Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

haha such cute names all of you have for your oh/s.. i call mine just dave really, i cant call him david, sometimes i do, but its just not natural.. and he calls me honey with his more like "HOOOnnneeeeyyy" with his east yorkshire accent lol.. northern twang.. x

i live in a country where its 42 degrees all year round so i can understand what you all mean when you talk about the heat in that manner.. i hate it, but im used to it now. we have airconditioning in malls, practically everywhere in dubai as you cant survive without it. x

hope you all feel better soon and get some solace from the heat !
Hi girls,

Midwife all went well - measuring spot on, good heartbeat and da da daaaaaa...seems like our baby is head down. :happydance: She couldn't be sure because my stomach muscles were still tight (I wish!). Apparently there is still time for a move sideways again so I am praying against that! Got to go back in 3 weeks and then 2 weeks and then another 2 weeks and then apparently we go every week until delivery? I didn't get weighed again - she said she wasn't bothered about my weight as I looked fine so I am not complaining about that. She gave me a bit of a telling off for pulling myself off the couch and not rolling to the side - apparently I have to get up from sofas and out of bed with a roll these days.

Its been a while since I met a complete berk in regards to my pregnancy but as I was waiting to have my bloods taken I got talking to another pregnant lady:

Her "How far gone are you?"
Me: "28 and a half weeks"
Her: "No way are you 28 weeks"
Me: "I am"
Her: "Are you one of those that does exercise?"
Me Yes! Why?"
Her "I can't stand exercising when pregnant. I think its a waste of time"
Me: "Well don't do it then"
Her: Its because of people like you that I get bollocked by the midwife for being overweight"
Me: "How is that my fault?"
Her: "It just is"

What was I supposed to do with that? I just laughed and went and had my bloods done. It took about 2 minutes and when I came out she said "Christ, you even get your blood done quickly. I bet you think you're frigging superwoman or something?"

Jeeeeeeesus! The weather is really making some people a bit crotchety!!

Meanwhile the house guest is still breaking things. And he managed to drop a cup of tea on the new carpet this morning. Roll on Friday! :growlmad:

Leeze - lovely idea about the hall-ursery. The halsery! .
Leeze thats a great idea...unfortunately no nursery for me at all :( baby will be in with us and then she will have to share with her brother for a few years and then before they get too old we will have to move. So im waiting until they go into the same room and then will have a great decorating spree...something unisex ...its a massive room or could go pink and blue...seen a few ideas but will wait and see what their personalities are like. Will also get to decorate mine and hubbys new small room which will be fun too.

Been into the city centre today ...took the trian (with aircon) rather than the bus or a 30 min drive (if the traffics ok) journey was fine apart from the walk down the hill from the station to the car. Knackered now and the house is like a green house een with all the doors and windows open there is no bloody air!

Babyhopes - glad you are doing ok you sound a lot more upbeat today which is great for you and bubs xxx

hubby just arrived home from work will have to pop on later and finish off x
OMG waitress that woman sounds like a right cowbag...how dare she! Im overweight and if i get 'bollocked' i get bollocked because im overweight and havent done anything about it..cos im greedy and lazy...not because of ppl who eat healthy and excercise what a cheek! Glad that you and bubs are both doing well though! xxx

Ive got my scan tomorrow...luckily hubbys boss if off for the day so hes going to sneak out for an hour yay i dont have to go on my own xxx
Oh my God Emma that just cracked me up :haha: I get a similar thing to you, people look at me in the gym like I'm about to give birth. Thankfully my fellow spinning regulars are well used to me by now, but it does make me laugh when a newbie turns up and their eyeballs are popping out. A couple of weeks ago a bloke said to me, 'Shouldn't you be on a couch somewhere eating crap?' I just laughed :haha:
My flat is also like a flipping greenhouse pink sparkle, I can't open the windows up easily either because the cat could then get out (she's an indoor cat). It's always irritating in the summer but I'm really feeling it this summer for obvious reasons. I'm considering getting mesh screens for the windows, found a company that do it so going to get them over for a quote.
Ooh and I'm having a very comfy, reclining nursery chair delivered tomorrow :happydance: I've been really struggling with our sofa, it's awful on my back. We didn't want to get new sofas yet cos we may be moving so wanted to leave it till then, but my backache has been getting quite bad so Dave's bought me a wonderful chair which I can use after bubs is born for feeding, and could also be a good office chair for him later on. Can't wait!
Pielette you say "No that's my friend Darling who bakes cakes with frosting every day!" lol. X
Waitress - Great that you had a good midwife appointment today - and that conversation is hilarious!! I would have hoped that another pregnant woman would be sensitive enough not to make judgemental comments about someone else's pregnancy - but I realise this isn't the world we live in. I love the idea of a halsery!! I'll have to take some photos when it's done!!!

