Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

I've still not had AF, since Nov 2008! Had the Mirena coil fitted when William was about 3 months old and so no AF for me!

Spidey - love the expression you used "Mr Mom"!

We (read I!) have been working hard at helping William learnt o fall asleep on his own again as I think he's ready, he gets upset being held/rocked to sleep and so doing that isn't stopping him from crying. I still feed him to sleep most bedtimes and if he wakes in the night (at least 2 times is average!) I feed him, then try to take him off before he's totally asleep then put him down when he's almost gone.

So new naptime routine has been to read a couple stories in his room with small light on when he's showing signs of being tired, then put his nightlight on and turn off other light and put him into his cot - he has about 3 teddies in there. I sit on the floor and he holds my hand and lies down, sit up, lies down, sits up, lies down.....for up to 25 minutes! He then starts to complain (not cry) and will sometimes lie back down and nearly fall asleep but normally I end up picking him up and getting him dozey, and lying him back down. Well, yesterday he was asking to be fed to sleep as he stood up and said "ooobie, ooobie!" I've always called bf boobie juice - never thought I'd be feeding him this long so didn't think it through what we call it!

Very proud of how well he's taking my gentle way of attempting to teach him to sleep! Can't let him cry but feel we're all ready to move on to the next stage of sleep iykwim?! Who knows, I may even get a full nights sleep eventually!
Kayleigh's naptime is usually small one in mid morning, and big one in afternoon. She only slept once today and it was almost 3pm before she went down, so she will be out until around 5-6pm. Her usual times are 9-10am for around 45 minutes and then 1-2 pm for about 3 hours :) She put herself on this routine and I either feed or rock to sleep, but she will also fall asleep on her own :)

The new guidelines for milk are in the fridge freezer, 12 months and deep freeze 18months + frozen, here anyways, which is awesome!
Emma only takes one nap now. :( Which means I'm much more tired at the end of the day but I guess she's a big girl now and doesn't need the extra nap. She's even been fighting the one nap lately so I'm wondering if she will drop it too. She feeds to sleep still. Which is no big deal for me. I know she'll grow out of it when she's ready. :D

flora- vibrators are always a good discussion topic. :rofl:
Kira has 2 naps still- very much like Kayleigh it seems. A 45 minute one that starts between 9 to 10am and a 2 hour one that starts at 2pm. Nap times= mommy rest times!
candyfloss - sounds like what i would do for night times! Hope it works for you! xx
Kira has 2 naps still- very much like Kayleigh it seems. A 45 minute one that starts between 9 to 10am and a 2 hour one that starts at 2pm. Nap times= mommy rest times!

No fair!! :haha: I want Emma to take a 2 hour nap! Emma is very random with how long she naps but she usually naps around 1-2 and that's it. Some days it's only for half an hour. Other days it's more than an hour. She's very inconsistent. But I get my BnB time in while she naps. :haha:

:shock::shock::shock::shock:<----For mum2J&K :rofl:
candyfloss - sounds like what i would do for night times! Hope it works for you! xx

Fingers crossed!

William never sleeps much in the day, not unusual to have less than an hour over 2 naps, one sometime between 9 and 10am for up to 45mins, then about 30 mins in the afternoon sometime. Last 2 days he's only had about 20 mins in the afternoon one, woken up cranky but not gone back down. He's never been a big sleeper tho, when we drove back fro Bristol a few weeks ago he never slept for the whole 2 and a half hour journey! I would of if I wasn't driving lol! The other day he slept loads (feeling poorly from a cold) and his morning nap was 2 and a half hours, didn't know what to do with myself!
Sophia just has the one nap now, usually for 90 minutes 3 hours after she first gets up. She doesn't feed before naps now so I just put her in her cot, she grabs eeyore and usually just drops off!
Kaiden has never taken a bottle. Maybe a couple of sips of EBM but thats it. When I returned to work part-time when he was 7 months he did the same as annabanana's LO & tanked up before I left in the morning, I'd get home at lunch & he would be at me for the boobie by mid-afternoon. Now I'm nearly FT & he tries to latch on as soon as I get home usually. He has always been a guzzler during the night too which is why we co-sleep.

What weaning were you doing? We're BLW and I'd be worried she wouldnt eat enough - not that i'm planning on leaving her for a day but if i knew it was okay to leave her a little longer - it might mean i'd actually do something for me without bubs. I just worry that she won't have anything to eat.
I left lo with mil once for the day back when she would take a bottle but she refused it all day and didnt eat for 7 hours - at all - she wasnt weaning back then either (even though mil force fed her some crappy baby custard when she knew we were doing BLW)

gills - we were doing TW. We started early as suggested by HV because he wasn't sleeping through the night! Didn't work. Does that actually work for anyone? :shrug: I hadn't heard about BLW at that point. If I had we def would of gone for that. Having said that from 6 months we have always offered lots of finger foods and purees have been more lumpy than smooth. I was worried the first few days of leaving him. In the 6 weeks before going back to work I was pumping every day building up a stash of EBM in the freezer in the hope that he would take it. The week before going back to work we had a few trial runs where I went away for the morning (to mums basically round the corner so could be home in 2 mins) & left some thawed EBM. DH would give him his porridge for breakfast & offer some EBM later on but he would never take it but he didn't get upset by it either. Just would rather wait for the real thing :haha:
Candyfloss - Nov 2008 is when I had my last AF too!

