Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Leeze - Sorry I missed your b-day hun! Hope you had a great day!

Babyhopes - good luck for your scan.

Angelique - I've been looking forward to officially hitting second tri on Tues then realised last night I'll be 28 weeks on Tues so I think I'm already there?! Grr! If I had a brain I'd be dangerous!
Darling - i didnt realise you had been moved a week ahead i thought you were still due on 31st, i wish id get moved forward ! You need to change your ticker! xxx
They moved me at my 12 week scan lol! I don't know how to change it. X
I wish they would move me!! Baby is measuring 9 days ahead at 2 scans.... grrrr
had the scan today and my second set of injections.. baby was healthy and active and moving on scan, and they hooked me up to a ctg monitor - the non stress test.. my fluid levels are still low at 7 so they are asking me to check for movements everyday, must feel around 10 or something.. if not, i have to go back everytime for scans etc. i have an appointment on tuesday with the ob gyn of the american hospital where they do incubators and high risk pregnancies etc, i think im 95 % going to have a caesarean at any given time even if i make it upto 37 weeks because with my fluid levels being low, baby cant turn, and shes been breech at every scan..
Aww hub sorry she is breech but fab she is active and doing ok xx

I had my 4d scan yesterday and although it was good I wouldn't have it again baby looks a bit scary lol xx she is head down and good size, apparently I am carrying a lot of fluid which I am pleased about as I am so big I was concerned it was all baby!!
Well yay for being put a week ahead..i think i may remember you telling us now hehe tthink you would have to delete that ticker and make a new one, but we all know now xxx

Babyhopes so glad that your scan went well and your lo is active and doing well xxx

Angie - i cant believe that they havent moved your due date...9 days seems like a lot. by my last period i should be due 31st then at my 6 week scan they said i was only 5wks and due 7th Nov then at my next scan 12 wks they moved me again to 30th Oct then i noticed at my 20 week scan on the screen the baby's measurements made me due on the 4th November! Confusing or what! However they have just left my due date at 30th Oct. Got another scan this thursday (a growth scan) will have to see what they say this time.

Krissi - i had a 3d peek at 17 weeks and i felt the same although baby wasnt as developed then though. My sis just had one at 26 weeks and i think she was a little disapointed by it. Are you going to put any pics up on here or fb? How are things with you now? If you dont wanna write on here drop me a text let me know how you are xxx

Ive been at a bbq this afternoon was nice and the kids had fun especially my biggest kid dh! Got ridiculously drunk...just gets on my nerves though once hes had too many! x
I've been kindof going by the 9 days ahead date because that's approximately when they will schedule my section for anyway. So when my ticker says 95 days I count 85 cuz they typically go 10 days early.

Babyhopes.... don't stress too much about a c section.... IMO they are the only way to go! I've had 2 now. After 52 hour of labor, I don't even wanna try again. I really hope she stays active and happy in there. And that you can keep her cooking for as long as she needs!!

I'm headed to bed now.... soooooooo sleepy
glad the scan went well krissi xxxxxxxx

pink, glad you had a fab time ! xx
glad to know i will probably have one section partner here !! though mine might come out in september instead of october !
Ive never had a c-section but ive had a baby three weeks early and she was fine...babyhopes bubs will be fine a month early xxx
quick hello as I'm at work - can't believe we're all at or nearly at 3rd trimester!!! How very exciting is that?

Babyhopes - good that your bub is doing well in there and they're going to keep monitoring you. I hope it's not causing you too much worry xxx

we had a big clearout again at the weekend and bought a lovely new cabinet for the living room - all part of making the flat nicer for when bub comes and making us feel a bit better about not being in our new place. Next on the list, we're going to get a baby changing table with cabinet and throw out an old chest of drawers from the bedroom!! Oh, quick question re breast-feeding during the night - anyone who's done it before did you bring baby into bed with you or does this disturb your OH? Or for those who haven't got babies already - what are you planning to do? I'm thinking it's probably easier to bring baby into bed but am also wanting to avoid disturbing my OH too much during the night (this is probably easier said than done, I know) because he's going to then be at work all day!! I've got a big comfy chair that I could put next to the cot/moses basket and then sit there while BF - but am trying to decide whether to get rid of the chair to make more room!!!

Will hopefully catch up properly this evening when I've got more time xxx
I will be bringing baby to bed unless I end up with a room big enough for a chair when I move as I am not going downstairs with baby everytime!!

Who is not planning to breastfeeed?

