Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Omg I am so annoyed Pauls mate has been calling us all day as his girlfriend chucked him out and asked if he could stay we said no and he has just turned up and it's midnight!! Paul starts work in morning and has to be up at 6 and there is no way I am being left in house with him on my own! So angry!!
Hi ladies, just a quick post here, I'm off to bed, but I do wanna report that my allergies are much better with the new meds. I have to be up early in the morning to take my kids to our independence day parade, they are excited, I would rather sleep in LOL.

Hi girls,
Sorry I've not be around a while.
I've just been catching up and I'm horrified to hear about poor Sweetbuthyper. As you all know my friend's sister went into labour at 26 weeks and dear little Harrison was born at peace. Hearing about it knocked me for six. I couldn't stop thinking about her and her dear little boy. We all released balloons in loving memory of little Harrison and if you're still checking this thread Sweet, I am so terribly sorry to hear of your loss. You will have a little angel watching over you forever more. I am so, so sorry. No-one should have to endure the loss of a child. Bless you and your family. XXXx
hi girls

Darling - great to hear from you. Lovely idea re releasing balloons for Harrison. It's so heartbreaking to hear about losses at this stage isn't it? I keep thinking about Sweet and how awful this must be for her and her loved ones.

Pink - That's funny about not wanting to name your LO after your Mum - I do very much understand that one! I'd be the same!!! Hannah Laurie is a lovely name though, is that definitely out for this LO? By the way, I also love the Vampire Diaries!! I got into it recently and watched seasons 1 and 2 practically back-to-back. I think I'm a little bit in love with both Damon and Stefan!!!! :haha: My OH doesn't really like stuff like that, thinks it's a load of nonsense. So even though I liked the name Elena after hearing it on there, I didn't suggest it to him as a possibility as I think he'd hate the idea because of the link to the programme! So we were looking at lists of girls names on a few different websites yesterday and I casually asked him what he thought of the name Elena and he said he loved it!! He never need know as he'll probably never watch the programme!!

Krissi - that's really out of order that Paul's mate just turned up even though you said no!! GRRR :growlmad: No wonder you're annoyed.

Angie - great to hear your allergies are much better and I hope you find some energy from somewhere for the parade!! You really sound like such an amazing Mum!!

I'm feeling great today, had 3 nights in a row of having about 8-9 hours sleep each night. Makes such a difference. I'm still waking up 2-3 times a night but I think I'm getting used to this and getting back to sleep pretty quickly. xxx
Leeze - get all the sleep you can and savour it. I've always found that I start getting up to pee every night and I just felt exhausted from not getting 8 hours clear. So enjoy every second of it. Sleep is bliss!

I am on 1-2 cups of coffee a day now and I've found it makes such a difference. Otherwise I feel as though I'm being tortured. I asked the midwife about it and she said if I was 10-15 cups they'd have to 'check me out' so good ok on the 1-2 cups then lol! She is in her fifties so a very experienced midwife that advice changes almost annually and always has done and that the name of the game is just to be sensible. Its true actually, thinking about it, I think the advice differs from country to country. Americans are told no alcohol at all, and I don't think the French stop eating mould-ripened cheeses either. I think a lot of it is just common sense.

Hope everyone's ok.

My little guy has had a huge growth spurt in the last two weeks. He is having less tantrums, he's taken huge leaps forward in his vocal capability and we are so blissed out together right now! I am enjoying him so much and its such a breakthrough. In turn, I find that I have more patience (coffee helps though! ;)) and he responds well to my being more patient. He has learned to say sorry. Say that hitting and biting is bad and is beginning to learn what is ok and what is not ok behaviour. So we're all loved up at the moment. Having another little boy for him to 'mother' now seems ideal and my daughter Isabella, as the only girl will remain the princess!

So things are looking up. I am starting to feel excited about holding my little bundle. :)
We are enjoying awesome weather here in Somerset too and my husband has finished Parent's Day and I might get to see him now! I've been on my own with the kids all week and its been hard work. Glad its over. Next stop, Issy's 4th birthday in two weeks.

