Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Nimbus- do your coworkers ask if you're still bf? Do you have to pump at work? I still pump once at work and I'm sure people know what I'm doing since I head towards the pumping room with my special bag. Fortunately no one has made a negative comment. Most of the girls at my work bf for exactly 1 year and then stop, so I wouldn't be surprised if I get a negative comment one day since I'm no longer the "norm"

Well, i've been off for the last couple of weeks, signed off with pnd, so no comments recently! Aiming to head back after Christmas on an amended duties plan...we'll see. Before I left there were a few comments by my line manager about my choice to feed my baby. I think this may have been related to the fact that i've lost quite a bit of weight and I have been sad. I guess that i could have made her feel a bit uncomfortable to start with as i would joke about it a bit... i felt uneasy and it was my way of defusing the situation and as a result it had been mentioned to another collegue that she sick of hearing about it! ah well, i then shut up. sorted. After being diagnosed with pnd, i had some blood tests to check it wasn't triggered by/accompanied with a deficiency... well her comment was "I can tell you now that you'll be lacking in calcium and iron as you're still feeding and they'll probably tell you to stop.". I had the pleasure of reporting back to her that all my bloods were fine and the dr, nurse and HV all said that i should not stop nursing (way hay!)

Sorry, that was quite long winded!

I have been expressing at work. I end up giving up a lot of time up during breaks to do so and the ladies know what i'm up to. it's been noted that i don't spend as much time with them. Most of them don't seem to care too much and others are impressed, but i'm not bothered what they think and i'll keep going. i just don't appreciate the negativity.

It'll be interesting over the next year or so as we've got a few people expecting and although i'm unsure how they'll feed their babes, if a few people bf then it'll cause havoc!

Thanks for letting me rant!
Hi everyone!

Hope your nips are feeling a bit better dragonfly.

A is an immense feeder at night. He falls asleep at the breast and i try to put him in his cot but he screams as soon as i stop touching him :cry: he'll sometimes stop if i pat his bum and sing to him but he'll only sleep for 20 mins. This goes on until i go to bed, at which point he comes in with me, latches on and stays latched on pretty much all night :wacko: not sure what to do about it really. Especially as i might be getting back together with FOB and he is a violent sleeper so wouldn't be able to have A in bed with us!
I'm still here, went Christmas shopping and stayed at my mums, didn't have internet! Still BF too...on average, 3 times a day and I ahve no idea in the night, he just latches himself on on his own!! x

I wish Amy would feed just 3 times a day. Is it a bad idea to try and get her to cut down? I know with time she will probably do this on her own and I know thats probably the best thing. I just think if she fed a little less often she would probably eat her meals better, and I'm more likely to continue B/F for longer. Has anyone done this, and if so, what's the best way?

It's an average of 3 times, mainly because it's 3 times if we're out and about, but today, it's our first day in in about 2 weeks, and we've already had 3! To be fair though they have only been for about 5 minutes at a time!

Nimbus- if the other ladies at work chose to bf and express at work, you can most likely give yourself credit for paving the way! A co-worker of mine bf and expressed at work and she certainly inspired me to do the same :thumbup: I also make jokes at work about bf and expressing too, LOL. I share an office with a male co-worker who I could sense was uncomfortable with me leaving our small office to pump. When I was gone people would come by looking for me and he never knew what to say. So instead of quietly leaving one day to pump I announced that it was time for me to head to the boob room, and we both laughed and now that weird tension is no longer there. :thumbup: Are you recovering well from your pnd? I'm glad you didn't have to stop nursing!
Hi, new to this thread but not to the bfing board. We've just hit our 16 month anniversary!! She still loves the boob and would drink umpteen times a day if I didn't work full time.

La went into her own room two months ago (well actually we moved out of hers) and it was a huge wrench, both husband and I missed her so much. She has been able to go to sleep by herself for a month or so now and recently we had a couple of nights of sleeping through which was AMAZING. We did nothing different though so I truly believe they just do what they feel like when they are ready. She didn't sleep through last night but had a very disrupted day, and has been chewing her hand a lot today and I can see teeth coming again, so I doubt we'll get any more all-nighters for a while, but I know she will in the end.

