I know what you mean about the weight. I weigh the same as you.

It is about 55 lbs above my prepg weight with Otter.

I gained SOOO much with my pgs.

It is doing my head in. But I'm just trying to accept it and work toward loosing it without jeapordizing my kids and their BFing experience.
MumJK, why formula? K is old enough to go to cow's milk instead of formula. There is no need for formula at her age. Just start adding whole milk into her diet in addition to BFing and have her drink as much as possible through the day. She'll probably like it better than formula anyway. Formula tastes awful anyway and babies often won't take it if they haven't had it in the first few months.
Besides, I wouldn't worry too much about her size anyway. As long as she is healthy and meeting milestones... bright and happy... then she is fine!
JB, that is only the first of many comments to come if you carry on. I have learned to approach it in a very confident manner. If someone asks, I respond in a strong way and with the attitude that "Of course I am still feeding him at 17 months! It's normal!" I don't necessarily say that, but that is the sort of confidence in my voice. If someone looks at me like "You're still feeding him!"

Then I respond with

"Yes. Of course. He isn't ready to stop yet." My attitude clearly states that extended BFing is normal and they are strange to even question me. That always shuts them right up with a look on their face of confusion like they suddenly doubt why they thought it was strange.
MB, I've never had that problem of my toddler randomly wanting boob. Though I know loads of ladies that do. I don't know if that is because I am just lucky, or because once I started "don't offer, don't refuse" on feeds that I wanted him to drop, I tended to "not respond" at early signs of him wanting a feed.

I would never tell him no if he insisted, but if he gave me little hints that he might want to nurse, I distracted him with other things. Now we are on just a bedtime feed as part of his night routine. He seems to be completely comfortable with only getting a feed at that time now.

But he is definitely REALLY into that one and doesn't want to give it up.