Buddies for bubs due November 2009 - THIS GROUP IS NOW CLOSED

I swear girls, PLEASE try the travel sickness bands - they make it so much better most of the time!!

Polaris, sorry your dinner sucked. I know the feeling. My birthday dinner out was similar. My hubby told me to order anything on the menu - even the expensive steak. So I did. Then when it arrived I nearly vomited all over the plate, even though it looked nice. I only managed to eat about half of it and felt really bad as it cost so much. :(

:hugs: to all.
Thanks Jen - it's good to know I'm not alone (although sorry that you didn't enjoy your night, if you know what I mean).

Liliana - sorry to hear ms has set in.
Hey girls :)

The midwife managed to squeeze me in on Friday. It seems I'm going to be having a dating scan over the next couple of weeks so they can do the nuchal scan at around 12 weeks... they need to know exactly how far gone I am and because I had that short/light period in Feb, they need to make sure that I'm 9 weeks, not 5. Soooo an extra scan :happydance: I'll still be getting my 20 week scan too. I wanted to make sure that I wasnt going to miss out on any scans if I have this earlier one (had been advised to make sure!)
There is still the possibilty that I'm 4 weeks behind tho, which will obviously be disappointing cos it'll be an extra month before we meet our baby but at the same time, it'll give us an extra month to get organised lol!
I'll be gettin a phone call about the scan in the next few days :D Cant wait!!!

The appointment was pretty good. I was given so much information, encouragement etc. My midwife is fantastic too. I dont remember the service being this good when I had my daughter all those years ago !! I always saw a different person every time I went for my appointments.
We talked about the possibility of a water birth and she said as long as I'm not a high risk pregnancy then it'll be fine.
I have to see the consultant at 12 weeks because I had a cone biopsy about 8 years (taking pre cancerous cells from my cervix) and they need to make sure that everything is ok with my cervix and that I'll be able to carry baby with no problems. Kinda worrying but once I've had the dating scan then things can move forward a little more! At the moment, I feel we're in some kinda limbo cos we dont know for sure how far gone we are lol! My midwife is also leaning to me being 9 weeks rather than 5. But you never know.

Hope you girls are all well and have had great, relaxin weekends :hug:
Hey Mynx,

glad your midwife appointment went so well. A water birth sounds fab - I think they barely even exist over here, most areas don't even have midwife led care - it is generally a very medical model.

Oooh you're going to get to meet bubs really soon! I'm sure you must be 9 weeks not 5 weeks though because you were saying looking back that you had symptoms so that wouldn't really make sense if you were only 5 weeks.

Liliana - hope you're feeling a little better today.
Polaris, you'd think so eh! Well the midwife seems to think the same as myself but she's just being cautious. I'm finding myself constantly looking up symptoms of 5 weeks gestation and 9 weeks gestation and comparing them to how I feel now and how I was feeling before I knew I'm pg! Talk about obsessed :rofl: Hopefully I should get the call from the hospital on Monday about the dating scan, and that will put my mind at rest.

My MW said that with the dating scan, the Nuchal scan at 12 weeks and the 20 week scan, I'll be having at least 3 scans :) I might have another one further down the line because I'm in the process of trying to give up smoking and they want to measure the baby when I'm further along to make sure it's not undersized or anything. Possibly 4 chances to see the bean waving at us! :D

Thanks for listening to my obsessiveness! :hug:
Mynx that sounds really exciting i hope you turn out to be 9 weeks not 5 but if its 5 weeks then like you said you'll have more time to prepare for the baby.

polaris MS really sucks.. I ordered a motion sickness band and hopefully will get it in the next couple of days. how is your ms going I hope its fading out or completely gone.

Jen.. could you please check out this website and tell me if your band looks like this one? this is the one i ordered and i am desperate for anything to help.
The bands I used to have for my travel sickness were different. They came as a pair, and the were made of a kinda stretchy wool with a little plastic rounded button on the inside that pushes on your pressure point in the wrist (it tells you where abouts this button should sit on the inside of your wrist) There's the link for them for girls in the UK interested in them. There's a link on the right hand part of the page for the US site :)

Its official... I'm obsessed with early pregnancy symptoms. I'm getting so worked up about this dating thing lol, it's ridiculous! I've had headaches the last 2 days and there's some very - ahem - "attractive" blue veins showing up on my boobies and chest! :rofl:
I'm still getting very very mild nausea if I'm hungry but once I start eating, that's it, nausea all gone! It's nothing to the nausea I had when I didnt know I was pregnant lol!
My bump is getting quite pronounced and obvious, and has been for about a week. Even when I get up in the morning before the bloating starts ... it's all very confusing! It could all be physcological and I'm probably only 6 weeks instead of 9+5 and convincing myself and my body that I am almost 10 weeks.
If I havent heard from the hospital tomorrow, I'm gonna call the MW and ask her to chase it up for me as she said I will hear from them by the end of Friday.. and I didnt.

