Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

I agree with the others, Angie. I hope you were able to go to the hospital. Always best to get checked out xxx
Sorry.... I've been sleeping as mu change as I could this afternoon. I finally got through and got dismissed by a nurse who insisted it was sciatic nerve pain. I've had 2 babies, I know what sciatic pain feels like. I tried explaining and she just said I have to live with it. And as for the leaking feeling she said it couldn't be fluid because its not constant. And she said the feeling bad was part of pregnancy.

I can't go to the hospital unless I'm really sure because my insurance is so bad. So by staying down I feel a bit better. I have no appetite most of the day. Then get so hungry it hurts.

Sorry to complain, I just feel helpless
Angie.. that sounds horrible, i cant believe they would dismiss you like that without actually checking you.. they should have checked you for fluid loss doing the swab test as a precautionary measure. this is not right.. ! and dismissing you off for your pain.. i wouldnt put up with that !!!

your insurance may be bad, and i know you'll feel wary of going to hospital all the time, but regardless, they shouldnt treat you like that at all !!!
im so mad for you !!

hope youre feeling better now though.. xx keep us updated.. rest for a while
Hey Angie - I'm guessing that you're feeling pretty p*#sed off this morning. Its very unprofessional of her to dismiss you out of hand without checking you over. As a third timer she ought to have credited you with more sense. Get a second opinion hun. Sounds to me like she was trying to reduce her workload! Hang in there honey. X
Sorry Angie, it occurs to me as well that sciatica is not that common during pregnancy. Its often confused with pelvic girdle pain and as for the leakage, surely she was under a duty of care to rule out amniotic fluid completely not immediately assume its mild incontinence! If you haven't already get hold of your doctor or midwife because that nurse seems worrying negligent and I'm sure most health professionals would rather check you over. Is there anyone you can call to come and lend a bit of support? Hope you're ok. :) xxx
Angie you poor thing - if you still feel the same today try and contact your doctor direct or speak with another nurse i think we forget how lucky we are over here not having to worry about insurance xxx
This worries me too Angie, I'd try to get a second opinion. Can you get hold of a doctor's appointment, or another nurse? Even if she did think it was nothing, she has a duty of care and should have checked you over. Saying it's probably not amniotic fluid etc is not a good enough response, if she hasn't checked you how would she know for sure?
Really hope you're feeling a little better.
Darling.. yea you are right about how I'm feeling. In fact it set off all my emotions and I ended up melting down last night. But thankfully it actually helped some. My mom and sis have been great. My sis has delivered with the same doctor and she suggested that if I start feeling really crappy again or feel the leaking feeling again to wait till the office closes and contact the on call doctor. And not deal with the nurses at all. But she said she was shocked cuz she had a ton of problems and they were always great to her.

I really appreciate your support. Feeling badly tends to make me emotional and it helps to have you guys too! I didn't sleep a lot, but I'm staying down today and not doing anything. I'm not feeling too bad for now. Better than yesterday.

Darling yes, this is absolutely pelvic girtle pain and not sciatica. Enough sometimes that I'm afraid to take a step. Sometimes it eases up, usually after a good night of rest, and its afternoon before it acts up badly again.

As for leaking... who knows.... I did some reading and it could be cervical fluid, since it hasn't happened again... and if so that's normal. But I would rather be checked.

Anyway. Thanks again ladies. You are the best.
Angie - sometimes its good to let it all out and it helps other people to remember we are only one human being doing the best we can. Pelvic girdle pain is bloody awful! I sympathise one hundred percent! I had it in both previous pregnancies and I remember be afraid to leave the house. I think giving the on-call doctor a shout is a good idea but really these nurses should not be practicing if they're incompetent! Its so irresponsible.
Angie - that sounds very annoying - not a very satisfying response from the medical staff!! Hope you're holding up ok. I agree with the others - let it all out here, we're all here for you. I read somewhere recently that if have any leaking then one thing you can do is smell it (not very nice, I know!) - but apparently it's often a bit of urine rather than amniotic fluid and smelling it can help you tell. Take care xxx
Thanks guys. Leeze I actually did read about smelling it... and I did and it has a sweet smell to it. I stayed down today and feel much much better. Still sore but not anything like I was feeling. So I'm gonna stay down and hope it stays like that.
good you're feeling much better, Angelique. Definitely sounds like resting is the best plan at the moment. I hope you're being taken care off :hugs:

we're going out hospital list shopping today!! I'm feeling excited. And I only woke up once during the night last night - a miracle!!! Still feeling tired but a bit better than usual

speak soon xx
enjoy hospital shopping ,leeze, i finished most of mine yesterday just a bit more to buy today, xx

angie, good idea, hope youre resting well xxx if its sweet smelling, please get to see your ob gyn for a swab test to confirm xx
Hi ladies.... been a little quiet here, I spent the day making sure my kids had school clothes ready. They go back Tuesday I can't believe summer vacation is over! I'm really gonna miss having them with me all day.

Another day staying down for the most part, and I feel OK, still hurt but not as bad. Did a little local shopping but only for an hour. Its really too hot to go out till the sun is down.

I hope everyone is doing good
Had pauls daughter for the day yesterday and i am totally exhausted!! We went to a maize maze which was 6 miles long i really thought that might be where i was going to be giving birth as i didn't think i was ever getting out!! Got her again today so another long day ahead!!
My goodness I'm insanely grumpy today!!! I can't wait for the hormone roller coaster to stop!
Angie, hope you feel better soon xxxx im suffering from crazy constant headaches that just wont stop !!

AFM i am 31 weeks today, but i dont have a date yet for my section or anything, it could may well be at 33 weeks, they havent committed to me, or given me a date or said anything. getting the baby out at 32 weeks was a suggestion by one of the doctors, but today i have my dieticians appointment as my sugar levels which are supposed to be 95 or less at the GTT, came out at 99 and though my ob gyn considers it normal, he thinks i would benefit from a visit to a dietician.. and my dh agrees even more because of all the crap i eat lol..

so today at 4pm, i have my dieticians appointment, and then at 5, its the much awaited growth scan.. i am soooooo anxious and at the same time just want to get some answers and an idea of when they think they might deliver.
my sister is planning to come around the 28th of august for a week - 10 days and is hoping that she can be there for the birth if it happens around that time.

we're then going out for dinner with a couple we met at the antenatal class, as we keep bumping into them when we go shopping lol

wish me luck ladies.. keep me in your prayers.. hoping baby has gained enough weight and is growing.. xx
Fingers crossed hunni for the growth scan. What time is it UK time? xx
Good luck Preethi.

I'm getting daily headaches atm and the dreaded SPD has reared it's ugly head again. I'm seeing a midwife at 4pm this afternoon (first time in five weeks!) to check me over and check baby's position.

Hope everyone else is ok.

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