Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

I think some got annoyed at it I was reading elsewhere. Some even get annoyed at milestone tickers and blinkies. I think I seen one person with more miles than me here once which is pretty cool. Bluetea isnt on the forum any more we lost a member there she was helpful I found.
Wait, bluetea left? I thought she just posted a thread in third tri recently.

The girl that posted about hating milestones blinkies, now has a milestone blinkie in her sig so it really makes no sense. :wacko: I do remember that thread with people complaining about them.

I know Samantha675 or something like that is still BFing her 3 year old. Not sure his exact age but I haven't seen her around much lately either.
yeah, her son Brennan is over 30 something months old- she pops in the BFing forum every now & then & there's a canadian lady who's still going strong with her 2 1/2 yr old, though I casn't remember either of their names.

I like that a lot of my fellow October 2009 Bumpkins are 'still' Bfing- makes me feel like less of a weirdo.

I've been having a lot of anxiety recently over extended BFing. i was an idiot & watched some stuff on YouTube that made me sad & angry (as well as some that made me feel normal & empowered) but it was the comments that people were making that made me cry my eyes out- saying we were all freaks & child abusers & sexually fucking up our kids & that we can't let go of the fact our kids aint babies anymore & that we're trying to keep them young & attached to us because of our own selfish needs & that after 6 months no one needs BM & after a year is just plain wrong & messed up & we need help in the head... It really got me doubting myself & made me think maybe it is wrong that we're still BFing? Then I was like, NO!!!! This is my body, my son, our nursing relationship & it works well, and I KNOW it's best for me & my son & that he is definitely NOT ready to stop yet.... even if I wanted him to, I wouldn't have the first clue about how to make him stop feeding from me as he would be throwing tandtrums & pulling at my top yelling 'beebee!' at me in distress & stuff, and that just seems cruel to me.....

anyways,m I'm ramling! :dohh:
I've had a few wobbles about the extended BFing too. I've also read comments on youtube. It's very hurtful. I mean, the comments aren't towards us directly but yet they really are because we are lumped with all the other extended BFers of the world. People can be so nasty. It's amazing to me.

Just like that girl I posted the facebook comments about. DH called today and he said he mentioned her comments to this girl's husband. And he said she tried to breastfeed and failed at it. So obviously she has a chip on her shoulder. :shrug: It makes me oddly feel better.

We are doing an amazing thing for our LOs. Whether the rest of the world sees it or not. I was one of those people that didn't understand why people breastfed so long. But now that I'm doing it, I totally get it. It's like people don't understand unless they've done it. We all want what's best for our LOs. And for me, breastmilk that is packed full of brain growing, immunity giving good stuff is the best thing for Emma right now. If you read stories, kids and adults that can remember their moms breastfeeding, only talk with fondness about that breastfeeding experience. None of them say it sexually and emotionally scarred them. :wacko: That takes a sick mind to think breastfeeding is sexual abuse. It makes me sick to my stomach to think someone could actually think that of me. And all of us in here.

There are only a few august mummies still breastfeeding. I'd say about 5 to my knowledge. A lot of girls have disappeared from our group though. Tons are moving on to their next kids or are pregnant. Spidey is another august mommy though!! :D We don't even keep our thread on here going anymore because we have a facebook group instead. Lot's of girls found it hard to keep up with BnB.
Congrats everyone with your milestones :dance:

We will be 10 months at the end of Feb

Was FILs birthday yesterday and we went round to see him.

I took a humzinger for something for Evie to eat as i knew they would have a cake. I did give her a small mouthfull of the sponge but i ate the rest lol was yummy

FIL jumped on me as to why i only gave Evie a small bit and according to him all babies need to have cake (im not sure if he was joking or serious) and then he pointed to SIL who has a 5 month old and she was spoonfeeding her dauighter a WHOLE slice of cake!