Pielette - we've got an indoor cat too and did make the mistake a couple of years ago of opening the kitchen window really wide - the cat jumped out!! It was very traumatic for us all as he got stuck on the roof and we had to get a ladder to get him down. So, the windows aren't open very far here either - it's a killer.

Pink Sparkle - happy scan tomorrow, and how lovely your OH can go too.

Babyhopes - 42 degrees all year. wow. I couldn't cope in that heat, not unless I didn't have to go to work and could either relax in a nice air conditioned room or relax in an outdoor pool and read books!!! How are you feeling today?

Darling - I fancy a cake with frosting - yum. I'm gonna have a chocolate mousse in a minute but not the same!!

Right, I'm signing off now before I collapse from tiredness!!!! I have to admit though, much as I'm feeling exhausted, I'm feeling very excited today!! I just went for dinner with some friends and I was telling them about how I'm finding it difficult to cut my toenails at the moment (a bit random, I know!!) due to my bump and not wanting to stretch in strange positions and one of my friends said to me "Just wait until you have to cut your baby's toenails!" - and I realised there's so many things about being a mum that I just haven't thought about yet (like cutting toenails!!) - and it got me all excited!!! I can't wait to cut my baby's toenails (even though it's also quite a scary thought given how wriggly they can be!!!) xx
waitress.. yay for the good appointment.. !!! wow what a cow.. i wouldnt stand people who speak to me like that !!

pink sparkle, fx'd for tomorrows scan :hugs:

AFM, i had a scare last night as bubs was not moving at all, even after sugary drinks and poking and prodding, spent the best part of the early hours under monitoring in L & D, bubs is fine, but i have an appointment on saturday with my ob gyn again. they insist on me feeling the movements, but i cant help it if i cant feel any !!

hope you all are doing better otherwise xxx
Morning girls!! Sorry I have not been on my ex boss took my sim card back so I am now on pay as you go so have restricted internet access :(

Me and baby are fine although I have permenant heartburn which has been keping me upat night and I keep being sick with it. I have een using Rennies but it doesn't help s will be inesting in gavisgon today.

I have midwife on Monday!! Then glucose thest later that week.
Sorry you were stuck in l&d babyhopes but yay for baby being well! x

Krissi - i feel your pain with the heartburn, i have a bottle of gaviscon in my bag, in ds's baby bag, in the bedroom and in the fridge, drink loads of the stuff, it does really help though x I did get your new number but deleted your message by accident you will have to send me it again x

Got my scan later, im not nervous for some reason just looking forward to seeing bubs again and hopefully getting confirmation of baby's sex again x
Krissi and Pink - I hear you on tbe heartburn/acid reflux front. I just endure it because Gaviscon makes me literally gag. Its just too horrible to contemplate lol. What a wimp huh? Lol

Babyhopes - I can go almost a whole day without movement and then baby decides to start Riverdancing at bedtime! I have no sympathy for you living in Dubai! In fact I'm quite jealous! Summer has failed to load over here. Its been humid and we've had the occasionally sunny day but mostly its been rain, rain, rain! I'm so fed up with the predictably grey skies that I'm now looking forward to autumn or 'the fall' as our American friends call it. All the browns and reds and golds, Jack O Lanterns, soups and casseroles.. does what it says on the tin! You cant be dissappointed with autumn.

Emma - what a rude woman! You could have said "You know I never really thought of it like that.. it must really bite to be so fat!!" Mwahaha!!!! Well.. rude cow! Lol.

