Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Hey trynitey!
Well girls, I am a bit shell shocked-the conversation came up with dh last night about how long I will bf for (my idea as long as she wants it) and he said he thinks it is wrong to feed after she is a year :(
Welcome (back) trynitey!

Mork, in all honesty, before I had Ronan, and even in the beginning when we first started breastfeeding I thought it a bit weird to bf past one year. There was no rhyme or reason for it. I'd just never known anyone who had and it just seemed like one year was some magical marker, so I can understand your husband's feelings.

I guess the best way to explain it is that for now you want to take it a day at a time and if your LO isn't ready to stop the day before their birthday, and they're not ready the day after their birthday then nothing has changed but that they're a few days older and you want to see how it goes from there.

I think fathers fear scenes like out of that Grown Ups movie with a 3-4 year old who has no concept of social boundaries and a mother who lifts her shirt at the first demand for milk no matter the time or place, but I'm pretty sure that most mothers who bf that long wouldn't do that.

Ronan's not even a year yet and even though I don't mind feeding him whenever and wherever he needs it, I rarely have to when we're out and about because he just doesn't want or need nursing that often and is quite happy with a snack to nibble on while we shop or whatever.
Right other half is demanding I wean William off boob as he screams in yhe night for it and its not always easy when in bed to feed two so i have to give him attention to keep him from screaming as it alarms Alex and its not fair on Alex. He wasnt always like this, woke maybe once but this is constant from 11pm to 7 about 3 or 4 times , I can tolerate it no point getting stressed only my other half is being a dickhead about it. Dosnt like him screaming yet wants me to wean him off? he will be doing a lot more screaming if I do that and he always just shouts at me to give him it and leave Alex for a min. Its hard this ! And before any one says to give him normal milk in a bottle he throws that away, I also tried EBM in a bottle for him and he had that gone in a second and that took me ages to get out and wanted the breast. I know his teething was bad there so thought it was that but its 2 months now Alex is here and he dosnt get any better. He screams all day to. My nice boy seems to have gone :( well he is still nice only the rest here have lack of sleep ., sore ears and headaches. I dont want him under that stress either as I am sure he gives himself a headache with the crying. I want this to pass :( I dread going to bed as I know I will have broken sleep from William all night , Alex will sleep longer than William. And I have patience just my health is suffering.
Mork - my OH keeps asking in a round-about way when we're going to stop BF'ing. He asks when he's going to get my boobs back :wacko: and when can I go back on the pill (I opted against the mini-pill and don't feel like going back on anything yet - prefer feeling my cycle come back naturally but haven't really explained that to him, not sure if he'd understand - ie. have been using BF'ing as a kind of an excuse which is prob bad of me). So I get where you're coming from.

For me I was always adamant I wouldn't BF past 8 months. This was because my mom was a full-term BF'er of two much younger siblings. I used to be horrified at the age of 17 to see her pull up her top (in front of my friends sometimes) to BF my 5 year brother. I used to wish she would FF. Now that I have a LO of my own I totally get where she was coming from though.

I now have no problem with the idea older children nursing. But it's hard to get my OH on the same page, even though he's been amazingly supportive so far.
Ronan's not even a year yet and even though I don't mind feeding him whenever and wherever he needs it, I rarely have to when we're out and about because he just doesn't want or need nursing that often and is quite happy with a snack to nibble on while we shop or whatever.

Hivechild, I have the same thing with my LO, he def prefers to nibble on a snack when out-and-about. He's really not much of a booby-baby and nevers asks for booboos, usually shakes his head when I offer it during the day.

For a while I was actually worried he might self-wean very early (ie. earlier than 18 months) as it's become clear that his reluctance to feed during the day isn't a nursing strike but looks like the night-time and early morning feeds are still a hit :) so we should be able to keep going a while yet:)
Wow - LO has fallen asleep cuddled up on DH for the first time since she was newborn! She's usually a booby or nothing kinda girl when it comes to sleeping so this is progress - it's not exactly self settling but just that she's realising Daddy can be comforting as well as playful is a start. :)

He asked me if he should put her in her cot, I told him it was upto him. She's still there, I think he's enjoying it :)

:hugs: DF I can't think of anything to suggest that you won't already have tried, sorry.
sick of dizzy spells! its eitehr lack of iron and i am on iron tabs or stress. I think stress. Eating like a pig to. I want my bike fixed so I can get out on my own I need to get out just to clear my head for a while. I am with my kids 24 7! never do I go anywhere without them or anywhere at all. I used to take my motorbike out for half an hour and go and sit with swans in a nice spot and come back calm and happier. Now I cant do that as my bike needs fixed and my OH is to busy with his life to help me. And no I cant go for a walk as I will have to take the kids, I cant take them on a motorbike (my only escape alone)/.
Thanks for all the comments girls, you have helped me see dh's view. Also great ideas on how to play it when she gets to a year :) x x
Dfly, is it sibling jealousy maybe? I don't know what to suggest to you? Other than boob, is there anything else that could be waking him up? Like growing pains, cramp, wind, wetness, heat or something?
Hi girls

