Mork - my OH keeps asking in a round-about way when we're going to stop BF'ing. He asks when he's going to get my boobs backand when can I go back on the pill (I opted against the mini-pill and don't feel like going back on anything yet - prefer feeling my cycle come back naturally but haven't really explained that to him, not sure if he'd understand - ie. have been using BF'ing as a kind of an excuse which is prob bad of me). So I get where you're coming from.
For me I was always adamant I wouldn't BF past 8 months. This was because my mom was a full-term BF'er of two much younger siblings. I used to be horrified at the age of 17 to see her pull up her top (in front of my friends sometimes) to BF my 5 year brother. I used to wish she would FF. Now that I have a LO of my own I totally get where she was coming from though.
I now have no problem with the idea older children nursing. But it's hard to get my OH on the same page, even though he's been amazingly supportive so far.
Before I had Tristan, I thought anything after 1yr was odd too. But, now that I'm doing it, I can't imagine only nursing for another 4-5months. My DH also asks when he's getting my boobs back. I already told him that when they were done nursing that he wouldn't want them back anyways because they'd be non existent

Hi girls
Bleugh, baby club is getting very clicky and bitchy recently
I've had a nightmare few days. Has some bleeding so went for a scan and all is ok but I can't help but worry. Also Evie hasn't been feeding much??
She will feed for 5 mins then unlatch and there is still milk coming out so she isn't taking a fulll feed and if I try and relatch her she will push me away.
Does pregnancy change your milk much or could it be a nursing strike?
Sorry your having problems DF![]()
Glad that everything is ok. Pregnancy can decrease supply and change the taste of your milk, so it could be partially due to the change in taste she's unsure of. Once she gets used to it, she shouldn't have any problems.
Feeling a bit fed up. I think our bad habit has pushed me to the edge... my baby is sooooo clingy the last couple of days. He won't be put down to sleep and just wants cuddles all the time, and the inevitable, sleeping on the boobie. I usually don't mind that too much, but joined with the whole won't be put down thing, ahhhhh! I don't know how i'll cope with another night like the last. Ladies, is this just a thang that happens around now? Please tell me i'll get my baby back! We even tried letting him cry tonight, broke me to pieces.
I'm sorry you are having trouble with this! I hope your little one goes back to normal soon. Could he be going through some sort of separation anxiety? Could just be a phase. DS is only 7.5mos but goes through these phases from time to time, usually when he's getting ready to get sick though.
I'm having some major sore nips going on. I had a few people ask me if I was pregnant, but that's not possible. I'm thinking maybe ovulation. I had thrush for 2.5mos and this is definitely different. It feels like I'm starting to nurse all over again. I hope the pain goes away soon. I nearly quit at 2.5wks breastfeeding b/c of this type of pain, and now that I've gotten this far, I'm not trying to stop now!