Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Mum2J- I'm still thinking it's mostly because she's on a growth spurt and not your body failing you, but perhaps she's starting to get a preference for bottles because its less work than being on the breast :shrug: I know the bf moms at my work who have LO's that switch between bottle and breast often have trouble with their LO's preferring the bottle. On the bottle there is no wait for let down and there is less sucking to get a drink. I'm not sure what advice to give... perhaps try to only feed her from the breast for awhile to get your supply up and to get her to see that the breast is the only option. Maybe someone else has a better suggestion...

Kira was 10 pounds at birth- I have no idea why since I'm small overall, but she weighs 20 pounds now at 12 months. She started off in the 99th percentile, but is now around 50th on the bf weight chart for girls :thumbup: She gained very slowly and is continuing to gain slowly, but she is so healthy and has only ever had one cold, so I know she's thriving off my milk and the solids I give her. :happydance:

I haven't seen the show on feeding baby crap foods. Its an awful way to start life. Kira's favorite foods are wilted baby spinach, mushrooms and peas... I'm hoping her love of healthy foods continue on in life!

Ooopsie for thinking a HV is like a pediatrician :haha: They sound nothing alike! I'm glad we don't have HV's here! :dohh: first mom i would take that child away from her!
My son is so cute and smart! darren was in the hall and he fell, wet floor, rain and crutches dont go. So we went out to him, William lifted his crutches both or them and darren bum shuffled to the bathroom (much safer than trying crutches again) and william carried crutches there and when he done his biz carried them up to the hall behind him and into the living room where he handed them one by one saying" here you go daddy". Awwww! helping daddy.
DRagonfly, OMG to the videos you posted.... WTF are some of these parents thinking???!!!
I think thats a good enough case to take kids away from parents is it not?
Mum2J- I'm still thinking it's mostly because she's on a growth spurt and not your body failing you, but perhaps she's starting to get a preference for bottles because its less work than being on the breast :shrug: I know the bf moms at my work who have LO's that switch between bottle and breast often have trouble with their LO's preferring the bottle. On the bottle there is no wait for let down and there is less sucking to get a drink. I'm not sure what advice to give... perhaps try to only feed her from the breast for awhile to get your supply up and to get her to see that the breast is the only option. Maybe someone else has a better suggestion...

Kira was 10 pounds at birth- I have no idea why since I'm small overall, but she weighs 20 pounds now at 12 months. She started off in the 99th percentile, but is now around 50th on the bf weight chart for girls :thumbup: She gained very slowly and is continuing to gain slowly, but she is so healthy and has only ever had one cold, so I know she's thriving off my milk and the solids I give her. :happydance:

I haven't seen the show on feeding baby crap foods. Its an awful way to start life. Kira's favorite foods are wilted baby spinach, mushrooms and peas... I'm hoping her love of healthy foods continue on in life!

Ooopsie for thinking a HV is like a pediatrician :haha: They sound nothing alike! I'm glad we don't have HV's here! :dohh:

Tonight seemed better than lastnight for supply :) So I'm thinking it might have been to do with my AF returning, I hope! Thanks so much for your help! I really appreciate it :D

Oh wow, I've seen those before and it is terrible!

Awe for William :D Such a sweetie is he :)
Supply is back where it was :) Ahhhhh thank goodness! I was so worried.

We finally started Kayleigh's room!! :D She is in there now, she fell asleep on me so I put her in there for her nap and she decided to lay in there awake and talk is more fun hehe. I will leave her until she wants out... get her used to in there.

I love her room! Here are some pics! :)


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I think thats a good enough case to take kids away from parents is it not?

I can't believe it! I don't know how those women think they are doing their children good...! Jake is gaining weight due to his medication and it worries me. I found a fun workout (hip hop abs and turbo jam) and he said he wants to do them with me so I'm excited! He is no where near their size on that show though!

Kayleigh is in her bed going Mummm Ma Ma Ma mum, it's so cute :cloud9:
Mum2J glad your supply is back to normal. Kayleigh's room is looking gorgeous.

Dragonfly - Aww William helping his daddy. How cute.