I managed to go away for 2 nights last weekend for my best friend's 30th (I've only had one evening out since she was born and have put her to bed with boob for every single other night, so it was a huge worry). She did go to sleep with my help the first night (I left once she was in bed) but husband got up with her in the night and also put her to bed the next night. Whaddaya know, she slept until 5.20am the first night and woke once at 1am the second, before sleeping until 7am! Since then husband has got up with her in the night a few times and given me the night off, amazing - I never thought she'd accept that! She still feeds like a demon from when I get home until bedtime, in the night if I'm on duty and she wakes, and first thing. Quite often I'm a bit late for work because she's not finished when I need to go!!

I feel very very lucky to be able to do this. She still loves it and laughs with excitement when she sees she's about to have boob! Today we had a nap together with her on the boob which she's not done for months, it was so lovely to cuddle up with her.

Anyway, nough of my essay - hi!!
Nimbus- if the other ladies at work chose to bf and express at work, you can most likely give yourself credit for paving the way! A co-worker of mine bf and expressed at work and she certainly inspired me to do the same :thumbup: I also make jokes at work about bf and expressing too, LOL. I share an office with a male co-worker who I could sense was uncomfortable with me leaving our small office to pump. When I was gone people would come by looking for me and he never knew what to say. So instead of quietly leaving one day to pump I announced that it was time for me to head to the boob room, and we both laughed and now that weird tension is no longer there. :thumbup: Are you recovering well from your pnd? I'm glad you didn't have to stop nursing!

I seem to be having more good days recently so that's superb, and although i'm still home i'll be going back soon if all keeps improving! I feel blessed to be able to nurse my lil one and incredibly happy that they have told me to continue if i want. :happydance:

I'd like to think that i've shown some of the ladies that bf-ing and pumping at work is ok. We'll see and i'll report back... one of the ladies had a little girl early sat morning, so excitied for her!
:hi: Becstar! Congratulations on your 16 month milestone too! Kayleigh is starting to not want the boob unless it's morning, once in the afternoon etc... and doesn't want me at bedtime anymore :( She wants a bottle... which is my fault for giving her one, but I'm coming to accept that she prefers it now... hard as it is lol...
HV was here to see Alex yacked on about why I wont give William cows milk. what is the point on giving him cows milk instead of mine?? I just dont get it. So I need an adapter for my pump,. one of the pins broke off the plug! and its a medale one and i cant afford a new one not even a second hand one can I afford so I need this adapter and i cant get one anywhere? I will put it up on the wanted section here see if anyone has one i will be willing to pay a few pound for it to.

William is away to casuly he fell in his uncles and split his head. I was [panicking when they called in on way past and he just wanted to come in for a cuddle only I couldnt as they had to go. worried.

I think i have mastitus! was shivering yesterday and thought i had flu and had sore boobs, ok today but feel crap so have to keep an eye on it. my nips have me in years! cant believe i have these same problems again! alex is 9lbs 3 now! he put on them 3 oz in 4 days! and that one pound in a week! chubby boy and my milk must be good.
Oh no, hope William is alright, and hope that your HV backs off about cows milk, I'm giving Ollie cows milk now, but I am trying to get him used to it, so my mum can have him at the end of January so I can have a night out, and I am worried she'll run out of EBM, so he can have cows milk instead!! Also, I was dreading getting mastitis so much, DH told me off, he thought all this worrying will end in me getting it lol!!

How is everyone else, I just skimmed really, caught most of DFs post

(btw, DF, I added you as a friend on flickr!)
I look like I have had a boob job and my boobs feel like I have had one to! bras to small for me now. And they weigh a ton! but nipples stick to my bra :( keep putting the cream on them to try and not get cracked nipples. And was told not to make a martyr of myself. Again thats not what I am doing I want my kids to be healthy thats all and nothing else is good enough for them. Its weird saying I have children and not a child . lol

think i added you back jelly bean on flickr. You can see all the snow pics of the garden over there. I raraly leave the estate , well its so big I dont need to unless i have docs.
They are beautiful! I wouldn't leave the estate either, you lucky thing!

