Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Help!! This week has been hard, sleep wise! Im starting to feel a bit tired its like having a new born back! (good luck to those expecting!!)
So we put Freya down, she goes to sleep with in about 10-15 mins all is good, but this lasts half hour to an hour then she is awake again, put her dummy in she goes back to sleep, another half hour to hour she is awake again wont take dummy so i feed her, she falls asleep, put her down she wakes up, keep putting her dummy in, sleep wake, sleep wake! Been doing this bit for about 2 hours now with the sleep bits only being 5 mins!
I think the most she has slept in one stretch over the past few nights is 3 hours, every time we wake we go through this cycle!
She is absolutly fine in the day, so not sure what it is!
Is this an age thimg/ growth spirt?
Am i not weening her well, is she hungry?
I have a cold is she stocking up on anti bodies?
She is learning to crawl and starting to get frustrated at not reaching things could she be stressed out?
I dont know!!!
My nipples hurt and im tired!!
Thanks in advance
I am not sure what to suggest I do remember william going like that and he actually is like that sometimes now and my nips feel like they will fall off. I just went with it and it passed . I was up 3 times last night with william and my nipples are on fire from pregnancy hormones and over usage.

William seems back to his normal self this morning, ate all his breakfast and is running about here chatting away.
Sophia did a similar thing at 6 months (having slept through from 9 weeks she suddenly started waking a lot) - so I really tried to cluster feed her before bed. for about 2 hours before she went up to bed i would put her to the boob every 15 minutes or so (whether i thought she was hungry or not) and let her feed (but didn't force teh issue if she didn't want to) i found giving her this opportunity to stock up really helped, although she did still wake once or twice a night for a couple of months before magically goig back to sleeping through.

I personally think itis a combination of baby realising its surroundings more, and therefore realsing they are away from you when you put them down and big milestones coming up, crawling, teething etc hang on in there :hugs:
Minikat - same here. I put M down about 7-8ish, she wakes after 30-60 mins, resettle her with dummy, sometimes she wakes again but usually she sleeps through until 11, sometimes she seems hungry so I feed her and she eats but I can tell she isn't really hungry, and other times I just resettle her with a cuddle/dummy. Then she'll wake again at 1, feed usually but 5 mins after you put her down she's awake again. It can take up to an hour to resettle her. The same happens around 3 & 5am too.
I usually get fed up and bring her into our bed - she sleeps better but still wakes and is hard to settle back down - proceeding to pinch me and pull my hair instead of sleeping.

M usually wakes 2-3 times a night, she's only ever woken once in the night on two occasions. Never slept through :cry:
In the night I get so frustrated and impatient that I start thinking about CIO or CC, but once the morning comes round and she smiles at me, I can't bare putting her through it!
thanks guys! Just knowing your not the only one, really helps! Will hang in there with lots me cuddles! We r going out this eve, poor Gran!
I'm sorry I just skimmed through real fast but wanted to say welcome to the newbies! :wave: And Dragonfly, Labor dust your way!! :dust::dust::D I hope to see that beautiful baby soon! I am also dying to know whether it's pink or blue! Either way I'm sure he/she'll be beautiful!
I have the radiators full of washing and the smell has me in heaven! decided since my old washing machine was crap they needed another wash in the new one and a refresh as they where done weeks ago. Oh the smell of the fabric softener! !!!!! when they dry i do my hospital bag ones dont want to get caught out in labour with no dry clothes. afraid to put all in dryer as I probably shrink them.
I've done the same, Ollie is being clingy today, so not much time to read properly, I really do need to clean my house, I did the living room yesterday, but my kitchen, bathroom and bedroom need a good clean, to be honest, my kitchen needs a bleach, but I have no rubber gloves here right now, so I'm going to get some tonight and do the bleaching before we go to bed, then it'll be all dry in the morning! I seem to be a bit obsessed with bleaching my kithen at the moment! I don't know what it is!