I just said that Evie had a little and wanted her humzinger and then he went on about how BLW just encourages bad table manners by not using a spoon. At this point i just zoned out.....
in 10 yrs if your SIL has a child with weight issues caus shes been giving them cake all their life then your FIL will be having a go at her about it so dont worry hun
EJ is getting better with a spoon all the time so its only a matter of time, just need some plastic for covering everything within flinging reach so i can just leave him with one lol
Lol we are having spoon issues too :wacko:

I give pre loaded spoons but either the wrong end goes in her mouth or she will put her fingers in whatever is on the spoon :haha:

I've found that helping her dip breadsticks gives her the right idea
Harry still sucks using a spoon but is a total pro with a fork n has v good manners with his pls n thankyous etc. I hate that people think ble means they won't use cutlery! Oh and Harry is addicted to humzingers!!!!!!
I like how I'm not the only August 2009 mommy who is still bf :thumbup:

I whip out the boobies freely when I'm at home but sometimes I feel uncomfortable while I'm out because I'm afraid someone will say something mean to me. I did bf in public a week ago at my Grandmothers funeral- both at the viewing and during the service! No one can see anything anyway and I was ready to throw out the "it was good enough for Jesus" comeback if anything was said (most of the married in family is VERY religious). I guess I mostly worry about mean strangers saying something to me. I am shy and don't like conflict. In no way is it sexual to me or my DH when Kira breast feeds. People are so stupid sometimes.
so my kids are now called his "punishment" how nice. just because they wake. wanker.
hun all men can be total jerks when they get woken by the kids my DH this morning brought EJ in for a feed then shut the door on Nate who promptly threw a strop but i couldnt deal with it while feeding EJ all for the sake of half an hour more in bed
Sorry your having problems DF

Does your DH help much during the night?
No not in the way of help unless thats called calling the kids names, yapping how he is sick of it all every night. I dont see what he is sick of its only once a night maybe now with William and Alex dosnt wake apart from last night as his teething was bad. he never knows when he has it good and feck all us good enough for him. always calls our place a dump. Anywhere we lived is called a dump. Excuse me you have no idea how many people want to live here and how lucky you dam well are to be living here ! I have done all I can to make sure my kids have a comfortable safe place to live and he complains! he is out all day and ignored the sainsburys van on the way out and i had to put the shopping away with two kids and i could have done with a hand! I cant be assed cleaning the place or doing a dam thing and the phone has not stopped ringing all day for him and i am to ignoring that! till it woke william from a nap.
do u want a holiday hun? i might need a house sitter for a couple of weeks from 21st feb you could come down here and live here , your OH might realise that he actually enjoys having you and the kids around and pull his finger out and help a bit more
no hun I need a partner and time out by myself just for half an hour a week till i get my head clear. its not my kids that make me like this its him and the lack of help. he just has no time for us. I wouldnt have him look after them for long he gets pissed when they cry.Just your regular selfish fella. Today he said again was the day he would fix my bike, I dont even know where he is now. Been away all day said he would be back soon. Does this all the time. And if one more person constantly calls this house and my phone for him I will kill them. I am sick of everyone demanding him and they get him! I demand and get told to f off. Valentines days coming and as usual a day of nothing. I dont get anything. Theres nothing left anyway. He isnt even trying. I cant be arsed to either now.Also depressed because of the massive gas bill and electricity I have to pay, not him me. He dosnt get anything! So I have to tighten everything off to pay it off.
i was thinking u could bring the boys hunni lol would never sugest you leave them esp with alex so young still i know one way to make my DH pull his finger out is to go away for the night to a friends place and when i get back hes always got the house clean and my favorite food in lol
DF he sounds like he seriously needs to pull his weight!

Does he know how you feel? :hugs:

Lynnikins your in Chessington?! I'm near Croydon :dance:
I have no money to do anything I am saving to pay the massive bills we have over the winter, lucky my landlord pays them then I pay him when I can, means we dont go in the red and he waits but I always have him paid asap. I cant travel anyway I am crap at it and have no transport out of here, wouldnt work. If I cant get to the shop when I need to i aint going no where else then if you get me. Sick of repeating myself to him, says he will change goes back to way he was next day or within hours. Feel so depressed and deflated.
yes miss bump im in chessington i can walk to CWOA from here lol
Oh DF, I'm so sorry your OH is being a jerk :hugs: I'm always around for you to rant and vent - I'm a good listener.

I hope he snaps out of it and realizes how lucky he is to have you and the boys... FAST!


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