Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Do you reckon I should still offer every 4 hours or so? And if she refuses then offer it later?

Hi Cleckner sorry your having a rough time right now :hugs: how is emmas hand and how is her bedtime going?

Got a really bad throat today :(
yeah id just offer around every 4 hours and offer drinks in a sippy cup or whatever you plan to use in the inbetween times they let you know when they want it lol EJ fed most of last night caus he was feeling poorly
Thanks Miss_Bump. :flower: Emmas hand is finally healed thankfully. It's hard to even tell which hand it was so that's good because there isn't any scarring. Bedtime is about the same as before. She manages on average just 2 hours in her own bed. One night she went 4 and a few nights she has only went 1. But I'm okay with that. I figure eventually she'll start going longer and longer until she doesn't need me at all. :cry::haha: So sorry you have a sore throat today. :( And most sore throat remedies aren't recommended while pregnant or BFing so that's rough. Hope it get's better soon. How have you been feeling? Any morning sickness? Have you had any scan pictures yet? You'll have to show us when you get some!! I think ultrasounds for multiples are so neat. :D
Hi ladies, wondering if i can join you? I havent been on here in a long while!
I have a daughter who is 14 and i bf her until she was 2 and half, my new bean is 7 and half month and plan to go as long as i can!
I returned to work yesterday, was awful, i hate it but have no choice, i teach and decided to do two and half days,my lo will not take a bottle at all, my mum is looking after him and its a massive struggle, we are using a doidy cup but its not going well, yesterday he only had 5oz all day
Anyone had any experience with this,im unsure how much milk he should be taking?
In hindsight i should have had a storage of milk ready to go back to work too but i kept putting it off so im struggling with the expressing, feel like im constantly doing it and worrying im not doing it enough, my lo has had severe reactions to milk products and doctors are pretty certain he has a milk protein allergy, i have an appointment in a few weeks with a consultant and dietician so my milk is the only option for him!!!

Ahhhh! Sorry for the ramble,just looking for a bit of advice and reassurance xxxx
tillykins- Kira didn't take bottles either when I returned to work. On some days she would drink a little, but some days she drank none. I tried a few different brands and found one that she tolerated more than the others, so that might be something to try if you get desperate. Does he eat solids okay? He could always eat more solids while you're away and catch up on booby milk when you return. Good luck- it's really hard leaving them :hugs:

Cleckner- Do you think Emma is teething? You are a strong woman to have 100% of the responsibility of Emma. I'm exhausted by the time DH comes home and once he gets here, he gives me some time to myself, plus time to clean the house as he entertains Kira. It's okay to have teary days :hugs: Does Emma have any tv shows that she likes? On days when I really need a break I will play "Team Umizoomi", which is her favorite and I'll get a full 20 minutes to myself! You should check out that cartoon because it's really educational and Kira will point to the tv screen when they ask her certain questions.
I do think her teeth might be bothering her. She had her first molars through the skin on the bottom but they've seemed to go back under the gums a bit over the last few days. :wacko: So I'm wondering what's going on there. I'll definitely look up that cartoon. Is it on netflix? Emma likes sesame street and this dog cartoon on netflix where they talk with british accents. :rofl: No clue what it's called though.
I never heard of that cartoon with the dog and british accents, LOL. I checked netflix and they don't have Team Umizoomi on there... but they play free episodes at Nick, although they seem small on the screen. She still might like watching them small. Kira loves that show. I bet her gums are swollen and thats why the teeth can't be seen. Poor baby. Kira's getting her 1st molar in too, but hers is on the top. She's had some rough nights recently and clingy days too.
I just looked and the cartoon with british accents is called Kipper. :haha: I'll have a look on nick jr. for the one you're talking about. :thumbup: I never thought it could be swollen gums hiding the teeth! She has her top first molars and the bottoms were in. I even have it written in her baby book. :lol: But they are playing the disappearing game. Weird! But I bet you are right and it's just swollen. Poor little girl. Today she's been better. Like my old baby is back. I hate having days that she is an absolute nightmare and than I start wondering if it's a good idea to have more kids. :wacko:
Think I am going to kill my other half I am truely sick of him now. trying to get him to help me turns into a fight! I have to chase him around as he goes off to help others and leaves me sitting in a pig sty! then when he finial helps he snaps at me like i am nagging him! so the the place is still a bomb and I cant even get doing what I should be with the kids whiloe he sits and chats to his mates for ages outside or is on the phone smoking, how many smoke breaks does he need! it takes 30 mins for one smoke. Then phone rings and he is away! i dont see him for hours then this morning william was awake i said for him to get up as in 2 years i have never had a lie in! ever! I want one as Alex is still asleep and he gets to lye in till about 12 every morning whle i am up cleaning and dealing with kids. So guess what I got called a selfish bitch while he got up and slammed every door! got called all the names under the sun as you dare disturb his sleep! i am up with two kids feeding in the night he sleeps and he calls me selfish! he wont even take alex to the docs today and i have cakes to bake for party tomorrow a whole flat to clean and myself as i really need a shower! so much to do, all piled up everywere and I think he has gone back to bed. I will stab him if he has as i have to go and check Alex now.

