Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Well the heating shouldn't be too bad cost-wise for us, been doing some research and it's affordable. It's the one thing I'm insisting on because it does get so cold in my flat in the winter. If sales go through, we're looking at about 6 months before we'll be able to start looking (we think) so we think a few improvments are necessary!
Wow I've just been browsing third tri - argh so scary! People talking about induction and plugs and the God knows what. I set myself a target ages ago of sorting out my hospital bag at about 30 weeks which I now realise is not very far away. Where did all this time go?! How did I get to third tri?
Hi everyone - great to see you Pielette :flower:

I'm super-tired today and feeling a bit sick!! It's so hot and I work in an old building (1800s) with no air conditioning!!! I've got a fan blasting air at me but it's a bit rubbish! I've also got a facial mist spray that I keep spraying myself with in a slightly diva-esque kind of way but it's not really helping.

Pielette - that sounds great what you've been doing with your flat. I'm trying to clear mine out too but it's quite a slow process. Sometimes I have bit spurts of energy but other times I just can't be bothered! I'm also thinking about getting new heaters in the flat, I've got horrible old storage heaters too and have to rely on plugging in extra heaters to warm the place up in the winter. I thought we'd be out of the flat and into our new place by the winter but I think I need to start thinking more realistically now that it could be another 6 months or so. Sounds like your work gave you a good send-off - lovely that they were all so thoughtful. I'm also a bit worried about leaving my job because I've invested so much in it (I work for a charity and for the last 3 years have been really building up part of the service and need to hand it over to somebody else which will be really tough). I'm hoping that once I get into the mat leave and once the bub comes that it'll be much easier to remove myself from it all and my priorities will all change!! I bet in the end we will struggle to go back to work when the mat leave finishes!!!!

I'm officially joining 3rd tri today - feels exciting but also a bit scary!! My best friend is 39 weeks pregnant and told me yesterday that the baby's head has now engaged!!! I'm so excited for her!!!

Babyhopes - good luck today at your appointment - let us know how you get on :hugs:
i think its time to face reality. i had my appointment today and my fluid levels are significantly low, and baby is weighing and measuring small.. quite small infact and i had a good cry at the doctors today because it is not looking good, i am going to be on weekly monitoring, but it is definetely going to be a planned caesarean and we have appointments with neo natologists and they said survival chance at 28 weeks is 75-80 % now its a waiting game, ive got to have my bags packed and could deliver at any time depending on the scans and how baby is doing.

they have also said that you are looking at one month or more in the incubator.. and it is ridiculously expensive but i hope we are covered properly.

i am distraught and extremely upset and dont know what to say anymore. dh is worried too, we just want her to survive and gain weight. for all you know, i could be telling you guys that ive had my baby in the next 2 weeks, its all really scary right now, and anything could happen at anytime... ive got to keep a watch for movements, and i already feel defeated..

sorry for the rant, but im so upset :cry:
Wow babyhopes this is so scary. How often are you having scans and checks, every week or more often?
As far as I can tell, survival at this stage is high, it's that their lungs aren't fully mature which would mean of course that bubs would need a respirator. She's got everything else she needs I think, from this stage onwards to the end of the pregnancy it's about putting on fat and weight. For your own peace of mind it would be wonderful if you could make it a couple more weeks, keeping everything crossed for you.
My mum herself was actually born 9 weeks early. Bearing in mind this was 54 years ago it's amazing what they could do even then, she was in an oxygen tent for a couple of months I think but she suffered no long-term complications and is one of the healthiest people I know with a very strong immune system.
Babyhopes I'm so sorry! I can't imagine how scared you must be..... if it helps at all.... I have a friend who delivered at 27 weeks and she just got to take her beautiful baby boy home after 8 weeks..... sounds like forever but in reality, I hope it gives you some hope. He is healthy with no known complications. Don't forget we are all here for you and I will keep your family in my prayers.

Leeze I know what you mean about spurts of energy and then not being bothered.... I'm just trying to clear 1 room out and its gotten to be a joke. I look at it and wanna cry cuz I just don't have energy to do it. Then I go into super clean mode and bust out the dishes and vacuum all of my house. I don't get it.
aw - babyhopes - sending you a big hug. sorry you're having to go through this. xxx
Babyhopes I'm so sorry you're having all this to deal with. The only words of comfort I can offer is that, oddly enough my mother was very premature as well and that was in 1935! Neo-natal care has come a long way since then! Also, I used to work/live in a pub many moons ago and I met a lovely couple who told me all about their little granddaughter, of whom they were immensely proud and of her mother (their daughter). I've never forgotten the photo they showed me of a tiny, slightly skinny looking baby in an incubator wearing an ordinary looking gold bangle. The reason I've remembered it all these years is that they later explained that the bangle was in fact their SIL's wedding ring! She grew up big and strong by all accounts. So hang in there honey, those are good odds even at 28 weeks. Try not to think the worst. I bet you've got a little fighter in there! Xxxxx
Aww babyhopes all i can do is agree with what the other ladies have said above...i can understand you kind of want to prepare yourself for the worst case scenario...but fingers crossed like Darling says the odds are good and we bet you have a fighter in there..try and stay positive and keep strong yourself. Sending you all my love and very best wishes and fingers crossed at your next scan things have improved xxxx
thank you so much ladies,:cry: you all make me feel so much better... they have said its going to be a 100 % caesarean, ive had my steroid shots and am undergoing weekly scans, she wont turn and will be breech, its just a matter of time according to them, when they find her under distress then they will get her out, although right now they have left the diagnosis as unexplained because they cant see problems with her kidneys, but dont know why there isnt enough fluid in.. i just want her to make it,and the longer she stays in, the better., and its so tough for me to feel movements, the doctors totally want me to rely on 10 movements a day..

lets just wait and watch , and pray, thats all i can do for now. xx

love you all, i feel so much better reading your success stories that give me so much hope x
Aww huni your being so brave...love you too!

