Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

^^ I was subscribed to the marijuana thread. I just kept laughing. I think you put your point across pretty well. It's no one's business what people want to do in their free time. :hugs: I often joke with DH that I want to try hash-brownies. :haha: I think they'd be yummy. :winkwink:

hahahaha! I've never tried them but there are days I think it wouldn't be too bad LOL and than you. I just felt very attacked by certain people and don't like my OH being judged because of something he does in his spare time, not around me or the kids! :)

what marijuana thread?

It was in babyclub, locked now but it was simply a woman asking if her LO smelling the smell of it could harm her baby and people didn't like my comment... my OH smokes it here and there and when not around the kids, or causing him to lack motivation or cause him to be less of a daddy I see nothing wrong with it and I felt like he was being judged and put down without people knowing the real him :cloud9: he is the best ever!

There is also one in debates about illegal drugs vs legal ones.

my oh smokes it here and there, not in the house he would never,. dosnt make him a crap dad either. I dont like it but I grew up years ago I had to with health probs.

:thumbup: You can be a great father, or mother and smokes marijuana. Not all are, just like not all people in general are great parents , but parenting can't just be judged on one thing and one thing only!

Sounds like we are all of similar ages. It usually takes me a few moments to think how old I am. In my head I'm still 19!! :haha:

Polaris - :happydance: Yay for Thomas' first steps. You must be so proud.

Mum2j&kx2 - I started to read the marijuana thread & OMG some of those comments were far too personal & rude IMO. I don't like arguments so tend to steer clear of the threads where its all getting a bit nasty. I like it in here though - its all very cosy & welcoming!! :hugs: Maybe cause we are all extended BF'ers.

Jellybeann - I hope your BF group on Tuesday is good. You will need to let us know how you get on. I've never been to one either. Don't think I'll get a chance to now that I'm back to work!

Dragonfly - ouchie on your OH broken leg. My sister's OH had an operation on his back a couple of weeks ago so she has him to look after as well as a 5 year old & a 4 month old! I don't envy her although the 4 month old started sleeping through the night a few weeks ago which I'll admit to being a little bit envious of!

That is why I became so upset... :( I felt like my OH was being put down... really bothered me... I'm glad the thread is closed now :)

I LOVE it in here :D hehe :thumbup:

^^ I was subscribed to the marijuana thread. I just kept laughing. I think you put your point across pretty well. It's no one's business what people want to do in their free time. :hugs: I often joke with DH that I want to try hash-brownies. :haha: I think they'd be yummy. :winkwink:

hahahaha! I've never tried them but there are days I think it wouldn't be too bad LOL and than you. I just felt very attacked by certain people and don't like my OH being judged because of something he does in his spare time, not around me or the kids! :)

I've never tried any drugs but if I were to try them I think in brownie form sounds the best. :rofl: I love my brownies. :winkwink:

hehehehe I love brownies too... Yumm!! I have smoked it before, but it was in high school, not now lol... but Mmm brownies :haha:

mmmmm, brownies :) I'm a total sucker for cakes n sweets. (the non drug enhanced kind, lol)

Mmmm brownies LOL Man I want some!
If I had of known about the tread I could have opened my gob before it was shut. Such a big forum its easy to miss things. Plenty of other breatsfeeding doesn't do this and that crap threads about.
oh ps WIlliam was so cute he pours his own drink into a cup now, just goes to the fridge helps himself. so grown up!
I would have loved to have you in that thread too :) The one in debates is still going on, but I'm getting confused in there lol

Awe!!!!! He is such a doll!!!!! You have one smart, cute boy Dragonfly :)
He gets out of bed in the morning goes to his dads crutches, props them beside him so he can reach them and says "here you go daddy" then when daddy takes them he says "thank you". He was trying to fix his quad that the batteries had run down on so he got his toy drill, grinder and bob the builder screw driver set newly acquired and turned it upside down to see if he could get the leads out to get it on charger. He always amazes me! he does things he dosnt get shown and you need to watch what you do as he will copy it.
He is such a sweet boy :) Helping daddy! He seems to be such a quick thinker too and learns easily :) Maybe a future mechanical engineer there? :thumbup: Gotta love that liquid gold we call breastmilk :D
Yes that stuff that so many say is rubbish that makes kids smart. It dosnt make anyone smarter but it does make you how you should be thats what I say. Dam well wish I had had it i know I wasnt brainy at all or any of my relatives that I used to look after as kids.He will have such a personality on him to ! he chats away, isnt nervous of any one not even my mum any more and that took a while to get out of as she is just not a nice person he still has no time for her though and likewise. She thinks he is stupid. She hasnt been around him for more than 5 mins in 3 months and comes to that conclusion.

I know I am bragging but I am amazed at the tings he does and knows already. So kind and sharing to, not a bit of selfishness in him yet my family always ask if he has done this bad thing and that! and that he will turn nasty when next baby ir born, babies came on tv last night and as usual he asked what was that then looked right at my bump! and back at the tv again! I asked for his shoes of his dad and he comes with them to.

