Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

I heard more saying there was no probs but some docs where shocked I still had milk. I know my left one will dry as he hasnt been near it in days, I dont know why?? he can have loads when new baby comes which is only a few weeks away and I hope I have somefor new baby to like collostrum. I read it changes back before labour to collostrum so wondering is that why maybe? i know he isnt getting as much as his poohs are more solid now.
:haha: cat being milked.

My sisters bday is the day before on the 15th. Jeez is it only 9 weeks away. :wacko: I'll need to get my thinking cap on for a pressie. That means that my bday is only 11 weeks & if you are 2 weeks late baba might have the same bday as me!

At work today we had a lady in from another office that was quite far on in her pregnancy. I actually felt a little pang of jealousy. We are not TTC just now (actually we are not really DTD that often :haha:) but I would love to have a little brother or sister for LO sometime in the future. It surprises me because I did not enjoy being pregnant as I was sick from about 6 weeks right the way through & was still being sick in the delivery room. Labour wasn't that great an experience either, after going into hospital on the monday for induction and the pessaries & gels not really working, my waters broke thurs AM and I was taken down to labour ward later that morning & LO was born by emergency section on the friday AM. But after all that when I look back on it, even though I said the whole way through my pregnancy I wouldn't have another, I would have another one now without hesitation.
kaybee- I'm the same when I see pregnant women. They seem to be everywhere lately. :haha: We actually plan on TTC this month after my AF stops. :happydance: But I only have 3 months of trying before DH leaves so I don't have high hopes that it'll happen yet. It's still fun practicing!

I haven't been on this thread much lately. I get on and read but never seem to have time to respond. DH has been home for 2 weeks now so that is part of it. :blush: Emma is still going strong with the breastfeeding! DH gets amused seeing her because she will just walk over and pull down my shirt now. :haha: Before he left she wasn't walking nearly as much. So it's weird for him seeing an actual toddler feeding I think. But he hasn't said anything negative so I'm glad of that. As if he has a choice in what I do with her anyways. ;)
kaybee- I'm the same when I see pregnant women. They seem to be everywhere lately. :haha: We actually plan on TTC this month after my AF stops. :happydance: But I only have 3 months of trying before DH leaves so I don't have high hopes that it'll happen yet. It's still fun practicing!

I haven't been on this thread much lately. I get on and read but never seem to have time to respond. DH has been home for 2 weeks now so that is part of it. :blush: Emma is still going strong with the breastfeeding! DH gets amused seeing her because she will just walk over and pull down my shirt now. :haha: Before he left she wasn't walking nearly as much. So it's weird for him seeing an actual toddler feeding I think. But he hasn't said anything negative so I'm glad of that. As if he has a choice in what I do with her anyways. ;)

I've been missing you! lol :winkwink: and I hope you get pregnant before your OH has to leave again! I get jealous big time when I see a pregnant lady :blush: but I can't have any more, so it makes it even worse :nope:

I think Mark might find it a little odd nursing a toddler but well, he knows the benefits and is all for it :thumbup:

:haha: cat being milked.

My sisters bday is the day before on the 15th. Jeez is it only 9 weeks away. :wacko: I'll need to get my thinking cap on for a pressie. That means that my bday is only 11 weeks & if you are 2 weeks late baba might have the same bday as me!

At work today we had a lady in from another office that was quite far on in her pregnancy. I actually felt a little pang of jealousy. We are not TTC just now (actually we are not really DTD that often :haha:) but I would love to have a little brother or sister for LO sometime in the future. It surprises me because I did not enjoy being pregnant as I was sick from about 6 weeks right the way through & was still being sick in the delivery room. Labour wasn't that great an experience either, after going into hospital on the monday for induction and the pessaries & gels not really working, my waters broke thurs AM and I was taken down to labour ward later that morning & LO was born by emergency section on the friday AM. But after all that when I look back on it, even though I said the whole way through my pregnancy I wouldn't have another, I would have another one now without hesitation.