Wish i was able to give you a big hug in person...thinking of you and your lo xxx
Preethi, I hope you are ok, it must all be so scary for you. Sounds like they are preparing you for what might happen so that you have all the info ahead of time. If your little girl was in bigger danger inside they wouldn't leave her there so you must be doing the best for her at this stage. I have everything crossed for you - I am sure it will all be ok but for the meantime make sure you lean on us when you need to. Big hugs :hugs:

I've been away for a few days in London and now have a houseguest back home with me (my best friend who has been travelling the world for the last 18 months - he is lovely but an absolute klutz and keeps smashing plates and cups. I feel like smashing him!). I feel terrible but I just have zero energy in this close weather and i don't want to do anything either. I've been trying to clean the floors for about a week now and I can't be bothered!

On the baby front I have been feeling some really low kicks - yesterday I swear I thought the baby was kicking me where the tampon goes (!)- it was the exact same feeling, really low. I spoke to the midwife and she thinks the baby may have turned which would be great news given I was heading for a breech back to back last time but I have my 28 weeks appointment in the morning and will know more then. My baby is moving around a lot!

I have read about everyone else's updates so am not ignoring you all - promise! xx
Lol waitress at smashing him hehe! The weather is pants! Forget about the floors for now...i would if i didnt have two messy kids and a dog and cat. Got myself a mop though as cannot keep getting down on my hands and knees every day like i had been! I have no clue what way my baby is laying and kinda feel movement all over...bet im back to back again...god please no!!! xxx
waitress, dont stress yourself trying to clean up, but i know what nesting can feel like, and i get really mad when dh or anybody messes up the house as well..

on the baby front, yay for feeling kicks and it must feel so gooddddd.. xxx and great if the baby has turned.. !!
How are you and bubs today Preethi?
Angie I'm like you at the moment, sometimes I'm crying because I look at the mess around me and feel overwhelmed, other times I crack on and go nuts with the cleaning and organising to the point where a room is no longer recognisable! Don't think I'm going to do much today though, I'm waiting for Dave to move all the boxes out of bubs' room so I can clear it, then we can start decorating it at the weekend. Very excited!
We're painting ours mint green and the furniture is white. Can't wait to see it start taking shape! How are you all doing on your nurseries?
im doing ok, just playing the waiting game really. have an appointment for monitoring on saturday and then neonataologist on monday and then scan on tuesday. so just hoping and praying really xx

is your dh/oh's name dave as well ? mines called david too x yay for getting on with the nursery !
babyhopes - i agree with the others. we're all here for you and it sounds like you've definitely got a little fighter in there. I know it won't be ideal if you have to deliver her early and she's in an incubator for a while - but if it does have to happen at least you will know they delivered her early in her best interests and once you've got her home and in your arms hopefully you can put all the stress and worries behind you. I was told to drink a hot sugary drink to help baby move - if you're feeling anxious about her not moving much maybe it's worth trying that and see if it helps?

I know what everyone is saying about the heat and low energy. I'm mainly focusing on getting through each day at the moment and hoping the weather cools down soon. I'm having real trouble sleeping at night and work is pretty busy. I'm definitely not at my best at the moment!!

Re the nursery - I'm actually thinking about turning the hallway in the flat into a nursery!!! Sounds a bit crazy but I've got quite a big hallway and at the moment have got big plants in there, a cat bed, my cat's food, a clothes horse, a washing basket and a shelving unit. I reckon if I clear out all of that stuff then I can make one wall of the hall into the nursery - at least to fit a cot, a comfy chair and a changing table/small dresser - and there will still be enough room to walk through it without falling over anything! This will make me feel a lot better about not having the new place that we had our heart set on (still no news on that - we need buyers for my OH's flat and nothing has happened yet - we might lose the lovely flat we wanted but I need to accept that as a real possibility). It won't be ideal not having a separate nursery but at least I will feel like bubs will have a space and I can put some stickers up and get a nice lamp etc to make it feel child-friendly!!! I'm going to give it a go anyway and see what it's like!! xx
Really glad you're being so well monitored Preethi, sounds like they're looking after you and bubs. Yep my husband's name is Dave, well David really but when he was introduced to me 9 years ago (flipping heck!) he was introduced as Dave so David sounds really odd to me now! To be honest I don't call him Dave though, we call each other pie (no idea why now), which is why my username on here is Pielette, since we made a mini version :haha:
Leeze that sounds like a really good idea, that way you can make a nice hopefully temporary space for bubs! It'll make you guys feel better to do something for the baby.
Is anyone else struggling with the heat? I am just desperate for some cooler weather, considering I'm only 28 weeks I worry about what it'll be like in a few weeks' time!
I'm very much struggling with the heat today. Feel like I'm back in that horrible no energy phase of 1st trimester. I don't normally wish for cooler weather but I really wish it was about 5 degrees cooler!! Or alternatively that I could be sitting in nice cool pool somewhere outside!!

I just had a peek in the 3rd tri section of the boards - really scary!! All about waters breaking and induced labour etc!!! I don't feel ready to read or take part in any of that!!!! xx
Pielette - cute re calling each other pie! We call each other monkey - I've no idea why either!!! :haha:

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