Love to all. xxxx
Darling so lovely to hear from you and even better to hear that you are feeling so well. Brilliant news about your lil man's improved behaviour, Riley is a bit of a handful atm so i know how you feel, he seems to just throw a strop whenever hes told no now which is driving me crazy. He doesnt talk much either and he gets frustrated easily and has a lil tantrum i just wish he could communicate better with me and feel things would improve.

Leeze - im so in love with Damon and Stefan too! Have series 1 box set but must get season 2 and watch them all through again. Im quite sad and get very engrossed in the show...i want to be a vampire and live forever with ....mmmm id say Damon hehe! x Hannah Laurie is not out but not so keen on it as before x

Angie so glad to hear your feeling a bit better have a great independence day with your family, id love to be over there celebrating our country is so unpatriotic i think we should take lessons from the Americans! xxx

Krissi - grrr at pauls friend what a bloody cheek! Hope he clears off soon! xxx
To make matters worse Paul and his mate sat up all night drinking so I have not slept at all and needless to say he did not go for his first day at work I just want to spend all day crying!
aww hun..im sorry but i would kick him out...thats so bad that he never went on his first day at work. Were they ok about it? Id say either he goes or i go!!!

Big hugs hun like you need this stress xxx
He is ok to start tomorrow but who knows what will happen!! So disappointed xx
Your a strong woman Krissi - you stand your ground and tell him hed better not feck it up tomorrow! Thank god he's ok to start tomorrow, fingers crossed it all works out and this bloke goes home or somewhere that isnt your house! xxx
Hi ladies! Good to hear from you Darling and you must be relieved that things are turning around with your little boy. I guess we should all brace ourselves for a fair few tantrums!
Ooh Leeze I love the name Elena, it's so pretty. I always loved Esme and thought about it for a girl, but then Twilight came along and I would worry too much that people would think she was named after the brand cos it's sooo big. Although I do love Twilight :haha: And very excited about Harry Potter coming out soon, I'm a bit of a geek!
Oh krissi what a bloody nightmare. I'd be fuming. And about Paul missing work today, that would not impress me at all. Hope you manage to get the eejit out of your house!
Will definitely keep you guys updated about my cranial osteopathy. I haven't had any backache today at all which I'm hoping is a good sign but I'm not counting any chickens yet, it hasn't been long. I also booked in for my hypnobirthing, I've got my first session on Sunday 17th July. Really excited about that one!
Krissi – I feel for you with Pauls mate, that would be a nightmare! Hopefully he won’t stick around for long!

Darling – Glad that coffee is helping you through the day! My vice is chocolate and I can’t live without it at the moment so everyone has something that they need!

Pielette – I also like the name Esme and the name Isabella, but worry people would think I named them after Twilight which isn’t the case (although I do love twilight) I am soooo excited about Harry Potter! Can’t wait to see the final film, I just finished re-reading the final book which has me super excited for the film now!
Glad you are getting some answers about your back-pain. Hopefully things will improve for you now. Well done on keeping up the exercise!

Pink Sparkle – thanks, I keep meaning to check out the Curvy Ladies thread but I have a brain like a sieve at the moment. I know I shouldn’t worry about the weight gain but I can’t seem to help it. I know it is all worth it and can’t wait to meet our little one, but it does worry me. I’m going to try and keep up the exercise.

I have such swollen feet with water retention and I have terrible hayfever at the moment! But apart from that I am good. I am getting used to no longer sleeping through the night.
DH and I have booked some private ante-natal classes as the NHS ones weren’t at suitable times. They start at the end of August.
And our Sola Pushchair was delivered last night which was exciting! It looks really easy to use so hopefully we will be okay with that.

We are getting our kitchen done and also getting our loft converted into storage to give us more space and that will all be happening over the next 4 to weeks which is exciting!

Hope you ladies are okay and your bumps are coming along!