Although, Lance has gone to work, I have no milk left, only had one cup of tea today, and it's one of those days where I need tea constantly! I live at the top of a HUGE hill, and the only shop is like a 20 minute walk away, and Lance has the car, and I can't walk up/down hills due to my knees being horrible and hurty and burny and grindy every time I walk more than 5 minutes on them!

I am photographing some dressage tomorrow, and have to be up uber early, so not looking forward to that! It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to take LO with, but I have only got enough EBM for one night in the freezer at the moment, as I'm going cinema Wednesday, and he snacks in the mornings, on and off all morning, so he has to come! It's gonner be chilly too, so going to have to wrap LO up all snuggly!!

Sorry, that turned out longer than I thought!! x
minikat - owen is awful at night and wakes 10-20 and settles in bed with me on the boob :dohh: exhausting

dragonfly - glad william is better and hope you go into labour soon!
Help!! This week has been hard, sleep wise! Im starting to feel a bit tired its like having a new born back! (good luck to those expecting!!)
So we put Freya down, she goes to sleep with in about 10-15 mins all is good, but this lasts half hour to an hour then she is awake again, put her dummy in she goes back to sleep, another half hour to hour she is awake again wont take dummy so i feed her, she falls asleep, put her down she wakes up, keep putting her dummy in, sleep wake, sleep wake! Been doing this bit for about 2 hours now with the sleep bits only being 5 mins!
I think the most she has slept in one stretch over the past few nights is 3 hours, every time we wake we go through this cycle!
She is absolutly fine in the day, so not sure what it is!
Is this an age thimg/ growth spirt?
Am i not weening her well, is she hungry?
I have a cold is she stocking up on anti bodies?
She is learning to crawl and starting to get frustrated at not reaching things could she be stressed out?
I dont know!!!
My nipples hurt and im tired!!
Thanks in advance

Hi Hon, Tobi has been bad with his sleep to and they are about the same age. Apparently there is another sleep regression around this time. If Lo is trying to crawl, then this could be why.
What are you doing in relation to weaning?
Big Hugs, I can totally sympathise. xx
Help!! This week has been hard, sleep wise! Im starting to feel a bit tired its like having a new born back! (good luck to those expecting!!)
So we put Freya down, she goes to sleep with in about 10-15 mins all is good, but this lasts half hour to an hour then she is awake again, put her dummy in she goes back to sleep, another half hour to hour she is awake again wont take dummy so i feed her, she falls asleep, put her down she wakes up, keep putting her dummy in, sleep wake, sleep wake! Been doing this bit for about 2 hours now with the sleep bits only being 5 mins!
I think the most she has slept in one stretch over the past few nights is 3 hours, every time we wake we go through this cycle!
She is absolutly fine in the day, so not sure what it is!
Is this an age thimg/ growth spirt?
Am i not weening her well, is she hungry?
I have a cold is she stocking up on anti bodies?
She is learning to crawl and starting to get frustrated at not reaching things could she be stressed out?
I dont know!!!
My nipples hurt and im tired!!
Thanks in advance

Hi Hon, Tobi has been bad with his sleep to and they are about the same age. Apparently there is another sleep regression around this time. If Lo is trying to crawl, then this could be why.
What are you doing in relation to weaning?
Big Hugs, I can totally sympathise. xx
Hi! Gran babysat last night and by all accounts she was fine! Until 4 am i fed her and put her down she woke 15 mins later and then wouldnt settle! We are doing blw! X
Help!! This week has been hard, sleep wise! Im starting to feel a bit tired its like having a new born back! (good luck to those expecting!!)
So we put Freya down, she goes to sleep with in about 10-15 mins all is good, but this lasts half hour to an hour then she is awake again, put her dummy in she goes back to sleep, another half hour to hour she is awake again wont take dummy so i feed her, she falls asleep, put her down she wakes up, keep putting her dummy in, sleep wake, sleep wake! Been doing this bit for about 2 hours now with the sleep bits only being 5 mins!
I think the most she has slept in one stretch over the past few nights is 3 hours, every time we wake we go through this cycle!
She is absolutly fine in the day, so not sure what it is!
Is this an age thimg/ growth spirt?
Am i not weening her well, is she hungry?
I have a cold is she stocking up on anti bodies?
She is learning to crawl and starting to get frustrated at not reaching things could she be stressed out?
I dont know!!!
My nipples hurt and im tired!!
Thanks in advance

