Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

I like rowan too !! xx i love the name emma, but our friends wife's names emma so we wanted something different
today, i had my GTT, and it wasnt all that bad.. we then went to visit the hospital where i will be having my section and the best part is, after the section, you have your four day stay and they then book you unofficially as a lodger into a private room with bed, toilet etc on the same floor as the NICU and you can actually stay/sleep there for as long as you want, 24/7 even upto the day baby is discharged, all covered by insurance which i think is brilliant as its hectic to drive to and from the house everyday and most parents feel uncomfortable going home and leaving their kids in NICU not knowing whats going on.
today, i had my GTT, and it wasnt all that bad.. we then went to visit the hospital where i will be having my section and the best part is, after the section, you have your four day stay and they then book you unofficially as a lodger into a private room with bed, toilet etc on the same floor as the NICU and you can actually stay/sleep there for as long as you want, 24/7 even upto the day baby is discharged, all covered by insurance which i think is brilliant as its hectic to drive to and from the house everyday and most parents feel uncomfortable going home and leaving their kids in NICU not knowing whats going on.
that's great news Preethi, sounds like if your LO does end up coming early and is in the NICU for a while then you'll be close by. Let's hope she hangs on in there for a few more weeks yet, though

Angelique - I like Rowan, what a great name!

My OH has gone on a stag weekend and I'm having a really lazy one. I got my hair cut this afternoon and otherwise have got a friend coming over later to hang out and watch DVDs. I was thinking about doing some sorting this weekend but I can't seem to get motivated!! Maybe tomorrow .... xx
LOL pink..... I don't believe myself till he is here and named! I've never struggled so bad with a name for a baby!

Preethi glad to know you have somewhere close to stay near by! That's surely a little less stress for you.

Have I just missed it or has krissi been missing for a few days?
I am still here just limited internet access grrrr!!

Just been to cinema which was a disaster!!
Im having the same trouble Angie cannot decide on a girls name its driving me crazy just wish i could fall in love with one! Krissi has been around, im sure she commented on your new name x

Preethi - im so glad that you got to look around the unit and that you will get to stay so close to the baby for as long as you want and great news that it will be covered by insurance as im sure the money side of things must cause a lot of stress and worry too. How have you been? when is your next scan? x

I still havent booked my app for my hair grrr im going to chop it myself so that i have to go to the hairdressers hehe! x
Thanks, my next appointment is monday pinksparkle, the next growth scan .. so fx'd..
i thought krissi was missing for a bit too.. xx glad your back though krissi xx

go get pampered pink... it feels well nice.. when your preggers... when i get a massage once in a while, it feels much more relaxing than it used to pre preg.. x
Bump is getting massive now and baby is active again. Heartburn is the worst i definately wont miss that!!

Started sorting my hospital bag and have my baby shower in 3 weeks and then can buy anything elsei need feel very unprepared!!
I'm feeling very UN prepared as well.... I wont be having a baby shower I guess... I'm a little bummed but my No. Informed me you DONT have baby showers for 3rd babies. Even if its been 8+ years and a first boy I guess.... idk I'm a little dissapointed but I can't really throw myself one.

Krissi I'm glad you aren't missing LOL.

I've decided I'm not leaving my house until the temps cool down..... I can't even go to the store without almost passing out. Its not a good thing. 95° today and humid as there are storms in the area. Its enough to make ya sick!
Pink - I can't decide on a name either!! I think we're hoping when we meet her that it'll be easier to decide

Angelique - I don't get why you can't have a baby shower for number 3? Also, that heat sounds unbearable! I have to admit, I'm so grateful it's mainly been a typical British summer here so far - except for a few hot days here and there.

Krissi - great to hear she's been very active again. Mine has been kicking away today, I love feeling her little kicks!!

Preethi - good luck for Monday. How are you feeling at the moment, I'm hoping as each day goes by it's a little less stressful?

My best friend is now overdue - I feel really sorry for her because she says she's in a lot of discomfort as the baby is really pressing down hard on her pelvis now. Mind you, she's been working right up until this week so my theory is that baby wants her to get a bit of rest before she makes an appearance in the world!!!
yeah leeze, i am feeling much better as each day passes by... will be sorting my bag today or tomorrow... scan is tomorrow so worried about that.. it is so damn hot here, i dont want to leave the house either !!!

angelique, im sure you can have as many showers as you want. dont let tradition keep you down.. xx
Angie how mean of them to not give you a baby shower! Like you said its your first boy...i hope they are planning to suprise you...tell everyone your planning one yourself and if they are planning a suprise they will have to come clean hehe!

