Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Girls - epidurals don't cause sleepiness in babies. Pethidine can.
It does have a few unpleasant side effects though. Pethidine is notorious for making babies dopey leading to problems immediately establishing breastfeeding. In my experience newborns always sleep a lot. Its really frustrating when you want to coo over your new baby.
waitress, im with darling on this one, it is pethidine that causes sleepy babies. xx

sorry you are feeling really tired all the time, great news about the bump though !! xx

i feel needy and want dh all the time too lol funny isnt it how we feel so vulnerable at this point,

tomorrow is my growth scan, im just hoping and praying that she has grown since last week. :pray:
I'm also feeling the extreme fatique. Worse than 1st tri. This time its physical exhaustion I can barely do anything without needing a nap! Or a rest at the least.

So my hubby bought me a SUPER plush rocker recliner and its my new favorite place! OMG its amazing LOL. I'm feeling very clingy as well, its funny it must be hormones cuz I'm not like this. My dh has been very sweet and patient and helpful. Very concerned about my pains and fatigue so maybe its just me feeling gratitude. But I can help but feel like I got one heck of a good Guy.

Preethi glad baby is sticking in there and doing well!

I'm off to sleep.
thanks angelique, i will only know tomorrow after my growth scan.

how sweet of ur dh to get you a recliner :cloud9:
Agree with the girls epidurals dont cause sleepy babies but pethedine can but not always. I had a shot about an hour before ds was born and he was not sleepy! lol They do tend to sleep a lot after they are born ...birth is supposed to be quite traumatic for them, ive even read that they have a headache (dont know how true that is) but kinda cant be nice for them being squeezed through the birth canal lol! On the otherhand any way i foudn pethadine pretty rubbish so dont think i will opt for it again but will see what happens.

Babyhopes good luck for your scan tomorrow...really really hope she has grown nicely! xxx

Fell asleep with ds last night...not good cramped in a cotbed with him woke up after an hour or so and felt rubbish! Feeling very tired again this morning, i dont seem to be able to sleep in though!

Angie - your chair sounds fab wish i had room for one.

Spent most of the day listing things on ebay...took forever and only had one watcher by last night oh well if they dont sell will just do a carboot and sell it that way.
Hi girls, how is everyone?
Best of luck for your scan Preethi, really hope bubs has grown some more :flower:
I'm good but feeling absolutely knackered. It was a bit of a busy weekend! On Saturday we went off to B&Q and bought paints, rollers and brushes, then drove down to London to go to a friend's barbecue. It was lovely but did tire me out! Thankfully we left about half 9 so got home about 11 and fell into bed. Then yesterday we painted bubs' room :happydance: It took all day, had to wash down the walls cos the previous owners had put stickers on them (bloody irritating!) and put masking tape all around the skirting boards. But we managed to get our two coats done. I think it looks fab, Dave thinks it might need an extra coat though. It's mint green and so bright and airy now. I'm going to look for some stencils cos I'd love to paint some cartoon characters onto the walls in a darker green, just to lift it all slightly.
I've also rung an electrician this morning to discuss electric radiators, something he assures me he can do and is going to be coming round to take a look. My next plan is to sort the carpet situation out. Feeling pleased with our productivity! :thumbup:
hi everyone

Darling - it's funny - I've heard different reports about pethidine - my SIL said she would really recommend it and it helped her immensely, others have said it left them and bubs really sleepy. I can't wait to coo over baby though, that is making me feeling all goosepimply!

Babyhopes - good luck with the next scan x

Angelique - your recliner sounds fab!!! what a lovely present

Pink - well done for getting all your ebay items listed

Pielette - sounds like you've been busy getting bubs room ready, well done!! and good shout re the electric heaters and carpets!! I had someone round last Thursday evening to give a quote for a new carpet in bedroom, laminate flooring in living room and putting new electric heaters in. I'm on a mission now to get all this done in the next few weeks (unless the heating is really expensive in which case that might have to wait!)

so, am I detecting a theme of nesting going on here, girls?!!! :happydance:
PS - I'm feeling a bit sick this afternoon, anyone else had this?
Yikes ladies!! I watched the news tonight. Something I rarely do, and saw the riots happening in London.... I hope they are not affecting any of you!

I also read today about the awesome health benefits of fish oil.... any of you looked into it? Its especially good for pregnancy and nursing. Here is a good article


I'm of to sleep, just wanted to check in. Hope all is well
Pielette, sounds like youve had a tiring but well productive day !! doing bubs room. xx yay..

leeze, i felt a bit sicky yesterday.. xx

angelique, just about to head to the telegraph.com to read about the riots !

AFM, my scan is this evening at 6pm, so its not over yet, im just writing down a list of questions to ask my new obgyn george who specializes in high risk pregnancies and i have a bit of an issue with seeing him at his clinic as our insurance will only cover 80% of the costs as his new clinic is private and not recognized under our insurance .. but he will deliver at the city hospital where they have a whole neonatal team etc. so anxious about todays scan, hoping she is fine in there and has grown.. even if just a little bit. xx
Well what a night...im so sad to wake up to even more rioting taking place during the night in several cities now. What mindless thugs destroying their own city centres. I am feeling so sad that i could literally cry over these horrible events. What kind of world am i bringing my baby into? and my other two children up in? I really hope that the government put something in place as im pretty sure it is going to be the same tonight, several ppl making jokes about it on social networing sites make me feel sick too really not a laughing matter and it will be the tax payers who will pick up the bill for their madness....like the economy isnt bad enough already. Ive heard reports of police completely not coping and standing by and watching youths loot the shops in birmingham and london...they have so little power this would not happen in any other country. Wow rant over!

