Bright new month, bright new cycle! Everyone's welcome!

woohoo, i cant wait to hear... will be stalking this thread all weekend!

I dont know if I have ovulated yet or not, and think its probably not all going to work out this time round, drs think thrush might be the issue after all that, and I have to treat with cream, (sorry if TMI) so if I have not ovulated then not sure will be able to DTD with all that going on. Got my OPKs in the mail today and everything..
looks like I won't have an amazing update afterall. Turns out I'm having my first 26 day cycle. :( seems like AF got me early.

looks like I won't have an amazing update afterall. Turns out I'm having my first 26 day cycle. :( seems like AF got me early.


Sorry hun :(
Darn that spotting!! Happens to me every month. Get my hopes up that maybe it's ib and turns out to be af. Better luck next time!!
Hello everyone, I hope im in the right thread here. Just wanted to introduce myself. im new to b&b! Me and my fiance have been trying for only 2 months so far and i came off my pill after being on it for about 6-7 years. I got my period yesterday :witch: but I only had a 26 day cycle. at first it was sort of brown CM (sorry tmi) so i thought it might be implantation bleeding. but nope it was just AF. Can anyone share how long they have been TTC for, would like to hear other people stories xx
Hey Wintergirl and Summer!! Sorry to hear the witch got you winter, thats never a fun day!

prepping - how are you doing? Are you okay? I was thinking about you in the weekend.

Hena - are you still away on holiday?
Hi everyone! I'm just popping my head up from my glorious holiday to say hello. It's beautiful, sunny, and lovely here in Maine!!!

I don't have any ttc news, but no AF yet which makes her one day late. I'm waiting for DH to join me before testing, so the witch has 5 days to get here before I test :winkwink:

Fingers crossed for all of you! xox
Hey Hena!! Awesome, have my fingers crossed for you !!!

Im officially out this month, looking at my chart I o'd yesterday and due to having what I think is thrush I was not able to BD, and still cant. Completely gutted as it takes so damn long to get this far. It will be mid sept before I get another shot.
waiting2c, Thanks for the :hugs:. I'm fine... it was a long weekend so you better believe that I had a few beverages since my body made it absolutely clear that I could! I'm so sorry to hear that this wasn't your month either!!! .... At the least, I hope the thrush is cleared up. We're all here for you hun! Anytime you need a boost! The good thing is that you have the rest of the summer to enjoy. :) Sept will be here before you know it.

summer, well i've learned my lesson on assuming that I know what's going on with my cycle. Never had an early AF before, so now I know better.

winter, that's so cute, we suddenly have a summer and a winter! :D LoL. Welcome to our cozy little group!! And congrats on starting out TTC! :D My story personally is that I got off BC last Oct, and we started to officially TTC as of June this year. As I mentioned above, there's lots of things you come to learn about your body when TTCing!! Wishing you lots and lots of baby dust!

Hena, Is AF still late??? FX that she holds off for another 9 months!!! And it is lovely right about now on this side of the ocean, isn't it? :) Had a beautiful long weekend.

So nothing hugely new with me. Noticing more pregnant friends/acquaintances/complete strangers all around me. Just keep telling myself that our time will come soon enough. Strategy this cycle: Lots and lots of BDing throughout the whole month and smack myself in the forehead every time I start analyzing 'symptoms'. :haha: (everyone here is more than welcome to remind me of that in a couple weeks!)
Hey Prepping!!

Thanks, the thrush is almost gone now, hope to resume normality again soon. Yeah I guess the upside is no stressing about not drinking and things, can chill out for four weeks, then pick things up again after that. Will have been temping for a whole cycle by then too so should pick up a pattern. My two cousins have just announced they are pregnant so im definitely noticing more pregnant people around too!! Im not sure there are more, just that I notice them more lol.

Winter - sorry I forgot to tell you my info, I came off BC in beginning of January and started TTC in April of this year. I have learnt so very much just in a short time about my body and about the whole process so I am hoping against all hope that next month is it.

Dying to know how you are getting on Hena!!!
You have 2 cousins that just announced they're pregnant, I just found out yesterday my cousin's bean will be a girl. It makes me smile but I'm starting to feel a very small darker cloud behind my :cloud9:. :p That's just me being a little impatient with a couple jealous pangs. Even though we've only been actively trying for the last couple months, it's the fact that we started planning a year ago. I've already gone through the shouting-from-the-rooftops stage and am now just quietly impatient. :p :dohh:

Spirits are up though! And I am now starting to be able to tell that my DH is about as excited as I am in his own little way. He's very much the relaxed 'it'll happen when it happens' kind of guy, but I can tell that he now wants to really make it happen. And he is very much liking the process -- so that might be one of the reasons. ;) LoL

How's everyone doing today? :)
Awesome Prepping, im so glad he is so excited about it, that makes things nice for you too!

I know right, these things should go along with our timetables lol, its very inconvienent to have to go through this waiting hoping and trying stage.

Im doing okay today, pretty much finished my course of treatment, however now it looks like my OH has a UTI, we make a fine pair huh. Luckily this time round its already too late and he has plenty of time to get better again. Im having some stupid dumb work issues that are stressing me out so we are both looking forward to having the weekend and just relaxing from everything :)

What does everyone do for a living, if I may ask? I setup, install, and train people on Accounting software for businesses.
Hello ladies! It has been awhile since I've been on. Been busy finishing up my school work. I am officially a college graduate! What I will do with my English Lit. degree is yet to be known, but at least I can focus on other things (like making a baby!) Glad to see this thread growing with lots of new ttcers! Baby dust to all!