Mine are mainly horsey pics atm, although I am going to make an album of all my Ollie pics, in case my hard drive goes down or something dire!! This Christmas I am getting the camera out a lot!! My cousin is being either induced or having a c-section tomorrow (at 32 weeks) So I wanner get some pics of her little babba for her! She's weighing 3lb odd atm!! Thin I'm going to start putting the pics on now lol!! xx
horse riding centre here to. cant take william till he is 4 :{

but he can go and look ar the horses and theres donkeys abnd lots of other animals about.landlords horse was killed with electric fence here , dont know how it must have kept getting caught in it. I am glad I didnt hear that one. Theres recoding studio here and farm to. And 700 acres of everything else including forest, ruins and god know what else out there. I seen an elk in the field once, not wild couldnt be not here. But then I seen a goat at my window one day and a fox at the back door which I wasnt pleased at as i have cat,
Hey gals! Just found this post and I'm glad I did. I have a question for you ladies. Does anyone think I'm wrong for letting LO wean herself from the booby but having a cut off point? What I mean is that if LO hasn't weaned by two than I plan to force her to wean. Does anyone else have an age-limit? Am I wrong? Will this be damaging to her?
DragonFly - sorry you are having sore boobs/nips again, I hope they clear up quicker for you this time. Please keep an eye on the mastitis as if you have got it the sooner you get it sorted the better.
As for nipples sticky to bra - I hated that! In the end I bought some breast shells so that when i had to cover my boobs (I spent the majority of the first 3 months of Sophia's life walkign around with my boobs out ) to go out of the house I could pop them on so that my nips wouldn't stick. Would defo recommend them (i got mine from Mothercare), as there is nothing worse than taking the scab of when you remove your bra ouchy :hugs::hugs:

If you can't get hold of them then i would be willing to try to dig mine out of the loft for you :hugs: Keep it up you are doing a great job .:thumbup:

I am probably teaching you how to suck eggs with this post (sorry) but i also found that putting Lansinoh on BEFORE each feed helped as then the nips were moist and the scabs didn't break off as they were moist.
I use linmsinoh loads, first time around I didnt and was ripping chunks of skin off when taking my bra off and bleeding. Was horrible. Now its juts sensitive , I actually have cried feeding again this time. Its so sore. but havnt met anyone else with this prob and even my doc didnt know what it was. they should make something to desensitise your nipples.
westbrja- I DO have a weird age that I don't really want to feed from and that's anything after 3. I just think she'd be gearing up for preschool at that age and I'd want her to wean by than. :shrug: I plan on getting to 2 and if she feeds till 3 that's fine too but after that I will probably gently get her to stop. I'd keep around a bedtime feed at that age if she still wanted, but not daytimes. Just my two cents..:D

Welcome to the newbies in here! :wave:

Dragonfly- I'm sorry your having soreness. I hope it all goes away soon. You're right, they should make some sort of numbing cream. :haha:

mum2J&K- Stop offering the bottle!!! :haha: If you don't offer the bottle, she won't have a choice and will take the booby. It sounds like you're okay with the new routine though so hugs to you!! :D:hugs:
:hugs: DF I can only imagine what you are going through... you're doing awesome though! Hope William is okay too!!

Cleckner- I am, and I'm not iykwim? I feel like I'm doing something wrong by letting her enjoy her bottle of milk... Pressure... ugh
william slid off my knee but didnt unlatch and sliced my nipple with teeth! was in tears and much blood, trying to pump here with crap Manuel pump and not even got ab oz out yet i have loads of milk in me,.
Ohhhh Ouch!!!! I have quite a bit of milk too and when I pumped last night, I got like half an ounce! I think I'm going to rent a hospital grade one... might help some. I should go pump now. Doing up a chart tomorrow of times to pump to build up milk, so I can have it in the fridge and keep my supply up.
:hugs: DF I can only imagine what you are going through... you're doing awesome though! Hope William is okay too!!

Cleckner- I am, and I'm not iykwim? I feel like I'm doing something wrong by letting her enjoy her bottle of milk... Pressure... ugh

Aww you're doing nothing wrong!! Just do what you feel is right!! :hugs::hugs:

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