Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

hi everyone - very quick one to say hello - we're going to stay with my parents this weekend so won't be around for few days. haven't really caught up on today - just skimmed the posts, but good to see everyone hanging on in there! xx
Hey ladies my scan went well, was a lovely experience was at a medical centre not the hospital, was seen straight away ...no waiting! it was done by a mw who was lovely and showed us everything in detail. Double checked babies sex and defo a girl. Baby measuring all good and estimated weight is 2lb 7oz which is good i have to have another one at 34 weeks to check baby is still on track. have to go back to the centre and will be with the same mw which im pleased about x

Babyhopes - if in any doubt about counting hiccups i would double check with a mw or your consultant...if in any doubt about baby's movements just go and checked out...everyday if need be...i think i would probably be there everyday, big hugs to you xxx
Aaaaaarghh!!!! Just spent twenty minutes typing out my message and accidentally clicked the stupid Tesco ad instead of 'post quick reply' - message deleted!! Grrrrr!!!!! So cross! I'm off to sulk!
Oh really glad to hear all went well with your scan pink, and that she is definitely a she!
Oh God me too on the weeing front. It seems like I spend my life on the flipping toilet. And before this point I always slept through the night without needing to go to the loo, not anymore. I miss those days! Plus I can't seem to get back to sleep afterwards.
How is everyone doing on the sleep front? I'm not really sleeping fantastically anymore.
That happens to me too with the messages grrr!

Not been sleeping well because of the heat lately, hopefully tonight will be a lot better as seems much cooler yay! Some nights i seem to be up a couple of times and others im not up at all...i hate getting up in the night though..only gonna get worse when i have to get up, heat a bottle, feed a baby, wind a baby and change a nappy ...oh the joys lol! x
i totally am with all of you on the weeing front.. i go to the loo and then still have some left everytime.. it is annoying !!!

waitress, glad you liked dubai, although we are suffering in the heat right now.. but i can imagine how the rest of you must feel when youre used to the cold UK weather and then suddenly get the summer heat, it must be difficult to cope.. xxx

pinksparkle, yay hun :hugs: so glad everything went well at the scan and that the sex has been confirmed again !!!

i do lay on my side for the movements and sometimes am afraid to poke and prod when i know that my fluid levels are really low, last time they checked, they found only 3.4 my deepest pool.. they dont count the tiny small ones as everytime bubs moves on scan, she could give you a little measurement, but that dosent count. they want to see big pools of fluid around the baby.,.

i am going to pack my hospital bag soon as i dont know when i will have to go in..
praying for the best outcome really.. hoping tomorrows appointment sheds some better light !

hope you all are having a wonderful day today xxx
Yep get that bag packed you would hate to end up in hospital without everything you want and need (you could even just end up being in for a few days for monitoring etc). Fingers crossed you get good news tomorrow xxx

Ive never been to Dubai does look beautiful x
theyre not doing a scan tomorrow, just regular doppler checks and CTG for fetal distress.. thats all.. xx

dubai lets say is a little overrated what with them trying to build the tallest everything and biggest mall and the metro even is airconditoned and has people waiting on you etc, a tad bit pretentious, but it is my home, ive been here all my life.. would love a change of weather though xx
anytime... love the uk, always have everytime ive been. just dont like the NHS, and the hospital service especially on saturday nights .. rollin full of drunks. lol.
Hi girls,

Great news about your scan Pink. Sounds like she is doing good. I am desperate for another scan but I don't want a 3/4D one which I think is all the private places do at this gestation? I know some people love them but I don't want to know what the baby looks like until its here. I'd love to know the weight and size relative to the weeks etc. I know they can change a lot from now on but it feels like a long time since I've seen my baby! I'd also like a confirmation on the gender!

Preethi - how did your appointment go? I hope all is still well.

So I am 29 weeks today although my ticker is a little off. In 2 weeks we will be down to single digit weeks and I remember getting excited about double digits at 10 weeks pregnant!

My friend had a lovely little boy. She has called him Charlie which we hadn't spoken about beforehand but was actually on our list for a boy and was my husbands favourite choice! Funny how these things go.

Have a lovely weekend
waitress, HAPPY 29 WEEKS !!! YAY only one week till the big 30 !! :headspin: :headspin:

AFM, had my scan today, fluid levels are 5 that does not mean it has gone up, everytime bubs moves, it gives us small pockets but they are not taken into consideration. good news is, she is not under distress so we dont have to go for emergency c section just yet, but i will be monitored every few days. have weekly scans and when they do see bubs in distress then we will have a csection. as of now blood flow to baby is normal , but they cant tell if there are any kidney defects,. all those things will be tested after birth. right now, they just want to screen me closely and make sure bubs is not distressed. x

hope everyone is having a great weekend xx
Cant wait to find out what your having waitress...your so good not even telling us! Im intrigued!

