Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

Babylove~ OMG that's such an awesome beta! :happydance: :yipee: So so so happy for you!

Ibabydreamer ~ what did you use to trigger? Pregnyl, Ovidrel? The usual amount of time is 10 days if you took a full dose. Last time i did Pregnyl 5000 units, I believe it lasted 8 days. I'm testing mine out and the test is still positive. and it's been 6 days since trigger.

Thank you girls for expressing your bed rest schedules with me. I just feel like every time I get up I'm messing something up. I don't stay up for a long time and in reality while in bed I'm kinda sitting up, don't laugh but I'm actually using my grandmother's hospital bed that we have in the house LOL ... She doesn't like it so it just sitting in the living room so I'm using it because you can adjust the mattress and stuff. :wacko:

Ibabydreamer ~ I was also told to stay away from my cat and especially cat litter. I love animals!!!! I have a 3 year old 85 pound female pit bull named Silver (she's my baby)... and I have 3 year old shelties- Samson and Delilah and they bred so Delilah had 3 puppies on May 1st. And I have a 6 year old cat named Rocky. =) Its a mad house with all the pets but soon the puppies will be off to their new homes :(
Congratulations Babylove :hugs:!!!!:yipee::yipee: Thats an awesome Beta!!!:happydance:

Babydreamer-I hope they are all preggo signs!!fx'd for you Hun!:hugs:

August-heyy Hun.enjoy the time off!!.hoping to hear your BFP soon!!:hugs:

Hello to al the other lovely ladies here:flower:
Babydreamer- I can't remember the actual date but I had very very vivid dreams as well. (They are normal to me though) but I did have them shortly after transfer! FX

BABYLOVE- congrats again. :)

Augustluvers- I know its hard to not think like that but nothing that you are doing can mess anything up! You are doing good to be resting!! And your shelters names are Samson and Delilah... That's hilarious I work with a girl who has those exact names for her dogs. Well I think it's SamPson instead of Samson but still.... :)
August~ So excited for you!! PUPO :) Your OTD Is the day I start stimming.

Babydreamer~ Sounds like a good sign to me. I have tested triggers out of my system and generally within 8/9 days it's all gone.

BabyLove~~Congrats!! Wahoo I love to hear BFPs :) Strong beta sounds like you have a couple in there ;)
Thank you so much girls!! :hugs: I'm torn between being super excited and super nervous!! :wacko: I want this to be it so bad but I'm so scared I'm building up my hopes only to have them crushed again :nope:. I've never seen that positive so I'm going to hold out as long as I can. I'd hate my first BFP to be a trigger false alarm.

Bma and Mission, thanks! I'm really hoping the vivid dream is a preggo sign for me too!

Brandy, thanks Hun! Are you getting excited to start stimming soon?

August, I took the Ovidrel trigger on Friday, 6/7. I'm going to try to make it to Friday or Saturday to test and definitely by Sunday as my blood test is Monday. How can time crawl by so badly?!! :dohh:
And you have Shelties? My first dog was a Sheltie and she was the best! I just have a 90lb. Alaskan Malamute now as my sweet little Eskie passed away last summer :cry:. I love the animal part of working in the animal hospital but we have these two cute little kittens that are up for adoption and I'm dying to play with them!!
babylove CONGRATULATIONS :wohoo:

august I had no bed rest at all was told to resume normal activities- I did laze around but not bed rest... But I still went out :)

:hi: I everyone else hope you're all doing well? This thread is becoming lucky how exciting!!!
Thank you so much girls!! :hugs: I'm torn between being super excited and super nervous!! :wacko: I want this to be it so bad but I'm so scared I'm building up my hopes only to have them crushed again :nope:. I've never seen that positive so I'm going to hold out as long as I can. I'd hate my first BFP to be a trigger false alarm.

Bma and Mission, thanks! I'm really hoping the vivid dream is a preggo sign for me too!

Brandy, thanks Hun! Are you getting excited to start stimming soon?

