Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

DF, you have such BEAUTIFUL children that I can't imagine you being anything but beautiful yourself! :D
They look like their dad not like me. I am fat with a weird nose. I aint looking complements thats just how I see me. Always have done. I am glad my children dont look like me. Their dad is a pretty boy lol
dragonfly, having seen a few pics of you on facebook you definitely DONT have a fat nose you silly moo! I think you're pretty & your current profile pic of you & a teeny William is beautiful.... so there! :haha: I hope you (and your boobies) feel better soon. :hugs:

Q: how many of you ladies feed your LOs to sleep before bed at night? I still do & I'm ok with it, but was just wondering if I'm alone in that, lol. Oh, and if you do, when do you clean their teeth? I do harry's after his evening meal & in the morning, but my darling mother keeps telling me i'll rot his teeth if I dont clean them right before bed & after every time he eats... that seems a little excessive to me? :shrug:
I have lost my lansinoh :(

william used to feed sleep but not any more he goes to bed himself now.

oh heres Alex
My goodness, he is gorgeous! :cloud9: I don't think I've ever seen such handsome little men as you have.

FB, Otter feeds right before bed, but not usually to sleep. We nurse last thing, in the dark, rocking in a chair. He gets sleepy and I just transfer him to his crib where he falls asleep. His teeth are brushed during his bath, which is right before his nurse. If I'm lucky, I can manage to convince DH to NOT give him any treats on his way to bed. :dohh:

I need to start brushing them in the morning.... :-k

I've heard of extended BFing impacting teeth, causing them to decay. But that usually seems to be associated with co-sleeping and allowing a toddler to snack and comfort suck often during the night. The milk then sort of sits in their cheeks and causes decay.
I still feed Ollie to sleep, but I'm going to try and put him down without booby now, I still love feeding him to sleep though, if he doesn't take to it, I'll stop, and continue feeding to sleep until he is ready,

Lost Lansinoh...Uh Ohh! I'd :cry: if I lost mine!!

I really shoule be going to bed, Ollie is up almost hourly atm, his teeth are bugging him, it's his back teeth too, so major owies right now! Although last night we had 9pm-3am, 3:15am-5:05am, 5:30am-8am sleep throughs, it's like having a newborn back almost! I am exhausted, and at the 5am wake up, he just wanted to get up and play, I was not impressed!

DF Alex is gorgeous!! I am too broody, my cousin just had a 3lb 7oz baby and they are both too gorgeous!

And it's one of the pics of you with a teeny William, and you do not have a fat nose in it! It's a beautiful nosey!!

Otter has been teething pretty much non-stop for a couple of months now. His back molars took AGGGGGGGGES to come all the way through -- and they weren't even all the way done when his canines started. :dohh: He's working on teeth 13-16 now (all four canines at once).

I wouldn't have made it without the ocassional ibuprofen. Especially with the back teeth and canines. They are clearly very painful. :( I only give him the meds when it is really bad and when he has trouble sleeping, but it allows him to sleep MUCH better.
william has stumps for front teeth but when i ask if its bf i get snapped at :( rest his teeth are perfect?
I give him Nelsons powder, works a trat the last night!! He's on teeth 9+10 now
we use nelsons teething powder too; it defo calms him down. very occasionally he's had baby paracetamol if he's been really bad, but he only has 7 teeth, so i guess we've got the pleasure of molars & canines to come :dohh:
Harry goes to sleep any of time by himself, but at night, he seems to 'need' to feed to sleep in order for him to sleep through, otherwise he's restless & fitful all night like he just cant settle himself properly. He only has 2 baths a week (not coz he's dirty, but because otherwise his skin goes red & peels off if he has one every night) so he's never had them brushed in the bath, usually I do them downstairs after dinner coz he usually doesn't eat after that.... unless daddy gives him a sneaky treat... what is it with daddies giving the treats, hey?!!!!

DF- Alexander is a cutie :)
DF - Alex is gorgeous

Kaiden still feeds to sleep at night & during the night. He goes to sleep himself during the day - although if I was home during the day he would probably feed to sleep for his nap(s) too :haha:

We usually brush his teeth after breakfast and then after his bath at bedtime which is just before bedtime boobie.
hi Ladies,
I need some advice please.
We have now hit the 8 month EBF mark (well with his normal food as well), but he does not have any formula at the moment.

I Was wondering how many feeds your 8 month olds are having?

Tobias has his milk (both breasts and lasts about 15 minutes) at 7am, 2pm-ish and then 6pm-ish and 4am-ish. He is only on three feeds a day and 1 at night, at the moment. Although sometimes if he is having an 'off' day then I will offer the breast more often.

Is this about right do you think?

