Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Yeah I was 11 days over and swelling with high bp so was induced. They do not do induction unless they have to here or c sections so mine was emegancy c section. I knew i needed one as he was postier but they dont care you have to go through the labour. Even my mate whos pelvis she cant get baby out of and already had c section had to and so did my aunt 3 times. They say I shouldnt need one this time as this ones facing the right way anyway! though I think will take after dad and be late! he is late for everything his whole family are like that. Or maybe I will go into labour on my dd tomorrow which I dont feel will happen as I have no signs at all now! happy to sit here at the same time though I have to get it over and done with and I want to know which name it will be!

still waiting for any of my family to ask me how i am apart from my dad who asks me every day! seems with this one no one seems to care its weird? since i said i was preg i got no congrats of my ones, apart from dad and people stopped visiting me. Dont think they like my way but why stop visiting I never said anything to them about what I do i just get on with it. My granddad and aunt came once when I moved in here but they seem to not be bothered. They will be here when baby is born feeling awkward because they know this time to expect to see breastfeeding lol
Dragonfly... I'm going nuts waiting for you to have that baby! Curiosity gets the best of me, and I want to know pink or blue! hehe I know the baby will be gorgeous, just look at William! :) Good luck, whenever you go, and if the MW or doctors give you any trouble... well you know what to do ;)

I know I am still here! why am I still here lol its my DD tomorrow and I thought I would have went by now as i had signs now i have nothing. :wacko: just sitting about here waiting. My kids defo take after their dad anyway! I hope it dosnt need evicted through the sunroof again. I am dying to know what it is to! have hospital on wed I will be asking what weight as last time on my over due scan with william I was given a clue so never know may get one again.

My nipples are so dam sore! :growlmad:

Well I hope they give you an idea and maybe (here's hoping) you go in before Wed and have that baby! I hope your nips start to feel better soon too! :hugs:


Had to add that in there hehe
how many teeth through now?

I wouldn't mind going on the 23rd then it will be Sagittarius lol silly maybe but my mums a Scorpio and I dont get on with them. Not that I mind baby coming now I just worry as I havnt got on with my mum that I wont get on with my child . Not that i would ever do as she has done to me so that shouldn't happen.

They will maybe give me the further date away from wed so i can get time to go by myself. I have braxton hicks with this preg so i was hoping that was a sign but have that for weeks now.
how many teeth through now?

I wouldn't mind going on the 23rd then it will be Sagittarius lol silly maybe but my mums a Scorpio and I dont get on with them. Not that I mind baby coming now I just worry as I havnt got on with my mum that I wont get on with my child . Not that i would ever do as she has done to me so that shouldn't happen.

They will maybe give me the further date away from wed so i can get time to go by myself. I have braxton hicks with this preg so i was hoping that was a sign but have that for weeks now.

This is Kayleigh's first tooth, at 10.5 months lol.
I get what you're saying, but your LO wouldn't be like them, heck look at yourself lol, you aren't and you've had/will have more direct contact with her (sadly). You'll do fine :)

Maybe you will wake up tomorrow ready and in labor! hehe... or baby will listen and wait a few more days ;)

Kayleigh is munching on some cooked ground beef and cheese, she loves meat! I'm glad as most kids don't really want anything to do with it. Poultry is her all time fav though.
Can labour come all of a sudden? I read about here and poeple have pains before hand and a build up and last time i had nothing which is making me think i wont have anything this time.

My dad and mum didnt know my dd was tomorrow they have me down as next week! how can they not know when its my mums bday today i didnt think she would get it wrong even. And they getting the car seat when I am over due to.

If baby waits 6 days over due it will come out a sag! not to much to wait even though i have labour envy of everyone popping in the nov thread and me near on me own.
i was induced with EJ i had nothing but that was caus i was too anemic my body was protecting itself from the bloodloss and wouldnt start into labour but once they gave me that push with the gel then it all happend fast
Oh I was suppose to have anaemia but didnt take me iron as it hurts on the way out. I bet thats why! Its my DD anyway. Nothing is happening, baby moving around getting comfy. I know its not an expiry date but a date I have been waiting on to go by for 9 months and nothing is happening like last time so its disheartening. I want one normal natural labour as I want no more after this.
dragonfly, i didnt have any pains or signs, then water's broke randomly at 2:15am... didn't get anything that resembled pain till about 5:30am tho... so it can defo happen with no signs. i was anaemic too.

congrats on the milestones everyone, and :hi: to the newbies :)

Harry just cut his 7th tooth & has just gpotten over a cold... but on a great note, he started walking 2 days ago (13 moinths, 1 week & 1 day old). I'm so proud of him. He's been taking the odd step here n there for about a month, but he finally got the courage to just go for it! :) He's keeps congratulating himself saying 'weh dah' which is what he says for well done, bless him, then clapping his hands, which usually makes him lose concentration & fall over, hehe!
Good glad to know it can happen I am hoping that will happen to me just water break and then in have baby. I have nothing still, odd braxton hick. Have scan tomorrow.