It's in our nature to have more babies I think. I had an emerg c-section with Kaleb due to placental abruption and he passed 8 hours later, I near died myself, bad bad bad situation and I still wanted to try again... I would have another now if I could :blush: lol

I heard more saying there was no probs but some docs where shocked I still had milk. I know my left one will dry as he hasnt been near it in days, I dont know why?? he can have loads when new baby comes which is only a few weeks away and I hope I have somefor new baby to like collostrum. I read it changes back before labour to collostrum so wondering is that why maybe? i know he isnt getting as much as his poohs are more solid now.

I hope I have no probs! I think reading everyone's probs that couldnt breastfeed does make me paranoid.

Yeah, I've heard usually around 24 weeks it turns back to colostrum... and a lot of babies will end up weaning because they don't like the taste, and there isn't as much to drink. You did/are doing so well with William I don't think you will have problems this time, plus you are so determind :winkwink: You know how hard it can be, so I wouldn't worry too much hun :)
he is a boob monster! I cant see him self wean completly. He wines all night for it though and is on boob I aint joking when I say 5 times! he just wants boob and dosnt want food. Getting annoying though as I want him to eat his break lunch and dinner. Trying to get the breakfast in him here, i have 3 different cereals here i got him and none of them really sparks his interest yet he will come for boob. He did take some from the left but not a lot. (boob).
met a nice midwife the other day who wasnt shocked or questioned why I breastfeed so long.
Well, think out bf journey will be ending soon, could sit and cry just thinking about it! William doesn't want it in the morning any more, will have a super short bf if I offer (2 minutes max maybe) but not bothered about it if not offered, doesn't have any in the day unless struggling to fall asleep for morning nap, and bedtime one getting shorter and shorter. He feeds for less than a minute during the night (I've shortened these myself! One let down and thats his lot unless he gets very upset!) so they'll be gone soon too I think.

On the other hand, he's getting batter at falling asleep without any help. He's been rocked or fed to sleep most of his little life and now (after a bit of encouragement but not forcing from me) he's happy to fall asleep in his cot. Sometimes he needs to hold my hand, other times he doesn't even need me in the room!

So I'm proud but so so so so so sad that it'll be ending soon - next few weeks I'm guessing as he's just not interested! - but its on his terms which is a nice way to happen. I'm trying to focus on positives, we've done so well getting this far, I'll be able to wear nice bras again, might even get my sex drive back(!), and I've got a happy healthy little man.

Off to cry now!
May not be the case william has done that a few times also, seems more interesting things are happening yet in a while he would come back. once they up and about theres loads to do.
I know what you mean about trying to get William to eat regular foods... Kayleigh would still go without solids easily without any problems. I have wasted so much trying... she finally will open her mouth and eat it when I offer, but like I said, she can and has gone days without me trying and doesn't care. She still bfs every 2-3 hours (sleeps through the night though, thank goodness... well most times... lol)

Candyfloss- :( Maybe it's just a phase? The thought of ending soon makes me want to cry... :(
William stands and cries at his food, confiusing as I dont know if he wants it or not and when i try and offer he storms off crying . he will eat chicken and potatoes, hates jarred foods altogether but picks at them as his agenda seems busy and he comes for boob instead . I stopped using the high chair ages ago when I moved and I cant see him using it again to be honest. I dont know what to do he isnt getting enough food lately at all. He will eat a pack of biscuits if you let him as he has got his hands on them a few times so its that phase he has now. I will not feed him crap foods! even though his dad sneaks them in and I near kill him for it. he can have a treat just not live on them!

my nipples are so sore!
candyfloss - Sophia has only been feeding for a couple of minutes in the morning (if that! I think if I didn't wap my boob out then she wouldn't miss it!) and a few minutes at night only for a month now. When it first happened I was worried she was self weaning but she has just carried on like that. So William may bejust happy to have his little feeds for quite a while longer yet :hugs:
William today, he so cute in his new shoes and all.


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Welcome back cleckner. I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets a bit jealous around pregnant ladies. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Kaiden is a top puller as well. Thankfully its usually when we are home so haven't been exposed in public! :haha:

Mum2J&Kx2 massive :hugs: to you. That must of been such a terrible time for you when you lost Kaleb. I visited the memorial page you started for him. Would you mind if I lit a candle for him?

