Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

oh dam it heres another pic of william I cant resist looking at
WIlliam by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr
Happy boy William by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr
Whats that? by Anneka Temmink, on Flickr

Gorgeous boy and gorgeous pictures! Are you a photographer? All of your pictures are amazing!!!!
just like taking pics.

I woke up this morning to having my boob and face and arm stroked while William fed. Was very nice and relaxing.
Kayleigh refused a bottle for so long....5 months! Then one day she took one, and a soother for the first time out of nowhere! She was going on 7 months. I would go out and have OH try to give your LO a bottle... make sure you are not home, but close enough you don't have to worry about LO being fussy and crying for long :)

Its been a long time since i had a drop of drink to and will be another long time to come. I know at xmas I can have one when breastfeeding but I think I want like 10 not one so no point.

I wanted 10+ hahaha but luckily stopped, so I felt good this morning.

Did you give William a bottle at all?
No he has never had any formula and breastmilk once from a bottle, i coulodnt get enough out and he could so I never bothered with bottles.
Alyssa has only taken a bottle about twice in her life. The first time was so Daddy could see what it was like to snuggle and feed his baby girl at about 4 weeks old. The second was the weekend before I returned to work, when Alyssa was 6 months old. I was off out for the day to photograph a wedding I had been booked to do even before I got pregnant - Alyssa resisted the bottle for ages, then decided to guzzle all 9 ounces when she got good and thirsty (she had plenty of melon, cheese, other fruit and her water in the meantime). She never took a bottle again. When I returned to work, she just tanked up on BF first thing in the morning, dive bombed me for milk when I got home, and nursed through the evening and night. She's never looked back!
gills *hugs* my lo wouldnt take a bottle til 6/7 months, if you really wnat him to then try different bottles and let your dh do it not you and try with 10/20ml at a time (I hated wasting precious bm!) G was stubborn as hell about bottle drinking but one night he took 10ml from TT bottle, 2 nights later we tried 20ml etc etc and he caught on. I dont know why I felt he had to as now he is 1 we only use sippy cups with cows milk on nights when i am not home (which is hardly ever!)
I think with some peoples lives bottles can help but as I dont work I dont think I ever had call for one. He came everywhere with me anyway and no one else took him out. I did leave that bottle ones when I wanted to go out on my bike in case he got hungry. Then I was able to time when I went out and was never out long. I live a sheltered life lol
Can anyone recommend a good breastfeeding book for 6months plus. I'm kinda feeling a bit doubty about it all. I'm in no way going to give up but I've been wondering about how many feeds they should have and when and sleeping though the night - am I going to be waking for the next 2 years 3/4 times a night to feed her arghhh....

Need a book!!!!
never had a book just carried on, feed on demand etc. go with the flow.
I love The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and Mothering Your Nursing Toddler. They're both by La Leche League International :)

I also can recommend The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night by Elizabeth Pantley. Geared towards babies/toddlers who nurse to sleep or wake in the night to nurse. (Not that I've implemented it with Alyssa yet... :haha:)

just like taking pics.

I woke up this morning to having my boob and face and arm stroked while William fed. Was very nice and relaxing.

hehe awe :)

Well you are really good at it! :D I would hire you!

Kayleigh refused a bottle for so long....5 months! Then one day she took one, and a soother for the first time out of nowhere! She was going on 7 months. I would go out and have OH try to give your LO a bottle... make sure you are not home, but close enough you don't have to worry about LO being fussy and crying for long :)

Its been a long time since i had a drop of drink to and will be another long time to come. I know at xmas I can have one when breastfeeding but I think I want like 10 not one so no point.

I wanted 10+ hahaha but luckily stopped, so I felt good this morning.

Did you give William a bottle at all?
No he has never had any formula and breastmilk once from a bottle, i coulodnt get enough out and he could so I never bothered with bottles.

I see. Kayleigh took bottles of EBM until her jaundice was cleared and I felt comfortable with the whole trusting my boobs thing and I just got her back to taking them. She doesn't mind them, but prefers boob of course :thumbup:

Alyssa has only taken a bottle about twice in her life. The first time was so Daddy could see what it was like to snuggle and feed his baby girl at about 4 weeks old. The second was the weekend before I returned to work, when Alyssa was 6 months old. I was off out for the day to photograph a wedding I had been booked to do even before I got pregnant - Alyssa resisted the bottle for ages, then decided to guzzle all 9 ounces when she got good and thirsty (she had plenty of melon, cheese, other fruit and her water in the meantime). She never took a bottle again. When I returned to work, she just tanked up on BF first thing in the morning, dive bombed me for milk when I got home, and nursed through the evening and night. She's never looked back!

wow! Awesome! :thumbup:

Can anyone recommend a good breastfeeding book for 6months plus. I'm kinda feeling a bit doubty about it all. I'm in no way going to give up but I've been wondering about how many feeds they should have and when and sleeping though the night - am I going to be waking for the next 2 years 3/4 times a night to feed her arghhh....