I will be doing for first 8 weeks but then will be going back to work 2 days a week and my mum will have baby so thinking i may have have to just do night feeds then as breast and day time bottles.
I tried to bf both of mine dd wouldnt latch on properly and ds fed great for the first 24 hours and then wouldnt have any of it.youd have thought i was trying to get him to suck on poison...so after an exhausting sat night with a screaming baby and no formula dh went out at 6 and found somewhere that did formula and that settled him i continued to express but i didnt get much milk tbh but for two weeks i expressed 2oz here and there and gave that to him too. I will try again but i dont hold out much hope.

Krissi - you can freeze breast milk so when your mum looks after Charleigh she can have your milk from a bottle apparently tommee tippee are great for combi feeding x

Leeze it sounds like your getting things ready its nice isnt it buying bits and bobs and making the house more cosy ready for baby's arrival.

Im desperate to go shopping and buy a few baby items (not essentials just clothes) want to have a look in next and mothercare as im sure there autumn ranges are out now. Just dropped dd and her friend to the swimming baths be picking them up again at 4ish oh to be 10 again! lol x
leeze, you look like youve got everything sorted !! we will have LO in our room as we are in a one bed apt so really theres no other option..i have an appointment tomorrow morning with a high risk ob gyn, so will update then.. xxx

night night ladies xxx
I wish i could have gone to bed when you said night night! This heat is really getting to me this evening ...theres no air...i feel like im suffocating (ok im being a bit of a drama queen lol) x
I wish i could have gone to bed when you said night night! This heat is really getting to me this evening ...theres no air...i feel like im suffocating (ok im being a bit of a drama queen lol) x

I feel your pain too!!! So hot here and I'm absolutely exhausted. Like 1st trimester exhausted!!! Help!! Definitely going to have an early night! Catch up soon xx
I feel you guys on the heat...... holy hot! We have been getting big rain storms in the morning then in the afternoon it gets hot and muggy! Yuck!!

As fir the breastfeeding I've done both. Taking baby to bed is easier when you are super tired, but it can also backfire and you end up with a toddler who wont sleep in her own bed like I got LOL. But its my favorite way cuz I can fall asleep. But then again I like rocking them while I feed them, so I will likely do both again.
I've missed you guys! Sorry I haven't been around for ages, that took me a while to get through all the posts.
Firstly - babyhopes, so sorry to hear about what you've been dealing with. Massive fingers crossed for you guys; it is positive that LO is healthy and is 'simply' measuring small. It sounds like they're doing all they can for you and bubs so really hoping you can get to 34 weeks. The good thing is that you are now well past 24 weeks.
Sounds like you've been having a time of it as well krissi - are you feeling any better? Really hope you are!

As for me, I'm doing ok. Finished school just over a week ago and it was, in one word, sad. Don't get me wrong, it's great to be off now, but I'm so going to miss my colleagues who are most definitely friends now. It was a really emotional day because my form group had bought me presents and cards (so I cried) and my department had bought me presents and cards (yep cried again) and my boss made a lovely speech to bid farewell to one of my best friends who is leaving for another school and to bid temporary farewell to me and my other friend who is also going on maternity leave. It feels very surreal because come the beginning of September I won't be going back with everyone else. So odd.
But I have been making the most of my time off. I have begun the huge mission of clearing out the flat - last week I did our bedroom, completely blitzed it and am in the process of doing the same to the kitchen. My mum, bless her, is taking a day off on Friday to come over and help me. I want this place completely sorted before bubs arrives. I'm also investigating electric central heating which we want installed instead of our storage heaters. In the winter this place is freezing and whilst we can put up with it, there's no way I'm having my little man putting up with it.

However, there is a chance that we're going to be moving. My inlaws have accepted an offer on their house and the sale is going through at the moment; if this happens they're going to be giving us a bit of money, which would be amazing. So we're a little bit in limbo right now, not quite knowing how far to go with the home improvements!

Really hope you're all well!
Hey Pielette so nice to hear from you...glad you are doing well...sounds like your getting organised ..which is fun! Fingers crossed the sale goes through quickly and you will know what your doing. I would try and hold off the heating if its too expensive - would it make your place more desirable to potential buyers though? On the other hand i know how cold it gets but despite that i have never kept my heating on through the night not when either of mine were babies i hate the stuffyness of it .. so it was just lots of layers at night hehe x I would just give the place a fresh lick of paint (if needed) wouldnt make any drastic changes that will cost too much.

I can imagine how emotional it must have been leaving work sounds like they gave you a nice send off though x

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