
OMG look at little Zoai growing soooooo fast already and can't believe Jenna's almost 3 months already its madness!!

Well I've had to move back in with family for a little while just get settled and back into a routine! I have had my 1st set of bloods done at the fertility clinic i have another set in a few weeks and also have a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) Test scheduled in for tomorrow and a scan of my uterus etc before getting the results fingers crossed we found out our answer so we can get trying again once we're settled in a new apartment or home xxxx
Yes they grow quick haha, so when you do get pregnant, cherish every moment because you will miss it after you have them lol.
Im so glad to hear you had some tests done! did you find out the results yet? I dont want to be a damper on anything but it seems like your having the same problem my mom did[hope you didnt take offense to that] she didnt have really any trouble getting pregnant it was just carrying, my mom couldnt carry anymore kids. I know its not exactly the same cause shes had some kids before but she was pregnant with twins and miscarried because her uterus was just too weak to hold the babies.
Won't get any results until February as we've a few blood tests and scans to go yet :)
My aunt had the same problem but they helped her with the weak uterus and she now has a 3 year old little boy. Don't worry I don't take offense its just comforting that there is something being done so we can find out whats going on and hopefully get treatment.

Hope all's going well with Zoai whats she doing anything exciting yet?? she attempting to role onto her side yet on playmats or anything??
Hey guys! Aww those pics of Zoai are so cute! So true how fast they grow Jenna is changing everyday but I definitely do NOT miss her newborn stage as pretty much all she did for the first 8wks of her life was scream! Not her fault tho bless have finally got her on meds for reflux and a new formula and she's a lot better, laughing now and babbling to herself it's so cute! She finally started napping during the day but will only stay down for about half an hour at a time! Hehe oh well in time she may stretch it out, hope u guys are well xx
@bumblebee: I am happy that you are going to be getting some answers soon, maybe we will see a baby bump in the future months:flower:
and oh yes! Zoai wont stop rolling, she sleeps on her belly and it scares me but she wont stay on her back lol she can roll from her belly to her back too, its cute. she stands on our legs and loves her jumper. shes getting a walker for Christmas and Im excited haha. were getting the baby bullet soon since shes starting first foods already! she loves sweet potatoes, apples, and bananas haha.

@lolaie: Awh, glad to hear shes feeling better though. Zoai didn't have many problems with reflux after we put her on similac spit up formula shes been on it ever since and now doesnt even need rice cereal anymore:]
I miss Zoai's newborn stage haha, all she did was sleep and eat xP
I kind of want another one already:dohh: I cant help it lol
Ooooh Abii we may see signs of trying again soon then?? haha and wow scary she's growing up so much already My friends little boys got a jumperoo and he llllooooovvveeeessss it he sits ther bouncing for ages and you try to take him out for cuddles and get screamed at to put him back in haha

Lola: Jenna sounds like she's in such a cute stage and after all the hiccups initially i'm glad shes settled on a formula and feeling better now

I still keep checking in here as feel closer to you girls than anyone else on this forum and you will be the first girls I tell when I finally do get a baby bump xxxx
Ooooh Abii we may see signs of trying again soon then?? haha and wow scary she's growing up so much already My friends little boys got a jumperoo and he llllooooovvveeeessss it he sits ther bouncing for ages and you try to take him out for cuddles and get screamed at to put him back in haha

Lola: Jenna sounds like she's in such a cute stage and after all the hiccups initially i'm glad shes settled on a formula and feeling better now

I still keep checking in here as feel closer to you girls than anyone else on this forum and you will be the first girls I tell when I finally do get a baby bump xxxx
Nick isn't sure yet but his mom and I want another one haha xP
we might start trying next year but right now were 'not trying not preventing'. Im having spotting today which is really weird because I have a week and like 5 days before im due to start and Ive been having insane headaches! We might not even have to try next year if it happens:dohh: lol
Yes! it is very scary! she is so tall already haha, shes wearing 6-9month clothes:haha: and Zoai likes her jumper but she only stays in it about 1-2 hrs, it helps me get the cleaning done though, so can't complain lol.
Awh!:hugs: Im glad to hear that! You guys are close to me too, Im excited for the future when you have pictures to share with us!!!:flower:
How exciting hun :) ntnp is still trying in my eyes hehe :)

Fingers crossed for when you start trying again.

I dont know if I mentioned but I'm going to be my friends birthing partner in may :) I'm so excited about it I went to the scan with her the other day and it was sooo.amazing xxx
Abbi! you are mad! :haha: I couldn't even fathom ttc again for a loooong time! let alone another baby, i used to say i wanted 3 kids, now i'm not even sure about number 2!! :rofl:
Haha well I think I was going through some kind of post-partum thing but it was not depression idk lol.
But my husband and I talked about it and we are set on not trying for awhile as I have an appt for birth control on the 10th. Just not ready yet, but I do still want more kids, definitely 3 at least haha.
Im having problems with my periods getting on track so I think the birth control will help with that and give my body some time to heal completely before having another bun in there xD
Zoai is going to be 6 months soon! I cant believe it :wacko: she is trying to talk like crazy now, almost able to get in the crawling position, and eating first foods now! I miss her newborn days when she'd just sleep haha.
How are you ladies?! been awhile since we've chatted
Hey girls nice to see you both again!
I Cannot believe how big your little babies are already its scary how quick they go af is due on 10th so fingers crossed this will finally be our month god knows after 16 months we deserve it :haha: xxxx
Ohh yeah! they grow up so quick my gosh.
Zoai is trying to crawl now!
Aww bless her! When did you start Zoai on first foods? We have tried with Jenna some pureed sweet potato, baby rice and a few finger foods but she doesn't really swallow much yet so I've stopped for a bit but will try again soon. How does Zoai sleep? I think jennas going through a regression or something, her sleep used to be ok even slept through a few times but now it's turned to poo again! :-(

bumblebee have you tested yet??
I'm a week late so may test Friday did one day after missed af & bfn so not holding my hopes up xxx wow look at zoai trying to crawl wow!!
Aww bless her! When did you start Zoai on first foods? We have tried with Jenna some pureed sweet potato, baby rice and a few finger foods but she doesn't really swallow much yet so I've stopped for a bit but will try again soon. How does Zoai sleep? I think jennas going through a regression or something, her sleep used to be ok even slept through a few times but now it's turned to poo again! :-(

bumblebee have you tested yet??