August, I took the Ovidrel trigger on Friday, 6/7. I'm going to try to make it to Friday or Saturday to test and definitely by Sunday as my blood test is Monday. How can time crawl by so badly?!! :dohh:
And you have Shelties? My first dog was a Sheltie and she was the best! I just have a 90lb. Alaskan Malamute now as my sweet little Eskie passed away last summer :cry:. I love the animal part of working in the animal hospital but we have these two cute little kittens that are up for adoption and I'm dying to play with them!!

I start stimming next Friday seems like an eternity but it's much closer than I was 3.5 years ago!! so excited :)
It'll be here before you know it. For me the down regging and stimming went by quickly but the ttw is the worst! I swear time is moving in slow motion!
1babydreamer ~ I got my first sheltie when I was 2 years old. His name was Sparky. I put him to sleep a month after his 18th birthday (human years). I loved him so much that when he passed we started looking for another one. We found a breeder in PA who had puppies from three different litters so we got a boy and girl from different litters. (Samson and Delilah) The puppies are 7 weeks old and they are beautiful... all GIRLS!!!! Everyone keeps saying that it's a sign that I have three puppies and three embryo's transferred :rofl: I'm so sorry about your doggy. I know it's hard, they are like our children :hugs:

Brandy ~ I can't wait for you to start stimming. I know the wait feels like forever, but once you start stimming the days will fly by. :hugs:

Scerena ~ Did you have a 3 or 5 day transfer? I can't remember right now :shy: My FS said no strict bed rest (laying flat on the bed) but did say to take it easy. I'm just over analyzing everything aren't I? :blush:

As for me... I've been missing today due to a horrible mood that I've been in. I woke up ticked off as heck and spent the rest of the day the exact same way! :rofl: I don't even know why! I feel horrible as I was a complete witch to everyone here at home. Everyone just laughs it off but I know it's soo not me to be this way! On the bright side. I went out last night for ice cream, and then tonight I went for a walk in the mall. Got to get out of the house. I'm actually looking forward to going back to work on Friday. :wacko:
trigger is officially out of my system :happydance: Tested this morning with fmu and it's negative (8 days past trigger shot) Oh yeah! Now to test or not to test before OTD?!?! I'm thinking of taking OTD off from work, it's a friday, and if I can get all my work in by Thursday night, then I'm taking off :rofl:
Augustluvers- that sounds like a good plan.

Ladies- just had my first ultrasound and I'm having twins!! :)
BMA !!!! OMG :yipee: so exciting!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats

Update on me ~ Just got a call that none of my remaining 6 embryos made it to freezing. # of the 6 made it to blast but none were good this morning. I'm extremely crushed. If these weren't good, then what makes the three they put back good enough? Are the three in me even going to make it? I'm so crushed. I'm confused and doubtful.
Augustluvers- I wish another bnb girl sashimimimi was on this board for you.
She had a three day transfer as well and that little embryo was the only one she had. None to freeze and she just gave birth to her little man. Hang in there!
Bma-OMG! twins!!!:wohoo: soooo happy and excited for you Honey...i told you i had a constant feeling you are gonna have twins!!!!yayyy!!

August-Hey Honey...please dont get disheartened...i pray the embies stick...!like Bma said 3rd day transfer works for many even when they dont make it to frosties!! The environment inside you is more nurturing and different than what is inside the lab.. !:hugs::hugs::hugs:
i'l keep you in my prayers!!!

Babydreamer-Hope you are doing fine Hun:hugs:
Bma, OMG!! :happydance::yipee::headspin::yipee::happydance: Congratulations Hun!! Can't wait to find out of you're having :twingirls::twinboys: or :oneofeach: What a wonderful blessing!

