Buddy while TTC#1

Hey Ms Elizabeth! Welcome! :winkwink:

Sorry about the cryfest. It happens doesn't it?! Ttc is hard, but we're all here for you. Sounds like a tough few years you've been through, let's hope it's all worth it when you get your beautiful bfp!

Yes Tina, that sounds like a good plan. Love it! How are you feeling?

Any news babydust and Katie?

Well, hubby left today. We gave it a good go with preseed this morning and I lay with my bum on pillows for ages! Hope it sticks until o. I got a faint positive OPK, will keep an eye on it the next couple of days. We've done all we can!
We will all stick together till we all get our bfps!! Then we can be bump buddies lol :laugh2:

Sorry what you've had to go thru ms Elizabeth but hopefully it's now time for your bfp!

I am feeling like I did last cycle, and I thought maybe I could of been pregnant last cycle but af showed. So depressing. My nipples are a bit sore but they've been that way since I was supposed to be ovulating so I'm not really counting that. I was hoping preseed would of done the trick. I'm hoping the preseed worked it's magic for you and I hope doing all you could gets you you bfp!
Thanks cupoftea.....not fun yesterday....not at all. Frustrating and i only started. I think its cause im a logical thinker. So if i BD on the right days....what can i do more for next month. You know? Obv that doesn't work with TTC. Lol. Just feel since all my friends and family have already 2-3....me wanting one shouldn't be too hard. Gulp.

Tina.....thanks. Feel the same on this TWW as I did before. No symptoms....so....sort of a let down
Definitely know the same feeling on all tww. I know I'm supposed to be staying positive but I'm having af cramps and they normally come a week before she shows so I'm feeling out
Yeah TWW is more like a 1ww now....sigh

Then back to the drawing board! :)

I dunno. I guess im just waiting for the "wow" feeling where you just know. Lol
Lol. I just knew I was pregnant with DS so I'm thinking I'll just know with my next and I haven't felt that feeling like that yet.
Really?!? I'm cynical...I've read so many stories of women who had no idea and got a shock! Hang on in there ladies! You just don't know yet :thumbup:

I'm feeling ridiculously positive this month. I think it's because hubby is so much more on board this time- now he's actually wanting it
I feel it could really happen! :happydance:

Think I o'd today, had bloating and sharp shooting pains. I hope so!

What day are you on ms e?
I know it's still early but I'm saying I'm out. If i get a bfp I'll be proven wrong lol
Hey girls! I am so sorry that I have been away from here for a couple of days. I have been a bit down lately. I am just wanting to feel and be pregnant again. I had a lot of BFNs this week and I haven't tested in the last two days. I am not out because AF hasn't showed, but I am trying to not get my hopes up. My nipples hurt, and have for two weeks, and the rest of my boob hurts here and there. I am tired and I was crampy last week but not really this week. I am trying so hard to not over think it. I am tempted to test tonight just to do it. If my cycle is like it used to be then AF would be due tomorrow. Another reason I have been a bit all over the place emotionally is because my hubby just got accepted into the state police academy...great news right?!...but that being said, I have a very good chance of losing my job because I can't work in the state I do and live in the state he would be working for. I can try to appeal it, but there's no guarantee...I love my job and the people I work with, so this is very hard on both of us right now, but especially me.

Well Ms. E! Glad to have you. Keep positive and know that everything happens for a reason.

Cupoftea and Tina I am keeping my fingers crossed for you guys all of the time. I can't wait until we are all bump buddies.

Katie, I am so sorry about your problems with O. Idk if I even Oed this month or not. I should have tested and I didn't :-/ oh well though right? Hopefully everything ends up working out in the end.
Cupoftea....day 7 for me. 7 long DPO....lol

Baby dust. Thanks for the welcome. Hope your job works out! I know things happen for a reason....just want this to work for me. I already have two cats...I'm ready for kids!!

So tired of getting the short end of the stick! I'm summary....got divorced...walked away and left everything...judge gave him the house to sell....he hasn't paid the mortgage...there goes my credit. My only option....hire a lawyer to sue....if i had that $$$....stupid. Why should I paid to get the court to enforce a rule they made. So I moved...movers lost all my clothing....paid me $50 as insurance....car has been keyed three times since I moved in a year (random)...had three cars break since I've moved (3 years ago). Oh...and my apt is like 500 sq ft. Lol. Had my hyseteroscopy and d&c about two months after OH said we could think about trying. Oh, brother met his wife, got married, two months later, pregnant. She's on #3 now. So I get to deal with that every holiday. How it takes them 1-3 months in trying.

So, thats my story...it's why I think i deserve something good! Haha, thanks for my pity party reading!
Hope the job works out babydust! Sorry you've been having a rough couple of days!

Ms Elizabeth I'm sorry for all you've gone thru! Hopefully you'll get a bfp to cheer you up! Of course you deserve good things!!!!

