Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Waitress, glad youve enjoyed your big mac, ive been addicted to mcdonalads this entire pregnancy.. its not been healthy, ive had ,more kfc's and mc donalds than i would like to admit !
sorry for your cousin, i would have gone absolutely mental. i cant believe she went into early labour because of all the stress..

Pielette, my next appointment is tomorrow.Great youre enjoying your hypnobirthing, its sounds amazing !! thanks for all the wishes ladies,

leeze, i have been visiting the premature section everyday, and am happy to read positive stories, it does do good for my morale.

today, were just going to the mall to pick a few bits for the house and all this talk of mc donalds has me craving for more.. arrrggghh just might have to give in and have one.,. although here in dubai theyve got this delicious mc arabia chicken which is basically arabic bread with sesame seeds, two pieces of grilled chicken (healthy option) lol tomatoes, lettuce, onion and mayo.. its simply fabulous,.. and i am a cheese addict and always end up asking for three slices of cheese in my sandwich. so i may just indulge tonight |!
I have been addicted to mcdonalds cheeseburgers too its the salty cheese that does it for me i had one for lunch earlier lol!!

Started packing my hospital bag my god we need a lot of stuff!! How many nappies are people packing? Also i want to take some formula as a back up but no idea what brand as hoping to breastfeed any recommendations?

I am getting pains regularly maybe braxton hicks or maybe just over doing it moved aload of furniture around this morning so maybe that?
Krissi be really careful moving furniture. It can cause placenta abruption and you don't want that obviously.

LOL the big Mac at the wedding cracks me up.... when my older sis got married she was so hungry after her looooooong Catholic service my dad got her a big Mac and we have a pic of her standing in her wedding dress chowing it down.

I admit I haven't had any McDonald's I'm not crazy about it. But for several weeks I was hooked on Wendy's fries and chocolate frostys.

As for me I'm struggling with what I now think is a muscle spasm in my neck. It sure hurts a lot. And I can't tip my head to look up. Or to the sides. Nothing major but uncomfortable. I'm also having a lot of pelvic pain. It feels like someone is prying it apart by the end of the day. I'm starting to wonder if I'm suffering from spd. Cuz it feels like it. Still not much to do about it, just deal I guess.

I really want a baby shower and like I said I'm pretty hummed I'm not having one. But none of my friends would put one together and I feel selfish asking.... oh well.
Krissi and Angelique - please both take lots of care if you're getting pelvic pain, get other people to do lifting/moving for you

Angelique - what about if we did an online baby shower for each other on here?!! Like maybe all think about something we'd like to share with the group - maybe an inspirational quote, or a relaxation technique, or a link to a positive birth story/video, something like that? I know it's not quite the same but it would still be a way of marking to ourselves and each other how special this time is and share something meaningful in some way. What does everyone think? We could even agree a day/weekend to do it on so we do it around the same time? xxx
Leeze I like that idea! =)

As for moving.... I'm not moving a thing. Heck I even gave up vacuuming LOL.
Hey angie what about we all write on your wall asking when your baby shower is? Maybe someone will see and do you one? x

I keep moving furniture...gonna stop now after thinking about placenta abruption! eeek!

Baby has been so active today really on the go all day....maybe i will get some sleep tonight now!
Girls i know we all have each others numbers are we going to nominate someone each to text so they can update the thread when the time comes?
Mmm McDonalds... haven't had any in ages and now craving one!
I like the idea of an online baby shower :flower:
Thanks Leeze, yes we're pretty set on it now, it will be a home birth! I've found an NCT recommended home birth pool so we're going to order that. It seems it's actually cheaper to buy them rather than to hire them, which seems odd to me but hey :haha: I've told my mum what we've decided and she was pretty scared by the whole notion (she's going to be there as well as Dave) but I think she's got her head round it now and she's on board with our decision. My hypnobirthing practitioner has told me that home birth midwives are also a lot more understanding of the wish for a completely natural birth and that's the mentality I have, so I'm really happy with my decision.

Krissi I hope you're feeling better - I find that moving stuff about does make me feel a bit 'off' after a while! We finished painting bubs' room yesterday and I'm really pleased with it. I agree, we need to sort out how to alert each other when the inevitable happens!
Hope all is well with everyone. I've just dropped my car off for its MOT and praying it gets through with no problems, I could do without paying out money on the car!
Lovely idea about the online baby shower ladies.. although i was meant to be having my actual shower this month, i wont be having one at all now because dont really feel like celebrating, infact weve stopped all shopping, because it just dosent feel right given my situation..

sorry krissi and angelique about all the pains, i hope youre taking care. xxxxxx

just wanted to update, we got to meet the neonatologist today, and he was very nice, we are very comfortable with him, and we got to see the NICU unit as well, it was sad to see that 8 out of 12 beds were full of babies,.. one was only 900 gm, we didnt get to go inside, but had a look from the outside..

this evening at 5:30 , i have my growth scan, so thats in three hours.. i will be going to stay at mums after that for two days, so will try to update from there.. hope youre all doing well. x
good luck today Preethi, we'll all be thinking about you and your LO

Krissi - that's a good idea re each nominating someone to text when the LO's come. OMG - it's starting to feel so much more real now.

My OH and I were talking through hospital lists last night and it suddenly became VERY real!! I was a combination of very excited and quite nervous too!!!! For those of you who already have children, do you think it's less nerve-wracking when you've already got children? I just know that my life is going to change forever, I think I'm prepared for it but I also can't quite imagine what it will be like until it happens!!! xx
Leeze I know for me, having another one, with the age gap, is almost having a first again. I'm starting from scratch and its scary. Scary but exciting. I guess the advantage I have is I sorta know what to expect, as a daily routine and such.

