Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Mmm peanut butter, I love it too! Never used to, when I was a kid I found it too cloying but now I love it. I've been eating nuts and peanut butter like they're going out of fashion! I'm also a huge fan of nutella at the moment too. Slathered on ryvita... Yum!
So sick of getting up in the night to go to the loo, I never get an unbroken night's sleep anymore. And what with being really uncomfortable my sleep is just not good these days. Really missing sleeping on my stomach! In all honesty I'm really looking forward to getting my body back, and now I'm starting to get so excited about meeting my little man. Roll on 8 weeks time (ish)!

Ooh exciting about your friend Leeze, my God she must be fed up poor woman! Secretly I'm hoping for about a week early, that would suit me down to the ground.
Thanks pink, I am so pleased with my decision and Dave is too. Everything we've learned from the hypnobirthing has taught me to be positive and relaxed, so fingers crossed! I have checked out the home birthing section on here and there are some lovely ladies on there.

Well I had my bikini wax and pedicure earlier - oh my God it hurt like merry hell! I've had bikini waxes before which I found uncomfortable but not painful, but this was definitely not the case today! They're right when they say it hurts more when pregnant. But really glad I had it done, makes me feel a lot better about myself and she did a lovely job. Hopefully will be able to get away with only one more before bubs arrives. My pedicure was sooo nice, it was just the treat my tired feet needed!
So how's everyone doing? Preethi are you and bubs doing ok?
hee hee - Pielette, funny that you're hoping for a week early. I was originally but now I'm thinking on-time or a week late would be ok so I get to have a rest when my mat leave starts before the LO comes!! I really miss sleeping on my stomach too, and my back! I hate sleeping on my side - keep waking up with a dead arm or feeling really sweaty because I'm snuggled into the body pillow with my OH on the other side of me. (not to mention the regular leg cramps and getting up to pee!)

Nutella and ryvita sounds good. I used to love peanut butter on top of digestive biscuits, I might give that a go. Or what about nutella and peanut butter together on top of a hob-nob oaty biscuit. Mmm - I think I might need to get me some of them at the shops soon!! xx
im sorry ive just had 3 pages to read and cant remember everything all of you have been talking about. xxxx

hope you all are doing much better than i am !! xx

afm, had ,my scan but it wasnt a growth scan, just a doppler scan to check the blood flow from baby to brain and baby to placenta, all looked good, growth scans are done every two weeks and doppler scans to check blood flow every week.

i had a massive scare today absolutely no movements except for one and had to go in to get checked.. my lovely doctor, got a call from the nurses about my ctg, and even though it was normal, he came into the hospital at 10:30 at night even though he dosent work in that hospital, and did a scan for me and said dont ever feel stupid for coming in, your case is so high risk that even if you come in twice a day, we would have to check you.. and he looked at baby, she looked fine etc, but he said lets draw the line at 32 weeks, i will speak to your other doctor about it as well, seems like september 1st or 2nd - 32weeks + 4 or + 5 seems reasonable to have a caesarean as its better to get a small baby out than leave a small baby in and deliver when its distressed,. i was shocked at hearing this because that is only 2 weeks and two days away !!! i cant believe he says i might have to have my baby in two weeks and two days or so.. he also asked me to come in on thursday for a complimentary visit and scan to see how baby is doing as with my levels of fluid and size of baby etc, he wants to keep constant tabs on me, and basically i have two doctors working on me because my ob gyn is leaving the hospital i was seeing him at , and joining this clinic with another high risk doctor and they are running this business, but will deliver their patients at a different hospital. my ob gyn is contractually bound to his old hospital until the 31st of august and so wont be able to operate on me until then, but if i need the surgery on the 30th or before then it will be his new partner who would be operating on me so both are working together on my case.. its all come as a shock now to know that i will mostly be having my baby at 32 weeks which is anywhere from the 29th of august - 2nd of september.. im not sure when,. but will let you all know when i get a fixed date.,. im scared, anxious and worried that my journey being pregnant ends so soon and that baby is going to be 8 weeks early..im worried for her, but it might be better for her out of my womb if shes not growing inside, i dont know.. i will get to know more details soon, but for now, this is whats happening.. and i dont have a c-section date yet, but most likely theyre looking at 32 weeks. i dont know what to feel.. xxx
Awww Preethi I'm sorry! I know its a shock, and very scary, but know that they are right, it is MUCH better to deliver a small baby than potentially wait too long and have her in distress. Plus you will have the added benefit of knowing she is doing well because you will be able to see with your own eyes and wont have to stress about counting kicks and worrying about that. I know several women that have delivered around 32 weeks. The chances that she will be just perfect are so high! And just getting into the 30+ week milestone is awesome. Another thing.... technically 37 weeks is considered full term so REALLY if you wanna be optimistic she will only be 5 weeks early =)