Florabean - well done on the 11 months. You'll be hitting the year mark before you know it. :thumbup:

Cleckner - Yay for the good playdate. I had a look on that meetup site but unsurprisingly there was not much going on in my area. Couldn't find anything on FB either. Ah well, not to worry. There is a BnB meet this month near me but I can't get the day off work. Boo to work. :cry: Hopefully it will go well and they will organise another one that I can get too. We are all sweet in Scotland :winkwink:

Kaiden has got the sniffles. Poor poppet could hardly eat his dinner for sneezing. I'm hoping the magic boobie juice will work its magic and he'll be better tomorrow. I'm going to go for an early night and try catch up on some :sleep: I'm really struggling to get out of bed when the alarm goes in the morning. I think part of it is to do with Kaiden cuddling in though.
Thanks Kaybee! I hope Kaiden get better soon!
Darrens Bro is in a wheel chair and William was very helpful indeed. He was parked up and William wanted to take him for a walk and the breaks where on, knew where the breaks where and how to take them off! then took him for a walk. He does that with his pram so brakes probably the same layout if you know what i mean. Takes his wee bikes apart and puts them back together again. So like his dad! lol
Awe, that would have been so cute! You have a lovely boy! :)
darren would give him some of his monster munch chrisps sometimes and this morning as usual he goes looking for the dog after breaking chrisp in half and sharing them with dog. And best not give him a box of dog treats or the dog gets fed treats one after the other.
Was in work today (work in the radiology dept in a large hospital) and 2 women came in and both had their babies this week, one yesterday at term, the other a few days ago at 35 weeks. Being a nosey bugger like I am, I heard one lady with talking to one of my colleagues about using cabbage leaves for he boobs as they were so sore, I went up and said to keep them in the fridge etc and she said she can't wait for her milk to dry up, thats why she was so sore!

I said did she not fancy breastfeeding, she replied "urgh, no way was I going to try that! And anyway my baby is premature so there's no point in trying anyway, he's happy on a bottle".

I asked the other lady (a few hours later) how her baby was feeding - was 24 hours old - and she said really well. Someone else asked if she was feeding him herself and she said no, she's been too tired!

Just made me really sad that the mums didn't even want to try, so baby's have had no boobie juice at all. I know its every ones choice, but still made me sad. Thought you ladies would understand.
Yeah candifloss thats everyone attitude where I live unfortunately,. The look of disgust in regards to breastfeeding and the shock at someone asking them such a thing to! You think I just asked a stranger how she wipes her behind! followed by,why bother when theres formula and its not fair on my husband, gran, mum, vicar,post office clerk that they cant feed him and i like my social life and eww I couldnt do that, oh long as they are fed dosnt matter how etc ., other half gets them answers to from friends. Even docs have asked me why I dont bottle feed and many other stupid things like i dont need to breastfeed after a few days and formula must be given.

Mum2J- Thats great news your supply is back to normal! :happydance: I remember having those ups and downs in supply and being worried everytime. Since Kira has turned about 10 months I haven't noticed it as much since she eats her solids much better now.

Candyfloss- I feel the same way when I hear someone doesn't even try to bf. I have to quickly remind myself that everyone has the right to do as they wish, but for that split second I feel sad.
Yeah candifloss thats everyone attitude where I live unfortunately,. The look of disgust in regards to breastfeeding and the shock at someone asking them such a thing to! You think I just asked a stranger how she wipes her behind! followed by,why bother when theres formula and its not fair on my husband, gran, mum, vicar,post office clerk that they cant feed him and i like my social life and eww I couldnt do that, oh long as they are fed dosnt matter how etc ., other half gets them answers to from friends. Even docs have asked me why I dont bottle feed and many other stupid things like i dont need to breastfeed after a few days and formula must be given.


:haha: Wipes her behind! haha! then the vicar, post office clerk comment made me LOL too!

