Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Thats where i get my pain but dont think spd only seems to be when im tired at the end of a long day and like i said in bed when i lay down for some reason! Hope that there is something they can do to help you x

My baby brain is terrible atm...keep doing the silliest things and i walk into a room to do something and forget what it was that i wanted to do. Roll on october cant wait to get baby out and mind and body back! lol x
Hi everyone and welcome to babyhopes :hi:

sorry to hear about sore backs and possible spd - one of my colleagues had this and said it was really painful.

Babyhopes - I've only started feeling the baby move this week really - I thought I had felt her before but I think it was maybe ligament pain before because this week it has felt really different - more like bubbling fluttering feelings which is what I've heard other people describe it as. Good you're getting lots of reassurance with the doppler though!

Loving the term momnesia, by the way!!

Pink Sparkle - I'd really love to not go back to work after having our little one. I think realistically I'll probably need to go back part-time, but we want to have another child ideally within the next 2 years and then hopefully I won't go back after that until the oldest is in school and the youngest in nursery.

Waitress - that's a really cute bump pic, like the others say everyone is different and don't let your friend worry you. it's more important how you feel and what the midwife says

Angie - great that nothing's happened about your dog yet, hopefully they will forget!!

Hi to everyone else!! xx
OK.... so.... my little Guy must have heard me complaining he wasn't moving enough, because today, I SWEAR I'm carrying triplets! =)

Ooooooh!!!!! And I have found a name I looooooove! What do you all think of the name Gavin? It means little falcon, it sounds like a super cute little boy name, that can grow with him.... he would be Gavin Darrin
I like Gavin loads of people my age I know called Gavin but no kids now adays which is a shame!

Happy birthday Angie xx

Had an awful nights sleep and to sleep with a pillow under my bum to try and relieve the pain I spent most night in tears I so hope this isn't spd as I can't live with this pain for 3 more months. I always knew spd was a possibility as I have hypermobility in my joints though. I have midwife Monday so will discuss it with her further then x
Lurrrvvve the name gavin !!

Happy Birthday Angie !! :cake:

Thanks Leeze for the reassurance. x

Hope everyone is doing fine.. Krissi, i hope your midwife gives you some answers as you should be resting properly and not sleeping is not good !!
Thanks ladies!!! I'm really loving Gavin, hubby seems to like it too..... hmmmm maybe

Krissi, I'm so sorry you are suffering I wish we could help!
Paracetamol does not cut it lol can't wait for November so I can take pain relief lol!!
Wow yet again I have loads to catch up on!
Hi and welcome babyhopes!
Oh krissi sounds really painful. I'd recommend a long body pillow too, mine is fantastic and I swear by it. Bought it off ebay for £10, I was so pleased! It must be comfortable for me cos I wake up in the morning and I'm still wrapped around it, seems to have stopped me tossing and turning so much. On the subject of aches and pains, I keep getting shooting pains through my 'bits' (ahem :blush:) and the other day it was really bloody painful, has anyone else had this?
Really love the name Gavin Angie. I don't come across many kids with the name at all (secondary school teacher so I've taught literally thousands of kids if that gives you an indication!). Still no news on the dog? And happy birthday!
Waitress - I think you look fab! People always have their bloody opinions, they should keep their noses out.
My maternity leave pretty much starts in two weeks time. I've decided to take it from the beginning of the next school year which means I don't go back, that way if I do go back to work I'll be back at the beginning of the academic year which is much nicer. But the plan is that hopefully I won't have to go back, if finances allow, and at the moment it looks like they will. I'll be doing things here and there to avoid going nuts, but I can't do this quite frankly ridiculously stressful job and bring up a child at the same time. I don't know how other people do it!
Which means that I have two weeks of working to go. So so weird.
How is everyone doing?
yay for your mat leave starting pielette ! must be a relief to not have to work after two weeks !
happy birthday Angie!!

