Buddies for bubs due November 2009 - THIS GROUP IS NOW CLOSED

Oh no - I really hope that we are not still feeling like this at 16 to 17 weeks! That must have been quite miserable. Having said that I had a good day yesterday and am feeling OK this morning so far. Hoping it stays away today as I have a pretty busy day. I got loads of sleep over the weekend and that seems to help.
Hope everyone else is doing good.
I only have a sec, so will reply quick.

My ms with first preg was nowhere near this bad. I had a couple of handfuls of days where I felt queasy in the morning for a couple of hours. I suddenly never had a queasy day after 12 weeks. This time round I'm starting to wake up at night feeling sick!!! :hissy:

So, I think the way it "finishes" and when may be different this time round... :hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy:
Hey Jen - sorry you are feeling so sick at the moment!! I hope it doesn't last too long. Isn't it strange the way all pregnancies are different?
Hey girls, hope you dont mind me joining in :) I found out last week that I'm expecting on November 3rd, so I'm gonna be 9 weeks tomorrow.

Hope everyone's well! As for me, I'm surprisingly good. Dont really feel pregnant altho my belly defies that one! It's soo bloated right now! My queasiness seems to be easing up now too which I'm relieved about as I have a sickness phobia lol! Not good hehe!
After having a few days off work, I'm back there tomorrow when all I really want to do is stay at home and start my Mat Leave now!!! heeh :)

:hug: to you all
Hi Mynx, you are very welcome to join in!

I presume that you just found out your due date last week rather than only just finding out that you were pregnant? Congratulations anyway!

Glad that the queasiness is easing up for you - I have read that for some lucky women it can begin to ease a little round about week 9 as the placenta starts to take over hormone production. Whereas for others it keeps going for a lot longer. I would love to say goodbye to the queasiness but I know I would be worrying then until I got my scan just in case something had gone wrong. I can't win!

Talk to you soon.
I found out I'm pregnant last week (Wednesday) lol! Found out my due date yesterday during the doctor's appointment! I had a very light and short period in February and didnt think anything of it... till this month's AF was 4 days late! I mentioned this to the doctor and she said that it's likely that January's AF was my last period rather than the light one in Feb and she's put me at 9 weeks today :D
Looking back over the last month, I've had cold after cold, I've been feeling queasy on and off and had a terrible back ache but I just didnt click. My job is quite a physically demanding one and I just assumed that I was just a bit run down. Those symptoms have all eased off since finding out I'm pregnant so I really dont feel very pregnant heh! Looks like I had the majority of early pregnancy symptoms already and didnt know a thing about it tee hee :)
Wow that is amazing! Well done getting through most of First Tri blissfully unaware!! It just shows that it is easy to put symptoms down to something else if you are not thinking of pregnancy! It's the exact opposite of when you are trying to get pregnant and every single little twinge can be put down to a possible pregnancy symptom LOL.
Hi all. How are we? Have another person joined I see - I'm trying with great difficulty to keep up with everyone's situation. It seems putting 'closed' on the subject line doesn't mean alot. :rofl:

All good though, I guess.

These bands have been awesome - totally recommend trying them if yr still feeling queasiness. I put them on 15 mins before I jump out of bed and don't take them off all day - when I wear them like this it makes for a queasy-free day. YIPPEE!!

Thinking of you all. :hugs:
That sounds great! I must get myself to the chemist and get some.

I know what you mean about trying to keep up with everyone, it is really difficult if groups get too large. At the same time, it's nice to have a few people on the thread so that if someone's not around for a while for whatever reason there are others to chat to. It would be nice if the group stays reasonably small though so we at least have a chance of remembering everyone!! :rofl:
Hello gals.. how are you all doing? Aussie im surprised i didnt expect those bands to work very well wow I must try one if it gets too bad.. so far i've been having good days..I had one bad day on sunday and vomited that day but after that i get the queasy feeling every once in a while but mostly ok!!! im shocked because with my first pregnancy by this time I couldnt move off the couch to keep some food in my stomach.
my first scan is on monday i can't wait, im so excited when is everyone's first scan??
Just got home from my first day back after 5 days off... omg I'm soooo tired! And I've got a ton of housework to do!!
I have to say that being blissfully unaware of why I felt so crappy over the last few weeks has been good lol! With my first child, I found out I was pregnant very early and had the symptoms much worse than I've had them so far, so I'm touching wood and crossing fingers that I've been lucky this time!

As for scans, dont know when mine is yet. Only saw the doctor yesterday so I guess I'll find out in the next couple of weeks when it'll be. I'm also trying to get my midwife booking moved closer because it's booked for 17th April and I'll be nearly 12 weeks by then.. I'm really concerned that I need to see her before then to sort out about my rh neg blood and get the anti d jabs that I had during my last pregnancy.

I've tried those anti sickness bands before for travel sickness and they're marvellous. If my nausea comes back then I'll be investing in a pair! I'd never thought about using them for MS before! Thanks for that little tip :hug:

Anyway, housework awaits and if I sit down too long, I wont get up again lol! xXx
My midwife appointment isn't till 16th April and then my scan is on 29th. Liliana I'm so jealous that you have a scan on Monday - can't wait to hear how you get on!
Mynx - definitely they should move your appointment forward if you are Rh negative, I'm still really impressed that you are two thirds of the way through first trimester without knowing about it! Makes things go a lot quicker which has to be good.
Jen - how are you doing? Hope the queasiness is staying manageable with the travel bands.

