Florabean, here are my answers
Do you find it's any different from feeding a smaller baby compared to a toddler? Surprisingly no, but time has snuck up on me so any changes happened slowly. I'm sure if I was bf a newborn again I would notice many differences.
Do you NIP still? not as much since Kira doesn't need booby as much. The last time was during a looong trip to the mall and she was getting cranky. I thought a booby might help her mood, but it didn't, LOL!
Do you ever say no if it's not convenient/possible for you? If I say "no", she'll cry. So I usually say "I will give you a booby when we get to the car" or "I will give you a booby when mommy is done taking a bath". etc...
Do you make them wait? Do you have any rules or anything if they misbehave while on the boob (like doing gymnastics while latched on, lol, or pulling your hair, or hitting your boobs etc?). haha, the only "rule" is she cannot play with the other boob while she's nursing. She'll sometimes get a peek at it and giggle and try to pinch the nipple, but I say "remember, only one booby at a time".
Do you feel you face any more negativity nursing an older child compared to when they were a baby? No, but I'm lucky to be surrounded by supportive people. It's funny because when I started to bf, my MIL told me that she nursed DH until 14 months, but the longer I go with Kira, the longer she claims to have bf DH, LOL! So now he was BF for 17 months! So having women around me who really enjoyed bf their own babies has been nice. Also, co-workers and relatives no longer ask nosey questions like "are you bf still?" because they assume I must be stopped by now. So I don't have many conversations about it anymore and perhaps I'm subject to less negativity because of that.
Do people think you're weird or a rebel or an activist for extended BFing? I don't know! Some people might think I'm weird, haha.