mum biting your nephew :(
My brother did something similar to my niece. She kept pulling hair and laughing about it so he pulled her hair and she screamed and apparently hasn't pulled hair since. :( I feel really bad for her. I don't see how you can teach a kid not to be violent, with violence IYKWIM. :wacko:
Kira is just now getting in her molars. I can see little points coming thru for 3 of them! She probably won't get her canines until she's 4 at this rate :haha:

Just recently she's been latching on funny and the tops of my nipples are quite red. I just put on some lanolin, which I haven't used in soooo long. My nipples are very itchy, so part of me is worrying about yeast since Kira's been on antibiotics. I've never had a yeast infection on my nipples, but I thought it was supposed to be painful and not itchy. I want to scratch them so badly but I'm resisting the urge :haha:

Cleckner- it's soooo funny how Emma and Kira are always the same weight. Kira weighed 24 pounds about 2 weeks ago and now she's back to 23.4 today. For the longest time she was 22.2/22.4 pounds and right before her 18 month checkup she went up to 23 pounds, so the doctor didn't say anything negative to me about her dropping percentiles.
Thomas has his four back teeth for a while now and his eight front teeth. He's teething again badly at the moment and I can see his two bottom canines under the gums. He's gone back to soaking through several tops a day with dribble but he refuses to keep a bib on now he's older! I've been lucky that he has only ever bit me twice. I read on here to just take him straight off the boob and put him on the floor for maybe 30 seconds. It seemed to work for us. But maybe he just isn't really a biter as the childminder's baby bites her all the time (not on the boob as she gave up b/f when she was a year old) whereas Thomas has never done that (yet!!)
yeah, my mum can be pretty evil in her ways... very much of the 'show the kid who's boss' era of strict routines, strict morals, do as I say, not as i do.... I pretty much try to make every parenting decision based on what she would do, then do the complete opposite! :rofl:
ohhh watch out if your nipples are itchy and red. sounds like the beginnings of thrush, I've had it twice and recently had the same symptoms, put some random antifungal cream on when I knew R wasn't gonna be feeding for a long time and it cleared straight up xx
LolaAnn- thanks! I bought some antifungal cream last night :thumbup: The hard part is finding a time to put some on because I'm never sure when Kira will want a booby.
Went to the zoo yesterday and was gone all day and Emma didn't ask for booby a single time! So I guess that just confirms my assumption that she won't need to feed as long as we are out in public and she is getting good distractions. :D As soon as we got home and settled in, she was all over me though. :rofl:
Went to the zoo yesterday and was gone all day and Emma didn't ask for booby a single time! So I guess that just confirms my assumption that she won't need to feed as long as we are out in public and she is getting good distractions. :D As soon as we got home and settled in, she was all over me though. :rofl:

Ollie is the same! And he crawls up to me, stands up, pokes me in whichever booby he wants and says (very excitedly) booby! or boobies!
We're down to two nursing times a day (more flexible in the night - as much as he wants!) and if we're out and doing stuff then he'll happily go without mummy milk. As soon as we're settled, sat down or chilled wherever he'll tap my chest with his head (if sat down) for milk. I do at times find it tiring, but it'sd so precious at the same time.
Alyssa doesn't ask to nurse if we're out and about, but she's all over me for mummy milk when we're home :) I wonder what she'll think as my milk starts to change throughout my pregnancy.
Congratulations on your BFP Anna (sorry if I have been slow on noticing this!)

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