Krissi - that sounds really painful honey. sorry to hear you had a painful night :hugs: - have you thought about trying alternative therapy? maybe acupuncture would help? Good idea to discuss with your midwife. I recommend the body pillow too - I got one of ebay. Can't do without it now. Although I keep waking up with bad leg cramps but at least the pain goes away in a few minutes. Can't imagine how horrible this is for you

Pielette - that's fab that you can start your mat leave in 2 weeks. I am INSANELY jealous of this but also happy for you!!! :haha:

Angie - I agree with the others - Gavin is a lovely name. And goes very well with his surname too!

So, come on girls - where's the rest of the bump pics?? xxx
im starting to wonder myself will i ever get a bump pic on!

Angie - Happy Birthday, hope you have a lovely day! Im not so taken on the name Gavin although i dont hate it, it is quite unusual nowadays but i love the show Gavin and Stacey so i think it could be kinda cute. If you and hubby love it go for it...you change your mind a lot lol! Im getting frustrated that we havent even really come up with a shortlist or anything, so far im liking Lydia and Emma Laurie but not sure i actually like them enough to actually have one of them!

Pielette yay on leaving work in two weeks and an even bigger YAY that you (fingers crossed) dont have to go back! x

I brought another cute outfit today its lovely and a really pretty winter hat. Im starting to really worry though that im actually having a boy and not a girl as on curvy ladies thread a lady has been told boy and shown bits after initially being told girl. Ive brought so much girly stuff..omg i would stress ..not that i would mind having another boy..im going to keep hold of my boy things and ask that they double check for me at my 28 week growth scan fingers crossed not grown any bits lol! x

Hope everyone is well x
Hi girls,

Pink - Emma is a lovely name :thumbup: But then, I am biased....

Pielette - fantastic news! 2 weeks to go, brilliant!

Angie, you call your baby what you want. If you like the name go for it! I told one person about our names and they did a "What? Er, don't like that" and I am not telling anyone else!

I've had a horrible day today. My dog had a massive seizure this morning. It lasted over an hour and I honestly thought she was dead at one point. I got her sorted out with the vet but then nearly passed out myself with vomiting and shaking. I obviously got a massive shock. I was supposed to be flying to Switzerland this morning to watch my husband in a race this weekend but I didn't get on the plane. I can't leave my dog when she's like this and its not fair on who was going to look after her.

I am with Leeze - where are the other bump pics girls?!
so sorry about your dog waitress,.. that must have been scary, hope she is better now !! xx
Hi Ladies, these are my bump pics from 21 - 23 weeks not sure which ..x


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Defo agree with you waitress should names our babies what we want sod what others think. I hope i didnt sound horrible when i said im not keen on Gavin (its just not a name i would pick but it would be a pretty boring world if we all liked the same).

Babyhopes what a fantastic bump soooo jealous!

Waitress so sorry to hear about your dog hope your both doing ok must have been a terrible shock for you xxx
Krissi, I didn't take it that way at all! But my mother on the other hand..... I suggested the name and she was like eww I don't like it at all, what happened to Jacob, that's my favorite. She is set on the name Jacob... ugh. I don't wanna rant about it but I'm bugged.

Babyhopes you look great!! What a great bump!!

Oh and I found a great site!! For any of you who like baby slings and baby carriers that you wear, check out WWW.sevenslings.com if you enter the code HVM they will send you one free!!!! I got the one called black magic but it will go with most outfits, and the only other I loved was girlie! LOL.

Anyway make sure if you order go to the sizing chart and get the right size and enter the code, all you pay is shipping. Makes it about $11

Oh and waitress so sorry about your dog!! Its so scary when they are doing poorly!! I hope you and he feel better soon!! Hugs!
Thank you! You didn't sound horrible, I just think the whole name thing is so personal that parents should just go with what they really want. My MIL is always dropping hints about her favourite names but as I keep reminding her, she got to name her child, I am naming mine! Grrrrrr. Bloody woman. She rang up today and started going on about the gender and "What a surprise its going to be" and I'm thinking "Not really, its going to be one or the other isn't it?'!

My dog is doing better. She has been lying on me all day and has even been laying on my feet when I go to the loo, bless her. I'm exhausted today and have eaten total rubbish. Baby is kicking away though. :thumbup:
Almost forgot my 2 cents on the name Emma, my baby (8year old LOL) is named Emma, and I have loved it. Its such a sweet name, and we call her Emmie as well.

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