Thanks in advance for your input.
Hi Ladies,
I have been away for a while cos both my remaining grandparents dies in the space of the last four weeks, TObias has been poorly and Hubby has been very ill with Pneumonia... so had a very tough few weeks!
But I'm back.
DF - Huge congrats on the birth of your LO. How long overdue were you in the end?

I had my first 'incident' of extended BF yesterday.
We went to Tobias' first christmas party yesterday afternoon, and of course I needed to feed to Tobi. So sat down and started feeding. I felt like I was getting loads of 'looks' (I was the only BF amongst 30 other mummies) and one woman - who I didn't know- said "your still feeding him at his age??" in disbelief! I just hmmm'd and carried on. But it is the first time in 8 months I have had a negative comment, and didn't really know how to respond!!
12 days over I went. Tried to stall of induction and glad I did as if they had their way he would have been out a few days earlier which feels natural to me. He choose his birthday @)

I weight myself today. I wish I hadnt. And I bet people will say your not fat never having seen me . Well 15stone is dam well fat and I didnt know I was that fat. :( wish I never bought them scales or got on them now I need to loose weight after xmas .
Been told to go to formula for the first time.... and I think I am going to listen.... :( Still nurse in the morning and what not but been told to add in formula too. She is not even on the charts for weight, and height is only 10% and no gaining in months... :( I feel so terrible....
william was same , apparently went into the 5th percentile but that's all crap/. unless your kid is starving then worry but no one is the same. I heard formula is not needed after a year anyway.
Jaybee,Owen is 7 months and a week and he feeds about 4/5 times a day now but would happily drop another if I gave him more food.How much food does Tobias have? I dont think ive upped Owens enough since he started weaning.

Df,dont start worrying about your weight just now,you concentrate on your little guys!Alexander is still so young.
Im more heavy now than just after I had Owen but im leaving it till after christmas to diet.I lost nearly 2 stone the year befroe I got pregnant and put it all back on and at the moment I feel constantly hungry!
Afternoon ladies :flower:

Jaybee guided me here and I didn't even know it existed

I'm going to BF until Evie is 1 and then possibly longer :dance:

I was wondering what it's like feeding past 1 years? Is it tricky and can it be hard if they want boob randomly when you are somewhere and try to pull your boobs out?
Afternoon ladies :flower:

Jaybee guided me here and I didn't even know it existed

I'm going to BF until Evie is 1 and then possibly longer :dance:

I was wondering what it's like feeding past 1 years? Is it tricky and can it be hard if they want boob randomly when you are somewhere and try to pull your boobs out?

I was quite lucky that Aimee never tried to grab me or anything like that,and I never taught her a word for it so she didnt really shout for it.She sometimes used to pat me when she wanted a feed but as she got older,it was mainly in the house as when we went out she was too busy.
DF :hugs: I know what you mean about the weight. I weigh the same as you. :brat: It is about 55 lbs above my prepg weight with Otter. :shock: I gained SOOO much with my pgs. :dohh: It is doing my head in. But I'm just trying to accept it and work toward loosing it without jeapordizing my kids and their BFing experience.

MumJK, why formula? K is old enough to go to cow's milk instead of formula. There is no need for formula at her age. Just start adding whole milk into her diet in addition to BFing and have her drink as much as possible through the day. She'll probably like it better than formula anyway. Formula tastes awful anyway and babies often won't take it if they haven't had it in the first few months.

Besides, I wouldn't worry too much about her size anyway. As long as she is healthy and meeting milestones... bright and happy... then she is fine!

JB, that is only the first of many comments to come if you carry on. I have learned to approach it in a very confident manner. If someone asks, I respond in a strong way and with the attitude that "Of course I am still feeding him at 17 months! It's normal!" I don't necessarily say that, but that is the sort of confidence in my voice. If someone looks at me like "You're still feeding him!" :shock: Then I respond with :huh: "Yes. Of course. He isn't ready to stop yet." My attitude clearly states that extended BFing is normal and they are strange to even question me. That always shuts them right up with a look on their face of confusion like they suddenly doubt why they thought it was strange. :haha:

MB, I've never had that problem of my toddler randomly wanting boob. Though I know loads of ladies that do. I don't know if that is because I am just lucky, or because once I started "don't offer, don't refuse" on feeds that I wanted him to drop, I tended to "not respond" at early signs of him wanting a feed. :shrug: I would never tell him no if he insisted, but if he gave me little hints that he might want to nurse, I distracted him with other things. Now we are on just a bedtime feed as part of his night routine. He seems to be completely comfortable with only getting a feed at that time now. :thumbup: But he is definitely REALLY into that one and doesn't want to give it up. :cloud9:

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