We (I) too have been trying to encourage Kaiden to go to sleep himself. He does for his one nap during the day which I miss because I'm at work. At bedtime I've been giving him a feed in his bedroom and then putting him in his cot & just sitting with him. For about a week he did really well & then when he'd wake about a couple of hours later (usually just after I've gone to bed) I'd bring him into bed with us. Which was fine by me 'cause I'm so used to him being in the bed with us I struggle to sleep without him :blush: He's now back to having the boobie to sleep. I'm sure he will stop doing this when he is ready as I know he can settle without it.
One more week and a day left then I'll have breastfed Lennox for a whole year. It's great because I never got past the initial latch with any of my other boys. I got a breastpump so I can get him to drink from a sippy, but I think it's broke. It doesn't get my milk to release.
Other kids are weird around William, I dont know why though. Its like they do not want to play, quite hostile. And these are kids my friends brings into my house! remember once he was playing away with my friends son and my friends son became snappy with toys and snapped things off WIlliam, William didnt care and went and got another toy. But this other child was older, could speak and all. Then my cousins do the same thnig! get all pocessive about toys that arnt even theirs! William just looks like he is pizzled by this and hands out toys and treats. Then the other night a friend brought her daiughter in, she was old enough girl maybe 8, william was all for playing with her and she wasnt havbing it at all. Getting really hostile and wanting to get away from him. She rather play on her own with his stuff. Poor william ends up playing with the dog when other kids are around as they just dont seem to want to mix. He is happy condident and dosnt care who he plays with, kind and sharing and just dosnt get possessive over stuff.I am glad he is like that but felt sorry for him that he tried to play so many times with kids who clearly where not interested in play with others at all and do go to playschools, william has never been to a playschool.
dragonfly- Emma gets this too at playdates. Other kids(usually older) just yank the toys from her hands and she just looks at them because she doesn't understand why they are doing this. I have one 3 year old that comes over to play sometimes and he is really mean to Emma. Even to the point of pushing her down for no reason. She doesn't cry but she does look very puzzled about why he's being so mean. I feel bad watching these kinds of interactions but I guess that is the way things are because some kids are just plain mean. :wacko:
Seems a lot of kids are mean , everyone that comes into contact with my son and then the parents tell me I have to wait and my son will become this hostile monster to that snatches things and is rude. But I dont think so, some say like my ones theres something wrong with him he is to nice. I know he is just a pleasent child and I have made him that way by not doing what other parents do. But I dont talk about it I get shot down in flames and get called a lazy parent. Nice. Yet my son dosnt snatch things off poeple, tantrum and be anti social he is very confident , not a shy bone in him. OH mum was saying a few months ago he had a social disorder and all. Hurts me that as I just see an angel of a child who loves everyone and not a monster apparently he should be being.
Kira has had a few play dates with older children- the oldest was 2 1/2 and so far only girls. The older ones will take something from Kira's hands, but it's because they're too young to understand sharing. But I must be lucky since all Kira's friends are so gentle and I'm actually surprised there is no hitting or slapping :thumbup: Perhaps it's the parents? My friends watch their kids so close and whenever one of their babies doesn't share, or starts to do something that looks dangerous, they are right there to intervene.
The parents do have different views on parenting and to be honest it shows in the children. Though they think I am wrong for not hitting my son and co sleeping, breastfeeding the rest etc. My son has never warrented ever being hit, and I wouldnt any way. Weirdly they do and the kids they dont want??
Big yay to William tonight! He's had a bath, story, bf like normal (well not bath each night!) and he normally falls to sleep when feeding, but he woke up when I put him in his cot tonight. So I lay him back down, put on his music and just sat by his cot, and after half hour or so, he's done it, fallen asleep without me helping! Not even a hand on his back!

So proud of him! No crying or even complaining! Not expecting this to happen often but happy for me and him that he can do it! One day he'll sleep through the night I'm sure.....!!

Also proud of him today as he had injection and was not bothered by it at all! More upset that I had to hold him tightly as she did it!

Brag over!
Dragonfly- isn't that funny about how they think you're doing things wrong and you have such a well adjusted little boy! Sounds like you're doing everything right to me!

The moms of Kira's 2 little play date friends parent the same way as me for the most part. We all co-sleep, wore our babies, and no hitting/ slapping I think it really does show in their behavior.
That explains why you have nice play dates spidey, I am just glad I have another one on the way William can play with . So sick of hearing what everyone else expects my son to be like then thinking he is abnormal because he isnt then calling me just lucky and stupid at the same time. I have never had to ever do what they do on william he is well adjusted and is allowed to express himself, yes he takes tantrums but thats part of child hood he has to be allowed to express, he can be calmed in a moment. Darren is so proud of him how he acts, I know from watching my families children what I dont want put it that way.

good job candy floss, william does that now will take himself off to bed, no boob to sleep though when I go to bed he will wake for boob. See nice and independent ;)

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