Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Oh angie ive just posted the same thing on another thread...my lil lady has been so quiet the last couple of days, gone from being really active especially morning and night to literally nothing. I had a bath last night and sat prodding and poking my tum but nothing got her going. Just the odd movement. Ive got the mw on thursday but may well see how i go tonight and pop to day assessment tomorrow. Ive tried cold water, ice cream and orange juice...anyone else have any good tips to get bubs moving? x

More trouble here tonight...getting fed up it all now. I say get the army in and show them whos in charge! They dont deserve any human rights! x
Angie and Pink - sorry to hear you're both worried about your LO's movements. I can easily get 3-4 hours without feeling anything and have been a bit worried a couple of times thsi week but what I've noticed with mine is that if I eat a big meal then I tend to notice her moving about within an hour or so. It's always worth getting checked out for peace of mind, but I think it's most likely that your LOs are sleeping when you can't feel them kicking. Maybe they're more active at night when you're asleep. My midwife said I should feel her kick at least 10 times a day, but that this doesn't have to be 10 separate occasions so it could mean she kicks 3 times in a row and this would still count as 3 times.

Apparently there's going to be 1600 police on the streets in London tonight, instead of 600 from last night - and they're going to be a lot more aggressive. I just hope no-one gets hurt and the rioters realise it's best to stop it all now.
Well I was feeling him so often that I joked that there must be 2 in there. And for the last couple days its been a struggle to get him to even wiggle. Happily this morning as I lay here he is kicking a lot like he was. Maybe he is just out of space. Idk.

Pink, my baby seems to love when his daddy gets close to my belly and talks to him, he wiggles like crazy then.... just not the last couple days. Last night I played some music and he moved just a tiny bit. But I could feel him push toward it when I moved it away.
Today I'm having low pelvic pain...... not cool.... and didn't get ahold of the doc cuz he was moving a lot today... and I felt good. Till after dinner.

Ugh now no movement again! This kid!

Preethi how was the scan?
I had reduced movement yesterday but then last night and this morning she was wrigglig like a little worm. I am thinking she moves less as there becomes less room but could be wrong.

Preethi how are things going? xx
Well my lil madam has been really active now since last night which is a relief...was obviously just having a quiet day or two. Krissi i have read that they are most active between (i think) 22 and 28 weeks and then they have less room so movement decreases.

I hope Preethi is ok..thinking of you huni update us asap xxx
I'm thinking it's probably just as they settle into more sustained periods of sleep and being awake. But it doesn't help us mummies!
No, no word from Preethi, hope everything's ok.
I'm ok, nipped out and got some bits for my hospital bag yesterday and just ordered some grobags for bubs online. Starting to get there methinks!
omg done this twice before but stumped thinking....mmm what do i need to pack lol! I so hope i dont get kept in overnight! Want this baby born am not pm or i will be kept in!
Lol pink! :haha: Well this is the list I put together. Dave thinks it's ridiculous and that we don't 'need' all this stuff. I beg to differ... I'm carrying his child, he can put up with dragging a little wheelie case!

Birth plan
Maternity notes
Nightdresses/pyjamas (for after birth)
Dressing gown
Snacks and drinks
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Toiletries (bag) - mini versions
Breast pads
Nursing bras
Loose underwear/disposable knickers
Maternity pads
Change of clothes for journey home
Nipple cream
Glasses and spare contact lenses
Bikini top (for potential waterbirth)
Anti-bac wipes and gel
Birth ball (maybe, if hospital don't have one)
Small towels
Carrier bags
Breast pump

Bubs' stuff

Car seat
2/3 baby vests
2/3 babygros
Nappy bags
Bottle and formula (just in case)
Do you have to take your own formula and bottles? We get given them (well im 99% sure we do). Good list...seems like a lot but when you read through it all seems quite reasonable. I would maybe take more baby clothes just in case as their poop can get quite messy lol and your having a boy and they are GREAT at peeing all over everything...right from the start hehe! Also cardy/jacket for baby when you go home x
wow this all seems so real...i so want it all done and to be home with my baby ...hopefully only 12 weeks at the most to go! x
great hospital list!!! there's also a thread in 3rd tri about hospital lists too with lots of great ideas - I'm with you, Pielette, be well prepared with what you need. I'm not quite at the stage of writing all mine down but I definitely will do in the next couple of weeks.

it does feel very exciting, doesn't it? I'm feeling really tired again today, it's hard work growing a baby, isn't it!!? xx
Hi girls,

I haven't been near a computer to be able to post but have been checking the thread on my phone - still no news from Preethi? I hope everything is ok.

I'm just back from the beauty place - I got waxed, my nails and feet done AND had my hair highlighted and cut. I feel SOOOOO much better! Am going to a family wedding on Saturday and want to look my best pregnant self and whilst I am feeling good, I've been looking a bit shocking lately - my hair was a shambles and i've just been bunging it up in a ponytail. It promptly rained the minute I left the place so my hair is now a mess again. Ah well.

Good prompt on the hospital bag Pielette - I was thinking that is my job for next week. This week was all about the nursery and cot - it finally became available and my husband and I planned a nice evening to build it together. An hour later we were nearly wrapping the sides of it round each other's heads! It wasn't even that complicated but we managed to make a simple job take forever! Its done now though and am very pleased with it.