Man what is up with the school shootings lately. This morning we had a school shooting in our state, and only about 30 mins from where I live! I don't even want to put my son In school anymore I'm so terrified, specially after that horrible Sandyhook elementary shooting, poor little kids.

Oh babydust :hugs: I'm so sorry you're feeling down. Congrats to your hubby! It must be mixed feelings for you though. You'd have to take time off work anyway when you have a baby, so maybe it's a good time if you have to leave? Do you know a timescale for the move or appeal yet? Afy sign of the witch?

Woah Tina how horrible- how many died? That's scary. What's going on?!

Ms E I'm sorry for all you've been through. You must be one strong, brave lady! Will be praying for you.

I'm definitely feeling different this month. It's only 2dpo but I have a strange feeling - slight weird cramps. I hope it's a good sign!
Thx all. Time for positive things! ! I feel normal so bet I'm out this month. Onto November. ...
Hi Ladies!

Wow, so much to catch up on!

Welcome Ms. Elizabeth! Sorry to hear you've been having such a rough go of things and I agree you definitely deserve something great in the form of a BFP! Hopefully it will come soon!

Sorry to hear about the situation with your hubby's job babydust...good news, but I can totally understand the mixed feelings. My husband almost had to move to the states from where we live in Canada for work this year, and I can't work down there. It was an amazing opportunity for him, but I would have had to give up a lot to go with him. Anyway, he ended up getting something else up here which is working out much better for us both. But I know that feeling of mixed excitement and uncertainty. I hope it all works out for you both in the end!

Tina - that's awful! So scary!! When things like that happen it just guts me. I can't even imagine having that happen at a school close to me. Too horrible for words. I hope your kids are ok. I'm sure it will take awhile to feel safe again after something like that happening so close to home.

As far as the "Just knowing" stuff, I swore I was out the cycle I got my BFP...I was convinced I would "just know" because I feel like I'm pretty deeply in touch with my body....but I had no idea....granted it did end in a miscarriage, so maybe I was tapped into the fact that there was something not right about the pregnancy....who knows. Anyway, you're not out till you're out!!

AFM - THANK THE LORD IN HEAVEN I FINALLY GOT A POSITIVE OPK THIS MORNING!!! Excuse the all caps, I just am so excited and relieved. I had dark lines before when I thought O was coming, but this one was a 100% no-questions positive. I wanted to kiss that stupid pee stick, but I contained myself because...well, pee. Timing is great too, since it's the weekend and both hubby and I are home with time to DTD. Fingers crossed I'll get my temp spike finally tomorrow or tuesday and then I'll be officially in the TWW once again. :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Katie....thx. I don't mean to complain. Sorry if it comes off that way. OH says im always negative. Lol. But he needs to take a step back and see....nada positive going on. :). Awesome on your opk!!! I remember my first one last month. I was like a kid on Christmas!!

9DPO for me. Tick tock. Lol. Not sure whats worse....the TWW or the wait until you get the next positive opk when you figure youre out that month.

But...must stay positive. I'm going to focus on food. Anyone have some good ideas of healthy eating now?
It is definitely rough but I know whatever happens will be the right thing.

Katie I'm so happy you got you positive O test! Idk if I O'd yet but no signs of AF and i haven't had a positive preg test yet. I haven't tested in two days though. Maybe I'm just ovulating now too. Hopefully that's the case :). Filberts crossed.

Tina I am so sorry for what happened near you. I'm a school teacher and worry about that every day. It's too close to home for comfort.
As of now I do believe there was 2 killed and 4 hurt in the hosptial.

It will take a while to feel safe again. It is just awful.

Babydust I would feel afraid every moment with all these shootings that just happen. You never think it'll happen by you and then it does.
We heard immediately when it happened. I am so sorry for everything that is happening near you Tina. I heard the same thing about two being killed (one being the shooter) and a few injured. What also shocked em was that I read an article and the shooter had JUST been crown freshman homecoming prince and was on the football team. What made me feel amazing was that the football team at the school was in the district finals that evening and the team that they were supposed to play decided to forfeit the game because of what happened and they felt as though the football team deserved it. It makes me remember that there are still good people in this world. I feel so sad for those families going through pain though.

I am getting so anxious to know if I am pregnant or not. My boobs have begun to hurt worse, but (fingers crossed) no signs of AF. I am thinking I may have O'd later than I usually do. I don't want to test for fear of another BFN, but I feel like I just want an answer lol.
Wayhay for ovulating!! :happydance::dance::yipee::headspin: welcome back to the 2ww!

I'm happy too, I've had tired and achy eyes for months which I put down to lots of things, but recently it was so bad I finally went to the doctor. They gave me some drops and told me not to wear lenses for 6 weeks, and the difference is huge! I feel so much better, can't believe I was putting up with it.

Lots of anxiety in this group this month eh? I reckon there'll be at least one bfp...
Yeah. He was young. It is sad to hear. He had just broken up with his girlfriend a bit ago so that probably has a factor into it.

I sure hope all of us get our bfps, but I hope at least one of us gets one this time!!!! Fxd

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