Congrats on the 6 months aob!
Df, your family are nobs, sorry but they are. They need some bloody education in parenting choices and tact!
Cleckner, how old were you when u got married? Did u get any hassles from people for being 'young'
My dads all for health, reads up on things and agrees with breastfeeding though has that thing where he even thinks I have to hide away as family will get uncomfortable. I havnt seen some of them in a long time as they stopped visiting they would clear the room when I fed William. Its not like I am sitting there with no top on boobs out ffs! I dont want them seeing my boob either so I use a blanket but seems they cant ignore it that way either.
Its also the way this area is, most people are like that. In fact everyone I met is like that. Even I was like that as I didnt know what breasts where for before I was pregnant as I looked after all my cousins and sis and it was formula all the way. Mum always went on about how this one made them sick and that one what a bad brand it was making babies sick

My dad just face palms at my mums stupidness and says its mu choice and he dosnt know why my aunt keeps saying her kids turned out ok on formula. I would argue they turned out ok full stop (not all formula before I get shot) but they are very hostile to my son snapping his toys off him and two of them are in high school ! they should know better at their age really.