Hi Hon, Tobi has been bad with his sleep to and they are about the same age. Apparently there is another sleep regression around this time. If Lo is trying to crawl, then this could be why.
What are you doing in relation to weaning?
Big Hugs, I can totally sympathise. xx
Hi! Gran babysat last night and by all accounts she was fine! Until 4 am i fed her and put her down she woke 15 mins later and then wouldnt settle! We are doing blw! X

It might be because she can smell you milk too. I find OH can settle Tobi a hell of a lot better than I can if he not due his feed. He smells me and thinks he is hungry when he isn't really!!
I don't know much about BLW I'm afraid because we went TW route at 4 months as I couldn't physically couldn't keep up with how hungry he is. Tobi takes three meals a day with finger foods afterwards.
Sounds like regression or teething! tried teething gels etc?
I feel your pain though honey, it will pass as it is only a phase!! Just hang in there. xx
one of my boobs is defo colostrum thats the one william discarded months ago and now its clear liquid sort of coming out while other is white. Also they are so sire i can hardly feed william! I cant wait till this preg is over and have both them and not have flaming nipples and sore boobs.
everyday I keep checking facebook Dragonfly to see if you've dropped yet, lol. The suspense is killing me, so I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for you! I hope she/he comes soon and safely & hopefull not 'out of the sunroof' this time, lol.

harry has measles :( The last 2 weeks, he started off with a cold, then a cough, then started throwing up, going off solids & lots of night waking, then 2 days ago he came out in a rash... Rang NHS Direct as I couolnd't get a Drs app, & they 'diagnosed' a viral infection & said whilst it sounds like measles, they can't officially diagnose over the phone, if it's any worse tomorrow I gotta take him to the Drs. Typical :( He seems pretty much on the mend though, and is doing great with his walking, although he does look a bit crzed while walking with his arms up in the air & his tongue stuck out, while panting & smiling & shouting 'weeeeeee!' He's such a nutterbutter!
ohh horrid measles "I have all this to get yet and it scares me if i see william looking even pale! so glad I do breastfeed as it does reduce illness even making it go away faster. I wasnt so lucky as a child and lucky to be here.

I am still here! i feel its not a natural birth I will get after all. I just am trying to keep calm and getting things done in the past few days to keep me sane.

Makes me sad thsi forum as I seen yet another thread on formula vs breastfeeding and from the onset its not bf they want info on its all about formula. sadly everyone knows apparently breast is best and dosnt want to hear it yet has asked for which one to use,. how sad that its like choosing tea or coffee.
Poor Harry! I hope he feels better soon :( :hugs:

Dragonfly- I command that baby to come out today/tonight! That's final LOL !

I Know, it's a shame about the bfing/ffing stuff... People can give advice on formula but as soon as someone is breastfeeding and gives information, they are "pushing" it etc... :( It's not that black and white!
yeah looks like because I breastfeed I am the bady again in the thread. I cant be arsed with this you cant say a word sometimes in here! someone always has to take up on it .
I think you need to have a good chat to that bumpy, and tell him/her that if he/she doesn not make an appearance in the next 2 days, he/she won't be getting a christmas present haha!!

yeah looks like because I breastfeed I am the bady again in the thread. I cant be arsed with this you cant say a word sometimes in here! someone always has to take up on it .

I know what you mean, people are so touchy sometimes...I'm sad people don't even try. One of my neighbours wants to BF the first feed with this baby (didn't even want to try with her first) and then that's it! But her OH is odd, he thinks

You've got to grow up with a complex, if you're breastfed, like

I think it's really sad!!
Terribly sad! Drives me nuts! If you feel your choice is best for you and your LO you shouldn't get defensive or upset... That's what I think anyways.

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