Mum2J&K- Congrats on 9 months!!
Celine- Your friend sounds like she has the best intentions but is just a tad bit uninformed(Is that a word? LOL). I've seen over and over on here how you guys have HVs that talk about the milk being no good after 6 months. So she must be listening to her HV. @ her baby not getting infection if she was still BFing him.
Dragonfly- Can't you just start easing William into his own bed at night so the new LO can have extra room? I have been slowly putting Emma into her bed at night but she does cry for me after a few hours and I go get her and bring her back in with us. It's a slow transition that's for sure. I hope you can figure something out before the new LO arrives. Your getting so close!
^^ I was subscribed to the marijuana thread. I just kept laughing. I think you put your point across pretty well. It's no one's business what people want to do in their free time. I often joke with DH that I want to try hash-brownies. I think they'd be yummy.
what marijuana thread?
^^ I was subscribed to the marijuana thread. I just kept laughing. I think you put your point across pretty well. It's no one's business what people want to do in their free time. I often joke with DH that I want to try hash-brownies. I think they'd be yummy.
hahahaha! I've never tried them but there are days I think it wouldn't be too bad LOL and than you. I just felt very attacked by certain people and don't like my OH being judged because of something he does in his spare time, not around me or the kids!
what marijuana thread?
It was in babyclub, locked now but it was simply a woman asking if her LO smelling the smell of it could harm her baby and people didn't like my comment... my OH smokes it here and there and when not around the kids, or causing him to lack motivation or cause him to be less of a daddy I see nothing wrong with it and I felt like he was being judged and put down without people knowing the real him he is the best ever!
There is also one in debates about illegal drugs vs legal ones.
^^ I was subscribed to the marijuana thread. I just kept laughing. I think you put your point across pretty well. It's no one's business what people want to do in their free time. I often joke with DH that I want to try hash-brownies. I think they'd be yummy.
hahahaha! I've never tried them but there are days I think it wouldn't be too bad LOL and than you. I just felt very attacked by certain people and don't like my OH being judged because of something he does in his spare time, not around me or the kids!