Bleugh, baby club is getting very clicky and bitchy recently :(

I've had a nightmare few days. Has some bleeding so went for a scan and all is ok but I can't help but worry. Also Evie hasn't been feeding much??
She will feed for 5 mins then unlatch and there is still milk coming out so she isn't taking a fulll feed and if I try and relatch her she will push me away.

Does pregnancy change your milk much or could it be a nursing strike?

Sorry your having problems DF :hugs:
we gave him paracetamol last night as seen his cheeks where red and was teething again and he slept till 2 am. Then was awake after that at 3.30 and again at 5 and 7. If he was jealous he dosnt take it out on Alex as he shows nothing but love for him. Alex woke once for a feed last night he normally sleeps but was throwing up a lot as i had some diary :( he really is sensitive to what I eat. He is going ot get his vaccine today and I am crapping it as I dont like these things, I dont feel right about what ever is in them. plus someone has to hurt my son with a needle and i dont ant him to think its me :(
with william I kept saying teething and thats all I can think it is, same every night. My nipples are so sore from him :( I hate teething! my head hurts again today and have dizzy spells. I cant even be arsed to get dressed these days whats the point.
Hi girls

Bleugh, baby club is getting very clicky and bitchy recently :(

I've had a nightmare few days. Has some bleeding so went for a scan and all is ok but I can't help but worry. Also Evie hasn't been feeding much??
She will feed for 5 mins then unlatch and there is still milk coming out so she isn't taking a fulll feed and if I try and relatch her she will push me away.

Does pregnancy change your milk much or could it be a nursing strike?

Sorry your having problems DF :hugs:

could be a nursing strike but the hormones will change your milk which might take her some time to get used to, you might want to express and see if she will take it from a cup?
some of alex

William did go a bit off mine but came back on big time after miss bump.

and baby club is a war zone I cant be assed with some threads in here any more., Least this one I feel at home,
Lynnikins she is also teething so I guess it's a mixture of lots of different

She normally has 4 feeds a day, sometimes more but today I just tried feeding her and she nibbled a little then burst into tears :wacko:

She is now chomping on a spelt finger so maybe that's helping her gums

I havnt got a pump and don't know how to express by hand

DF lovley photos :)
DF- It sounds like teething to me- especially since the medicine let him have a good sleep for the first half of the night. Kira is teething too so I'm going thru the same thing. She goes to bed at 9:30pm and if she's up and crying and needing booby around 10 or 11, I know that her teeth are hurting so I'll squirt some medicine in there and she'll nurse back to sleep and sleep for 5-6 hours straight.
He sleeps when we are not in bed like from 7 or 8 till 12 so thats his sleep unbroken then when we come to bed its all flippen night. I am very tolerant just in a mood today as my OH makes it worse to be honest.he isnt tolerant.

ok I need to take a massive bitch fit right now!

Alex didnt get his 8 week accessemt and jabs becasue the fecking clinic fecked up ! AGAIN! I changed the app it was on 25th that was OH borthday so they changed till today and went through all the days last week as my doc was off so i couldnt get one last week then when I went today for my app they said it was last mon? wtf? my original one was last tue how did i make it before the app even takes place when they said they where full up! I have the original app card to prove this and all. They never do as they are told, I ask for a script have dad collect it and everyone looking for it before they say i never called, even if got the name of the person I was speaking to they deny it! I have been ill many times before and needed stuff asap only to wait over weekend to shout on mon as they didnt take it off me for the chemist and I had to do without. Happens all the time and now they mess up Alex apps! I am changing docs surgery! end of. Feck them and their years of mess ups they can mess around with me but not my kids.
to express by hand hun just hold your boob with your fingers under the areola and stroke down your boob with your thumb stopping at the areola and use something under your nipple to catch the drops and spray its a good technique to learn , i had to hand express colostrum for ds1 and milk is so much easier lol
Feeling a bit fed up. I think our bad habit has pushed me to the edge... my baby is sooooo clingy the last couple of days. He won't be put down to sleep and just wants cuddles all the time, and the inevitable, sleeping on the boobie. I usually don't mind that too much, but joined with the whole won't be put down thing, ahhhhh! I don't know how i'll cope with another night like the last. Ladies, is this just a thang that happens around now? Please tell me i'll get my baby back! We even tried letting him cry tonight, broke me to pieces.

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