Leeze i think we will be the same and just wait to see what name suits her when she arrives x
Hi girls,

All this talk of heat is making me jealous - I have never been so cold in August in my life!

So the wedding was a LONG day... "Ooh, you're so small" "Oh, are you still doing that ridiculous exercise?" "That poor baby will be so skinny" combined with "Oh, you look amazing" and "You don't look any different to normal" (WTF?!) and 3 complete strangers making a move to feel the bump had me pretty peeved before the service even started! It was a Catholic wedding = long service so I had to pee twice during it and was starving by the time we got to the reception. The meal was pate, lobster and then chocolate mousse so couldn't eat any of that, the vegetarian option was goats cheese so couldn't eat that so (I am not proud of this) my husband took me to Mc Donalds straight after the meal and I had a Big Mac! It felt so good!

My cousin is due 6 weeks before me and she is pretty big and has been told her baby will be early so she is thinking maybe 2 weeks or so. Her husband got completely smashed at the wedding and passed out in the foyer at about 7.30pm and she got so irate she started early labour and had to go to hospital. (They managed to slow it down - just heard from her so she is fine) but she is thinking her marriage is over - her husband has a history of not knowing when to stop. If that was my husband I would have KILLED him!

Am exhausted today - got back really late and still in my PJ's at 10.30am. Naughty!

I hope everyone is doing good today - good luck for tomorrow Preethi :hugs:
Preethi - good luck for tomorrow - fingers crossed lil one is still happy and stress free in there x
Waitress your poor cousin..i hope shes ok...men and bloody drinking! I would have had to go and eat something too so i wouldnt feel guilty about it at all. People should think before they speak if they dont have anything nice to say they shouldnt say anything at all! xxx
Glad to hear you're feeling positive Preethi and love Gemma Louise, that would be beautiful! The more positive you can be in your mind the better. When is your next check-up?
Ooh Angie I love the name Rowan too! Shame about a lack of baby shower, I thought I didn't want one but it's been mentioned a couple of times by my friends and I realise I kind of do. Maybe drop a couple of hints? It's not about presents or anything, I just love the idea of a girly afternoon with all my closest friends and my mum.
Emma that's awful! Your poor cousin! I'd be raging if Dave did that. If you can't depend on your husband or partner when you're carrying your child, and expecting to give birth fairly soon, when can you? Shame about the food as well, I'm not happy when I don't have something I can eat.

Well I've just had my second hypnobirthing session and feeling really positive :flower: I'm listening to scripts every day and some of the stuff we've been learning is so interesting. Plus I've had a thought, and weird as it is (cos I never ever wanted this beforehand) I'm thinking I might quite like a home birth. I always thought I wanted to be in a hospital, but now I'm thinking that way, I will be as comfortable as possible, I will definitely have a pool and there won't be any danger of anyone taking it from me, and I will have a midwife who understands exactly how natural I want the process to be. Plus I can then go and sleep in my own bed afterwards!
Dave is quite open to the idea as well so I'm going to do a bit of research into hiring a pool.
Waitress - what a day!! No wonder you had a Big Mac!! I have to admit to having a Burger King last weekend at the train station when going to visit my parents as there wasn't much other choice. First time in absolutely years but needs must. What a shame for your cousin - glad she and baby are ok but what a difficult time to be thinking about ending the marriage. Random people leaning over for a bump-feel - not acceptable in my book!!!! GRR. And what makes people think it's ok to pass lots of remarks about your size - that really gets me going too. Well done for getting through it and you deserve a lazy day today!! Xx

Preethi - that's great that you're feeling a bit better. I dunno if you've checked out the premature babies section on BnB but I was having a nosey in there the other day and reading some of the inspirational stories about the brave mums and their strong little babies - seems to be from a couple of threads that they're saying that 27 weeks somehow is the magic number and any babies born after that time have a VERY high chance of no long-term health risks or complications. Good luck tomorrow xx

So, I'm having a tidy-up day today!! Ahem, well - I've done 2 loads of washing so far and am just about to make a big pot of lentil daal (yum) - but I've got a big list of things I want to tackle. I've even washed the cats bed - he'll probably hate it as it will smell all clean but I'm even extending my little bit of nesting instinct (that I'm forcing out) to include him too!!

I hope everyone's having a lovely Sunday. xxx
Pielette - great that you're getting really into the hypnobirthing and good luck if you go for the home birth option!! I'm not brave enough for that!! Sounds great though if you can get a midwife who really understands and you can be confident about their ability and support. My local hospital has a birth suite where you can opt for a more natural birth with birthing pool, birthing chair etc -but it's near enough to the maternity ward if you decide it's getting too much!!!! I think they've got 6 suites so I'm hoping on the big day they won't all be full!! xx

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