In true Donkey fashion.. I need a hug!
Hi Lilian. As long as the bands work on acupressure technique, which it says they do, they should be fine. If it gets too bad, you can always go and get some acpuncture done. It's not at all painful, and very quick. It can give great relief, especially if you're getting some relief from the bands; it usually means your body responds well to acupoints. HTH, hun and hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

Mynx, here's hoping you're wherever you want to be. In the whole scheme of things though, it might not be such a big deal. You can always use the outcome to your advantage. :)

I had a waterbirth with Emily, and can highly recommend it. Of course, you may think you want a waterbirth and then on the day decide the water is not where it's comfortable. I usually suggest that you don't plan to have a waterbirth (or no waterbirth) but make sure these options are open to you so that if you feel that's where you want to be on the day, it's a possibility.

Take care all and have a lovely day. :)
Mynx, here's hoping you're wherever you want to be. In the whole scheme of things though, it might not be such a big deal. You can always use the outcome to your advantage. :)

I had a waterbirth with Emily, and can highly recommend it. Of course, you may think you want a waterbirth and then on the day decide the water is not where it's comfortable. I usually suggest that you don't plan to have a waterbirth (or no waterbirth) but make sure these options are open to you so that if you feel that's where you want to be on the day, it's a possibility.

Take care all and have a lovely day. :)

Thanks hun, you've got a point. I know that in my mind but hormones have made me a little crazy I think :rofl: I dont feel quite as obsessed this morning. Falling pregnant and having this baby has all been down to fate and tbh, what will be will be :) If I am 4 weeks behind then at least we'll have another pay check coming in during that month :happydance:

I wanted to have a water birth with my first but back then, they didnt like doing it with a first baby and I guess I was considered high risk because of my age (18 at the time) so I was pretty much strapped up to monitors etc and couldnt move. They wouldnt let me get out of bed!
This time, I wanna be able to move around to do what I want to do! As for the birthing pool, there are 2 pool rooms available at our local hospital in a brand new posh birthing suite, so all being well, I should be ok to for the water birth :D Not pinning all my hopes on it tho, but I'm putting it in my birth plan.

Thanks again for the reassurance, I do feel alot better about things today :hugs:
Hey girls,
well I had a nice weekend, it was a good friend of mines birthday yesterday so a group of us went out for a picnic in the park and then later went for dinner and drinks (for them!). I told her my news as well which was cool, I haven't told very many people at all, so it's nice to be able to talk about it to someone. Makes it a bit more real. Didn't tell the rest of the group though but explained to my friend why I don't want others to know till after the scan and I don't think she will spill the beans.
Mynx - I feel for you, I would be going mad too if I wasn't sure how far along I was. But like Jen says, you will get the answers soon and it's all good either way!!
Liliana - I hope the bands work for you. Mine is a lot better these days, it's still there if I get hungry or if I eat too much, but apart from that I'm generally OK.
Jen - I'm loving your chilled-out approach to everything, you are an inspiration to us all in not worrying and just enjoying the process!
Talk to you all soon.
Hello Ladies...

I am so happy. we got to see the baby a few hours ago and saw that little heart beating really good. it was amazing :happydance: . I did measure 5 days behind but its ok nothing beats seeing the baby finally. it all feels so real now..wow :baby:

ms is still there it gets really bad when i get hungry but my doc prescribed some zofran for me which seemed to help when i was pregnant with my son so I'll be getting that in about an hour and things will be better.
over all I had a wonderful day.. I hope all of your are having a great day as well :hug:
Awww LilianA, glad you've had such a good day! And I hope the Zofran works for you too :)

I've had a wierd day, you know one of those where nothing just seems to be in your favour? Yeah, one of those :( And to top it all off, I've felt really really bloated this evening and getting some major stomach cramps... not bump ones, higher up under my ribs. I think it's probably trapped wind lol! Funny, my wind isnt usually one for getting trapped if you know what I mean :rofl:
Liliana - congratulations on meeting bump for the first time!! So pleased that everything is good. Still another three weeks till my scan.

Mynx - sorry you had a rotten day. I have been getting loads of trapped wind since I've been pregnant, really painful at times, and I absolutely never get this normally. It must be something to do with how everything is shifting around down there. If you need to offload any stress, we are always here to provide a listening ear.

