I've had a few wobbles about the extended BFing too. I've also read comments on youtube. It's very hurtful. I mean, the comments aren't towards us directly but yet they really are because we are lumped with all the other extended BFers of the world. People can be so nasty. It's amazing to me.
Just like that girl I posted the facebook comments about. DH called today and he said he mentioned her comments to this girl's husband. And he said she tried to breastfeed and failed at it. So obviously she has a chip on her shoulder.

It makes me oddly feel better.
We are doing an amazing thing for our LOs. Whether the rest of the world sees it or not. I was one of those people that didn't understand why people breastfed so long. But now that I'm doing it, I totally get it. It's like people don't understand unless they've done it. We all want what's best for our LOs. And for me, breastmilk that is packed full of brain growing, immunity giving good stuff is the best thing for Emma right now. If you read stories, kids and adults that can remember their moms breastfeeding, only talk with fondness about that breastfeeding experience. None of them say it sexually and emotionally scarred them.

That takes a sick mind to think breastfeeding is sexual abuse. It makes me sick to my stomach to think someone could actually think that of me. And all of us in here.
There are only a few august mummies still breastfeeding. I'd say about 5 to my knowledge. A lot of girls have disappeared from our group though. Tons are moving on to their next kids or are pregnant. Spidey is another august mommy though!!

We don't even keep our thread on here going anymore because we have a facebook group instead. Lot's of girls found it hard to keep up with BnB.