Pielette hope your hypnobirthing class goes well sounds like fun x

Bernie - antenatal classes sound great too...ive never had any...not sure why?! Im so jealous about you getting your kitchen done...ours is desperate we have done everything in the last couple of years apart from the kitchen, we just cant afford it, we tidied it up a little but getting it done properly would cost us thousands so will have to keep saving for now! Hopefully by the time weve been here 5 years it will be done! Two years to go lol! x
Well yesterday was a total nightmare!!

The guy that stayed at ours attacked my SILs OH and bit half his ear off!! He is usually not at all violent which is what scared me most about it all, so we spent 10 hours at A&E yesterday, which after no sleep the night before was not what I had planned. Needless to say Paul is no longer friends with this guy and I never need to worry about Paul letting anyone turn up like that again and stay over, but thank god we realised how disturbed this guy is before Charleigh comes along.

Paul and I are talking again and he DID go to work today... whoop whoop!! Lets hope ity all works out.

I am hot and bothered today and my feet are a bit swollen. I hate this part time job I do and my boss is really irratating me, its all I can do not to slap him half the time!! Hmmm hormones or is my boss to blame!!
OMG Krissi thats awful but thank god hes gone now and you and paul have sorted things out. YAY for the new job fingers crossed it goes well for him.

Sorry about your boss! Hormones probably plays a lil part but hey if hes a twat hes a twat hormones or no hormones lol! xxx
Pink Sparkle - We have been in our house 7 years now and whilst the kitchen looks okay, there is hardly any storage! So we knew it needed to be done. We got it through ikea.

Krissi - what a nightmare! At least you have washed your hands of him now and OH is at work etc. So that is something, but sorry you had to go through that!
Also i am very short-tempered at the moment too, so it isn't just you. I think it is a combination of people being twats and hormones! I am nowhere near as patient as i used to be! lol!

Hi ladies! Good to hear from you Darling and you must be relieved that things are turning around with your little boy. I guess we should all brace ourselves for a fair few tantrums!
Ooh Leeze I love the name Elena, it's so pretty. I always loved Esme and thought about it for a girl, but then Twilight came along and I would worry too much that people would think she was named after the brand cos it's sooo big. Although I do love Twilight :haha: And very excited about Harry Potter coming out soon, I'm a bit of a geek!
Oh krissi what a bloody nightmare. I'd be fuming. And about Paul missing work today, that would not impress me at all. Hope you manage to get the eejit out of your house!
Will definitely keep you guys updated about my cranial osteopathy. I haven't had any backache today at all which I'm hoping is a good sign but I'm not counting any chickens yet, it hasn't been long. I also booked in for my hypnobirthing, I've got my first session on Sunday 17th July. Really excited about that one!

You're in good company hun. I read all the Twilight books and I loved Esme! My ex-boss' wife was called Esme too. I love Harry Potter too! I should read grown up stuff really. I used to read books like 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being' but now I just read age-appropriate stuff lol.. well.. mental-age-appropriate anyway. Oooh and Edward Cullen!!! Swoon!
Krissi - Jeez what a psycho! Good thing he's shown his true colours now like you say. xxx
I wish i had read the books before seeing the film as once ive seen the film i really struggle to get into the books so havent read any of them..nor harry potter. I much prefer reading too! x

OMG so tired lately cannot get my backside into gear and do anything constructive couldnt even face asda today. Have managed a quick tidy round before the hubby gets home but feel so bad for ds as hes been left to his own devices the last couple of days as im slouchd on the sofa (feel like a crappy mother).
God pink sparkle I'm so lethargic these days, for some reason I can't feel motivated to do even the slightest thing around the house. Trying to keep on top of the housework is driving me nuts. But yes I loved the Twilight and Harry Potter books, as much as I've enjoyed the Twilight films I don't think they come as close to the books as I'd like. Loving the Harry Potter films though, have to sort out booking soon.
Krissi the man sounds like an absolute psycho! Thank God he's out of your house. Who the hell bites somebody's ear?!

It's my V-day today! Had my 24 week appointment with the midwife and all is well. Listened to the heartbeat again, although bubs was trying to get away from it :haha:

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