Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Dopey - I thinkthe law protects you up until one year old, not sure what happens after that? Seems ridiculous that they can't ask you to move if BF an 11 month old, but they can if baby is one year?

I'm DREADING biting

Why cant she just never speak to me again that was bliss for a few months there. Now she is back in shaking her head in disappointment at everything I do. Making me feel useless and stupid!

right 2 weeks ago I was shocked when my dad didnt know my EDD! I was shocked neitehr of them claimed to know since it was a day after my mums bday and she was chuffed and telling everyone it. so I dont see how she says I said that was teh wrong date when its the one I have been working off from the dam beginning! ffs!
So they where told. Them today i was asked how many days i am over and my mum was shocked! didnt know my EDD again! Again its the day after your dam bday how can you forget! does anyone else think they should know this after being told several dam times! This is another example of how they forget everything and accuse me of not saying it or some other crap! selective hearing.

And they want to bring out my son! NO dam way! I said it when he was a few months old i didnt trust them now my mum thinks she can waltze in after months of ignoring my son so she can get acquainted with him to take him out. She cant look after a plant! they forget everything what if they forget him! i would be a ball of nerves. My mum would be scolding him and upsetting him, she would, feed him gobstopped and choke him or something. Darren wont allowed it but what am i suppose to say that i dont trust them even more now since they cant even remember simple things and seem to imagine the rest#? My mum would be more interested in stuff she wanted to do than him and ignore him. My dad would forget about him as he dosnt even listen to what i say most the time . I have to ask him what I said and he gets pissed off because he says i was mumbling ?? errm my voice is like a fog horn! i do not mumble. Or my phone was breaking up.

Why cant she stay away! rowed with me about my own due date and when I said that oil you drink was dangerous to put you ion labour she was snotty about that to. yes we all know mum you smoked, drank and took all sorts with me and theres nothing wrong with me. Goes to show how much you know me because I doubt its natural for a grown woman to want to throttle her mother for being a bad mum!

and now i have cramps and this better be labour!!!

so angry.
DF, I hope it is labor for you but if it is, put aside thinking about your family so you can focus on your new LO's welcome into the world being a happy and positive one!
no was full of wind I am gassing the room out here. Still angry at my mum but whats new there then.

uh oh....*dashes to loo*
woo hoo pre-labour clear out! I reckon you will have your new bubba within the next 24 hours DF!
Awwh DF, I'm dissappionted it's only gas! I went for a walk up a snowy mountain and my labour started 10 hours after!! (slow labour, but about 27 hours later and my son was born), so try a snowy mountain walk (or as close to it as you can re-enact!)!!
I wish I was fit for a walk but I have spd! I wanted to earlier but my back and all gets really really sore from rushing about house doing house work. I am still farting away. I dont think its a clear out unless a clearout can also mean wind lol so my best mates prediction was wrong for today but I have tomorrow and sunday! I really want to go myself why cant i!!!
Want me to come and kick your mom in the face? Face kicking sometimes is the best option when dealing with people like her!

:hugs: I can't even begin to imagine how hard everything like that is on you! :(
Still here.

why does my mum act like a prat? how the hell do they not again know my due date and argue with me over when it was! see another example of how I am wrong at everything even my own DD! she still tries to break me down and make me feel stupid and her right . Because she cant be wrong! ever!No one else on this planet makes me feel like her, no one. I woudlnt allowed anyone else yet she winds me up. She is just infuriating !

And I know theres more of this to come. I dont have to be psychic to see this one coming. She will be looking down on the name we choose and grunting over it. She grunts like a pig by the way treats me below her. bitch.

Still angry .

But i had a clear out i think this morning but i bet that was to much choc from yesterday and stank out the bedroom.
Well that baby better come today!! lol
You're Mom must be an idiot (sorry...) if she doesn't see what a great person and Mom you are!
She is an idiot and I dont mind people saying as its obvious. She makes me feel like one enough.
I hope so, I want home for the christmas coffee at the castle which i wouldnt be fit for anyway lol but nice place to introduce baby as some would come to that.
Ohhh they would all be swooning over the new baby! :cloud9:
You are far front aan idiot hun :hugs:
christmas co fee is to raise money for the local school here to. I thought would be nice. But then I will be wreaked I know that much.

Just remembered what else my mum bitched about, soon as she came in she looked at the bit of carpet runner in my hall and was convinced it was hers! I said it was from our new bedroom carpet an off cut, stood for ages staring at it like i was a liar! landlocked put that carpet in wtf does she think i am at robbing carpet from her house or something?
she couldnt even be wrong about that she what I mean lol
Wow... your mom sounds like a real piece of work!
your mum sounds like a right fruit loop!
I am actually laughing about the carpet thing as its so stupid! lol Never will she miss if something could be hers ever. "is this ours?" *walks up and down carpet rubbing foot on it looking concerned* " no mum its mine off cut from bedroom carpet" her: looks like ours. *continues to pace up and down looking at carpet* At this point dads already walked past rolling eyes saying its not. She wants to make dam well sure its not.

OK mum I confess I broke into your house and stole an off cut of carpet you had put down like 2 years ago, I found it in your store room and just HAD to have it! lol

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