I lost count of williams teeth but he is teething with back ones at the mo :(
Hi everyone, my son Alfie is still (i hate that word) nursing and he is gonna be 2 next week, can't believe how fast that has gone!!!! I am also due baba #2 in 3 weeks and am starting to think about any challenges that may arise from tandem nursing, i've been quite lucky and haven't had much pain or problems throughout my pregnancy in regards to Alfie breastfeeding, he tends to nurse to sleep and thats about it other than when he is poorly or teething, he is on his last tooth now so probably no more comfort feeding for him after that is thru.

I am a little worried about how he will react to the baby having mammy milk but gonna take things as they come and try not to worry myself too much. He likes to share his toys so i'm hoping he'll feel the same about my boobies lol

He was so cute the other day as my milk had pretty much dried up since 3rd - 4th month of pregnancy but i have started producing colostrum now so he keeps coming off the breast and saying "nice" and latching back on lol sooooo sweet
:hi: wow, 2 years is a freaking amazing milestone to be reaching & surpassing :thumbup: I really hope we're able to make it that far too! I hope everything goes well with baby #2 aswell & that he doesn't mind sharing, bless him. xxx
Hi vicwick, that's so cute! And an amazing milestone!

Dragonfly, your avatar is so cute!he's a hat boy like Ollie by the look of him! xx

Any signs yet? I'm dying to find out if you have a pink or blue bump! xx
yey! can i join!?! :flower: i have reached the 6 month milestone now! i bf my dd for 21 months and hope to have a long bf journey with owen too!
Hi vicwick, that's so cute! And an amazing milestone!

Dragonfly, your avatar is so cute!he's a hat boy like Ollie by the look of him! xx

Any signs yet? I'm dying to find out if you have a pink or blue bump! xx

Its the only hat I can keep on him and its to big on him. But least he has a warm hat anyway I can get on. gloves I needin bother with.

I am still pregnant and still here! :shrug: I should have number 2 by now but its chilling in my womb like his brother taking after his dad to who is late for everything.
Hi vicwick, that's so cute! And an amazing milestone!

Dragonfly, your avatar is so cute!he's a hat boy like Ollie by the look of him! xx

Any signs yet? I'm dying to find out if you have a pink or blue bump! xx

Its the only hat I can keep on him and its to big on him. But least he has a warm hat anyway I can get on. gloves I needin bother with.

I am still pregnant and still here! :shrug: I should have number 2 by now but its chilling in my womb like his brother taking after his dad to who is late for everything.

I have given up on baby hats with Ollie, they're an odd shape, and the only ones I can find to fit are 2-3 he just wears mine, I have an extensive collection!!x

Ollie was 6 days over, and I think he only came then because I went for a walk up a snowy mountain the morning before, I was determined he was going to be born on 11.01.10...for a binary DOB!!
William has puked all over me for the first time ever. He wasnt in a good mood when he came in at all and was out all day with his dad and grandparents and apparently was ok but not on way down in car where he was drinking a capri sun crap drink as I call them. couldnt get him to eat, boob feed or anything and he puled loads on me! its in my hair i have it in a towel and he is sleeping on me as i wanted to settle him before i clean me up. More important. I hope he isnt coming down with something i am freaking out about it here but had a good long sesson on my boob so i hope thats helped if his tum is empty.
:hi: :hi: Vicwick and Maybebaby3 :)

2 years is so awesome! Good job!, and 21 months is awesome too ladies!! I hope we can get there :)

Yay Harry! :thumbup: I can't wait for Kayleigh to walk... but I can iykwim?

Dragonfly- Come on and pop that baby out! hehe

My labor with Jake was sudden. I woke up with pains (cramps) but knew it was labor. I was on my EDD and 5 days over hehe. I had two EDD's First, the 20th, then the 25th, and then the 20th again, so he was on time and late :P Pains started around 3-4am, went to hospital around 7am, waters were broken at 12pm and he was born at 3:54pm, natural, no pain meds (I sure wanted some!!!) and had an episiotomy :( So who knows, maybe tonight's the night!! I hope!!
Feel better soon William! You had a good run though hun, 21 months is fantastic without being puky, or puked on!
Dragonfly - my contractions started at 5:35pm (lasting 30-45 secs and 1-3 mins apart), waters broke at 6:50, got to hospital at 7:15 and was 5cm, LO born at 9:25. But I was ready to push about 30-60 mins before they checked me and said I was 10cm

So it can definitely cone out of the blue! Good luck, I hope LO makes an appearance soon x
Thanks girls! I hope that happens to me i feel i am being teased a bit to.

I washed my hair twice in shower and it still smells of puke! i couldnt wash it out right away as william needed fed to sleep and i think i made it worse but he was really unsettled and couldnt leave him to wash it. Now i have no towels left to wash it again and i smell of vom! but theres a new washing machine in the kitchen so its washing away.

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