Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

at least she wants to give her baby the first feed, and he'll get chlostrum...if nothing else!
Dosnt formula remove the lining of stomach and intestines after the colostrum has protected it? I thought I read that somewhere.
Oooh, I dunno! If it does, there's no point in doing the first feed then! I'm confused! And I'm so glad I BF, formula is expensive...I looked at the price of it in Tesco yesterday because I was curious, and OMG!!
I am glad I breastfeed as my son is healthy. healthier than me and his dad anyway. Wish I was breastfed. And it is dear but you get most of it free on benefits as I get tokens every month about £24 towards formula or veg. I choose my veg and milk man for myself. But the only places that do take them vouchers in town is the chemist and people do use them and I have heard them saying its free so they may as well. I dont see that as a good reason to formula feed at all. Even though breastmilk is free ! Not all mind just people around here I have heard talking. I usually get told for no reason what so ever why someone woudlnt and couldnt breastfeed so I hear a lot of weird reasons none of which are medical.
I didn't even think about not Breastfeeding. The midwife said to me, when you pack your hospital bag, make sure you have formula in it, I told her I would be breastfeeding, and she said, Oh, just in case,you might change your mind!

I just agreed and then didn't bother!! I thought, what a waste of money and formula, it would be sat in the cupboard now if I'd have listened to her!

I suppose if you are on benefits, then it would be free, but so is Breastmilk, so that argument makes no sense! haha!

Any signs of this babba yet Dragonfly?? x
some dont want to miss a free bargin thats why at someone else expense.

I had formula in my bag and all in the hospital as i inteded to fomrla feed. I knew notihng about breastfeeding and didnt even know you had to do it as everyone told me not to and that the tin was the same! looking back i didnt know. I had to educated me after on it as william latched right away and i was to tired to do anything and to be honest it felt right. William juyst fed and fed and looked at me. Everyone elses was throwing up and screaming. My sis threw up and screamed a lot on formula so i was piecing stuff together here as I was told my baby would be always throwing up and screaming like all my mates. They never met bf baby then mine still hasnt ever thrown his milk up. I am so happy at that to. I was a very sick baby.I got no help at all just asked did i want formula every few hours as its free in hospital and near forced to take it just in case, my mum wouldnt let me throw away my formula just in case! everyone had me set up for failure then when I succeeded past what they all said they all got pissed off and went. how dare I prove them wrong lol

anyway no baby yet thought I was in labour this morning think it was wind. You think i would know difference but i think baby has dropped down as i have pain in my ass and i cant bend down and my bladder is being crushed more than ever. My back was so sore this morning and i was in tears! hospital app tomorrow so they will check me and tell me whats happening. When I felt that pain earlier i realised how really dam scared i am!
That would explain your profile saying you're scared! Good luck at the hospital!

I am surprised at how pro-breastfeeding the health visitors are over here, I recently moved about 8 miles from my mum, and their attitude is so different!!
really does vary from area to area I noticed. The shock I get from sayinG i breastfeed! the questionbs as to why when theres formula and the no education at all available. Midwives only ask once if you are bf in a questionnaire which they skim though and make you sign to say they educated you but they didnt. first time I lied and said I was but was to scared as the mid wife seems aggressive second time they didnt really need to as they knew i did anyway. Still no info given out on it. I always look at info leaflets in mat ward and anti natel and soon as you go in its sti and swine flu. Same as docs office. I found one bf leaflet shoved out of sight in the leaflets ho to make bottles! whole row of them the same right infront of me at at the bottom in one slot was bf one and dads. With hardly any info at all in it. Things like that get to me as its not promoted in my eyes.
well we are BF still here, weighed EJ the other day hes a nice healthy 28lbs and cutting teeth like mad lol, ah well ive been asked if i would donate milk and im not sure, defo not at the moment as im not 100% myself as we have all had colds etc... recently but when im better i might consider it more
I never even considered FF, it seemed so much more hassle and more expensive... I also thought everyone knew breast, guess i was naive!!
My MW and HV both said to have F and steriliser etc in the house just in case. But I didn't want them in case I 'caved' in!
But altough we struggled in the hospital, as soon as we were home it was easy!
All these people are booby traps making mums doubt themselves its so sad. Even I have doubts on the second baby here as I see so many saying they cant medically it makes me paranoid! But most the time its not medical sadly. :( Just no support and misinformation.

getting ready for my hospital app. 8 days over due bet they treat me like a cow in a stable with a rubber glove on so I am not looking forward to that bit or being told I need induced as nothing is shifting and my baby is quiet today and I am near sick here with nerves.
Good luck at the docs DF - hope you get good news and don't need inducing!
Good luck today hun :) Thinking of you! Try not to worry, you will do great! You are a pro now lol Things will all fall into place. You know your body, you will know your baby and don't worry about what others say :hugs: Again, good luck! You will be just fine.
hope something starts naturally for you before you need induction hun

on a positive note i was induced with ej and it was way easier than my birth with Nate
I was induced last time and it was a nightmare. Have to go back on monday for induction and if that gel dosnt work its c section. Oh great! but I have time to go by myself now, only because they where booked up.
Skimmed through again.

BF/FF threads- I try to stay out of them. I haven't been on much in the past few days so I've missed any drama that was happening, but I always just roll my eyes and move on when it's a BF/FF debate. To me, there is nothing to debate. BF is better. End of. :lol:

Dragonfly- I hope you go naturally this time!!!! And if you still don't go by the time your induction comes around, I hope you can go vaginally and not another c-section. I will be in your position someday since I had a c-section first too. Fingers X'ed for you. :hugs:

AFU- Emma is still my booby-aholic. :haha: DH leaves next week for 7 months so I'm preparing myself for that. I'm fairly used to it by now but this will be my first long deployment since having Emma. Before it was just me so I could cry in a dark room and no one would mind. But now I gotta stay strong for Emma. :wacko: But I have this forum to keep me occupied and Emma has her little friends that we can go visit every week and Emma in general keeps me on my toes, so hopefully it goes by fast!!
still on 2 hourly feeds at night and not much in the day! So today have offered milk much more rather than waiting for her to 'ask'! So fingers crossed! She actually fell asleep this evening on the floor! Dont want to speak to soon tho! Getting Freya weighed tomorrow so will see how the first month of weaning has gone!
also jaybee i have just noticed from your signature Tobias is the same age as Freya! Both born 22nd april! Freya a few hours earlier 01.27! X
Dragonfly, I hope you go on your own soon!! Your babies sure like it in there eh? lol

Cleckner, :hugs: you can be strong for Emma and then let it all out on here if need be! You are one tough cookie! xx
I think they get stuck in there to be honest. Sealed in by tight vag that is dreading some docs hand up it. I refused the other day only because there was no point and they admitted that till monday when they where using persary. Sex is sore enough ffs. But least I done that this morning to see if it would bring anything on. I hope it does but havent much faith at this point.

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