I'm amazed that I'm at 21 months now. I didn't even realize it until yesterday when I looked at my ticker on here.

The time goes too fast.
I am actually gently starting to wean Emma down a bit. I never would refuse her before but it's starting to wear thin on me so here is how yesterday went.
-Booby in bed right after we woke up.
-I refused 2 feeds in the morning. She put up a small fuss but I distracted with toys and snack food.
-Booby before her nap at 3 pm.
-Booby after nap.

-I tried to refuse her 2 times in the evening but she threw a giant temper tantrum and it didn't work so I gave in.
-Booby before bed.
-Booby once around midnight.
So yesterday in 24 hours she had 7 feeds.

But I managed to avoid the 2 she wanted in the morning/early afternoon.
Today has been pretty much the same so far. I will try to refuse when she wants it in the evening and just see how she reacts. My goal with doing this is just to cut it back a little. I don't want to wean completely yet but she is SUCH a booby monster I just have to cut it down a little. So eventually I just want to feed her morning feed, before nap, and before bed. That is the goal. Fingers X'ed.

So I'm definitely not gonna have a self weaning baby now because I'm intentionally cutting her back.