Here is my advice.... go out now, buy the smallest premier clothes you can find. My baby girl We 6 pounds and we still had to do it. My moms neighbor had to buy doll clothes for her baby who was 4 pounds. Get tiny binkies. And nipples If you plan to bottle feed, all so you don't have to worry when she is here. Even of she will still be in the nicu she will need them for a while when she is home.
Be optimistic, know you are well cared for and focus on how exciting it will be to see her beautiful face!

As for you.... the BEST thing I can recommend after a c-section as I gear up for my 3rd... get a support belt. Like you would wear in late pregnancy that is elastic and will fit tight after surgery. It really really helps with the pain of the incision. Also any time you hold the baby, for several weeks after, lay a pillow in your lap under her. It will help. And last, walk, as soon as they will let you, as much as you can stand. It helps get your "plumbing" moving again, cuz let me tell you, being constipated after a csection is extremely painful.

I know its a little early, but it never hurts to be prepared.

Know we are all here for you!
Preethi this site is neat...

Angelique thank you so much hun for all the advice , I won't be buying any preemie clothes yet because she won't be wearing any in nicu and they're giving us the breast pump stuff from the hospital I do have my own but they're sterilizing them and I will be staying in the hospital until she comes out so will be using their equipment!

Thanks for the belt advice I will be looking for one and packing my hospital bags asap!

Xxxxxxxxxxxxx thanks wow you're havin your 3rd !!!! You must know the entire procedure well. Does the spinal tap hurt??
Preethi I am so sorry hunni but it seems you are being well looked after and at least you have a bit of warning so you can at least be a little prepared.

I am hating sleeping on my side as well but every time I go onto my back I need a wee!! I was up 4 times in the night again as well as one time needing to be sick because of heartburn! My cousin lent me a body pillow yesterday which I love and is oficially my new best friend but Paul is not so thrilled that I will cuddle up to the pillow and not to him! Tough he got me in this mess lol!!
Nah it isn't too bad... they put a numbing solution on the area first, and in my experience having them hold your knees to your chest while they do it is the most uncomfortable part. Like they can't see the large bump between the knees and chest LOL... but really, its over in a flash and the anticipation is worse.

That's good that they will provide things for you... sounds lime you have a great place to deliver. And the belt really does do wonders, a really great nurse showed me that trick the day after my 1st. Though to be honest I had my 1st section after 52 hours of labor and a morphine shot 30 minutes before my spinal.... so I didn't much care what they did by that point as long as they got the baby out and labor stopped LOL. I was told that at one point I offered to Make the epidural man cookies for making the pain stop LOL.

In my opinion csections are the way to go LOL. But then labor for me was hellish.
If you have more questions about what to expect feel free to ask. And if you want to add me on Facebook to reach me easier that works too. I'm missing a few.of you guys on there.

Anyway... you will do great... and so will your little princess
Oh Angelique that's really good advice! :) xx

Preeti - So sorry you're having to go through this. It must have come as quite a shock but Angelique's spot on and just think, you'll be seeing your heart's desire in the flesh very soon! :hugs:
LOL krissi, I get up at least 4-6 times a night and I stop liquids at dinner time. Ugh the loo is my 2nd home! I need to get a body pillow, but I already have 3 pillows I use but hey what's one more if it miss me comfy right? As for Paul I agree its his fault you are uncomfortable right hehe
hi ladies im part of a group on facebook (all the ladies from another thread on here) it works much easier and is set up as closed so no one else has access to it...maybe we could consider doing that? x

Preethi - wow in two weeks she will be here...try not to worry they wouldnt deliver if they were putting her in any danger but remember they are doing it for her own good, like angie said you will get to see her everyday and wont have to worry whats going on inside you...try and think of the positives and keep focused on seeing your beautiful baby. A celebrity over here just took her baby home the last couple of days, he was born 10 weeks early and spent 5 weeks in icu. Was in a papers yesterday that hes now home and well. I know it must be sooo hard for you hun thinking of you xxx

Well another day of feeling like crap no sleep becuase of no room because of ds in bed with us again and he was awake for ages in the night think hes teething. Im going to stop writing about how i am as i must be borin everyone to tears moaning lately! I hope i feel back to normal soon getting fed up!