I've been feeling much better today, just a couple of episodes of mild queasiness when I was getting hungry - much more like what I was experiencing at about 5 or 6 weeks - I'm really really hoping that sickness has peaked and is going to start to get better!! If not, I'll definitely be off to get some travel sickness bands. I'm on study leave for the next six weeks (writing up my doctoral thesis - arghhghghh!!!!) and I think it helps being able to set my own timetable, eat when I'm hungry, not have to pretend to be OK in front of people and in meetings etc. So all in all I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. I'm starting to feel a bit more confident about the pregnancy as well even though I know that of course things can still go wrong. But hoping that all goes well!
Mynx - definitely they should move your appointment forward if you are Rh negative, I'm still really impressed that you are two thirds of the way through first trimester without knowing about it! Makes things go a lot quicker which has to be good.

It certainly has made things go quicker altho I admit that I feel a little daft! I've told some of the girls at work and they cant believe that I'm 9 weeks already!
I rang the doctor earlier about changing my Midwife appointment and I have to ring her on Friday morning and ask if she'll see me on Friday afternoon as she has one slot left but for some reason it's blocked out and the receptionist didnt know why. It's worth a try eh! If she wont see me then it's definately the 17th :(
Hi Minx, I'm sifting through the posts slowly!

BUT about the Anti D - here in Australia we have 2 injections of smaller dose at about 28 and 32 weeks. Pretty sure in the UK they do a higher dose so you only need one injection somewhere between 26-30 weeks.

HTH. :hugs:
Hey gals. Queasiness so much more manageable now I've got a routine going with the bands. Aaaaaaaah....

About scans, I've decided I probably won't have any unless it's medically indicated. SHOCK!!! I can see it on all your faces from here. :rofl:
There's a few reasons why:
- If we found out our child had a disability or abnormality, we wouldn't do anything differently
- If something adverse happens during the pregnancy that may affect the birth (e.g. placenta previa, where the placenta attaches over the cervix and the baby needs to be born by c-section) there are always physical indicators of bleeding and often lower abdominal pain at around 24-28 weeks. If I experience any of this, then I obviously have no qualms in having a scan.
- We don't care to find out the sex of the baby before the birth.
- Scans are still scarily inaccurate and carry risks of their own.
- Here in Oz scans cost about $280, and we get $100 of that back through our medical system. I can't justify that money x 3 during the pregnancy when it's not going to tell us anything anyway.

NOW having said all that, please don't think that I make ANY judgement on those who decide to have scans. Pregnancy, birth and parenting are all about choices and no one choice is right for everyone!!

Hope you all have a great rest of your week. :hugs:
Hi Jen,
that's really interesting that you are not planning to have any scans. I guess you have a good knowledge of pregnancy and of your own body and it is nice to trust in that - after all what did women do for thousands of years before scans existed?
For me, I can't wait to have a scan but that is really just to put my mind at rest that there actually is a baby in there!! I'm not planning to have extra screening scans or anything because as you say it is too expensive and I wouldn't have amniocentesis anyway so what's the point. We also don't want to know if it's a boy or a girl (well actually I wouldn't mind knowing but OH definitely doesn't want to know so I'm happy to go with that).
I was wondering about what are the risks of scans?
Hi Polaris. While there are risks, these risks for some women will be lower or higher depending on what they feel is acceptable for their personal situation. Below I have listed some websites that note studies that have outlined the risk of ultrasound:

https://www.mothering.com/articles/pregnancy_birth/birth_preparation/ultrasound-risks.html :
"Studies on humans exposed to ultrasound have shown possible adverse effects, including premature ovulation, preterm labor or miscarriage, low birthweight, poorer condition at birth, dyslexia, delayed speech development, and less right-handedness, a factor which in some circumstances can be a marker of damage to the developing brain. In addition, one Australian study showed that babies exposed to five or more ultrasounds were 30 percent more likely to develop intrauterine growth re tardation (IUGR)--a condition that ultrasound is often used to detect."

https://www.unhinderedliving.com/pultra.html :
"Ultrasound waves in laboratory experiments have been known to damage chromosomes, produce internal cellular heat which damages cells, re-tard the normal development of cells, and many other phenomenon."

As I said, a risk for me may not be a risk for you and vice versa.

Sometimes women just want to see their babies. I totally understand that; I was like that with my first. :)


PLEASE NOTE: I had to break the word re tard ation apart as apparently when you type this in a post it turns it into stars, like it's a swear word. I guess it could be used offensively as re tard to denote someone with a disability.
Thanks for the information Jen. Still can't wait for my scan I have to admit! But it would definitely make me think twice about booking extra early scans etc.
Same here, I'm excited for mine and I dont have a date for it yet lol! I think OH needs to see that it's real, and it's happening and he needs to see our baby in there. He'll probably cry cos he's a soppy bugger, bless :D

Anyways, how is everyone today? I made it thru another day at work today. Had a few painful twinges on my right side which worried me a little but they seem to have gone now. Also burst into tears at work for no apparent reason..well, one of the girls was being really nice saying that if I needed a hand with anything heavy to just give her a shout and I had to fight back the tears, and then my line manager came along and asked if I was ok and that set me off lol!! First time I've done that so far! I'm sure it wont be the last lol!
Got my folic acid too so no more pregnacare for me at the moment. I'm hoping to see the midwife on Friday so I'll talk to her about it then :)
I weighed myself today, totally expecting to be a few pounds heavier than I was last week... the scales havent moved! In fact I think I may have lost a pound or two. Is that normal? I havent been vomitting, I havent stopped eating or even cut down. My belly is at the bloated bumpy stage atm yet I'm no heavier? Weird.

Hope you girls all had good days

Ooh Jen thanks for the info on Anti D jabs, it was different when I was pregnant last time (so long ago!!) and they were more frequent which is why I was getting concerned. Glad to hear it'll probably be just one jab! :happydance:
Still, it wont hurt to see the midwife sooner rather than later eh :)

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