Speaking about nursing toddlers I am surprised that my DH hasn't said anything about me BF Kaiden until now. Thankfully, he really doesn't seem phased by it. I guess he knows that both Kaiden and I are quite happy carrying on so is happy too.

I am a bit worried about his (Kaiden's not DH) eating now. He was really good for a while but lately he just throws mostly everything on the floor. I'm trying not to react to it but I don't know what to do about it. I hope its just a phase but it seems like he's been doing this for ages now. :cry:

Candyfloss I hope Shiv is right in this is just William gradually reducing down and will stick with this new 'regime' for a while yet. :hugs: Either way you have done brilliantly getting this far. I too think it would be good to wear a nice bra again and am also looking for my missing sex drive. :blush: Another thing I'm going to do when our BF comes to an end is get a tattoo. I've wanted one for ages but now I can get one to celebrate K. :happydance:

Dragonfly William is looking supercute, as always, in his new shoes. I can't get K to keep shoes, or socks, on his feet. We bought him new slippers today and he keeps giving them to Duke - our dog. :haha:
Kira is a top puller too.. but she's very gentle about it so I don't worry about getting exposed :haha: Its really cute what she does now.. she'll hang around my boobies and stare at them, and I ask "do you want a boobie?" and she will laugh. Laughing means "yes" to Kira... its really cute :-)

She still takes random feeds throughout the day and night, but its usually only for a minute or 2. If she's having a real grown up day, she'll go a long time between feeds, but if she's having a baby day, she'll have booby snacks many times an hour!
Sophia will a point to a place on my chest if she wants a feed (quite rare, but some afternoons she will have one) - it isn't my boob though, nearer my collar bone. She points and I ask her if she wants some milk and she kinda nods. If she gets distracted during feeding and pulls off to look around, I say " do you want any more milk?" and she looks at my nipple and either has some or doesnt, its really cute. Aren't our babies amazing?

Cleck, I miss you - but i hope you are having fun with Corey! I am just back from a wedding. Sophia was such a gem, She attended the wedding and meal, then I brought her home (to her grandma babysitting) and went back for a few drinkies. So now I am back home and Sophia is still asleep and I am getting a bit sentimental about life in general. I am just so lucky! :cloud9:
Gabriel started "getting' what food was about this week and Im so pleaseed, i was worried when at one year he still wasnt keen on food. He will say "Uummmmmmmmmmm" when he wnats food and sometimes pulls my top and points and says "ummm" when he wants his boob lol!
I just realised the other day on pondering when hearing William ask for his granny and granddad that this isnt my parents and my mum couldnt really give a crap about him as she hasnt seen him in 3 months and she wont even wave at him from the car when my dad calls in, my fault apparently as we dont see eye to eye as I asked dad why not even wave at him when he comes to the door. This is over me asking her to be civil in my house and stop insulting picking on him again as I was sick of her doing it, she was banned before and she just cant act normally at all. She sees it as nothing wrong I see it as bullying and starting rows with my parenting which she has no business saying.

But least for 3 months now theres been no rows and its been less stressful on me. She would cut her nose off to spite her face and blame someone else, thats just her way. They havnt got him a thing in a long time I keep getting texts from dad asking if this is ok for william then they change their minds and never bring it, my mum must have put her foot down then. Darrens ones have him new clarks shoes and toys in their houses for him my son has been to my mums once when he was 3 days old and she lives 5 mins away and they pass my house every day.
My sister also plays a part as she wont let them see my son she is jealous of the attention he gets so he gets none and she drags them about all day with my mum spending dads money and barking at him. She is 16 and has autism and is my mums carbon copy with added violence
how sad.
:hi: all, just popping in quickly to say hi & that I hope everyone's doing ok :) We're alright, Harry's showing no signs of dropping his 6 feeds a day at all, but is eating HUGE amounts of food at meal times, so I guess he's just burning loadsa calories coz he's literally never still. Oh, and I'm with you on the top pullers- when harry wants milk now, he starts pointing at my boob area saying, 'mum' & if I dont get it out pretty pronto, he starts pulling at my top & trying to climb up me to get what he wants. I dont mind though, coz at least i know what he wants, lol.
anyways, better go to bed before I die from my headache!

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