Thanks pinksparkle, I take it you are talking about Danielle lloyd yeah I read that too xxxxx

Yeah there is hope but it's much more the anxiety and worry and sudden truth hitting home u know that in two weeks I'll probably be having my section ! Xxx

Sorry you had a tough nite xx hope u get some good sleeptonite !
quick hello from me

Preethi - I can understand you feeling shocked and worried, but like the others say it will be amazing to actually meet her and visibly see her progress everyday. Also you won't be worrying about if she's kicking or not or or wondering if she's in distress inside you. :hugs: - don't forget, we're all here for you

Krissi and Pink - I feel you on the not sleeping. I seem to be getting up between 4-6 times a night now. That's with my snuggly body pillow too. I am so uncomfortable. I get leg cramps, numb arms/hands, sore neck, need to pee, too hot - etc etc. I feel like I'm starting to get used to it but I still hate it!! Actually, the bit I hate most is that I still need to go to work and have to keep functioning as normal. It wouldn't be so bad if I could have more lazy days!! Does anyone feel like when the alarm goes off in the morning they could easily sleep for another 2-3 hours? I think this is sod's law - I'm in my deepest sleep when it's time to get up but restless and grumpy for most of the rest of the night!!!

Good idea re facebook group, btw

Catch you all later, got to go to work now - GRRRRR

Yeah danielle lloyd..lol i dont know how much news you have over there about over here hehe!

I pretty much give up on the sleep front....with being fat and uncomfy and ds not sleeping though ....still ive resigned myself to the fact that it will probably be a few more years until i get a decent nights sleep! 10 weeks(ish) and i will have a baby waking me up too...omg its going to be fun! I said to dh this morning oh well i may as well get used to it now! i think im feeling worse because of feeling under the weather too.

Leeze i remember how hard it was to have to go to work, i was ok in the mornings then as i would go to sleep mega early ...like 8pm when i was expecting ds. but by the end of the work day i would be ready to collapse! Its the same now and ds doesnt nap either so i cant really 'do nothing' which is rubbish...wish i had a babysitter was thinking of putting him in part time nursery come september for a couple of mornings give me a break and give him some independence...but we will see and not sure if we can afford it either.
Pink, my husband is english, and yup, im all aware about british celebs, the crazy ones too like jordan aka katie.. lol and all the WAGS , the clanceys, the rooneys, and the rest of em, im a keen follower, although i think some of them are just a joke.. again referring to jordan. x

sorry all of you are not sleeping well !! xx
Id agree with you there about them being a joke! I would have said Z listers had i of known you kept up to date with our 'celebs' lol x

Talking of trash - xfactor and celeb big brother starts this week...im sadly pleased as tv lately is rubbish!
Wow Preethi it's all moving very quickly. I can totally understand why you're so anxious and nervous, but it will be so good to be able to see your little girl and know that she's making progress. That's amazing though, in about two weeks you're going to become a mum! I like Angie's thoughts on her kind of being 5 weeks premature rather than 8 :flower:
I hear you all on the not sleeping thing. I woke up at half 4 needing the loo and that was pretty much it for the rest of the night. And thanks to all the loo trips I too am now suffering from really dry hands, having to slather them in hand cream.
I am sadly very very excited about the X factor, I love it! To be honest I kind of control the TV remote so Dave has to put up with all my trash TV :haha: Can't say I've ever been a fan of big brother though, that one will no doubt pass me by like usual.

I'm off to see my fellow pregnant friend from work this morning, she's about 5 weeks ahead of me so must really be feeling it now!
Hi ladies,

Sorry i haven't been on for ages, i've been feeling a bit rubbish and so have been a bit anti-social.
i will come on later today and try to catch up on everything that has happened in the last few weeks and then do a proper post replying to everything and doing an update on where i am etc.
I hope you are good, speak to you later
I just "woke up" from a might of not sleeping.... my problem is not feeling fat cuz my bump is not large at all, I have the opposite problem, its all in my back and hips.... and my hips and pelvis hurt so bad I wanna cry when I turn over..... then when that eases up from laying down half way through the night my DH is happily asleep and snoring like a chainsaw. Ugh!!

Anyway.... I'm not sure who y'all are talking about with your celebrity talk. But I know We have more than enough trash TV here. But one show I love that's on in the daytime is called the doctors. Its funny and very informative about a lot of stuff! I used to never watch TV since I was always working.

Anyway its about 7am and since I'm awake now..... I'm gonna try for a few more hours now that hubby is headed to work and wont be snoring next to me

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