Need a book!!!!

No books read here, but Kayleigh sleeps through for the most part. She feeds every 2-3 hours still during the day though, which I'm not sure if most LO's feed as often at 8 months... :shrug:

I love The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and Mothering Your Nursing Toddler. They're both by La Leche League International :)

I also can recommend The No-Cry Sleep Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night by Elizabeth Pantley. Geared towards babies/toddlers who nurse to sleep or wake in the night to nurse. (Not that I've implemented it with Alyssa yet... :haha:)


I'm going to look into getting some of those books too. I want to read them as you always hear of them being recommended :)
8 months today!! :cloud9:

I can't believe I made it to 8 months :) Yay! I also can't believe Kayleigh is 8 months old... :cry: time is racing by!! I love to watch her learn and grow, but it's well...... bitter-sweet lol​
Oh btw guess what!?!?!?

:witch: finally returned... not even the least bit excited as my tubes are tied so no more TTC 4 me lol... ugh! Stupid :witch: I didn't even have cramps or nothing. Only symptom of her returning was the whole wanting to kill OH lastnight :haha:
Mum2J - yeah for 8 months. :happydance: & boo to AF. Still no sign of mine. :shrug: That's a shame that you didn't get out for your date. Although if you didn't feel you could leave LO then you probably would not of enjoyed it anyway. I had a glass of wine on friday night when I was out with some work mates for a meal. It was the first glass since xmas and even at xmas I only had one. It was lush. :haha:

Kaiden has never taken a bottle. Maybe a couple of sips of EBM but thats it. When I returned to work part-time when he was 7 months he did the same as annabanana's LO & tanked up before I left in the morning, I'd get home at lunch & he would be at me for the boobie by mid-afternoon. Now I'm nearly FT & he tries to latch on as soon as I get home usually. He has always been a guzzler during the night too which is why we co-sleep.
Okay I know I've been MIA for a while. I started watching that show True blood online and got addicted. :blush: Now I keep having vampire sex dreams. :rofl::rofl:

Mum2J&K- Congrats on 8 months!!!

Dragonfly- He's gorgeous as always. You do take very nice pictures. I love taking piccies too. Although I don't have nearly as beautiful of a setting as you for pictures. :haha:

Gills- Emma never took well to a bottle. We had to give her one the first 2 weeks of her life but since than she doesn't know what to do with one. Have you tried a straw cup? I thought Emma would be too young for one a few months back but she drank out of it right away and now loves drinking from straws. Might be worth a shot! :flower:

AFU- I leaked today. :shrug: I haven't leaked in ages so it was weird. :haha: Nothing too new here. Emma is walking in circles in our living room right now and clapping with a big grin on her face. :rofl: I always thought newborns were the cutest but I swear she gets cuter every day. :D
Hi everyone, I wonder if I'm fine to join up here :blush: It doesn't feel like 6 months has gone by yet but wow it has and here we are still BF. My LO won't take a bottle either except for a couple of times, once with EBM and once with formula, but only from my mum and not OH or I. Does anyone know why he'll accept it from Mum but not us? It means we can leave him with her but he never takes much, just one bottle and never the second if we are gone that long so we have to come and get him? Would love to know why he is so fussy.
Boo to AF too... I got mine last month but it hasn't come back again. I wasn't expecting it either! I thought if you only BF that kept it away :dohh: Obviously not! And Dragonfly your pics are gorgeous, William has such lovely eyes :)
Mum2J - yeah for 8 months. :happydance: & boo to AF. Still no sign of mine. :shrug: That's a shame that you didn't get out for your date. Although if you didn't feel you could leave LO then you probably would not of enjoyed it anyway. I had a glass of wine on friday night when I was out with some work mates for a meal. It was the first glass since xmas and even at xmas I only had one. It was lush. :haha:

Kaiden has never taken a bottle. Maybe a couple of sips of EBM but thats it. When I returned to work part-time when he was 7 months he did the same as annabanana's LO & tanked up before I left in the morning, I'd get home at lunch & he would be at me for the boobie by mid-afternoon. Now I'm nearly FT & he tries to latch on as soon as I get home usually. He has always been a guzzler during the night too which is why we co-sleep.

Wow I wish my :witch: would stay away for 1yr or more lol... she isn't all that smart I assume. Hmmm I want a drink now, lol, but I just gave Kayleigh the last of my EBM in the fridge and I don't want to thaw my "in case" stash in the freezer, hehe

Kayleigh would have to, since she still doesn't really eat solids. She doesn't like it at all. She will eat some toast, some of those gerber puffs (if I put them in her mouth) and in rare cases yogurt, so she still needs lots of BM during the day.