August, :hugs: I'm so sorry you got news like that. I know it's a shock, especially when we are so hormonal and emotionally vulnerable. But try not to stress or worry too much Hun. Go over to the IVF success stories thread and there are plenty of ladies with only one low grade embie that now have their little miracle bundles! :baby:. I think Bma and Mission are totally right! Sometimes they just need to be back inside Mommy to thrive. Just watch, you could be expecting twins or triplets!! :hugs:
And by the way, I'm so jealous that you have two shelties AND sheltie puppies right now!! If we lived close I would demand to come over and play with the puppies!! :awww:

AFM, I'm a mess! This wait is absolute torture!! :wacko: I have myself convinced that I'm not pregnant. I feel crabby, achy, crampy, tired and bloated just like before the :witch: shows :cry:.
I had to do some baby shower shopping today because two of my friends just had babies and one is expecting in July! I may have looked like a creepy stalker in the baby aisles at Target as I longingly caressed baby clothes and onesies! :blush: I just want to be pregnant so badly!! I know that IVF doesn't always work the first go and since my DH has his high DFI problem, I know our chances aren't great to begin with but I'm so afraid it will never happen for us :cry:. Just having a low moment and I'm too afraid to test yet. I've been avoiding my close friend calls as I just don't want them to feel sorry for me if it didn't work :nope:. None of my friends or family have ever struggled with infertility, so as much as they love and support me, they just don't understand it.

Anyway, sorry for the long rant :blush:. I'm going to hold out till Saturday to test and I hope I see those elusive two lines!!

Mission, how are you feeling Hun? July is just around the corner and then you'll be in the madness again! :wacko::winkwink:
1babydreamer- you are very strong ! I couldn't wait to start POAS!

Im sorry you are feeling like that but it is very normal. And I still don't feel pregnant. So every month I'd convince myself that something was different or I felt this or felt that... I even thought I tasted metal in my mouth :dohh: and all those months I was not pregnant . The one month that I barely felt anything (twinges that I always felt) I was actually pregnant. Then all it felt like was maybe AF... But not really, it was weird. Today was the first day that I felt anything persistent in my abdomen, but even that wasnt bad and if I didn't do ivf/FET I would just think AF was coming. So, seriously you just never know! :dust:
babydreamer-aww..i understand it must be soo hard not knowing if it worked! But the best you can do for yourself and the littleones that might me growing inside you is staying happy and positive!! I'l pray you give us the wonderful news about your BFP this saturday...you are soo patient to have waited so long!!!:hugs::hugs::hugs:
AFM,The wait i soo tough knowing that the actual FET day is like 2 months from now.....am taking it as an oppurtunity to take better care of my body preparing myself for pregnancy!!The excitement will kick in july end when i start my lupron..I love Bnb and all the lovely ladies fo their support...it would have been so difficult to go through this alone!:hugs::hugs:
Thank you so much Mission and Bma. I'm trying to stay positive but I'm just so nervous. If I do get my bfp I don't think I'll truly believe I'm really pregnant until I have a big belly. Lol.
In an attempt to distract myself, DH and I went to the movies to see This is The End. I laughed my behind off! Very silly but very funny! I highly recommend for post transfer laughter :)
babydreamer ~ I'm so sorry that you're feeling so down. I pray you are feeling better today :hugs: I know I was a complete mess yesterday :blush: This journey isn't for the faint of heart thats for sure. Emotions and hormones are on high alert and sometimes we can't help but allow our emotions to take over. Try to stay positive. You are almost there :hugs: in regards to your target shopping trip... I totally feel you! I think my husband thinks I'm crazy every time we go to a store he finds me in the baby section :blush: It isn't easy, I went baby shopping the day of my transfer for a baby shower as well.

Missionmommy ~ I'm so excited for you and your upcoming FET. Isn't crazy how excited we get about our medications? Any little step towards the goal right? :hugs:

Brandy ~ How are you? You're almost there :hugs:

Scerena ~ How are you feeling?

Bma ~ I still can't get over your twins news! :happydance: I'm so happy that they are both growing at the same rate and that you are doing well.

AFM ~ I'm feeling much better today. I've come to the realization that I've done everything I can to this point and now it's in God's hands. If it's meant to be it will be and if not, then we try again. I'm testing out my trigger. AS of today 9 days past trigger my Wondfo's are completely stark white negative but my FRER still has a faint line.

Last night I was very light headed and dizzy! It was different and scary! I was also sick to my stomach.

I decided to take today off from work. :blush: I'll go back tomorrow only because one of my cases will be in court and I as the social worker, need to be there. According to everything I read, today (4dp3dt) is the day that the embryo starts to implant to the uterus so I'm taking it easy and telling my embies to attach!!!! LOL

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