For those of you with babies already - how dark do the nurseries need to be? We have 2 windows in ours - one normal window with curtains and a little skylight which has a dinky little blind on it that is a bit grubby and I want to either get rid of it or replace it. Should the rooms be able to be in total darkness? I keep seeing nurseries with little lights on but maybe thats just for early on?

I hope everyone else is ok :hugs:
Waitress I kept my nursery fairly dark, just with blinds or a curtain.... nothing crazy, but I find baby sleeps better in a darker room.

I really hope all is OK with Preethi. I'm worried about her
I really cant offer any advice about how best to get them to sleep as both mine were/are terrible sleepers and always ended up in with me! Ds still does! In fact i have just moved him from his bed to mine as he woke up screaming!

Angie me too - so worried about preethi - does anyone have a mobile number to text her? Really hope that shes ok and her lil princess too x
I'm worried about Preethi too - am hoping that she's getting the best care and support possible right now, whether that's at home with her OH or from the medical staff if that's what's needed.

Is anyone else really tired again? I've struggled to keep my eyes open today even though I had the best sleep I've had for about the last 5 months last night!! I'm now sleeping with 3 pillows under my head and completely wrapped round my body pillow - seems to help with getting comfy. And I only went to the loo once during the whole night - that has got to be a record for me!!!! I'm going for an early night again tonight xx
Leeze I'm struggling with being tired too. To the extreme. I do dishes and need a break, do something else, I need a break... part of my problem is this extreme heat we have had the last week 100 degrees isn't working for me. And whenever I go outside I get dizzy and have to sit.

As for helping babies sleep, I kept a CD player in the room with soft symphony music or lullaby music playing softly to drown out outside noise. Both my girls responded well to it.

I'm off to bed.... Just finished up with my 11 year Olds family birthday party and I'm beat, as well as in shock that I'm a mom to an 11 year old.
:hugs: thank you so much for your support ladies,

sorry for being away everyone, i went for my scan but then didnt really comne online, i was at my mums, i did read all the posts but couldnt sit down and type one myself..

at the scan, she is weighing only around 1.1kgs.. and her abdomen is 3 weeks behind but her head and limbs are measuring fine so she will be asymmetric when she is born. fluid is still really low but she is not in distress. they have given me time until 29th of august which puts me at 32 weeks, they are aiming to keep her in atleast until 32 weeks.. if she stays in longer, much better.. they dont mind 34 weeks as well as long as she is not in distress, but what they say now is that she is pumping blood to her brain to survive etc and they think that the pumping is going to be difficult for her in the coming weeks due to cramped space and less fluid.. so when they find her in distress, they will plan my section then. they wish to have a planned section and so do i, so that they can give me a shot of steroids the night before and i have to be fasting etc.. i hope its not an emergency section where sometimes they will have to have it done ion half n hour so no time for dh to get scrubbed and come inside with me.. i will hate to have that,. plus i want the steroid shots for the baby.. i dont want to deliver her without the shots.

they want little intervention as possible when she comes out. they dont want to have to use ventilators and CPAP etc.. and what they say is that even though she will be really thin skin and bones like, and really small, atleast the longer she stays in, the better maturity her internal organs have. so thats what they are aiming for. im still VERY obviously upset and sad and want the best for her.. my GD one hour testing in saturday and hopefully i get to meet the neonatologist team on saturday and take a tour round the NICU. and then my next growth scan is on monday at 6pm.

to me , every passing week at the scans is a next stepping stone. monday i will be 30 weeks and will feel much better than i do now, even though i know that 30 weeks still means she looks and measures that of a 28 weeker or something..

anyway, im just trying to take my mind off it, but it wont work., im getting my c-section plan ready and my bags packed to leave in dh's car.

so thats that for an update. nothing better, nothing new, atleast shes not in distress which is what i care about most because then we can leave her in there.

sorry some of you are worrying about LO'S movements, if it makes any of you feel better to contact your midwives about the same to put your minds at ease, then thats what you should do ! xxx

waitress, glad youve been pampering yourself, sounds lush.. xxx

angelique, leeze, pinksparkle, :hugs: i feel you on the tired front, although i seem to always wake up every morning with a constant headache that dosent settle, ouch!

Pielette, brilliant list !! seems like you've got everything ready

:hugs: to all of you, it makes me feel so nice to read the posts, and have your support ladies.. pray for me and bubs xxx
Thank you for updating us ... im so relieved that your both ok and there are no signs of distress...and everything is crossed that it stays that way until you are 34 weeks! Keep us updated xxx

Preethi have you thought of a name yet? Angie i notice that you have changed your mind lots as i remember you saying way back at the beginning that you would. Happy Birmingham to Katie for yesterday im glad you all had a lovely day and i know how you feel i felt mega old when dd turned 10 in may!

Waitress your pampering session does sound fab my hair is desperate...my roots are so bad im embarassed, its finding the time though infact im going to get in touch with my hairdresser and get her round here over the weekend...i should be ashamed of myself lol!

Sounds like everyone is getting organised.

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