I really am fed up with this constant rowing just to get a bit of help. I am tired, always dizzy and even have started to get depressed. I have a toddler screaming in my ear all day and all he can do is get pissed off and walk out.

so I shall be having another bad day today.
Hugs hun, sounds like you need an iron boost if your getting dizzy hun,
i know how it feels though. it took other people to point out to my OH that i wasnt coping and then he stepped up a bit and helped a bit more but after just having had MIL here for a week with SIL then DH has done Nothing to help aside from cooking the pasta for dinner last night since they left, he even graciously left his dirty socks and underwear on the floor downstairs and his dishes everywhere, while i was up most of the Nate with EJ whos poorly as anything and i cant figure out whats wrong with him hes chewing on his fingers and has had red cheeks but hes not showing other teething signs the way normally would ie... no nappy rash etc... hes run a temp off n on for 2 days now a low temp but still a higher than normal tempeture iykwim. so ive had him up in the night for the past 2 nights which means im really low on sleep
Cleckner- I'm glad Emma had a good day. Kira will have a couple of bad days that seem to push my patience to the limit and then she gives me a good day to recover :haha: Same with sleeping at night. They seem to know when mommy can't take anymore :haha: Thats funny that Emma was late on getting her teeth and now she has more teeth than Kira! Last week Kira finally got her 8th tooth and now I see the 9th (a top molar) slightly poking thru! I never heard of Kipper!

DF- I hope your OH can step up and help because it sounds like you're at your limit right now with 2 babies :hugs:
^^ :rofl::rofl: Emma seems to be mesmerized by Kipper. I don't know if it's the weird accents or what, because the cartoon is really basic.

Spidey- Yeah Emma just kept getting new teeth every other week for a while there. :wacko: I looked it up and I didn't teeth until 11 months so she must be taking in my footsteps. I just hope she doesn't really have my teeth because I needed braces. :haha: Does Kira teeth easily? Or does she get grumpy/feverish and all that good stuff?
Kipper's cute :)

Alyssa LOVES Happy Feet by Kermit the Frog right now. She heard it on a TV ad and has gone bananas for it :rofl:

She's also thrilled by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse these days too.
Evening ladies hope you are all well?

I lost my babies on Thursday and had a D&C yesterday :cry:

Feel so numb. Ive never MC'd before :nope:

Having the scan to confim the MC was the worst moment of my life.

OMG hun. :cry::cry: I'm all teary eyed now. I'm so sorry. :hugs: I know nothing I say will take away the pain right now. :(
Evening ladies hope you are all well?

I lost my babies on Thursday and had a D&C yesterday :cry:

Feel so numb. Ive never MC'd before :nope:

Having the scan to confim the MC was the worst moment of my life.

OMG I am so sorry :cry: not sure what a D&C is. My heard goes to anyone who has miscarried I cant imagine the pain of that emotionally.

I had williams birthday party to day, went down well. Loads didnt turn up but loads of others did so I am glad some didnt as I had just enough food for what did. Everyone loved my cake and I ate a load of it to lol

When I said Alex was hungry my dad said go to the bedroom so i said I am not hiding in my room in my house feeding my baby and heard my mum bitching to my aunt and turning her nose up at me saying I wouldnt go and feed my son in my bedroom. :growlmad:no I wont now get the hell out of my chair so I can feed him ! I dont care if any one thinks its rude in my family to breastfeed with guests I rather that than a screaming hungry child. Time they all started to get used to it ffs and stop making me feel disgusting. They may say they are for it but it seems shameful to them. So I fed him in my comfy chair didnt care. I have walked around the castle where staff have seen me with a baby stuck to my boob in a sling and they are all farmers and diodnt give a shit! even ate my lunch with them and no one batted an eye lid. But they where all male. is there a difference do females find it more disgusting than males or was it just the people I was with? :shrug:

2 years breastfeeding!

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