Thank you hun xx
It's okay and no, you don't sound stupid/silly or anything... no one understands loss, especially with infants and children. I still feel sick when I look at his pictures, I don't feel at peace or what have you. I stood in that hospital, looking at the stairs I walked down many times while in shock from the loss of my son, wondering how this journey will end... I felt it all over again, the emotion, the sounds, the pain, the hearache... I wanted to just die for a moment while there. He was so perfect and I don't understand, and never will understand why I couldn't keep him here with me...
Nope, not walking yet, but doing good! Talking up a storm and using her toys to walk around with. I can't wait to upload some pictures and videos of her using her walking toy! She is in her own room now which is lovely, but will end up changing soon again as Mark and I have decided to move closer to my family since I am finding it too hard emotionally and physically not having them close by and one of the only ways to do that is to file bankrupcy

Not something we want to do, but with the problems the house has (that we didn't know about when purchased) we wouldn't be able to sell it to anyone

and can't sue as the original owner who we bought it from is Mark's boss... wouldn't go well, we decided to just give it up. So there adds to the stress we've already been under... holy shit, I am surprised I am not on medication....