Let me tell you.... what I'm looking forward to the most is getting my body back! Not that I'm not enjoying the experience, but I'm ready to not be exhausted and I wanna get back to working out and feeling like myself again

I like the idea of texting everyone when the time comes, but irk if that would work for me as I'm in the USA.... can we still do that? Cuz I'd love to be included.

Oh and as for a baby shower.... I told my hubby that he should mention to his sister that nobody is planning to give one.... and see if she will. She did one for my sis in laws 4th baby and 1st boy. I hope that's not selfish.
I've wondered that too Leeze, I guess for you Angie it must feel a bit strange, going back to the beginning again! I feel a little overwhelmed at the thought of being a mum - not in a bad way or anything, it's just a massive change.
Ooh good idea on mentioning it to hubby's sister! And as for the texting, surely if we put the right code in front of the number it would be fine?

Just ordered my birth pool - very excited now! :happydance:
Hi girls!
I've never been a huge fan of peanut butter. I like it well enough but I can take or leave it. My husband on the other hand is a lifelong addict! Ever since the second trimester I have had THE worst craving for peanut butter imaginable! Now I adore rare steak and blue cheese but no.. its the peanut butter that's driving me wild and I suspect it might have something to do with my husband scoffing it right next to me!!! You begin to feel my pain I'm sure. Then imagine my overwhelming joy when I stumble across this article from the Food Standards Agency!
They've actually changed the guidelines and we're allowed peanut butter ladies!!! Woooohoooo! All my Christmases at once! So I got up like a loony and literally ran to the larder cupboard praying for a jar of crunchy peanut butter and very nearly wet my knickers in excitement when I found it! Which is how it slipped out of my hands and smashed all over the floor!!!! Aaaaarrrgghhh!!!!!! Feck!! :-(
Angie - great idea re getting your SIL on board for the baby shower!! You deserve it! Funny how it feels like starting from scratch because of the age gap, I bet a lot of it will come back naturally though.

Pielette - I've got that feeling too, that it's going to be overwhelming. I hope mostly in a good way but I also know I like my own space and independence so I think there's going to be a big adjustment too. I know it's what I want more than anything in the world too though so I'm hoping that I'll be so happy becoming a Mum that there won't be much space for worrying or missing being so independent!!

Darling - I wish you'd said about peanut butter before, I read that quite soon after getting the BFP that it was ok to eat peanut butter or peanuts unless there's a history of nut allergies in your family. I've been eating loads of it!! Sorry to hear you dropped the jar!! Have you become more clumsy since being pregnant - I have, I keep dropping things and it's so annoying particularly because picking things up off the floor is not that easy any more!!!

I'm so tired again today, I nearly fell asleep on the bus home!! I've got 2 more weeks at work then a week off, then 4 more weeks till my mat leave starts. I am practically counting the hours!!!!! xxx
Leeze - yes I am a bull in a china shop! Lol. Well that's what's changed. I get hayfever and dh gets hayfever and asthma so previously I was told to avoid it now I can eat it with wild abandon! I feel some peanut butter cookies coming on! How are you doing? X
mmm - peanut butter cookies - might have to make some of them myself!!!

I have a bit of asthma too but strangely it seems to have improved since being pregnant. Also, I haven't been ill at all since being pregnant and I normally get at least 2 colds every year. I hope I'm not speaking too soon on this one!!

Mostly I'm in good spirits at the moment, except feeling really tired and a bit fed up with having to work!! My OH and I were listening to some relaxation and visualisation exercises last night that the hypnotherapist gave us. I got a fit of the giggles at one point but mostly they're great. Trying to get "in the zone"!!!! xx
Shhhhhh!!! Lol

Is anyone else needing the loo all the time?
Yes me me!! Every half hour and hating keep gettin up in the night!!
I know how you feel Angie - i had an 8 year age gap between dd and ds and it was like doing it for the first time again. I was so much more relaxed with him though but maybe had age on my side second time round. I wouldnt say im more/less nervous about birth etc but it is kinda nice to know what to expect and also i used to worry that i wouldnt know if i was in labour and now i defo dont have that worry lol...i will know! im a little anxious at how i will cope with a two year old and a newborn and more than anything im worried about being in hospital and not being at home for my ds who is a real mummy's boy. Will be sad if he gets brought in to visit and then dh has to take him home....oh my i could cry now thinking about it.

I love peanut butter - although i cant really eat it as it gives me awful heartburn which is bad enough without eating things that make it worse.

Pielette great news about your homebirth plans sounds amazing have you checked out the homebirthing section on here? A lady i talk to in another thread is part of a homebirth hopefuls group x

Funny enough i didnt wake up at all in the night for the toilet...sometimes i seem to go once or twice but not as bad as when i had ds. I woke up really early this morning feeling very very sick was horrible..not sure what caused it..maybe the heartburn.

I might go out at the weekend and start buying a few bits to pack for my hospital bag. I want to find the t-shirt that i gave birth to ds in and i want to wear it again ..hope i still have it x
I've been up 4-5 times a night to pee this week! Crazy. And I've got cracked bits of skin inbetween my fingers which is think is from washing my hands so often because I'm going to the loo all the time during the day too. Nice.

Pink Sparkle - we're going out on Saturday to get everything else we need for the hospital bag - feels very exciting!! My OH was really getting into it too when we were talking about what we need and he's going to keep a little bag at work with his stuff in - just in case!!! That's really sweet that you're worried about your ds, let's hope he enjoys being a big brother!! Will his little baby sister bring him a present when she comes? I've heard this can help!!!

My friend had her sweep yesterday (she's now 4 days overdue) - so the baby hopefully will come in the next few days!! How exciting! xxx

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