Okay I know I've been MIA for a while. I started watching that show True blood online and got addicted. :blush: Now I keep having vampire sex dreams. :rofl::rofl:

Mum2J&K- Congrats on 8 months!!!

Dragonfly- He's gorgeous as always. You do take very nice pictures. I love taking piccies too. Although I don't have nearly as beautiful of a setting as you for pictures. :haha:

Gills- Emma never took well to a bottle. We had to give her one the first 2 weeks of her life but since than she doesn't know what to do with one. Have you tried a straw cup? I thought Emma would be too young for one a few months back but she drank out of it right away and now loves drinking from straws. Might be worth a shot! :flower:

AFU- I leaked today. :shrug: I haven't leaked in ages so it was weird. :haha: Nothing too new here. Emma is walking in circles in our living room right now and clapping with a big grin on her face. :rofl: I always thought newborns were the cutest but I swear she gets cuter every day. :D

HAHAHAHA :haha::haha: :rofl::rofl::rofl: Vampire sex dreams... I admit, after watching Twilight I had one of those :blush:

Leaking... I do once in a while, but not much and not often at all. I bet it was weird, :haha:

Kayleigh gets cuter every day too :thumbup: It's great! lol Emma is one pretty lil lady :)

Hi everyone, I wonder if I'm fine to join up here :blush: It doesn't feel like 6 months has gone by yet but wow it has and here we are still BF. My LO won't take a bottle either except for a couple of times, once with EBM and once with formula, but only from my mum and not OH or I. Does anyone know why he'll accept it from Mum but not us? It means we can leave him with her but he never takes much, just one bottle and never the second if we are gone that long so we have to come and get him? Would love to know why he is so fussy.
Boo to AF too... I got mine last month but it hasn't come back again. I wasn't expecting it either! I thought if you only BF that kept it away :dohh: Obviously not! And Dragonfly your pics are gorgeous, William has such lovely eyes :)

Maybe your LO knows you will give in and give Booby, and well, your OH might mean the same ? :shrug:

AF sucks! Maybe mine will stay away for a few more months now.. hehe

Hi and welcome too! :happydance:
Kira refused bottles, but my mom finally got her to take one around 3 months. Just recently at 12 months she has refused them again, so we had a pretty good run. It was hard work to get Kira to take a bottle though. I bought a few different brands for my mom to try and with some hard work and lots of crying, Kira finally gave in and took the bottle from her. Then after a couple of weeks Kira actually enjoyed taking the bottle. Now she takes EBM from a sippy cup. My mom can't watch Kira this Friday but DH is going to be Mr Mom for the first time while I work on Friday :haha: It's actually a relief that she takes EBM from a cup now because I know DH will be okay when I'm not here.

I still leak at night... while Kira is dream feeding on one side, the other drips right on her face sometimes :haha:

My AF returned at 10 months... I was hoping she'd stay away for awhile longer. Luckily it hasn't been too bad, so I can't complain too much.
Kaiden has never taken a bottle. Maybe a couple of sips of EBM but thats it. When I returned to work part-time when he was 7 months he did the same as annabanana's LO & tanked up before I left in the morning, I'd get home at lunch & he would be at me for the boobie by mid-afternoon. Now I'm nearly FT & he tries to latch on as soon as I get home usually. He has always been a guzzler during the night too which is why we co-sleep.

What weaning were you doing? We're BLW and I'd be worried she wouldnt eat enough - not that i'm planning on leaving her for a day but if i knew it was okay to leave her a little longer - it might mean i'd actually do something for me without bubs. I just worry that she won't have anything to eat.
I left lo with mil once for the day back when she would take a bottle but she refused it all day and didnt eat for 7 hours - at all - she wasnt weaning back then either (even though mil force fed her some crappy baby custard when she knew we were doing BLW)
:hi: all. how is everyone?

re: formula. Harry had forumla to help with weight gain as advised by Dr & HV on & off for the first 4 months. (Never more than 1 bottle a day & never more than 3 or 4 days in a week.) I was very uncomfortable with it at first because it made me\feel like i'd somehow failed my child, which was slly since i'd planned to 100% FF at first anyway , but ended up BFing out of curiosity, lol!!! He hasn't had any formula now for months n months & for the past 2 1/2 months has completely refused a bottle regardless of\what's in it... so now all my dozens of oz's of ebm in the freezer are\having to be used on his cereal so they dont go to waste. :dohh:

re: parenting syles. we just go with the flow; i figure life's just easier that way? :shrug: we still feed on demand, do blw, i still feed harry to sleep as i hate the thought of letting him cry & daddy carries him around in his metro pack pack which he loves coz he's up high & he like to be nosy... & noisy! we have no routine what-so-ever! We get up whenever, nap whev]never, eat whenever & gop to bed whenever. It just works best for us, so it's all good, lol.

nayway, i'll shut up now. oh & LMAO at the vibrators :rofl:

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