Pink - good luck with your scan hun!!! Exciting stuff. No need to be nervous. :) x
Mmmm, cakes with frosting... I might be exercising but to be honest I'm not shying away from yummy stuff! If I want it I'm going to have it lol.
That's really scary babyhopes, very glad to hear bubs is ok. I have to admit mine goes through phases as well, sometimes he's very active and other times, like yesterday, I barely felt anything. It's really hard sometimes not to worry.
I hear you all on the heartburn ladies - my cranial osteopathy has really eased it for me, to be honest I can't recommend it enough.
Ooh yay for the scan pink! I can't quite believe I won't have another scan, that the next time I see him he'll be in my arms... wow!
I'm waiting for the delivery of my new swanky chair, which means I'm now scared to go to the loo in case they turn up. Which let's face it, they always bloody do! :haha:
thanks ladies, i do understand how bubs can go without movement, but the thing is my docs have asked me to rush in when i dont feel movement because ive got oligohydramnios (very low amniotic fluid) and the only way to make sure she is not stressed is to be able to feel movements everyday and as all of you have healthy pregnancies, it shouldnt be a problem, but with me, they have asked me to rush in purely based on daily fetal movement because they will deliver her is she is not moving and is under distress.. so muy situation is quite different :flower:

darling, you may like it in dubai because of the sunshine and expecting to get a nice tan but boy is the humidity level crazy here !!!!

ive got ridiculous heartburn as well so i totally feel all of you on that front !
So how often do you feel her on an average day Preethi? It must be really difficult, I can imagine you dashing back and forth from the hospital constantly.
it depends, before i was diagnosed, i rarely felt her and didnt bother much putting it down to my placenta and that i was not used to feeling her. every since they confirmed the diagnosis, i am keeping a watchful eye for those movements, but i cant tell the difference between hiccups and proper kicks as she is measuring small, today ive felt lets say in total about 12 movements which i am very happy about, the first 7 were flutters every 2 seconds so i put that down to hiccups, can they be counted as movements?

the next three were a little more different and i put that down as kicks, im not sure really. !! could you tell me the difference? the more frequent small flutters every 2 seconds are hiccups right?can i count them as movements?
For me I do notice the difference between the different movements. There are really strong ones, which I think are punches and kicks. Then there are the 'rolls' - I think it's when he's moving around, rolling over or something, and if I put a hand on my belly I can feel it almost 'undulating'.
Sometimes I feel really small movements, but loads of them, so that if I watch my belly I can see it shake. Last night I felt tiny little 'taps' (can't think of any other way to describe it) coming every 2 seconds or so. That's the first time I've felt something as rhythmic as that which I'm putting down to hiccoughs. I'd say you could put hiccoughs down as movements; what we're talking about here is reassurance that bubs is ok and I think that's one of them!
Hi Preethi,

I agree with Vanessa on her description of movements - and hiccups are DEFINITELY movement so you should be happy that you've had your quota today. I remember you saying about your placenta and how it makes it hard to feel things - that must be really worrying for you.

I sometimes get a gurgling going on in my tummy that feels similar to (TMI coming up...) ....when you feel your bowels getting ready for a movement when things are a bit looser. It took me a while to realise it wasn't an upset tummy but the baby moving! Whenever I don't feel anything for a little while if I lie on my left side and put my hand just above my waist I can always make the baby respond - maybe try that?

If I lived in Dubai I would be skint - best shopping I have ever done in my life! I've been a couple of times and spent a lot of money and gotten very very brown.

My friend called me this morning - she is now a week overdue. We had a little chat and I asked her if anything had happened and she said "Well, I passed a bit of pink stuff yesterday and woke up feeing like I wet myself and I've had a few bad pains in my back but nothing else". I told her she should ring her hospital and of course they told her to come in straight away and she was 5cm dilated already!! Am just waiting to hear what is happening now. Women are so different!! She makes me laugh, she is so cool about everything. I am not cool at all. I would have been at the hospital like a rocket!

Kara, if you have a good cupcake recipe can you share? I would love to get good at making them :thumbup:

Is anyone else having a bit of a nightmare with peeing? I literally go to the loo, zip my trousers back up again and by the time I've gotten to the lounge I feel like I need to go again. Driving me mad!
Oh my goodness YES to the loo!! I feel like I live in there!!!! LOL

Darling fall is my favorite time of year. In fact I have one room in my home decorated year round with autumn colors and fall leaves and pumpkins. I love it. The crisp cool air, and I'm especially excited for THIS fall LOL.

Preethi hiccups are always rhythmical, and about this stage will be faint like a flutter or a tap. And later they can be strong enough to keep you awake at night... and I absolutely agree that they count as movement
Yep I am the same I need to wee 24 7 and I have constant constipation too!!

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