Jen - how is everything going with you? Still busy with demands of work and family?
Had a bit of a late night last night due to a bit of a row with OH ... I appear to have gone all unreasonable and hormonal which isnt good! When I went to bed I starting to feel queasy cos I was hungry and when I got up 20 minutes ago, OMG I honestly thought I was gonna throw up! (that's not like me at all, even with MS lol) Still, I've managed to get a cup of tea and a couple of bits of toast down me and I'm starting to feel better now. I wont be going to bed hungry again, I can tell ya that much!

Off out shopping today and OH is coming over this evening at some point (lol if he still wants to see me after last night!)

Still no word from the hospital about my dating scan, I'll probably get the appointment in writing now rather than them ringing me like the MW said they would heh!
I've resigned myself to the fact I'm probably 6 weeks rather than 10 now, just so that I'm not disappointed when the scan puts me at 6 weeks! Let's face it girls, we all wanna be that little bit further on to start with eh!
My trapped wind stayed trapped till I went to bed too, but feels alot better this morning :) Mind you, I did have cauliflower and brocolli last night, they produce lots of wind :rofl:

Right! I better get my bum into gear! Hope you all have a great day girls, speak to ya later :hugs:
Hey gals.

LOL about the trapped wind. I'm totally with you there. I can't be totally sure, but the theory of things moving and shifting up to make room for the uterus sounds reasonable to me. I find laying on my stomach for a few minutes and then lying in a ball helps. :rofl:

Yep, been busy. It's the end of uni term this week, and I had 3 huge essays due. :(
I've almost finished... I'm trying not to stress about anything too much. But I am so damn fleg about everything sometimes that I feel like I should try and stress a little. :rofl:

Anyway, that's all I got at the moment. Hope you are all well.

Lilian, super glad to hear you got to see your baby and hope the drugs work for you.

I have had a few little unreasonable moments too, for example I snapped at OH because he crossed his legs and put his foot up on his knee while he was sitting in the passenger seat of the car when I was driving, it was wrecking my head looking at the sole of his shoe. Err, yeah, that makes sense! Anyway when he looked a bit perplexed and said that he always sits like that in the car, I started to cry because he wouldn't move his foot to make me happy. :rofl: I think I can safely put that little episode down to hormones.

Ooh well done getting your essays done Jen, I know how you feel, my thesis is due in on 8th May, it's hard work!!

Talk to you all soon.
Polaris wow that is a a funny story about the shoe sole hahaha... I feel for you though sometimes i get really upset about things that normally wouldnt bother me.
my husband is now sleeping in a different room because he snores and after getting pregnant if i wake up and find him snoring i get so mad so he just left the room lol. now i have the whole bed to myself.

Mynx I hope you have a better day today than yesterday. sorry you had to go through a rough day its not pleasant. and for sure the cauliflower causes tons of gas.. not the best match for pregnancy. ever since i found out i am pregnant i have had the wind issue :rofl: plus constipation.. all the goddies ha?

Jen I bet it feels good to be done with your 3 essays. I just got my masters a few months ago and before that i was overwhelmed with essays and homework it was ugly. hey if you need help sometime I'd be glad to try and help out.

I dont know if its just me or what but I totally have sex off the agenda and I think its starting to get to DH but I just cant get myself to want it :blush: .. any advice??
Hey girls. I had a much better day yesterday thanks Liliana :) Not so much gas :rofl:

Went out shopping with my best friend and we had a really good day, I spent much more than I should have lol!
I bought some bump bands so that I can extend the life of some of my clothes heh and i also bought some travel sickness bands. OMG they work wonders! I didnt even feel queasy when I was hungry so I would say they're a success :D

OH came over and altho he was a bit frosty with me to start with (he said that he was so shocked about how I was the other night, he'd never ever seen me like that lol!!) but by the end of the evening, we were ok :)

I also got the date of my scan thru the post.. 17th April! YAY!! Gonna see our Bean waving at us.. well, if it turns out that I'm 6 weeks rather than 10 atm, it'll more than likely look like a blob with a heartbeat :D But hey! We're gonna see our Blob :happydance:
Good morning girls.

Mynx - glad you had a better day. The travel sickness bands definitely sound like a success. I tried to buy some yesterday but the chemist were out of stock. Congratulations on getting your scan date - not long to wait now - in two weeks you get to meet your little bean!

Liliana - things have been a bit quiet for me in the sex department too recently. I think this is mainly because I'm exhausted most of the time though! It is hard to be really interested when you're so tired! I'm hoping this will pass.
I havent had any problems in the sex department tbh. At first OH was worried that he might "dislodge" the bean but after reading the pregnancy book he knows that there's no chance that would happen unless I was told to avoid sex during the pregnancy.

I gotta say tho that it feels different and OH says the same thing. He's loving my pregnant body even if I am only bloated atm :rofl: and my tiredness hasnt been too bad the last couple of weeks so it hasnt got in the way of :sex:

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