Babyhopes great news about your appointment today, she sounds like a fighter and like she is happy despite the low fluid levels...fingers crossed everything stays the same. I dont know if i told you all that my cousin had her baby last week early because of a kidney defect..not sure exactly what ...i know he was in scu and being given antibiotics for it..seemed like something pretty simple to fix (just meds) will have to find out how he is doing although im sure everything must be fine otherwise i would have heard more.

Had a lovely day today, brought a few more babygrows and got ds some autumn winter clothes...going to be expensive clothing three children so figured i would start buying now.

Im sure that if you go to babybond you can have a sexing scan up to 32 weeks (which isnt 3d/4d) also a growth scan but you can opt out of the 3d id guess. Worth giving them a call if your really keen to have another scan, without the 4d it would be cheaper too which is great! x
congratulations to your cousin pink sparkle, im sure my lo will be tested for kidney defects due to the fluid situation x

glad you had a productive day shopping.. have a fab day ladies xxx
Quick hello from me. On train home from parents so m mobile which is touch screen and hard to use on moving train. I'm up every night 3 or 4 times either to pee or because of leg cramps or because i'm not comfy! Getting used to lack of sleep but hate it! Babyhopes - great news baby not in any distress. I have a funny feeling she's gonna hang on for a few more weeks still. Fingers crossed. We got new offer on flat at end of last week, not pinning all our hopes on it but looks promising. Is cash buyer and keen to exchange quickly which would be great. Missed you guys over the weekend, feels very exciting that it's not long till 30 weeks xx
sympathize with you on the peeing bit leeze,i wake up those many times too.. xx FX'D for your flat and that it all works out well. xx
Oh thats great defo f'xd for you that would be great for it to fly through now!

How is everyone? Im so tired. Hardly slept last night really bad heartburn to the point of nearly being sick! Hope i sleep better tonight. Had the bil and sil round for dinner today hubby cooked but still tired from having them round. How rubbish is the tv tonight...dh watching re-runs of minder...omg!
Hi girls,

Great news Preethi. I'm with Leeze, i think she's going to hang in there a little while yet.

Pink, I'v been feeling crappy all weekend. Both mornings I've felt a little sick and just zero energy. My bump seems to have expanded at a rate of knots in about 3 days - I'll post some pictures tomorrow. Its frightening how big my tummy is getting very quickly! If the babies have a growth spurt would that tire us out too? I don't know how it works :shrug: Agree, the TV tonight is RUBBISH! We've just walked to the pub for an Appletise. Rock and roll. I had one drink, 3 pees and walked the 2 miles home again needing to pee the whole way. Apparently its funny (according to my DH) that I now pee "more than the dog".

My friend that had her little boy on Friday emailed me the birth story today. Beforehand she was dead set against any intervention and was going to do it all drug free. She was very disparaging of my suggested birth plan with an epidural as a last resort. She stated absolutely no way was she going to have an epidural. Anyway, she said she got to 3cm and thought she was going to die so demanded an epidural. She was a bit sheepish about the whole thing. She's a bit upset because her baby is sleeping a lot still and she thinks hes been "over-drugged" because she couldn't tough it out. Do epidural deliveries produce sleepier babies? I hadn't really thought about it but I suppose it makes sense. Anyway, she will hopefully get over it soon. He is a little poppet bless him.

The other thing I wanted to ask, I am normally very independent and "capable" but lately I've been feeling like I really want to be with my DH the whole time. I'm a bit needy and its just not like me. He is quite enjoying it "while it lasts". IS anyone else feeling the same?!
Waitress - I've been feeling like I want my OH to do everything for me, not sure if that's quite the same though!! I'm definitely feeling closer to him at the moment and appreciating being with him

Re the epidural question about your friend, I've heard that before that sometimes if you have a lot of pain relief it can cause sleepy baby afterwards - I'm hoping to go for a natural birth but I'm also keeping an open-mind about all the options because I think you never know until it actually happens!!!

Pink - I'm feeling really tired today too and have been guzzling the gaviscon the last few days.

I'm watching "Heroes" online - I know it's a few years old but I never watched it at the time and it's a good bit of escapism!! Has anyone been watching The Killing - been on the last few weeks on Channel 4 in the UK? It's an American series which is a remake of a Danish series. I'm really enjoying it. I've also started to stock up on some trashy DVDs for when my maternity leave starts - only 8 weeks to go!! I've decided now that I want the LO to come after her due date if possible - to give me 4 weeks off work to relax before she comes!! I know I might change my mind in a few weeks time as I get a lot bigger though!! xx

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