I started her on first foods when she started showing alot of interest in what Nick and I ate but now its getting tough to find foods she likes so were just taking it one day at a time. How is her sleep now? is it getting better?

I'm a week late so may test Friday did one day after missed af & bfn so not holding my hopes up xxx wow look at zoai trying to crawl wow!!

Have you tested again yet? keeping my fx'd for you hun

Zoai started saying dada now haha Ive been trying to get her to say momma but she isn't quite there yet, and shes getting so close to crawling! my goodness shes just growing faster then ever. And I started taking the birth control pill to try to get my periods back on track but Ive only been on it for a few weeks so im hoping it will work. How have you ladies been these past few weeks? hoping great:hugs:
Her sleep is getting batter again thank god! Most nights will go from abput 9.30pm to 7 or 8am without needing a feed or even her dummy put back in!:happydance: She is sitting now too!!!! and loving her 2 meals a day one I give her a fruit puree and the other a veggie one, she loves sweet potato and carrots! hope u both are well :flower:
Here is a recent pic of her sitting up xx


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Her sleep is getting batter again thank god! Most nights will go from abput 9.30pm to 7 or 8am without needing a feed or even her dummy put back in!:happydance: She is sitting now too!!!! and loving her 2 meals a day one I give her a fruit puree and the other a veggie one, she loves sweet potato and carrots! hope u both are well :flower:
Here is a recent pic of her sitting up xx

Awh! my goodness shes so adorable and getting so big! cant believe it.
Well I have some pretty..interesting and upsetting news..I found out I was pregnant again on Sunday the 3rd but I didnt find out happily..I found out by miscarrying :cry: although the baby wasn't planned, we are still very much heartbroken because we would of loved and wanted it as we did Zoai. My birth control was the cause for the miscarriage and I cant help feeling so guilty especially since all I had to do was stop taking it..and now I really know how it feels to miscarry, and its just horrible..Im not dealing with it well been crying alot and really depressed but we have decided to try again in December once we have had time to heal, we just realized after this loss that we really do want more children. I hope your doing well bumblee! haven't heard from you in awhile.
Much love to you both:hugs:
Omg abii,

I hope you're ok there's nothing worse I'm sending all my love & hugs!!

I'm doing great at the moment thanks :) not pregnant but we're looking next week at booking a venue for our wedding next week soooo excited :) we should hopefully be tying the knot in April 2014!! As for results from tests we're not going back to the hospital for them til march our appointment has Been pushed back I am not happy!!

Lola: that's such a cute pic of ur little one. She's just too cute!!!!

Much love to you girls and hopefully one day I'll have some good baby news for you xxxx
Oh Abbi I'm so sorry to hear that! Will you go off bc now and keep trying? How is Zoai?

Bumblebee great news! are you having any particular colour/ theme? How exciting I hope you get the venue you want!

Jennas doing well and we have my bff visiting from New Zealand at the moment, she is only able to stay for 4 days as her husband can't cope any longer than that looking after their twins by himself! not that i blame him!!:haha:
@Bumblebee: Awh thank you, I'm so excited for you!:] what kind of theme did you want for your wedding? and well at least march is only a few days away now:] keeping my fx'd that you have a good appt and finally get some answers:thumbup:
@Lolaie: I'm dealing with the loss alot better now, not crying anymore, just trying to move on I guess but life is good! and im feeling alot better now:]
We might start trying at the end of this year but we haven't talked much about it yet, I think hes still dealing with the miscarriage so I'm waiting awhile. but yes I have stopped taking my birth control so in a sense we are ntnp? lol
That is so funny but so true haha and twins I could only imagine:haha: must be nice to see her though:] my bestie lives about an hour away but I still barley see her haha
afm: Zobo is doing great! The last time we went to the pediatrician she weighed 17lbs12ounces so she easily must be 18-19lbs now, its crazy how fast shes growing! only 5 months until shes 1, think I'm going to cry on her birthday lol. She loves food and now eats the sitter meals which is more mixed meals and she loves them! way more then the first foods haha and of course she keeps trying to crawl, not quite there yet though. And this is the exciting news!! we finally found a house were going to rent! its 3bedrooms and 2baths with a big backyard for Codi and a fireplace, ah I'm so excited. Were moving in next friday:]
Hi girls oooh its exciting for all of us right now then.

Abii: congrats on the house bet you can't wait to get settled into your proper family home

Lola: Jennas to cute now she looks all smiles on your last photo :)

We've provisionally booked the date for the wedding 17.04.2014
We got the venue we want and we're having a beauty and the beast theme it is going to be deep reds and gold order my flowers the other day as having silk ones as I get bad hayfever and don't want to look like a balloon on the day from the pollen haha

We get our results next Wednesday i'm dreading it as i think it may by poly cystic ovaries as my cycles have always been dead on time but in the last few months since they did all the tests they've been completely out of sync being upto 2wks late!! So now I don't even think about testing for ages!! its just so frustrating and at the same time a bit scary if there are going to be problems ahead but I know we'll face them together after everything we've got through already :)

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