On a much happier note going to see my mum and dad today after they have been away for a week, so should be a nice day.

Preethi - good luck with your scan hun will be thinking of you xxx

Pielette and Leeze - sound like you are both nesting nicely! Its fun isnt it! xxx
morning girls

the rioting is awful, isn't it? I live in East London, not far from the centre of Hackney. One of my friends came to stay at mine last night because her flat is right in the middle of Hackney and was in the middle of it all. lots of sirens, helicopters, and dogs barking all night. Pretty scary stuff. At least when I looked at the news last night they had a lot of police in Hackney and it looked like they stopped it from getting as bad as some parts of London. We were watching the live news last night where a really bad fire was taking hold in South London, in Croydon, and it seemed to take ages for the emergency services to get there - and when they did the wind was quite strong and it was really spreading. So scary and pointless. I hope that's it now and they don't carry on tonight.

Preethi - how did your appointment go yesterday? Thinking of you xx
I can't believe what I'm seeing on the news. I am utterly horrified by the mindless opportunist/thug mentality. Its their own futures they're sabotaging! I really feel for the emergency services who are struggling to cope at great personal risk. I am equally appalled by some of the stupid comments on FB by certain people regarding Enoch Powell and the BNP which just spread ignorance and fear but wonderful to see Londoners pulling together and volunteering to help local businesses clean up. It does make me sad when I think of all the old WW2 veterans who fought for our freedom when I see it abused by young thugs. Leeze - keep safe! Xxx
Hi ladies. I feel so sad today, of course the hormones can't be helping but just seeing all these images of the riots in London makes me feel dreadful. What has the world come to? What are we bringing our children into? I just feel so sorry for the authorities trying to control all of this, they're over-stretched as it is and thanks to our civil rights crap they can't do enough about it. They need to be allowed to get tougher, and get reinforcements in. Bring the army in, that'll squash them faster than bugs.
Otherwise I'm ok, just feeling like I'm suffering from a general malaise. I'm thinking of hitting the shops in a bit, I'm planning on starting to pack my hospital bag next week and I need a few bits for it like nighties, plus bubs still needs plenty of bits. Thought it might cheer me up a bit as well.
Sounds to me like the nesting instinct really is kicking in now Leeze! It's so nice to see things coming together :flower:
How did your appointment go Preethi?
Wow Angie, that article's really interesting - maybe I should invest in some fish oil capsules!
Thanks for your support ladies, my scan is this evening at 6 pm, so thats around 3pm uk time.. so got a few more hours to go.. will update soon. xxx

Hope these riots stop.. its really not nice.
I can't believe what I'm seeing on the news. I am utterly horrified by the mindless opportunist/thug mentality. Its their own futures they're sabotaging! I really feel for the emergency services who are struggling to cope at great personal risk. I am equally appalled by some of the stupid comments on FB by certain people regarding Enoch Powell and the BNP which just spread ignorance and fear but wonderful to see Londoners pulling together and volunteering to help local businesses clean up. It does make me sad when I think of all the old WW2 veterans who fought for our freedom when I see it abused by young thugs. Leeze - keep safe! Xxx

I know - what really gets me about it is that the shops, cars, businesses and flats etc that are being destroyed/targeted are right in the middle of local communities where the main people that will suffer are the local people. GRRRR
PS - I'm working from home today so I don't have to travel anywhere. Luckily where I live we've got a big metal gate separating us from the street outside. There's even helicopters above me now, so I guess they're trying to be prepared earlier today in case it all kicks off again tonight. I'm really hoping they've had enough now. It feels really sad that it's mostly teenagers doing this.
Thanks for your support ladies, my scan is this evening at 6 pm, so thats around 3pm uk time.. so got a few more hours to go.. will update soon. xxx

Hope these riots stop.. its really not nice.

keep us updated honey, good luck xxx
I'm so sad to see all the damage being done to such a beautiful place. And all the harm being g done to innocent people! It makes me sick! We have had things like that here, in city's like Los Angeles and they usually bring in the national guard and occasionally have to use deadly force to stop it. Its a terrible situation all around.

Preethi I hope all is well at your scan.... keep us posted

As for me, I'm planning a call to my Dr. Bubs has decreased his movement drastically and its scarring me. Sometimes I can't get him to move at all. And I don't like it. I'm also not getting any bigger.... I'm still wearing pre pregnancy pants... same size. I'm concerned
How often are you feeling him Angie? And what was it like before? I have heard that from about this time movement can seem to slow down as they run out of room.
Really hope everything is ok, you're doing the right thing by ringing the doctor. Fingers crossed everything is fine and it'll put your mind at rest.

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