Candyfloss it is sad to hear that some ladies won't even bother giving it a try. I was really doubtful I'd manage never mind still be doing it & loving it a year later! So glad I gave it a go.
Took william to the anti natel clinic with me today as we dont get out much and as usual he enjoyed it. Loves the wendy house in the waiting room. went to play with other kids right away who all acted like he was an alien but he didnt care he carried on. Then when they had cleared from the wendy house he walked out with this bottle and dummy, went right across the waiting room and handed to this little girl :O and went back to his wendy house. HOw the heck did he know that was heres? there where more kids there and how did he know to give it to her ?? then went off with someone's keys and found keyholes everywhere to make these keys worked. Some mum tried to get her kid to share with him but it wasnt happening so got him his own chrisps as a treat and he ended up sharing them with kids who clearly had trust issues and maybe thought he was issuing poison. All the midwives where admiring him to, soon as you say he is breastfed they all have to come and see its like they never seen it before. He was in everything, pushing food carts that where 5 times the size of him about not a bother. Then he would go to the waiting room door and say "right see ya later" and wave at everyone, also gives woman the eye to with a cheeky smile. Made me proud he did. As usual he was near stole a few times by midwives .
I am so fed up with stupid people! This girl I went to school with has two kids. girl, who is 3 today, and boy who will be 3 months Sunday... girl was preemie and boy was born early too. She planned to pump I guess, but then decided to just go to formula... :shrug: complained about engorgement and so much milk etc... and today her status was about giving boy squash!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!! He isn't even 3 months yet! I sent her a msg on facebook...

Hi Lesley,

You do know that solids isn't recommended until 6 months right? It hurts their tummy and can cause long term health problems later in life. Your baby might be waking more, not seeming satisfied from just your milk or formula but it isn't any indication your baby should have solids. The 3 month growth spurt is just that, a growth spurt. I have a government of NB booklet on introducing solids to your baby and it has lots of great information :) Even going longer than 6 months is great! Kayleigh has only had breastmilk today and she is over 8 months. We give her some foods that she can feed herself here and there though, but the longer without solids, the better.


She wrote back

His pediatrician said we could start giving him food. He set up a feeding chart for us. He's only eating solid foods 3 times a week max. The doctor thinks it's ok to try it out. If it works out then good we can up how much he eats in a few months or we can cut back some.

I wrote back

I'm shocked anyone would say that to you... like seriously. Studies show and almost every doctor around will say no to them. Is there any reason you have started him on them? I would get a second opinion on this one lesley... his stomach isn't built to handle solid food until some point in between 4-6 months, so 6 months is advised to be safe. Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to have babies grow up... now even doctors :( If he gets any cramps I would stop.. but if he is doing good on formula I wouldn't introduce anything else.

She hasn't wrote back since... Maybe I'm sticking my nose where it doesn't belong but I also believe that babies need someone to speak for them. I hate hearing Moms go on about their baby didn't want the boob... what else would they want? They are born with instincts and will end up latching themselves (not all cases or anything) and feed. My baby didn't want breastmilk... what else would they want...? They don't know anything else exists... It drives me nuts!!!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko:

It also bothers me when someone just doesn't want to breastfeed and won't even try. I enjoy breastfeeding very much, and wish I would have tried with my son... a friend of mine for 8 months was tube feeding as she had low supply. 8 months she would attach a tube to her breast so that her LO could breastfeed, and still get enough, and stimulate her bbs in hopes to produce more milk, which sadly didn't happen, but she could feed her just on the breast at night. She went on doing this for 8 months!!!!! I remember spilling a bunch I pumped one time and I cried because I kept thinking of her not making enough. I do truly look at BM as liquid gold! I find it such a shame when someone who would/has a great supply doesn't even bother... I don't think they know how lucky they are to be able to produce enough. I like to put my kids first, and I wanted to make sure Kayleigh had the best start possible and I am very happy with my choices. I wish more women would make that choice and stop using excuses!

Grrrrrrrrr Rant over I think... for today anyways lol

Dragonfly- Your son sounds like such a doll!
Mum2J&K- While I agree that this mother should follow guidelines, I truly think she is just listening to her doctors advice. I was also told I could start solids with Emma around 3 months but I knew better and actually laughed in the doctors face and told her that wouldn't be happening. It sounds like this woman just honestly doesn't know the guidelines. I've seen it time and again on FB too about women weaning too early but I just keep quiet because it's not my place I guess. I hate to be confrontational with people. Good for you for standing your ground and telling her your opinion! I have a feeling it won't go over well though. :hugs::hugs:

I, too, hate seeing people just act like breastfeeding is no big deal or give out random excuses to why they didn't breastfeed. I know some women genuinely try and have issues and I really feel bad about that but i've heard just about every excuse in the book now and it's a shame really. I get a twinge of sadness when I'm out in public and see someone mixing a bottle of formula. I know thats so judgemental of me but it's just my first gut reaction. Than I realize it's their choice and I don't know their story so I'm awful for even thinking such things. :blush:

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