Trying to catch up a little . . .

Hena- Fingers crossed for you! And I hope you are enjoying your vacation. I bet Maine is lovely.

Prepping- Sorry af got you early. She did a number on me like that a few cycles ago.

Waiting- sorry about the medical issues that complicated last cycle. I hope everything resolves itself seen and you and your oh can get back on track soon.

I am on cd 13, so already peeing on all kinds of sticks to detect my o. Convinced oh to let me have the digis this time. I have a question though maybe you guys can assist me with. I'm gonna ask the forum at large as well, but I thought as many opinions as possible the better.

I know that with opks fmu is not the best, but I drink so much water during the day that I feel like any other urine through out the day is too diluted. So, I always test first thing. Is this why in the three months I've been using opks that I have never really gotten a positive?

Any suggestions? I guess I should just drink less. I really feel that it is important to get at least 64 oz of water per day, and I usually drink 20 oz at a time, and most days I drink more like 80 oz.

Anyone else have this problem?
Also, to you who temp: When in your cycle is a good day to start? I went through the Fertility Friend lessons, but I was just wondering from your personal experiences with it.

Also, Waiting, I am the Lead Cashier at Barnes and Noble. Do all the deposits, loss prevention audits, handle the special orders, etc. Oh, yeah, and wait on all the lovely customers (note a hint of sarcasm). Hoping to find something different now that I have my degree. I've been with BN for 10 years.

Sorry for getting post-happy. I've been away from b&b for too long!
Also, to you who temp: When in your cycle is a good day to start? I went through the Fertility Friend lessons, but I was just wondering from your personal experiences with it.

Also, Waiting, I am the Lead Cashier at Barnes and Noble. Do all the deposits, loss prevention audits, handle the special orders, etc. Oh, yeah, and wait on all the lovely customers (note a hint of sarcasm). Hoping to find something different now that I have my degree. I've been with BN for 10 years.

Sorry for getting post-happy. I've been away from b&b for too long!

Hey Aquaria - be post happy! Its nice reading up on posts when I come back to check lol.

What sort of degree do you have?

I did OPKs at various times during the day, found the afternoon ones came out better then the morning ones, but dont know if that is different for each person. Not sure on the drinking lots of water thing, I just tried to ensure I held my pee for a couple of hours before testing in the hope it wasnt too diluted. Sorry if Im not much help!
Waiting-- thanks for your advice, but I think I may have just answered my own question. I just got my first smiley ever!! I tested on a whim after getting home (very late. OH is a musician which means lots of late nights), and there it was smiling back at me. I am sooo excited! Here's hoping we all catch our eggies this cycle!

My degree is in English Lit. btw.
aquaria, nice to see you back!!! Congrats on graduating too!!! That's excellent. Now on to a new chapter in life. I'm sorry I am no help when it comes to O sticks and temping. I told myself I would start looking into timing assists if nothing happens by November as we would be on our 6th cycle at that point. Hoping you catch the egg this cycle too!!!

waiting, you two do make a pair don't you! sounds uncomfortable. Maybe it was all that BDing from before? ;) A nice relaxing weekend is definately something to look forward to! Almost there. btw, I'm in the financial sector.

CD8... nothing exciting yet... going to practice tonight I suppose. :)

My cousin msgs me yesterday randomly to say "I think in the next 2 months u guys should 'try'. Then we can have two babies. They can grow up together and be best cousins." This is because her brother's baby is due in December. I told her "Okay, because you asked, I'll work on it. "

So, I guess I'll really 'try' now that my cousin says I have to. :haha:
aquaria, nice to see you back!!! Congrats on graduating too!!! That's excellent. Now on to a new chapter in life. I'm sorry I am no help when it comes to O sticks and temping. I told myself I would start looking into timing assists if nothing happens by November as we would be on our 6th cycle at that point. Hoping you catch the egg this cycle too!!!

waiting, you two do make a pair don't you! sounds uncomfortable. Maybe it was all that BDing from before? ;) A nice relaxing weekend is definately something to look forward to! Almost there. btw, I'm in the financial sector.

CD8... nothing exciting yet... going to practice tonight I suppose. :)

My cousin msgs me yesterday randomly to say "I think in the next 2 months u guys should 'try'. Then we can have two babies. They can grow up together and be best cousins." This is because her brother's baby is due in December. I told her "Okay, because you asked, I'll work on it. "

So, I guess I'll really 'try' now that my cousin says I have to. :haha:

Lol - awesome! Very obliging of you there Prepping :rofl:

Yup almost there for the weekend, just arrived at work for Friday. My OH went to the doctors yesterday after being uncomforatable for a week, and they told him nothing was wrong with him. Still charged him $65 for that lack of assistance. His lower tummy is actually a bit swollen so I am a bit worried and they seem to not care! Lol.

I really really hope it all works out for us soon, I think it would be cool to have you guys as bump buddies !!
That's at least something we've got going on in Canada... we can see the doctor whenever we want and it doesn't cost us. I don't see the doctor nearly enough considering what I pay in taxes though. LoL I hope he feels better soon! Whatever it may be.

I'd love you guys as bump buddies! :D

btw, it's quite something to have you say that you're just starting your Friday at work when I'm seeing that it was about 3pm when you wrote that... still Thursday here though.
Lol yeah, the different time zones thing makes it funny aye! Its ten past nine on Friday morning here right now.

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