I don't know how you are the way you are hun, with the problems you have had with family, and always putting your or you LO down... Grrrr! They will have their foots in their mouths soon enough! William is already prooving them wrong, and they don't like it!

So cute! From what you have mentioned about William it doesn't sound like he will act out or be overly jealous when the new little one arrives. Most children go through some degree of it, but I can't see William being overly concerned. He is so sweet and mild mannered :)
But you dont get recognition for being smart or doing good in my family you are ignored. If you do something silly you never hear the end of it like even forget to buy milk and ask parents for a hand, oh the hassle that is! stupid this and that what are you playing at! trued to impress with my pics and used to pay foir theirs to be printed and they just threw them in a drawer or gave them to my sis to tear up. So i dont bother getting them pics any more. You will never meet a colder woman than my mum ever! she cant say a good word about me at all, you cant please her, no one is good enough for her, nothing is good enough either, she is ungrateful , selfish, self centred, lies, nasty, throws tantrums, huffs, bitter, twisted and loads of other words I have no time to type. But that dosnt bother me any more, fought to long with her now i ignore her, she cant be civil to be and i begged for her to just be nice and stop upsetting my son when she came in and started rows and it didnt wok. i give up. My son dosnt have to run and hide any more screaming just from the sight of her. But she blames me , never is her fault anything. Never got on with her had no time for me I dont see why she should come in with nasty head on her now and try to ruin things when I am happy.

and breath!

she should be proud of her grandson but she isnt , well she never says it to me or shows it. hard to show emotion other than being peed off all the time for her. God job the other sode of the family love him and see how smart he is and always come back and tell me what he has done to amaze them. So I can feel proud from them and feel I am doing a good job. They where not always nice they used to say he had a social disorder as he went through the clingy mum stage around strangers but thats natural far as I was concerned. Isnt like that now. he has his confidence.

he writes on his dads cast to, just hand him a pen and away he goes, can gold it and all. I even got him a potty. he can use when he wants it i know its early but its sitting in the bathroom and looks like our toilet and he is interested asking what it is so when he is ready he will use it i wont force i never force anything on him it breaks down self esteem and as someone who has none i dont intend for my son to turn out the same i want better for him.
Hun your family dont deserve you or William, screw them if they cant see the good things that you do with him and his good qualitys,
Heres William being helpful and giving his dad crutches. I will catch him at some point pouring a drink for himself.
Dragonfly - that clip is soo cute. I can tell from your posts how proud you are of him and quite rightly so. What a sweetie.
Sophia has hurt her lip really badly (long story) and it hurts for her to feed, so she can't :cry: :cry:What am i gonna do? i am so upset.
Poor Sophia! I hope it heals up quickly. How did it happen?

I'm not sure what I'd do in your situation. Can toy express anything at all for her to get in a cup? If she's drinking cow's milk maybe just make sure she's getting enough of that along with other dairy and pump to keep your supply going until she's feeling well enough rio nurse?
Poor Sophia! I hope it heals up quickly. How did it happen?

I'm not sure what I'd do in your situation. Can toy express anything at all for her to get in a cup? If she's drinking cow's milk maybe just make sure she's getting enough of that along with other dairy and pump to keep your supply going until she's feeling well enough rio nurse?

I managed to get a couple of ounces expressed (I don't think she has much more than that at a feed now anyway) but she isn't eating much full stop so she would probably want more milk.i am really scared that she won't want to go back to breastfeeding after a few days off

She fell down the stairs :cry:
hun she will be fine and probably as soon as it isnt painful for her will want to nurse for the comfort factor, have you thought about giving her some calpol to ease the pain about half an hour before offering a feed? Nate bit his lip really bad when he was about that age and didnt feel like eating unless we had given some calpol beforehand and he then would only really drink smoothies through a thick straw
She's been on Calpol every 4 hrs to try to help with the pain. She seems her usual self just having trouble eating and nursing. Ia m dreading bedtime, DH is gonna try giveing her some EBM from her cup, but it rearely goes well. And she has been waking up for feeds in the night, so not sure what we are going to do as I can't get that much more out expressing - wish us luck
Oh no Shiv!! :cry::hugs: Emma has busted her lip open before and it healed really quickly like was healed over by the next day and she was fine with feeding. I hope that's the case for you guys. I don't know how bad it is(maybe you put it in the lion cub thread but I haven't read in there yet) but I really hope it heals quickly and you guys can get back to BFing!! :hugs::hugs:
Wiliam has spots on his back and one on his face and a few elsewhere and I am freaking out! everything else seems ok about him and I even done a glass test I am freaking out that much. I kinda hope its a heat thing or something but I dont know and I am near ready for the out of hours doc even though he seems fine.
Wiliam has spots on his back and one on his face and a few elsewhere and I am freaking out! everything else seems ok about him and I even done a glass test I am freaking out that much. I kinda hope its a heat thing or something but I dont know and I am near ready for the out of hours doc even though he seems fine.

Any temperature?

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